NLHE Heads Up Tourney (Oakville/October)

The thought has been brewing for quite and while and it's time to put it into motion. I'd like to host a HU tournament this fall. I'm not going to shoot for the moon here, so I'll start it out as a 16 player PFC member only tourney. If we have more than 16 members that want to play, than we can turn it into a 32 player and then take on PFC guests if we need to, to fill out the roster. The tourney will be a double elimination format. The matches will be drawn once everyone is assembled in one room.

WHAT: No Limit Hold Em Heads-Up
WHEN: Saturday, October 16, 2010. 1pm
WHERE: Oakville, ON. Private Residence
PRICE: $50
PAYOUT 16 player: 1ST- $450, 2ND- $250, 3RD- $100
PAYOUT 32 player: 1ST- $800, 2ND- $600, 3RD- $200
CHIP COUNT: 10,000
BLINDS: 15 mins
500-1,000 capped

Obviously, October 16th a long way off. Some of us don't have any idea what we are doing 3 days in advance, nevermind over 2 months. That being said, I will start a registration list anyway. I know it will change from now until then, but if everyone lets me know what's what, I can shuffle and reshuffle and keep the list up to date. If you have guests that would be interested if we need them to fill out the roster, by all means let me know now too.

P.S. if anyone has any suggestions about payout, format or anything else, I'm a good listener

01. Muddguts
03. The Prophet 22
04. djgolfcan
05. Ed N
06. compuease
07. AcidJoe

08. Mark
09. Blazin 72
10. pjb101
11. The_Game
12. dead buzz
13. Leon
14. psychu
15. BabyDanny

16. Derrick



  • Im In since you are coming to mine.
  • I doubt very much that this would happen at all but I guess I should say it in order to try and keep it fair for the regular posters and even the long time members who rarely post but please, don't get your friends to sign up to the forum just so that they can qualify as PFC members and join the tourney. I would hate to see the tourney filled with 80% "new members" and have the regulars shut out. As I said, I doubt people would even bother to go through the trouble for such a little tourney but....
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Im In since you are coming to mine.

    lol, shouldn't you be in bed or something?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    lol, shouldn't you be in bed or something?

    Nope won't do it. I can't sleep we had to put our Jack Russel down yesterday so things around here are pretty blue.
  • I am in. you might consider capping the blinds at one point

    Prophet 22

    PS sorry to hear that about your dog, they really are a member of the family. I used to bring Zeke to the hall when West Side ran tournaments. People loved it.
  • I'm in of course. Undefeated in the basement.
  • Are we drawing names the day of the event? That seems to be implied by the OP. If so, put me down for this. Maybe some of the other Ching Hill types would like to car pool . . .
  • In... You probably need a moderator...
  • also I would take out the 0ther bilinds and leave it at blinds 50-100; 100-200; 200-400; 300-600; 400-800; 500-1000 capped double elimination starting at this time will still go till midnight with 20 players or more when West Side ran their Heads up tournaments. I was the the tournament director for the heads up tournaments and ran West Side Poker Club my brother before he had a stroke others can verify me.

    Prophet 22
  • sounds good - I will have some of that. Im in
  • Milo wrote: »
    Are we drawing names the day of the event?

    Yes we will. I'll have everyone's name in a container of some sort and we will draw live and in person.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Nope won't do it. I can't sleep we had to put our Jack Russel down yesterday so things around here are pretty blue.

    sorry to hear that HV. I know it's tough, been through it many many times and it never gets easier.
  • also I would take out the 0ther bilinds and leave it at blinds 50-100; 100-200; 200-400; 300-600; 400-800; 500-1000

    thanks for the suggestion Proph, I will definitely look into it.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    sorry to hear that HV. I know it's tough, been through it many many times and it never gets easier.

    Thanks. It was a rough day.
  • Add my brother Blazin72

  • Im in 100% As well as my friend Leon
  • Count me in. But will conferm by end September.
  • Gratuitist BUMP so this doesn't go into the forum wastelands. lol:confused:
  • 1 month till blast off. 5 more people to make this thing happen. Once 5 more are signed up, anyone after will be put on the 17-32 list but if that doesn't fill up, then I'm afraid I'll have to turn players away.

    The Prophet 22, you mentioned taking some middle blinds out. Are you referring to 75-150 and 150-300?
  • I'm in 100%
  • Sign up my buddy also psychu
  • a few people have asked me to sign up their buddies. However, I have stated in my original post that "I'll start it out as a 16 player PFC member only tourney". I added that because I thought the turn out would be better and didn't want to see the members get shut out because of all the +1's. In hindsight, I should have just left it wide open, but since I started it out as a PFC tourney, I'll leave it at that for at least another week. If no other forum members step up to fill it, then I will add the guests.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1 month till blast off. 5 more people to make this thing happen. Once 5 more are signed up, anyone after will be put on the 17-32 list but if that doesn't fill up, then I'm afraid I'll have to turn players away.

    The Prophet 22, you mentioned taking some middle blinds out. Are you referring to 75-150 and 150-300?

    This Is your blind schedule


    This is my preposed blind schedule
    500-1,000 and capped here for a double knock

    if your are doing a single knock

    500-1,000 and capped here

    Just my thoughts based on the heads of tournaments we have run.

    This can have the potentional to be a long day but in either case i think players get there monies worth. The extra levels would drag out the process.

    Prophet 22
  • I've got 2 confirmed players that want to attend this tourney also. I know you're waiting to see if this fills up but just in case it doesn't then I want first dibbs on the open spots for my friends.Psychu and BabyDanny.
  • Sounds like it's going to be a good turn out, I'm in for sure!

    Sign me up please
  • Sign me up, I'm coming also. See you all there!

    "I'll show you one card"
  • This tourney is one away from being a go! Even if we don't find a 16th, I'm sure a "buy" would work.
  • sign me up happy to be number 16
  • With a week and a half to go, I just wanted to throw out a message and basically firm up everyone's commitment to coming. If for any reason you don't think you're going to make it, please let me know asap so we can try to fill your spot. If you are still coming, no need to reply.

    I'll PM the address to you next week about this time.

    Chairs. I do have a mix and match of dining chairs, fold outs and kitchen table chairs but if you have a favourite chair, by all means, bring it along.

    Chips. I do have 1,000 chips and we will obviously be using a portion of them. I have no idea how the day will pan out for people waiting, but a side cash game could technically break out. Is there anyone out there that could bring their chips for that? OR, I was going to suggest that everyone interested in possibly playing the side cash game, to stock up on loonies/toonies and fives. That way the cash game can be played with just that, cash. It'll be easier if someone has to cash out to go play their next HU match.

    Looking forward to having you all over for some rumbling
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