Bristol St. Heads-UP 2010 Match Results



  • Thanks all! Online brackets have been updated.

    If you're not playing the Shootout, Bristol will be open for Headsup Matches next Tuesday.
  • Hey Rob, you forgot to mark me as paid.
  • Done. I've updated the first post to indicates who's paid. Please have a look over and, if I've made an error, let me know.

  • Hey Rob, you forgot to mark me as paid as well.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Let me know when/where you want to kick my ass.

  • JohnnieH def 33BW33 in 2:22 mins elapsed and the blinds capped.

    It was long battle to say the least. Richard is quite a good player, and I was lucky enough to get hands that paid off at the right time.

    We traded 2K for the first few blind levels. Then at 150-300 we had a big hand. I lost about 5k after I flopped and slowplayed a set, only to have Richard catch up to his OESD. (No bad feelings, the hand played itself)

    So I'm down to about 2K, but I held tight and waited for a hand. Finally got the chips in good with A4 vs when he raised with K6. I kept battling to win small pots and chip back up to 6K.

    My comeback hand was when Richard pushed into my BB with A4 (I think?) and I wake up with AKh. I hold again and take the lead.

    The final had was kinda dirty. Richard made a standard raise (2K?)from the button. I have A10, but I just didn't believe he had a hand. (I put him on A-rag, or maybe a baby pair) So I tried to push him off by putting him all in, but he had 99 and called. Clearly, my bad read and play meant that it was my turn to spike an Ace, and the game was over. So awful.

    Thanks for the game, Richard. Well played but unfortunately for you it's a single elimination or I'm sure we'd see you again later in the tournament.
  • ItsaMe and I are hopefully playing tomorrow night...
  • Without getting into the ghoulish details . This match took around 2 hrs to complete.
    2 tight players and a lot of hands were high cards like 6-7 and 8's
    Final hand saw orgami push after flopping 2 pair 10's and 9's
    a Quick call by HVEE Showing aces and 10's ended the match
    Well played for a couple of tight wads lol.
    Thanks to Orgami for making the trip to Milton.:)
    Joeheartsdi I will send you a pm to set up our match.
  • Beanie42 defeats Aiki65 after a marathon match which went deep into the cap and took 2 hours 50 minutes. Very even game with no really major hands until late, and we hit the cap with Don leading 10,500 to 9,500. Don picked up QQ when I had TT to take about half my stack. Later I sucked out with A-rag to take the lead. Final hand was all-in pre-flop with my ATs against Don's QJ-off, and while the first 4 cards were useless, on the river Don hit his Q which also completed my flush. GG Don.

    Hobbes - I've PM'd you about setting up our match.
  • Online brackets have been updated!
  • Beanie42 defeats Hobbes in 1:15. Biggest hand of the game was when I flopped a set against Hobbes 2-pair, but he was able to get away from it on the river and keep some of his stack. Final hand was my 77 holding up against his 76o. GG Ron.
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    Beanie42 defeats Hobbes in 1:15. Biggest hand of the game was when I flopped a set against Hobbes 2-pair, but he was able to get away from it on the river and keep some of his stack. Final hand was my 77 holding up against his 76o. GG Ron.

    Thanks trev. Just could not hit much at all and can't make hero calls w 10 high.
  • compuease def ItsaMe at the 150/300 level. I have about a 3-1 chip lead and push my j7 hearts into Mario's AK spades... He foolishly doesn't fold and I river the flush...:)... Sorry Mario... Actually it was a real good game up until then, I know you were pushing me around in the mid stages Mario, I just had nothing to fight back with until all of a sudden I became a card rack... Only way, besides luck, I can win...
  • compuease wrote: »
    compuease def ItsaMe at the 150/300 level. I have about a 3-1 chip lead and push my j7 hearts into Mario's AK spades... He foolishly doesn't fold and I river the flush...:)... Sorry Mario... Actually it was a real good game up until then, I know you were pushing me around in the mid stages Mario, I just had nothing to fight back with until all of a sudden I became a card rack... Only way, besides luck, I can win...
    BRAVO, BRAVO, Well Done chap.....:)
  • Flint Bones def profisher

    It was a long one. Blinds were capped and we were about twenty minutes in.

    profisher had about 5500 left and push with A3 and I called with QJ hearts.

