NLHE Heads Up Tourney (Oakville/October)



  • Muddguts wrote: »
    a few things....

    - booze is cool, just bring a cooler bag with you as I have limited fridge space.

    - food is cool. Microwave only cost 5 cents/sec. I can provide bowls and stuff for snacks. Ordering out is also an option.

    - if you have a timer of some sort, bring it. Matches will start and end at all different times, so we can't just use one central clock. So, if you have an egg timer or stop watch, bring it please.

    - You are all more than welcome to set up a cash game once enough players are eliminated. Most of my chips will be in play, so someone will need to bring along their set just in case.

    that's all I can think of at the moment. I'm looking forward to this event big time!

    GRRRRRRRR! DIRT BAG ! lol see you tomorrow.
  • I have a timer which I can bring, and chips for a cash game if necessary. Let me know
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I have a timer which I can bring, and chips for a cash game if necessary. Let me know

    Bring em Joe

    Prophet 22

    PS Did you have the Yankees last night? I am 13-3 in MLB playoffs
  • OK Brent. I wanted to use my Desert Inn chips for something.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    OK Brent. I wanted to use my Desert Inn chips for something.

    Great! should be a fun day
  • Correction, My desert inn chips don't have low values (I am assuming we are playing .25/.50 so I will bring my dunes chips.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Correction, My desert inn chips don't have low values (I am assuming we are playing .25/.50 so I will bring my dunes chips.

    yeah that will be fine.

  • Brent/cam keep a phone on incase I get lost going to leave now don't really know that area of town.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Brent/cam keep a phone on incase I get lost going to leave now don't really know that area of town.

    i will be coming with Cam 647-998-1651

    See you soon
  • starting out good so far. Went to the store, grabbed a poker ticket and hit a full house for $75. I'm freerolling!! lol
  • still waiting for babbydanny, the_game, psychu, deadbuzz and deadbuzz+1.........
  • Thanks Ed, it was a great day. appreciate your (and the rest of the family) hospitality. Too bad about the no shows for the heads up. Guess they realized how badly they would have been outclassed with the regs there.
    Was great playing with Brent, Cam, Joe and the rest again... You guys are just too good for me, all I can hope for is to get good cards and hit flops.. See most of you at Westside next Saturday...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Thanks Ed, it was a great day. appreciate your (and the rest of the family) hospitality. Too bad about the no shows for the heads up. Guess they realized how badly they would have been outclassed with the regs there.
    Was great playing with Brent, Cam, Joe and the rest again... You guys are just too good for me, all I can hope for is to get good cards and hit flops.. See most of you at Westside next Saturday...
    I will second that.
    Thanks Ed.. What happened since I DONKED OUT lmao
  • compuease wrote: »
    Too bad about the no shows for the heads up.

    highly disappointing especially since a player confirmed 15 hours before the event that he and his guests would be there. No PM, no phone call, no returned calls. It was frustrating for me because I put hours and hours and a healthy chunk of change into this day to make it the most enjoyable HU tourney that I could but I feel way worse for the people that came here expecting a certain format game with a nice prize pool only to end up having to play a regular tourney with $250 less in the pot. Not fair to them in the least.

    Anyway, ended up with an 11 person tourney with the ever solid compuease taking 3rd and Derrick and I chopping after a half hour of HU and even in chips.

    Thanks goes out to my good luck dealer Mark for dealing for a few hours. He really knows what's he's doing with the deck, keeps the game moving nicely. He took a horrific, one-outter suckout-beat with the coolness and grace like no one I have seen before. My God, what composure.

    Thanks to everyone that did show up. I appreciate your patience and sticking around to make a game of it!

    I definitely will set up another HU tourney in the future, maybe in December. For those that might be on the fence about coming, here is the set up I had for today which will be the same for next time....



  • Just want to say thanks to Ed for all his work going into this tournamet. He had a great set up for doing this or any type of tournament for that matter. If you are doing it in Dec on the 4th sign me and Cam up. It is my day off and I don't want to try this again after working a 12 hour shift.

    Prophet 22
  • I am going to side with Ed here. There is a lot of groundwork to be done when someone hosts a tournament at their home.
    I don't think it is too much to ask players that have signed up to at least send a message or call if you can within an hour of the start to say somethings come up and I can't make it. This at least gives the host a fighting chance to get that seat filled. A heads up tourney especially that does not have as many players, it can fubar things.
    Everyone yesterday agreed to play a single table tourney which was great, Cause they wanted to play. Day saved. lol .
    Ed , you did a great job and I am sure everyone including me appreciated it.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I am going to side with Ed here.
    There's another side?
  • Ed, the set up at your place for a heads up match was great !! You obviously put a lot of time and effort in to organizing an outstanding event. Its a shame some people don't have the common courtest of a phone call if they aren't going to make it.

    If you do it again, I am in for sure. Still a good day of poker and fun with the 11 players that did show up.
  • If you are doing it in Dec on the 4th sign me and Cam up.

    December 4th? Done. Will post later tonight when the little one goes to bed
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    December 4th? Done. Will post later tonight when the little one goes to bed
    Put me in for the 4th also Ed. If there is a conflict I will let you know.
  • sorry I missed it. However if I had said I would be there, I would.

    Dec. 4th, golf is probably over, that improves your chances, the fact I am a horrendous headup player is a bit of a deterant!

    Milton Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    the fact I am a horrendous headup player is a bit of a deterant!

    Milton Slim
    Not for the rest of us!

    Hey, you're a Rock... All the Rocks are unbeatable at heads up...
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    sorry I missed it. However if I had said I would be there, I would.

    Dec. 4th, golf is probably over, that improves your chances, the fact I am a horrendous headup player is a bit of a deterant!

    Milton Slim

    I don't think I would ever doubt your word Slim! It's bond.
    Not sure what to make of the rest of you message though. Saying golf is over makes it sound like you'd be available but then the self admittance of being a lousy HU player (which I doubt severely) sounds like a "I'm not playing". Spell it out for me brother, in or out? ???
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    I don't think I would ever doubt your word Slim! It's bond.
    Not sure what to make of the rest of you message though. Saying golf is over makes it sound like you'd be available but then the self admittance of being a lousy HU player (which I doubt severely) sounds like a "I'm not playing". Spell it out for me brother, in or out? ???

    When I get back from Augusta

    Milton Slim

    P.S. suckie HU, ask quite a number of tourney winners, if my memory serves me right.... you're on that list
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    P.S. suckie HU, ask quite a number of tourney winners, if my memory serves me right.... you're on that list

    I do recall our HU match. You were so good that I had to have the dealer mix up the two decks of cards in order to win!
  • phillivey, sign up bro!!
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    I do recall our HU match. You were so good that I had to have the dealer mix up the two decks of cards in order to win!

    make the FLush, while you had 14 outs with 2-3 off

    God I can make up good stories!!!! Too bad I can't lie, or BLUFF!!

    If you get full before I get back I think I'll probably come down anyways
    So you will sorta have a filler if needed,

    Milton Slim
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