Did I just wake up in the US?



  • darbday wrote: »
    and then if police wanna arrest someone completely unrelated all they have to do is dump the same colored dye on them and beat them up...!

    sorry my point is that i don't think rioting is the problem i think g20 is...

    EDIT:......because it creates riots ;)


    So if I come and smash your windows and burn your car cause I disagree with you, then you are the problem.
  • Hobbes wrote: »

    So if I come and smash your windows and burn your car cause I disagree with you, then you are the problem.

    Yeah, that is pretty much the logic. Oh, Hobbes? Don't forget to steal his TV. I could use a new one . . . ^-^
  • Milo wrote: »
    Yeah, that is pretty much the logic. Oh, Hobbes? Don't forget to steal his TV. I could use a new one . . . ^-^

    I hope it's lcd. Them old tube sets are fkn heavy.
  • i just think some people believe we live in a country where the US goverment wouldn't slaughter us if we disagreed with their plan.

    protesters are to riots as soldier are to war. not the solution; not the cause.
  • Frankly I wouldn't have been upset if somebody borrowed my uncle's tank and ran over these anarchists. These are the guys that caused us to spend 1+billion on security, not Harper, and not the G20. There were some stupid g2 spendatures, but security was not one of them.
  • darbday wrote: »
    i just think some people believe we live in a country where the US goverment wouldn't slaughter us if we disagreed with their plan.

    Not sure where you're going with this ( /\/\) drivel . . .

    protesters are to riots as soldier are to war. not the solution; not the cause.

    Umm . . . as a former Reservist, I take exception to that analogy. Soldiers are trained, disciplined, and highly motivated to achieve the goals of the State, as set out in their Rules of Engagement for a given tasking.

    Protestors are civilians hoping for a redress of grievances over a perceived wrong. They have NOTHING to gain by rioting, and generally do not do so. Witness the hundreds of peaceful protests that occur every year.

    The vandals and thugs that usurped what was a peaceful protest on Saturday were seeking an opportunity to create havoc. They had no interest in protest of any kind, as was clear from the many videos shown by the various networks. Smashing windows, and looting is not protest, it is theft, and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I have no issue with the Protestors of this past weekend, other than that their thinking is somewhat muddled. I do have an issue with the thugs that showed up amongst the crowds to have a little "sport".
  • Milo wrote: »
    You want to protest, get on your soapbox and scream until your lungs give out. March, yell, scream all you want. I do not care what your cause is, or what you are protesting against. That is your right.

    You step over the line from peaceful protest to vandalism, and thuggery, as was on display Saturday night, I hope some riot cop drops the hammer on you. I have no respect for Toronto's Mayor whatsoever, but at least he was calling a spade a spade Saturday night.

    Someone in the media coined the term "Extreme Protesting" in reference to these idiots treating their lunacy as some sort of adrenaline sport. I think that, for most of them, that is EXACTLY what it is. Namely, an opportunity to raise hell with little or no consequences to them, personally.

    Waiting for the next time one of these occurs in the USA, and some store owner invokes Castle Doctrine to defend his store. Can we vote to put the next one in Texas?, or maybe Beijing? Love to see those Mao banners parading in China sometime . . .

    Hit the nail on the head.
  • darbday wrote: »
    i just think some people believe we live in a country where the US goverment wouldn't slaughter us if we disagreed with their plan.

    We kicked their asses once and we can do it again. ;)
  • Milo wrote: »
    I do have an issue with the thugs that showed up amongst the crowds to have a little "sport".

    again although you might not like the idea, it is widely believed and from what i understand was admitted.....cops were planted to do this so they could end the riots......this kind of deception is why they are protesting......this is illegal where as protesting is not.

    and i'm not bashing the military or anything like that...just saying the soldiers did not create the war nor can they be the solution to it.
  • geesh, darbay, that is a very nieve point of view... You really believe in that crap? Or are you playing the devils advocate? The US is not the enemy and the cops aren't conspiring against you.. :) Looks like time for tin foil hats again. :)
  • Okay, I will wait to view the video before commenting further. As previously stated, agents provocateurs (especially from the police end of things) is a definite no-no. But, if you are trying to state that the vandalism was some sort of protest against that, you're an idiot. The way you protest the agents provocateur and, coincidentally, how you expose them (as they did in QC) is to drag the media over to film them.

