RC VIII - April 24th 2010

Well it's that time of year. We are pleased to announce that Royal Cup part VIII will be on Saturday April 24th 2010. Test your poker skills in this great day of poker. Your team could be the next champions. Take a crack at the 2 time defending champs Milton Rocks.


The Royal Cup of Poker VIII will take place at the same location as the last 7 Cups.

The Royal Cup is a team event, consisting of 8 players, in which each member of your team plays 3 different SNG's as well as one heads up NL match. Points are received based on finishing position in the SNG's and are accumulated between all your team members. The team with the highest point value at the end of the event are declared the champions. The point system is at the bottom of this thread for reference.

The schedule/blind structure will not change from what is posted below. Please arrive as early as possible


10:00 - 10:30 Registration.
10:30-10:45 Rules. If you have questions before hand just ask.
CARDS FLY AT 10:45 Sharp.

Captains will collect their teams entry fees and pay me directly the full $400 amount.

Side pots are as usual. These are strictly optional but do add some fun to the day. The side pots are $2 each.

Our 50/50 Points draw is an event where you pull a players name out of a hat and if they are the days MVP you will split the pot with them. So the pot goes to the MVP and the person holding their card.

Also, each variation of poker that day will have a High Hand Jackpot.

FL Holdem
NL Holdem

For all the SNGs you must show your hand to be eligible but a showdown does not need to occur. In the Hold em SNGs you must use your 2 hole cards to be eligible for the high hand jackpot.

So for $8 you can enter all the side pots.

10:45 - 1:45 Omaha/Stud

- Cards are in the air at 10:45am sharp if players are not there they will be blinded out.

PL Omaha Starting with 5000 Chips
15 min Blinds
25 50
50 100
100 200
150 300
Colour Up Break 10 mins
200 400
300 600
400 800
600 1200
800 1600
1000 2000
1500 3000
2000 4000
2500 5000

Basic Rules of Omaha are the same as Hold em with the exception of each player being dealt 4 pocket cards and when the showdown occurs the best hand must use 2 pocket cards and 3 community cards.

7 Card Stud Starting with 5000 Chips
14 min Blinds Ante Bring In SB BB
5 10 20 40
10 20 40 80
20 40 80 160
25 50 100 200
50 100 200 400
Colour Up Break 10 mins
100 200 400 800
200 300 600 1200
200 400 800 1600
300 600 1200 2400
400 800 1600 3200
500 1000 2000 4000
800 1600 3000 6000

These will be the rules for the Stud SNGs
Antes are paid and then the dealer deals 2 cards down and one up per player
After the first three cards have been dealt, the player showing the lowest up card must make what is called a "bring-in" bet.
The bring-in bet, by the way, is the only significant time and place in poker where card suits come into play. The highest suit is spades, followed by hearts, diamonds, and clubs
After the action has been completed on the opening round, the dealer gives a face-up card to each player remaining in the game. The dealing will go in a tradition clockwise fashion. Unlike the first round, where the lowest hand was forced to start the action, in this second betting round, the highest hand on board has the option to start the betting; that is, the player showing the highest hand is called upon first to either bet or check.
On fifth street, you receive your third up card, and then there is a round of betting, again started by the highest hand on board. (This person may be different then the first bettor on 4th street).
Sixth street is virtually identical: an up card is dealt, the highest hand acts first.
The betting on seventh street is identical to sixth street, but the card dealt is the last card you will receive, and it is dealt face down.
There are 4 bets max per round unless heads up where the betting is unlimited.

1:45 - 5:00 Fixed Hold em

FL Hold em Starting with 5000 Chips
14 min Blinds SB BB Stakes
25 50 50 100
50 100 100 200
100 200 200 400
150 300 300 600
Colour Up Break 10 mins
200 400 400 800
300 600 600 1200
400 800 800 1600
500 1000 1000 2000
600 1200 1200 2400
800 1600 1600 3200
1000 2000 2000 4000
1500 3000 3000 6000
2000 4000 4000 8000
2500 5000 5000 10000

All rounds of betting will be capped to four bets unless heads up where the betting is unlimited

5:00 to 6:00 Dinner

6:00 to 9:00 NL Hold em

NL will start at 6:00 sharp. Some FL games in the past limited the Dinner break for some. Have your teams pick something up for you if you are still in a battle.