    Flop Q24
    Turn Q
    River A

    And it was over. Good game.
  • Updates posted on the online brackets, and we have our first two of four bubble matches set; Compuease v. Beanie and Flint Bones v Quimby.

    joeheartsdi v HVEEPoker will occur tonight at the Shootout, while Zithal and Hellmuth's Mole are still trying to find common time.
  • joe def. hveepoker at the end of the first 25/50 blind level.

    i raised pre-flop to 250 with a, 10 suited. got called and the flop was J, K, 6 - flop went check, check turn was Q. HVEE bet out 1200. i raised to 3700, quick re-raise all-in by HVEE and call by me. HVEE shows K, 6 for two pair vs. my straight ..river was a blank...

    Thanks for sticking around HVEE much appreciated!
  • joe def. hveepoker at the end of the first 25/50 blind level.

    i raised pre-flop to 250 with a, 10 suited. got called and the flop was J, K, 6 - flop went check, check turn was Q. HVEE bet out 1200. i raised to 3700, quick re-raise all-in by HVEE and call by me. HVEE shows K, 6 for two pair vs. my straight ..river was a blank...

    Thanks for sticking around HVEE much appreciated!
    yeah yeah yeah lol GG joe. Thought you had ace or 10 on a draw didn/t expect to see ou had it. Oh well. I shal redeem myself on WEd.
  • Zithal v. Hellmuth's Mole is tentatively scheduled for next Tuesday. If anyone else would like to play a Heads-up match that night, feel free to come over!

    Sorry for the delay in our match, HM's been away for the last week.
  • Moose and I are up in the next few nights...
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Moose and I are up in the next few nights...

    Playing tonight. My nephew is looking for someone to come over and play heads up for fun at the same time. If someone is free and wants to do that ship me a pm. We play 8ish.
  • moose ftw at just under the 2 hour mark. Well played.
  • Key hand was where 800Over states predeal - 'I am going to deal you Aces' and then he did and also obliged me by going allin. Other than that hand he had been steadily crushing me.

    I think you need to watch Rounders again and see how they stack the deck for themselves and not their opponents.

    gg. Enjoyed talking chips to another chipper.
  • Congrats Moose. I suggest this as the location for our match:


    jk. Let me know you you're ready.
  • Zithal v. Hellmuth's Mole tonight at Bristol Street.

    Feel free to come out if you've got matches to play!
  • Beanie42 and I likely on Saturday, either at Buzzzards or at Beanie's.. I'm afraid that the old guy will likely get crushed this time by A,9 and an aggressive opponent.. Whoa is me.. :(
  • Mole def. Zithal near end of fourth (I think) level, when AK holds up against AJ aipf. Big hand was a couple earlier when my Ac3c hits 4 to nut flush flop. Turn and river 3 made missing the flush worthwhile.

    Great game Rob, I will be nursing my face for the next while.....that deck hurt. It was great to feel the cards and chips's been a long time. Thankfully I was catching cards while waiting for the rust the fall off my game. Looking forward to getting back to Bristol again already.

    I promise to trounce err, play Joe quickly to get back on time track.

    Edit: Forgot to mention the other big luckbox hand when I flopped the set of ducks and Rob rivered 2 pair.
  • I'm pretty sure I mastered the art of calling when I was beat, then calling off my chips anyways. :)

    Great game, sir!

    I'll have the brackets updated a little later today.
  • I promise to trounce err, play Joe quickly to get back on time track..

    Your gonna smack talk your baden cup teammate?? oh, its on now licks! you dun stirrrred it up!
  • Compuease def Beanie42 at the 150/300 level... I was hit by the deck... again...
    Beanie up some early, then I make 3 of a kind a couple of times and get paid..
    Made a fair bit with my QQ vs his 10,10. K on flop kept it reasonable.
    Folded garbage in SB to Beanie's KK at one point...

    Final hand Beanie has about 5.5K, I call Q,10 clubs on the button, he raises to 1K, I call cause I'm a bad player and it is Beanie... He has AA, I flop a flush, he bets 1.5K, I push, he calls since he already has 1/2 his stack in..I hold and once again luck plays a big part... gg Trev, hopefully your luck was much better at the cash table..
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