RC VIII - April 24th 2010



  • Hey fuck you in the most serious possible way, the constant parade of stupidity itt has actually put me in a terrible mood..

    I'm tired of catching shit or having absurd things implied about my character because someone like Moose bumps an ancient point and I responded to him reasonably.

    I also made a reasonable suggestion and offered my cleaning services to offset any 'inconvenience' to the 'host'. The only people acting like assholes are you and the band of idiots jumping down my throat or implying that I did anything other than make a suggestion for possible improvement to be sounded out on the forum from which this tournament is run.

    So fuck you again-you stupid nonsensical bastard for putting a negative tilt on my night with your idiocy.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Hey fuck you in the most serious possible way, the constant parade of stupidity itt has actually put me in a terrible mood..

    I'm tired of catching shit or having absurd things implied about my character because someone like Moose bumps an ancient point and I responded to him reasonably.

    I also made a reasonable suggestion and offered my cleaning services to offset any 'inconvenience' to the 'host'. The only people acting like assholes are you and the band of idiots jumping down my throat or implying that I did anything other than make a suggestion for possible improvement to be sounded out on the forum from which this tournament is run.

    So fuck you again-you stupid nonsensical bastard for putting a negative tilt on my night with your idiocy.

    Two of the most entertaining lines I've read in any forum. Serious. Absolutely hilarious.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Hey fuck you in the most serious possible way, the constant parade of stupidity itt has actually put me in a terrible mood..

    I'm tired of catching shit or having absurd things implied about my character because someone like Moose bumps an ancient point and I responded to him reasonably.

    I also made a reasonable suggestion and offered my cleaning services to offset any 'inconvenience' to the 'host'. The only people acting like assholes are you and the band of idiots jumping down my throat or implying that I did anything other than make a suggestion for possible improvement to be sounded out on the forum from which this tournament is run.

    So fuck you again-you stupid nonsensical bastard for putting a negative tilt on my night with your idiocy.

    Klassik Kristy . . . tyvm.
  • I was going to multi-quote where you call my original response "mature and rational", point out that we've not yet heard anything from Sandro since I offered a possible solution to his stated concern of getting out at a reasonable time, and then address your absurd post condemning me for responding to Moose's question...

    Given your above response though, I think it is clear that you haven't applied any logic and serve no purpose other than for me to re-vent all the negativity that you stupidly dumped in my lap while I posed a question several other players have voiced to me, in a reasonable way, looking to see if there is a solution that might suit everyone.

    That is for the people smarter than you to read Milo..here is the dumbed down version.

    "You are posting nonsense..fuck off."
  • Thank you for your input. We here at Milo inc. are always striving to improve the "Milo" experience for our patrons. Your thoughts are a valuable part of that process. We hope to continue improving our methods and systems so that every patron can continue to enjoy the service levels we have become known for.

    Again, tyvm for your input.

  • *erased for less scrolling
  • Look you two, kindly take it elsewhere.... There are some concerns that there will even BE another Royal and this is not helping.. Future posts here that are non Royal contributing will be removed...
    Kindly do your "discussions" via pm or create your own thread.
  • No problem, boss . . .
  • So the issue of an early start is related to the fact that the day always ends fairly late, yes? Ok, I have an idea.

    Switch the order of the games or at least the Fixed Limit and No Limit games. The FL always bogs down the day as it takes what seems to be forever for it to finish before we can start the NL. The captains could still draw the Heads-up matches during the NL game (either 1st or 2nd game of the day), and players busting early could, in theory, arrange and play their HU matchs while the FL tables drag out. Yes, we still would be waiting on the remaining HU matchs to end the day, but I think it wouldn't be so late.

    If this works (or any other idea someone might have) we could implement it and thus start the next RC at a later time.

  • Whatever our host decides is fine with me . . . :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Look you two, kindly take it elsewhere.... There are some concerns that there will even BE another Royal and this is not helping.. Future posts here that are non Royal contributing will be removed...
    Kindly do your "discussions" via pm or create your own thread.

    What he said!!!
    JohnnieH wrote: »
    So the issue of an early start is related to the fact that the day always ends fairly late, yes? Ok, I have an idea.