    Basically what you are saying is, because some of the Black Bloc types found a cop dressed up like them, they decided to protest this by throwing bricks through windows and setting a couple police cars on fire.
    No sale Darb . . . that sort of logic is not going to fly with me. Get back to you after dinner.
  • hobbes wrote: »
    we kicked their asses twice and we can do it again. ;)

  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    You can't seriously have me believe a cop would jeopardize their safety or their lives by trying to incite a riot that would put them at risk in order to justify the billion dollar price tag of security, do you? Seriously??

    Far as I'm concerned, the billion dollars was well spent.

    i bet there are a lot of cops who would volunteer if only to give them a reason to beat some ass
  • Soup wrote: »
    i bet there are a lot of cops who would volunteer if only to give them a reason to beat some ass

    No argument from me on that point. Still, the asses they're beating deserve it the most.

    Ain't politics a hoot?
  • compuease wrote: »
    geesh, darbay, that is a very nieve point of view... You really believe in that crap? Or are you playing the devils advocate? The US is not the enemy and the cops aren't conspiring against you.. :) Looks like time for tin foil hats again. :)

    not playin devil's advocate...much appreciate a decent debate amongst people with intelligence. very interested in what makes people tick especially with something so important. not so much trying to say im right....just inquiring deeper into the different views.

    as far as the US goes don't you find it funny that we are a largely pro pot country, and pretty much legalized the personal use of it, yet the American dea patrols our country looking for grow ops....or do we not believe this kind of thing exists?
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    We kicked their asses once and we can do it again. ;)

    The US would slaughter us in less than a day.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Okay, I will wait to view the video before commenting further. As previously stated, agents provocateurs (especially from the police end of things) is a definite no-no. But, if you are trying to state that the vandalism was some sort of protest against that, you're an idiot. The way you protest the agents provocateur and, coincidentally, how you expose them (as they did in QC) is to drag the media over to film them.

    Basically what you are saying is, because some of the Black Bloc types found a cop dressed up like them, they decided to protest this by throwing bricks through windows and setting a couple police cars on fire.
    No sale Darb . . . that sort of logic is not going to fly with me. Get back to you after dinner.

    no you can't fight fire with fire, maybe we agree on that. we have a big issue and its not rioting or rioters. you can't really hate the haters is what im saying.
  • darbday wrote: »
    as far as the US goes don't you find it funny that we are a largely pro pot country, and pretty much legalized the personal use of it, yet the American dea patrols our country looking for grow ops....or do we not believe this kind of thing exists?
    Didn't know it was legalized here... hmm, must have missed that law change....

    American DEA patrols here in Canada looking for grow ops? Source? and don't point me to another one of those radical wierdo web sites as the source...
  • darbday wrote: »
    The US would slaughter us in less than a day.

    Maybe if you gave up, but in my Canada we stand tall, and kick their asses once again... They have too many war fronts as it is... :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Didn't know it was legalized here... hmm, must have missed that law change....

    American DEA patrols here in Canada looking for grow ops? Source? and don't point me to another one of those radical wierdo web sites as the source...

    News from DEA, Foreign Field Divisions, Canada and Mexico/Central America

    warning this is a radical weirdo web site......
  • compuease wrote: »
    Didn't know it was legalized here... hmm, must have missed that law change....

    smoke a joint in front of a cop, see if you get arrested.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Maybe if you gave up, but in my Canada we stand tall, and kick their asses once again... They have too many war fronts as it is... :)


    With a leader like Brock, we ended the first year of the war of 1812, having won every battle and no American military on Canadian soil except POW's.
  • darbday wrote: »

    lol, where does it say that DEA officers are enforcing the law in Canada.. geesh are you that easily duped?

    The DEA is represented in Canada at the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa and at the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver. DEA is the single point-of-contact for drug and drug money-laundering investigations overseas. DEA’s role in Canada is to coordinate international drug-trafficking investigations between the United States and Canadian law enforcement. In addition to illicit narcotics and the laundering of proceeds, DEA also investigates the diversion of legitimate pharmaceuticals as well as precursor chemicals needed to manufacture illicit drugs. Both DEA offices in Canada are very operational, working with the Canadians on a full complement of cases while ensuring that our activities are in keeping with Canadian laws and existing agreements.

    This does not mean they are enforcing US laws on Canadian soil, merely that they work in conjunction with Canadian authorities through the US consulate...
  • darbday wrote: »
    smoke a joint in front of a cop, see if you get arrested.

