NLHE DEEP STACK Freeze out/Bounty



  • If necessary, I can bring one of my tables. Let me know.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    If necessary, I can bring one of my tables. Let me know.
    Actually A.J that would be great. One 8 person. Thanks. I owe you a solid now lol
  • Done. See you later.
  • okay, if AJ is bringing a table and someone else is bringing toppers, do we really need mine? I ask because my table will be in a pickup truck and if it's going to rain.....
  • UPDATE: As of 9:15 am
    It's not raining here. That's a good thing but quite cloudy.
    We may be a little tight for space . If this is the case then I may put A.j's table in the house and 2 on the deck.

    Chip stacks are ready. I have everyone's name on a plastic beer cup just like Johnnie's and the chips are inside.
    I will go over the denominations prior to the start.
    Should be a great afternoon.
    See you in a couple of hours all.:)
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    okay, if AJ is bringing a table and someone else is bringing toppers, do we really need mine? I ask because my table will be in a pickup truck and if it's going to rain.....

    Don't worry about it. We can use my fold up with the topper.
    I will have a little more space to play with.
  • Please add Big Bob, another venerable member of the Milton Rocks....
  • I am on my way. Please blind me in!

    Prophet 22
  • thanks for hosting HVEEPOKER. No thanks to suckouts though, they tend to sting!
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    thanks for hosting HVEEPOKER. No thanks to suckouts though, they tend to sting!
    Your Welcome. I have your cards and will get them back to you.
    Thanks Ed
  • So. We are down to the final 9. Please don't ask for a chip count. lol
    Compuease. Steady as ever with a new hat.
    Lord Phan
    Dr Larry
    Buy In Bank
    Dr Larry has a decent lead stack wise.
    Honorable mention to STR82ACE the first to BUST OUT
    before the end of round 1.

  • This chop dosn't make sense, I might owe someone 10 bucks, I can't of had $290. I through it with my roll, so can't do it exact right now, but I'd need an odd number bill here to make it 290. Anyone short?
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »

    Honorable mention to STR82ACE the first to BUST OUT

    Oh just shut up!

    I had AA the hand before, got no action. Very next hand get KK. Shopsy raises. Folded to me and I reraise. He moves all in. I have no excuse to not fold here, but seriously...what were the odds of AA being dealt back to back?? Sick.

    Still had a good time at the cash game. Managed to get my tourney buyin back and it was great to see Folded, Prophet, and all the rest again. Except Shopsy...he can burn in hell. ;)
  • Lord_Phan wrote: »
    This chop dosn't make sense, I might owe someone 10 bucks, I can't of had $290. I through it with my roll, so can't do it exact right now, but I'd need an odd number bill here to make it 290. Anyone short?
    I think we were good because we all counted.... Not an issue...
  • str82ace wrote: »
    oh just shut up!

    I had aa the hand before, got no action. Very next hand get kk. Shopsy raises. Folded to me and i reraise. He moves all in. I have no excuse to not fold here, but seriously...what were the odds of aa being dealt back to back?? Sick.

    Still had a good time at the cash game. Managed to get my tourney buyin back and it was great to see folded, prophet, and all the rest again. Except shopsy...he can burn in hell. ;)

    lmfao ,,,,,,
  • cash game???? there was a cash game?

    oh i remember, the game i only folded 4 times pre flop from 3:30 to 7:30. now that's poker....


    The Tom Dwan Show
  • I have some people to thank. 26 players who showed up to play. Thank you.
    AJ (STR82ACE) for letting us use your table.
    Mark who brought his lap top with TD made things a lot easier and along with Derek dealt the final table.

    Muddguts and comp for cards, Comp stayed behind after the cash table broke and helped get some stuff in the house, Orgami also helped as we halted our Heads up Match. Thank You Sir.
    Yes and my wife for helping out with the food.

    4 players chopped the pool 25% each.
    A great afternoon after I busted Wetts 7-7 with my Q-10 os, sometimes you have to play it. Dr Johnny running kinda hot (ARSEHOLE) called my all in J-J with his A-Q and hit a Q on the turn,

    I am going to try and do one more game in Sept before we move.
    How did I do in my heads up match. Check the Bristol Street Thread.
  • Thanks Ron, appreciate the hospitality... Thanks to your wife as well for putting up with us... And thanks to Dr Larry for beating my KK with his K6 in the cash game... fml, I run bad.... Just like Big Bob, allin with his top set on the flop to Dr Larry's flush draw... of course it hits.. Some ppl just run good..
  • i hear you comp...
    i couldn't catch anything today.....