    Switch the order of the games or at least the Fixed Limit and No Limit games. The FL always bogs down the day as it takes what seems to be forever for it to finish before we can start the NL. The captains could still draw the Heads-up matches during the NL game (either 1st or 2nd game of the day), and players busting early could, in theory, arrange and play their HU matchs while the FL tables drag out. Yes, we still would be waiting on the remaining HU matchs to end the day, but I think it wouldn't be so late.

    If this works (or any other idea someone might have) we could implement it and thus start the next RC at a later time.


    Johnnie I believe this will actually cause more of a bottleneck as you now have moved the longest lasting SNG to the end of the SNG stage of the day. As everyone knows we usually start at 6:00 (after dinner) and having the NL SNG (the fastest) to the end helps to get people into the HU portion. Picking the HU matches earlier may be a good idea but there was a reason for picking it late. It allowed for more strategy for Captains going into the final event. I would rather not speratically play HU games throughout the day as it wrecks the flow and texture of the day.
    Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    12:00 IS reasonable, and as was stated previously several times..there are lots of new people willing to help with the clean up.

    I can't see why you think the end time would be affected given this additional support?

    I have heard that from a number of different people but in the end very few have offered to do anything the day of the event. A few have and I have taken them up on it but for the most part I wanted to have people enjoy the day when possible. Simple things like restacking the chips between games, putting away the chips at the end of the night, picking up the trash around the hall.

    People should remember although they get there at 10:30 for a 10:45 start (which has never happened). My gang and I have been up and rolling at 8:00 to get this event going for that time. The venue has also allowed us to use their facility at no cost with time requests, Al has supported this event with his chips and cards. I can only imagine the number of lost decks he has had from this event because I know each event I usually come home a deck or two light. There are also others that have helped out in that department. There has been a lot of time and effort by myself and others to get this to run faster and smoother. I think that organization is what has made this an event that people mark on their calendars (I could have been bluffed on that one thou). The timing is set to get people home (which may be a couple hour drive) or to get out to celebrate (that seems to be in Milton) or just to go home and crash after what I hoped to always be a fun but intense day of poker (which may be for some but really hasn't been for me lately).

    1) I QUIT.
    2) Accept the timetable and if you can play that day under those conditions. Great.
    3) YOU FIRE ME - maybe I can collect EI.
    4) We cancel and figure it out some other time.
    5) Maybe it's time for the ROYAL to die (It's an old man's tourney anyway) ;).
    6) All of the above.
    7) None of the above

    I will let the Captains know by the weekend my involvement going forward.
  • Look Sandro, don't quit... We need this... How about you tell us where you could use some help and then us Captains look after finding the ppl to do the task?

    I pick #2...
  • pokerdro wrote: »
    Johnnie I believe this will actually cause more of a bottleneck as you now have moved the longest lasting SNG to the end of the SNG stage of the day. As everyone knows we usually start at 6:00 (after dinner) and having the NL SNG (the fastest) to the end helps to get people into the HU portion. Picking the HU matches earlier may be a good idea but there was a reason for picking it late. It allowed for more strategy for Captains going into the final event. I would rather not speratically play HU games throughout the day as it wrecks the flow and texture of the day.

    Fair enough, Sandro. I admit I did forget about the supper break.

    Hope you stay with us.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Look Sandro, don't quit... We need this... How about you tell us where you could use some help and then us Captains look after finding the ppl to do the task?

    I pick #2...

    Whatever you need to make this happen and run smoothly, Sandro, I WANT to help out. This event is a hell of a lot of fun, and I can only imagine the planning nightmare it can become.

    Let me know.
  • Sandro, as I have stated from the beginning, you are in charge of running this, so whatever timetable you want to use is fine with me. I just want to finally play in one of these. You need someone pushing a broom, I'm the tall bald guy who will probably be knocked out first, so say the word. May as well do something while waiting for my next debacle to begin . . .