NL Hold em Starting with 5000 Chips
15 min Blinds
25 50
50 100
100 200
150 300
200 400
Colour Up Break 10 mins
300 600
400 800
500 1000
600 1200
800 1600
1000 2000
1500 3000
2000 4000
2500 5000

9:00 to 11:00 NL Headsup

HU Matches should start as soon as you and your opponent are available. Grab a deck and some chips.

Heads Up Start with 5000 Chips
10 Hand Blinds
25 50
50 100
100 200
150 300
200 400
300 600 Capped

Closing Ceremonies. 11:00


Point System

Â* Â* Â* Â*1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Stud SNG 15 12 9 7 5 3 2 1
Omaha SNG 15 12 9 7 5 3 2 1 1 1
FL Hold em 15 12 9 7 5 3 2 1 1 1
NL Hold em 15 12 9 7 5 3 2 1 1 1
Heads Up 10 0


  • Ching Hill will be there!!!
  • I'm a free agent. I doubt Waterloo will have a team this time.
  • Rocks are in as always to defend our honour, such as it is... No idea of our lineup as yet, probably about 30-40 trying out for 8 positions.
  • I wish you all good luck. I just want to say I wish it were a different weekend.

    Poker Chips-ChipTalk.net

    I know I've only been to one RC but it was a blast. Ah well, there's always next time........
  • Woot woot woot . . . finally going to see what all the fuss is about.
  • Simcoe Area will field a team this year. I know this will strike fear and loathing from the Milton Rock(ettes).

    Let the trash begin. Jam on my face... Convention that weekend. I am still going to spread the word and get a team together.
  • DOH!! I just changed my avatar yesterday with the intention of advertising Ontario's second-most worthwhile poker event when moose informed me about this conflict.
    Big Mike wrote: »
    I wish you all good luck. I just want to say I wish it were a different weekend.

    Poker Chips-ChipTalk.net

    I know I've only been to one RC but it was a blast. Ah well, there's always next time........

    Any other weekend and I'm there for my 3rd consecutive Royal Cup event... but unfortunately the "Battle Of Ontario 2" has been in the plans for months, with this date set in stone several months ago...

    For those who missed the first Battle Of Ontario (Toronto, Sept 2008), it had a smaller-than-anticipated turn-out, but several PCFers were in attendance including me, moose, Big Mike, DataMN, and Waltsfriend. We're expecting a much bigger turn-out at this year's event in Ottawa, including a few Ottawa-based pros... but I'm not supposed to say much about that yet.
  • Top Set reporting.
  • Kit Who? is in.
    And has invited Moose to join in Hobbes spot.
  • HBK will field a team

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    HBK will field a team


    That's a loose definition of team. ;)
  • The fish are in. Let the donking begin!!!!
  • pokerdro wrote: »

    10:00 - 10:30 Registration.
    10:30-10:45 Rules. If you have questions before hand just ask.
    CARDS FLY AT 10:45 Sharp.

    Am I the only one that thinks that the Royal gets earlier every year?

    We were done pretty early last year and the year before..could we not start 30 mins later? (Or at least vote on it?)
  • 11 am couldnt hurt could it?

    I mean, that gives an extra 15 mins. for breakfast, an extra 15 mins for kristy to look even hotter than usual (not sure if that is possible) :tongue:, HBK would have an extra beer in them so would wolff:laugh:. There would be a 1.4% better chance of the rocks showing up on time as we wouldn't alter their morning routine:rolleyes2:. And its just easier to tell my merry band of donks that the tournament starts at 11am not 10:45 so I dont have to hell for the 417th time the question of why does it start at 10:45:arghh:?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Am I the only one that thinks that the Royal gets earlier every year?

    We were done pretty early last year and the year before..could we not start 30 mins later? (Or at least vote on it?)