    No thanks.... And merely because on occasion they look the other way does not make it legal... I'm sure that happens in certain US locations as well, I've seen it...
  • compuease wrote: »
    lol, where does it say that DEA officers are enforcing the law in Canada.. geesh are you that easily duped?

    The DEA is represented in Canada at the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa and at the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver. DEA is the single point-of-contact for drug and drug money-laundering investigations overseas. DEA’s role in Canada is to coordinate international drug-trafficking investigations between the United States and Canadian law enforcement. In addition to illicit narcotics and the laundering of proceeds, DEA also investigates the diversion of legitimate pharmaceuticals as well as precursor chemicals needed to manufacture illicit drugs. Both DEA offices in Canada are very operational, working with the Canadians on a full complement of cases while ensuring that our activities are in keeping with Canadian laws and existing agreements.

    This does not mean they are enforcing US laws on Canadian soil, merely that they work in conjunction with Canadian authorities through the US consulate...

    No one here said the dea were enforcing their laws. they are enforcing ours. and they are flying choppers around our country looking for grow ops. and the US military patrols our borders. and when our government passes bill s10 and knowingly create more violence more crime and more drug dependence then the dea will be enforcing the US laws in our country. and we will have no more civil liberties than Americans. no voice no hope.
  • compuease wrote: »
    No thanks.... And merely because on occasion they look the other way does not make it legal... I'm sure that happens in certain US locations as well, I've seen it...

    police do not 'on occasion' look the other way. you can't be arrested for it and it will be thrown out of court. in the states you can get looong hard time. the difference is completely distinct.
  • darbday wrote: »

    as far as the US goes don't you find it funny that we are a largely pro pot country, and pretty much legalized the personal use of it, yet the American dea patrols our country looking for grow ops....or do we not believe this kind of thing exists?

    Proof that DEA patrols Canada, please? And doing so in conjunction with the RCMP doesn't count, as that is simply interagency cooperation.

    I am asking for proof that unescorted DEA agents are patrolling Canada.
  • Just a quick note. Marijuana is not legal in Canada, nor is it legalized any where else in the world yet as far as I know.... it is however decriminalized here and in about a dozen other countries. This means that it can be confiscated and you can be fined, if you are in possesion of an amount that can be deemed for personal use. This is not unlike getting a parking ticket. However, if you are in possesion of I think it is more than 6 grams, then you can be arrested and charged with intent to traffic...

    There are atleast 2 people in Sk that are licenced to grow their own for personal medicinal use. They need to apply for permits every year I believe. Recently, the police confiscated plants from one of these people who had filed all paper work for his permit, but the permit hadn't been sent before the last one expired. They took care of his plants and returned them once all the proper documents were obtained again.

    As for what is going on in Toronto. Violence, vandalism etc is not necessary in order to have your voice heard. Protesting is everyones right, but when such extreme actions are taken, no one gives a damn about what you want to say, or what you want to be heard, as all that gets across is the "extreme protesters" wanton destruction of anyones property but their own.

    There is not a single message that can be taken from it but a complete lack of respect of those who they say they are trying to give voices to, and all they are doing is having them taken them away. There has been atleast one of these kinds of meetings held out on a boat somewhere to stop the idiocy....hence....no voices to be heard, peaceful or otherwise.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Proof that DEA patrols Canada, please? And doing so in conjunction with the RCMP doesn't count, as that is simply interagency cooperation.

    I am asking for proof that unescorted DEA agents are patrolling Canada.

    i seriously didn't know that makes a difference.
  • Okay, watched D1's video, and re-read the thread. Couple things:

    There is a big difference between inter-agency cooperation and the DEA looking for grow-ops in Canada. For one thing, unless working as part of a combined forces operation, DEA agents do not have powers of arrest in this country, and vice versa for Canadian agencies in the USA.

    As for your assertion that the US military is patrolling the border, I doubt it, unless it is at places like Fort Drum, NY which, iirc, abuts the International boundary. And, if they do so in other locations, it will be on their side of the border, so who cares? That is their right, last time I checked.

    There is a big difference between an activity being decriminalized and being legal. If you want to have an intelligent discussion you had better look this up before you go further.

    Still waiting for conclusive proof that police officers, or their agents, were acting as agents provocateurs in Toronto thei past weekend. Doubt you will be able to produce any credible evidence.

    All I really need to completely dismiss your arguments is an honest answer to this question: Do you think that 9/11 was an inside job, perpetrated by, or with the complicity of, the US government?

    I mean, that does seem to be the direction your rationale is heading . . .
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