NLHE Heads Up Tourney (Oakville/October)



  • Muddguts wrote: »
    With a week and a half to go, I just wanted to throw out a message and basically firm up everyone's commitment to coming. If for any reason you don't think you're going to make it, please let me know asap so we can try to fill your spot. If you are still coming, no need to reply.

    I'll PM the address to you next week about this time.

    Chairs. I do have a mix and match of dining chairs, fold outs and kitchen table chairs but if you have a favourite chair, by all means, bring it along.

    Chips. I do have 1,000 chips and we will obviously be using a portion of them. I have no idea how the day will pan out for people waiting, but a side cash game could technically break out. Is there anyone out there that could bring their chips for that? OR, I was going to suggest that everyone interested in possibly playing the side cash game, to stock up on loonies/toonies and fives. That way the cash game can be played with just that, cash. It'll be easier if someone has to cash out to go play their next HU match.

    Looking forward to having you all over for some rumbling

    I have my cash set in the car, you could use it

    Milton Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    I have my cash set in the car, you could use it

    thanks Milt but no, I won't be on the Hill this week. First game of the season for Gramps and my Leafs. Been a long off season and wouldn't miss the chance to watch it with him even for poker. Awwwwwww
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    thanks Milt but no, I won't be on the Hill this week. First game of the season for Gramps and my Leafs. Been a long off season and wouldn't miss the chance to watch it with him even for poker. Awwwwwww

    If you want to drive to Milton, You can still use them
    I work in south Mississauga, near Oakville border, as another option

    Milton Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    If you want to drive to Milton, You can still use them
    I work in south Mississauga, near Oakville border, as another option

    Milton Slim
    I knew this was coming up shortly.
    Yes I am still in Ed . I can bring 4 chairs if you like..
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I knew this was coming up shortly.
    Yes I am still in Ed . I can bring 4 chairs if you like..

    I actually only need 1 chair now, thanks HV.
    People can still bring their own if they want, no offense would be taken.

    I have the basement all cleaned up and set up now, so I'm ready and excited.
  • Ed, I apologize but I need to bail on this event. Bigger expenses coming down the pike, that I am going to have to provide my own labour for to cut costs. Sorry for the late notice.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Ed, I apologize but I need to bail on this event. Bigger expenses coming down the pike, that I am going to have to provide my own labour for to cut costs. Sorry for the late notice.

    Okay Milo, I'm sure we'll fill your spot. Good luck with the work

    EDIT: spot filled
  • We will be using the following bracket. Ignore the numbers 1-16. That's used when the "teams" are seeded/ranked. We are just random, so as we draw names, we will just fill them in from top to bottom.
  • Is this a single or double elimination? If single I could be done in like 15 min.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Is this a single or double elimination? If single I could be done in like 15 min.

    It's a double knock out, so you'll be there for at least half an hour. Actually, I did a dry run on a blank bracket and you made it to the semi's then lost for the first time, so you got your second chance in the losers side of the bracket semi's and lost that too. Better luck on Saturday! lol
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    01. Muddguts
    03. The Prophet 22
    04. djgolfcan
    05. Muddguts +1
    06. compuease
    07. happyhammer6

    08. crazykoby
    09. Blazin 72
    10. pjb101
    11. The_Game
    12. dead buzz
    13. Leon
    14. psychu
    15. BabyDanny

    16. terilynn


    Does your +1 mean there are 17 on the list?

    Prophet 22
  • Does your +1 mean there are 17 on the list?

    Prophet 22

    no, that just means I brought him into the game.

    EDIT: took out the +1 and used his name instead to avoid confusion
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    Actually, I did a dry run on a blank bracket and you made it to the semi's then lost for the first time, so you got your second chance in the losers side of the bracket semi's and lost that too. Better luck on Saturday! lol
  • a spot has opened up. Any takers? Anyone know anyone that wants in?
  • down to 14 now. Need 2 players.....
  • I will try to dig up a couple of players Ed. Hv guys are playing Sat Night. and if bust out there is another tourney in Streetsville on Sat night or even if I happen to luck box my way through Maybe I can get there by 7pm.. lmfao
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I will try to dig up a couple of players Ed. Hv guys are playing Sat Night. and if bust out there is another tourney in Streetsville on Sat night or even if I happen to luck box my way through Maybe I can get there by 7pm.. lmfao

    thanks HV. I have e-mailed AJ to ask one of the regulars in his league to come, so, if you ask anyone, keep in mind that you may only need to bring one person. Will post if he says yes
  • I probably do, I'll pm you tonight. Cool?
  • If you have 2 spots I have 2 players to fill for you, Mark and Derrick from my Royal Cup team. Let me know asap if they are in.
  • compuease wrote: »
    If you have 2 spots I have 2 players to fill for you, Mark and Derrick from my Royal Cup team. Let me know asap if they are in.

    time is of the essence, so yes, they are in. Thanks deadbuzz but we don't want to miss an opportunity here.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    time is of the essence, so yes, they are in. Thanks deadbuzz but we don't want to miss an opportunity here.

    Ok, just sent a blackberry message to Mark. So we are back at 16 then? This could be an all Milton sweep.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Ok, just sent a blackberry message to Mark. So we are back at 16 then? This could be an all Milton sweep.

    We're back to 16, assuming Mark and Derrick want in.
    Quite possible that all the Milton players take each other out too :-)
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    thanks HV. I have e-mailed AJ to ask one of the regulars in his league to come, so, if you ask anyone, keep in mind that you may only need to bring one person. Will post if he says yes
    I did manage to get hold of a couple of the boys but they are both busy. Sorry. Looks like Jeff has a couple so I will leave it at that.
  • Muddguts

    Hate to do this to you as I know what its like to plan and plan and then at the 11th hour people drop. My schedule is very tight and I cannot give you a 100% assurance that I would b ethere. I was really looking forward to this and I am gutted that It looks like I cant make it.

    I hope you get the numbers you need, best of luck

  • You can remove the "T" from mark and Derrick, both are in. We'll see if we can find another sucker, err player..
  • Thanks compuease for coming through.

    So, we still need one more..First come, first serve
  • if there's room I will play I need directions or at least an addy.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    if there's room I will play I need directions or at least an addy.

    you're in Joe even though you ended my dreams of taking down AJ's last tourney ;-)

    see PM for directions
  • a few things....

    - booze is cool, just bring a cooler bag with you as I have limited fridge space.

    - food is cool. Microwave only cost 5 cents/sec. I can provide bowls and stuff for snacks. Ordering out is also an option.

    - if you have a timer of some sort, bring it. Matches will start and end at all different times, so we can't just use one central clock. So, if you have an egg timer or stop watch, bring it please.

    - You are all more than welcome to set up a cash game once enough players are eliminated. Most of my chips will be in play, so someone will need to bring along their set just in case.

    that's all I can think of at the moment. I'm looking forward to this event big time!
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    Microwave only cost 5 cents/sec.
    F'in rake! I'm calling in the fed's....

    Looking forward to it as well. Everyone just remember, I only play good cards....
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