Did I just wake up in the US?

So now we are passing laws in secrecy and arresting citizens for doing nothing at all?
The province has secretly passed an unprecedented regulation that empowers police to arrest anyone near the G20 security zone who refuses to identify themselves or agree to a police search.

Just being near the G20 security zone can get you arrested - thestar.com


  • This guy was dressed up in protester gear and had no reason being within the perimeter. I agree with this law completely, everybody who is supposed to be in the restricted area were given a security card.

    These guys really need to get jobs, stop complaining, and wasting tax payers $ on this rediculous security measures.
  • While I am glad this law expires when the Summit does, it is EXACTLY the sort of thing that tempts me to go downtown with no ID whatsoever, specifically to get arrested and challenge the Constitutionality of this execrable legislation. If it was so necessary to have this in place, why was it not passed weeks ago? The answer is, because doing that would have led to injunctions, and having the law tossed out.

    This is the sort of thing that makes the Cops look bad. there are already enough laws on the books now to deal with this sort of crap, we do not need more, not even temporary ones . . . so embarassing :-[
  • The funniest part to me is that I read people blaming it on the federal Tories, where it was actually done by the provincial Liberals - on special request from the Toronto chief of Police. Everyone just blames who they want to blame.
  • DataMn wrote: »
    The funniest part to me is that I read people blaming it on the federal Tories, where it was actually done by the provincial Liberals - on special request from the Toronto chief of Police. Everyone just blames who they want to blame.

    In before actyper blames Mike Harris . . . j/k (but you know SOMEBODY will . . .)

    Seriously, this sort of stuff is straight out the old Soviet Bloc mentality. I mean, cops can already demand ID from you, assuming they have probable cause to stop you in the first place. Refusal to produce said ID under those circumstance is already a chargeable offence, too. My question is, why the redundancy? Blair's excuse about rioters attempting to tea down the fence doesn't wash, as that would be a criminal offence in and of itself. Nope, the authorities look like mooks over this one, especially Chief Blair.
  • the dea enforces our drug laws and the American military patrols our borders. our goverment insists on passing s10 which is proven to increase violent crimes. we are the us division called canada.
  • FTA: “The five-metre zone around the fence is to protect the barrier. We've all seen film of people trying to pull the fence down. We want to make sure people aren't pulling down the fence.”

    So...they need a fence for the fence?
  • Milo wrote: »
    In before actyper blames Mike Harris . . . j/k (but you know SOMEBODY will . . .)

    Seriously, this sort of stuff is straight out the old Soviet Bloc mentality. I mean, cops can already demand ID from you, assuming they have probable cause to stop you in the first place. Refusal to produce said ID under those circumstance is already a chargeable offence, too. My question is, why the redundancy? Blair's excuse about rioters attempting to tea down the fence doesn't wash, as that would be a criminal offence in and of itself. Nope, the authorities look like mooks over this one, especially Chief Blair.

    lol actually Mike Harris is my favourite politician of all time. I just hate blame in general, people hate taking accountability for their own actions.
  • actyper wrote: »
    people hate taking accountability for their own actions.

    CEOs and Directors of multi-national corporations always top this list. Politicians and cops are right behind.
  • CEOs and Directors of multi-national corporations always top this list. Politicians and cops are right behind.

    So called poker players are pretty high on this list as well... :)
  • Except that poker FORCES you to take responsibility, by either awarding or denying you the pot, based on your actions.

    All else is just static . . .
  • Quite the reliable source.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Quite the reliable source.

    lol..just thought I would throw it out there. ;)
  • compuease wrote: »
    So called poker players are pretty high on this list as well... :)

  • Apparently the police aren't fans of the national anthem.

    YouTube - Peaceful G20 protest at Queen & Spadina
  • my lord!
  • derrickone wrote: »
    Apparently the police aren't fans of the national anthem.

    YouTube - Peaceful G20 protest at Queen & Spadina

    Got to love out-of-context videos.
  • lollll i love how the first pig leading the way trips and falls over like a tard
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Got to love out-of-context videos.

    Here's a 9 minute unedited version.
    Queen & Spadina Protest (original file/unedited) on Vimeo
  • Cannot watch at work. Will only say this about the G20 riots.

    You want to protest, get on your soapbox and scream until your lungs give out. March, yell, scream all you want. I do not care what your cause is, or what you are protesting against. That is your right.

    You step over the line from peaceful protest to vandalism, and thuggery, as was on display Saturday night, I hope some riot cop drops the hammer on you. I have no respect for Toronto's Mayor whatsoever, but at least he was calling a spade a spade Saturday night.

