RC VIII - April 24th 2010



  • Kristy - stop being difficult
    Moose - stop being smug
    Mile - stop (trying) to be funny

    Everyone else - let's give Sandro a big warm fuzzy to keep the RC going.

  • Seriously,

    You are something!! You voiced a concern and what was your reasonable alternative. Hmmmm let's back up the start time of the Royal and you will clean up some garbage. You think that's all it takes to shave that extra time off. Wow!! you really have no clue. The event has NEVER started on time due to different issues and I think one involved you in Toronto but we waited and we also waited on a few other occasions for other people. That being said poker players are notoriously late and if we move the time table back 30 mins can you guess what will happen? The event will start an hour later easily. Maybe that is my fault for being so accommodating but I thought that is what ‘Presidents’ do. So you can voice your opinion all you want but there is a reason for the way the day flows. If you don't have a real viable solution and all you can do is start attacking me and blaming it on my ‘limitations’ LOL then you can STFU. Oops is that political suicide, do I still have your vote? I am not the host? I am glad you feel that way it will make for an easier decision by me. It is obvious by all your posts you have no care for what I do for this event as do I for you. Also my family has nothing to do with this. When the fuck did I mention my family in this thread. The structure is the structure it runs smoothly and has nothing to do with limitations. The only limitation is time. I have set the timetable that fits best and allows for the most time to play within what we want from the day and what the venue wants. Do you get it yet!!! Cleaning up garbage at the end of the day has little impact on that. I am so sick and tired of bitchy and useless poker brats that think they are God's gift to the world. This has been a work in progress to get it where it’s at and this is the schedule and has been for the last few. If you don't like it don't play. Hire a new president. Get a real host whatever you want.
    Kristy I wouldn't want to participate in anything you are involved in. You are so negative and I don't need that BS in my life.

    Needless to say I am out as president LMAO and probably as a player. I enjoyed playing with a number of you and think there are a number of good players as well as great people on this forum and in this area. Thanks
  • Okay, allow me first to apologize if any of my back and forth with Kristy has caused you to reach this decision, as well as apologize to the players (hopefully) as a whole.

    This is/was to be my first Royal Cup, and I am still very much looking forward (hopefully) to playing in it. If there is ANYTHING you need in terms of pre-event assistance, or post event clean-up let me know, and I will be waiting with Timmies when you show up the morning of the event.

    Please do NOT let the caterwauling of a few, and the sophomoric needling of one, cause this event to be cancelled.
  • Well I guess that's it, we seem to have killed it, not sure if there is anything else going on behind the scenes but I am also pissed at this whole affair. I know how much this takes to run and have a feeling that it has just become too much... I know I don't have the time to run it so if anyone wants to pick it up and run with the ball I will help but other than that it appears the Royal is dead... Sandro was the spearhead and without him I fear it will be no more... :(:(
  • Lets not shoot our noses off just yet. This event is a hell of great time for all who participate, and everyone should understand the amount of time and planning required by the the key few individuals that make it happen over and over again. Its come a long way since its inception in Milton, and I would hate to see it die, especially this way.

    Sandro, please reconsider your decision. I would like to see you finish this last event before you decide to retire. That would give others some time to come up with viable alternatives for a replacement. To quit over this seems petty, but I understand your frustration and the lack of support you must feel. Just finish this one off and then pass the reins off.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Just finish this one off and then pass the reins off.

    +1. This event is too valuable to lose.

    If this event needs multiple organizers, then so be it. I volunteer to be a part of the of the 'planning committee' for the next one. Who's with me?
  • Early on, there was talk about moving the event from host city to host city. Not sure how viable this may or may not be, but its something to consider as well for future events. One person should not have to shoulder all the responsibility and demands over and over if they don't wish to.

    Count me in Johnnie. I'll do what I can from here.
  • I admit, I don't care enough to read all the posts above..

    I skimmed Sandro's first sentence- he had been pretty reasonable thus far. I don't think any of you understand that I accepted fully that my suggestion re: time might bounce of the board and not be put into place. I just wanted to see if everyone could be happy.

    Mark/Moose/etc: stop projecting your shit on me, at no point before or since my Milo-aside, have I written anything without trying as best I can to be fair, honest and meet everyone's needs.

    And I mean literally toiling over each post for a couple minutes making sure that i was being honest and as fair as I can.

    I am not in anyway sorry for any part of this conversation, save the part with Milo which I erased.
  • Pinhead! read this

    I would like to volunteer my assistance if any help is needed with the data processing of this event (read: spreadsheets).

  • Sorry to hear this. Whatever you decide Sandro, I'll support you. No questions asked, no hard feelings. I do appreciate that you, Miranda and your crew have put a lot of time and effort in each Royal.
    The difficult part is not the menial stuff like cleaning (as Sandro mentioned) but
    the actual event itself. It seems like a nightmare to coordinate and then subsquently orchistrate with all the last minute changes and alterations that innevitably arise. They brought on "Pinhead" Brad to help with a lot of the logistics and I'm sure that helped but it's still no doubt a large undertaking.
    I hope that this isn't the end of what is a unique, exciting and always fun event. While I appreciate what Sandro and crew have done I don't envy them in the least because I sure as hell would not (and do not) want to spearhead something as taxing and frustrating as this.
This discussion has been closed.