    Yes you are the only one that thinks it starts earlier. This has been a cut and paste for the past couple Royals. That being said, we still start after 11 everytime. Also a few of us spend an hour at the end cleaning up and putting sruff away so the sooner it ends the sooner we get out. So 10:45 stands.
  • I hope you guys realize all of the effort that goes into the planning and running of this.... All most of us just have to show up and play (and drink, and party, and make fools of ourselves) Sandro and his team deserve tons of credit and sure don;t get enough. The start time is fine, (and the rocks will attempt to be on time), getting done at a reasonable time is most important, especially when considering how much cleanup there is...
    Lol, I vote Tenseven and Kristy head up the cleaning crew... :) I will volunteer to serve on their staff....
  • If allowed, this rookie will second comp's motion, and also man a broom should the motion carry . . . come on folks, we've all been itching for this, lets just get there on time and play . . .
  • On a serious note, on the same subject, can we get some volunteers to help Sandro in any way, before, during and AFTER the event? This is a monumental event and I know now that Sandro is a family man and all, he can't be expected to bear all the responsibility. Simple when you didn't have that little responsibility bundle huh Sandro? We cannot let this thing die folks, I want to be playing in the Royal 10 years from now... By then it should be a televised event..
  • Anyway I can assist, just let me know. Standing offer since the first RC.
  • compuease wrote: »
    I want to be playing in the Royal 10 years from now

    I assume the venue is able to handle walkers/wheelchairs, then?
  • Milo wrote: »
    I assume the venue is able to handle walkers/wheelchairs, then?

    a***ole.... long as I can keep raking in your chips I'm good to go.... :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    a***ole.... long as I can keep raking in your chips I'm good to go.... :)

    ÉZ game, just use the hook of your cane . . . :D
  • pokerdro wrote: »
    Yes you are the only one that thinks it starts earlier. This has been a cut and paste for the past couple Royals. That being said, we still start after 11 everytime. Also a few of us spend an hour at the end cleaning up and putting sruff away so the sooner it ends the sooner we get out. So 10:45 stands.

    Nah, you're wrong..I'm not the only one, each year someone asks me "did we start that early last year?" Relax though, it was posted lightly. :)

    Also the first thing out of any new players mouth is "Ugghhh..why is it so early?"

    compuease wrote: »
    Lol, I vote Tenseven and Kristy head up the cleaning crew... :) I will volunteer to serve on their staff....

    I'm pretty sure that Sandro knows we love the Royal and we'd fight each other for the chance to help him out. He hasn't asked.

    I baby sat a drunk Mark who was dropping the elbow on pizza boxes from tables like three Royals ago and while I was standing around waiting for the boxes to get theirs, I DID help that Sadam Hussein-look-alike bartender clean up and they WERE out early enough to move it forward at least a half-hour and still be out by 12:00 ez game.

    And seeing as the Royal is never held on school nights...;)

    You move it back an hour and I'll clean the main hall of garbage myself. Consider me signed up.
  • Wow . . . a reasoned response, backed up by data, and a mature, eloquent conclusion . . .

    Who are you and why are you using Kristy's account? :D
  • Jeez, denied entry to the States, and already giving tongue to someone else? Walleye will be crushed . . . :D

    YOU MISSED . . .
  • screenman wrote: »
    Simcoe Area will field a team this year. I know this will strike fear and loathing from the Milton Rock(ettes).

    Let the trash begin. Jam on my face... Convention that weekend. I am still going to spread the word and get a team together.

    I guess I should represent my area screenman if your putting together a team I am available.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »

    I baby sat a drunk Mark who was dropping the elbow on pizza boxes from tables like three Royals ago and while I was standing around waiting for the boxes to get theirs, I DID help that Sadam Hussein-look-alike bartender clean up and they WERE out early enough to move it forward at least a half-hour and still be out by 12:00 ez game.

    And seeing as the Royal is never held on school nights...;)

    You move it back an hour and I'll clean the main hall of garbage myself. Consider me signed up.

    maybe their babysitter would like to get home at a reasonable time?
  • 12:00 IS reasonable, and as was stated previously several times..there are lots of new people willing to help with the clean up.

    I can't see why you think the end time would be affected given this additional support?
  • I cannot see why you continue to re-hash this, but so what?

    It starts when it starts because that is what our host has determined is most convenient for him. It seems somewhat impolite to accept the invitation, and then complain about the arrangements . . . if you do not like the timing stay home, problem solved.

    Sorry to sound so bitchy about this, Kristy but, honestly . . . asked and answered already. So suck it up, buttercup.

    Oh, and flame away, because I do not care. I am going to watch the fights, now, so I will not see this until tomorrow, and won't remember why I cared enough in the first place.

    See you, on time I hope, at the Royal . . . ;-}
This discussion has been closed.