  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    A great afternoon after I busted Wetts 7-7 with my Q-10 os, sometimes you have to play it

    Keep calling off 60% of your stack pre with Q10. It can make a straight you know.....
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Keep calling off 60% of your stack pre with Q10. It can make a straight you know.....
    I only did it because it was you.. Q-10 is a great hand lol
  • compuease wrote: »
    Thanks Ron, appreciate the hospitality... Thanks to your wife as well for putting up with us... And thanks to Dr Larry for beating my KK with his K6 in the cash game... fml, I run bad.... Just like Big Bob, allin with his top set on the flop to Dr Larry's flush draw... of course it hits.. Some ppl just run good..
    Dr Larry was a freaking LUCK BOX . The wife did not mind she actually was laughing listening to the chatter outside and commented on how well everyone got along. Hi regards for the crowd that was here.
  • Hey guys,

    Great meeting you all. It was great fun and worth the drive, even though I bubbled bubbling the bubble. You put on a great tournament Ron.

    Just out of curiosity, which 4 ended up chopping it?
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Dr Larry was a freaking LUCK BOX . The wife did not mind she actually was laughing listening to the chatter outside and commented on how well everyone got along. Hi regards for the crowd that was here.
    That's just Larry, actually Cory was even more of a luck box, he cashed out for approx $700. However it's more than luck, they're not adverse to digging into their pockets as often as necessary to get going.. Some have deep enough pockets (me) but are too conservative and some just can't afford it to compete.. I have personally seen Larry go several hundred in the hole until he gets going, then cash out for several hundred or more profit... My conservative roots just won't allow me to do that...
    All you can do is get it in ahead and hope.... :)

    Congrats on your HU win.. You and I are destined to meet somewhere down the road....
  • BuyinBank wrote: »
    Hey guys,

    Great meeting you all. It was great fun and worth the drive, even though I bubbled bubbling the bubble. You put on a great tournament Ron.

    Just out of curiosity, which 4 ended up chopping it?

    Twas myself, Dr Larry, Leon and Lord Pham, Calvin bubbled, we chopped almost immediately after that. We were all close in chips.
    Blinds were just about to go to 2/4K and there were only about 390K in play, avg M was just over 6 and 4 handed that goes quick. Effectively we all got about 2nd place money.
  • BuyinBank wrote: »
    Hey guys,

    Great meeting you all. It was great fun and worth the drive, even though I bubbled bubbling the bubble. You put on a great tournament Ron.

    Just out of curiosity, which 4 ended up chopping it?
    Thanks and Thanks for coming out. I was uite impressed with the turnout and made some new friends which is always a good thing.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Twas myself, Dr Larry, Leon and Lord Pham, Calvin bubbled, we chopped almost immediately after that. We were all close in chips.
    Blinds were just about to go to 2/4K and there were only about 390K in play, avg M was just over 6 and 4 handed that goes quick. Effectively we all got about 2nd place money.
    Too many chips. 10k would have probably been better. I wanted everyone to get there monies worth.
  • compuease wrote: »
    That's just Larry, actually Cory was even more of a luck box, he cashed out for approx $700. However it's more than luck, they're not adverse to digging into their pockets as often as necessary to get going.. Some have deep enough pockets (me) but are too conservative and some just can't afford it to compete.. I have personally seen Larry go several hundred in the hole until he gets going, then cash out for several hundred or more profit... My conservative roots just won't allow me to do that...
    All you can do is get it in ahead and hope.... :)

    Congrats on your HU win.. You and I are destined to meet somewhere down the road....
    I did not want in on that game . What a bunch of NUTZ lol
    Thanks, Maybe we will.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    Too many chips. 10k would have probably been better. I wanted everyone to get there monies worth.

    What? No.

    We were already playing only 25BB deep before even 2 hours passed. And after 3 hours we're less than 15BB.

    If anything increase the blinds or increase the starting stacks.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    What? No.

    We were already playing only 25BB deep before even 2 hours passed. And after 3 hours we're less than 15BB.

    If anything increase the blinds or increase the starting stacks.
    I only listen to you Wetts due to respect and your vast knowledge of everything. lol . I know your gunning for me on Thursday night too. lol
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