    Someone in the media coined the term "Extreme Protesting" in reference to these idiots treating their lunacy as some sort of adrenaline sport. I think that, for most of them, that is EXACTLY what it is. Namely, an opportunity to raise hell with little or no consequences to them, personally.

    Waiting for the next time one of these occurs in the USA, and some store owner invokes Castle Doctrine to defend his store. Can we vote to put the next one in Texas?, or maybe Beijing? Love to see those Mao banners parading in China sometime . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Cannot watch at work. Will only say this about the G20 riots.

    Namely, an opportunity to raise hell with little or no consequences to them, personally.

    Waiting for the next time one of these occurs in the USA, and some store owner invokes Castle Doctrine to defend his store. Can we vote to put the next one in Texas?, or maybe Beijing? Love to see those Mao banners parading in China sometime . . .

    Ya.....watch the video first though. The idea is that undercover cops are invoking riots.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Ya.....watch the video first though. The idea is that undercover cops are invoking riots.

    lol...now there's a conspiracy theory I never heard of before. Cops conspiring to get each other killed. yea right.
  • Aah yes . . . agents provocateurs.

    If true, someone needs to lose their job. Actually, several people need to lose their jobs, and a few need to go to jail.

    I'll get back you after watching . . .
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    lol...now there's a conspiracy theory I never heard of before. Cops conspiring to get each other killed. yea right.

    Actually AJ, they tried to do that in QC. At least they tried to infiltrate the mob. No proof the cops actually vandalized anything. Still pretty stupid to go into the crowd wearing police issue gear like they did.

    LOL Surete du Quebec . . .
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    lol...now there's a conspiracy theory I never heard of before. Cops conspiring to get each other killed. yea right.

    im surprised you think its such an unbelievable idea...how would they justify the 1 billi price tag and shady passing of laws if everything was peaceful
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    lol...now there's a down right blatant I never heard of before. Cops conspiring to get each other killed. yea right.

  • What I would like to see is some genius engineer a new form of riot cartridge. Rather than a beanbag, or rubber bullet (which I have experienced), why not a cartridge that bursts overhead, dispersing the same sort of dye used in bank bags. You know, the crap that does not come off for days? That way, you see some body smashing a window while his buddies look on, you fire several rounds and tag them all. After that, you scoop them at your leisure. Even if they change clothes their back packs are marked, as is exposed skin, hair, etc. Even if they shave their heads, they won't be able to get rid of all the evidence.
  • Milo wrote: »
    What I would like to see is some genius engineer a new form of riot cartridge. Rather than a beanbag, or rubber bullet (which I have experienced), why not a cartridge that bursts overhead, dispersing the same sort of dye used in bank bags. You know, the crap that does not come off for days? That way, you see some body smashing a window while his buddies look on, you fire several rounds and tag them all. After that, you scoop them at your leisure. Even if they change clothes their back packs are marked, as is exposed skin, hair, etc. Even if they shave their heads, they won't be able to get rid of all the evidence.

    and then if police wanna arrest someone completely unrelated all they have to do is dump the same colored dye on them and beat them up...!

    sorry my point is that i don't think rioting is the problem i think g20 is...

    EDIT:......because it creates riots ;)
  • darbday wrote: »
    sorry my point is that i don't think rioting is the problem, the G20 is...

    This, simply put, is an idiotic statement.

    Regardless of one's feelings about G20, rioting IS a problem.

    Why were there no major hassles on Friday with regard to the protest marches?
    Why were police not making wholesale arrests on Friday?

    Because the protestors maintained order, and did not break the law. They were the very definition of a peaceful protest.

    I'll say it again, the violence that occurred Saturday was not about "protest". It was not about globalism, or the environment, or any other G20 related issue. It was an exercise in thuggery as sport. Adventure vandalism, if you will. The G20 summit was merely the excuse for these idiots to kick off their festivities. Sort of an urban "Burning Man" festival for them.

    And anyone that thinks that isn't a problem needs to give their head a shake.

    edit: funny, I didn't see Obama smashing windows, or Ban Ki Moon in a balaclava. Must have missed those clips. The G20 did not cause the riots, the rioters caused it. Personal responsibility can be a bitch.
  • Soup wrote: »
    im surprised you think its such an unbelievable idea...how would they justify the 1 billi price tag and shady passing of laws if everything was peaceful

    You can't seriously have me believe a cop would jeopardize their safety or their lives by trying to incite a riot that would put them at risk in order to justify the billion dollar price tag of security, do you? Seriously??

    Far as I'm concerned, the billion dollars was well spent.
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