    P.S. Don't let AJ see this. He may have second thoughts about me being on the team.
  • I too would pick #2. I would also love to volunteer if I could...
  • 1) I QUIT.
    2) Accept the timetable and if you can play that day under those conditions. Great.
    3) YOU FIRE ME - maybe I can collect EI.
    4) We cancel and figure it out some other time.
    5) Maybe it's time for the ROYAL to die (It's an old man's tourney anyway) .
    6) All of the above.
    7) None of the above

    obvious from these choices, I go #2 every day for you Sandro
    Even without understanding #5

    I will change to #3 if you want

    Milton Slim
  • I will try to keep this post simple. Sandro, Choose #2. If you need help, name it. Im there anyways. Kristy and I will head the clean up crew if needed as it was previously suggested. As I said, Name what you need done and consider it done.

    Your efforts are under-appreciated, but they are appreciated.
  • tenseven wrote: »
    I will try to keep this post simple. Sandro, Choose #2. If you need help, name it. Im there anyways. Kristy and I will head the clean up crew if needed as it was previously suggested. As I said, Name what you need done and consider it done.

    Your efforts are under-appreciated, but they are appreciated.

    Now THAT is a great post..! Thanks Ten.... See Sandro, we are here for you just give us guidance...
  • I am also of the mind that the fact the Sandro and gang pioneered and guided the Royal Cup from the begining gives them the right to make the rules. That's not too say that they haven't accepted input because people who were at the first Royal can attest to the fact they have been open to suggestions and made changes they thought would improve things.
    I'm not a fan of getting up early but I do it for certain things that I'm willing to make sacrifices for such as an exciting unique event like this. When I saw that there was an active thread about RC so I was excited to get the details and enjoy some of the mild banter that takes place. After scrolling past almost two pages dominated by two people resuming their ongoing pissing match over a subject as earthshatteringly important as... the start time being somewhat early, I was more than a little annoyed. I'm sure some people may take offense to this but the whole contest between these two has grown old and tiresome in my opinion. Judging by the repeated responses in multiple threads, I'm not the only one who thinks so. I'm not saying I don't want these two parties to post but can they not find some way to just ignore each other if nothing else. You don't agree on anything, you never will. End of story. Save the rest of us the headache of being in the middle of it.
  • Shtebs, you are correct.

    Not that I think you were talking about me, anyway . . . :D
  • I couldn't care less when this starts as long as it does. I also volunteer to help with clean-up.
  • As someone who probably comes that farthest for this event, let me offer my 2 cents. I would love it to start later..... that being said it also means I get home later. Given those choices I'd rather get up earlier and get home before 2 am....... I know what a long day is like because during the original royal in milton I was there way before the noon start time with chairs and chips and left late in order to make sure almost everything I brought got home.

    Basically the rules are being set out. If you don't like the rules, go play in your own sandbox. Sandro, please stay on and make this weekend happen. If you decide to quit after this one, it is understandable.

    Basically people let's start acting like adults....... and those who won't should grow up.
  • screenman wrote: »
    Simcoe Area will field a team this year. I know this will strike fear and loathing from the Milton Rock(ettes).

    Let the trash begin. Jam on my face... Convention that weekend. I am still going to spread the word and get a team together.

    bummer, was going to see if I could be on your team and get a ride :(
  • Sandros,

    Pick #2, you and yours do a terrific job and provide us with a terrific day of poker.

    Its worth getting out of bed early and honestly, worth getting home late from as well.

    I'm useless at the end of the evening due to a drinking problem I haven't addressed yet, but, I will be there early April 24th to help set up.

  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    As someone who probably comes that farthest for this event
    ** cough cough **

  • I refuse to take any shit from anyone for voicing a reasonable concern, listening to Sandro's response and suggesting a reasonable alternative that I hoped might address his concerns and make everyone happy.

    Sandro: I don't envy your job or the work you've put into it..but I don't sympathise either- since all of us have enjoyed the Royal and would LOVE to help you or some would be willing to be groomed to replace you if you cannot handle it. (not me, I'm outta here..but some.)

    You just need to honestly self-assess your limitations and make a decision or request for that help.

    Idk if you created the tournament but it is bigger than you now. You are not the host, you are the president and temporary care-taker, do what is right for yourself and family. And if you're feeling that quitting is possibly beneficial I don't think you should gamble, family first, your obligations are with them and we understand that I'll be the first to say thank you for all the time you've put in.

    You have not made a decision that you needed help, nor have you asked for it. I respect that you're smart enough to do what you can/will and make the best choices for yourself.

    Best of luck with your little one, and I hope that even if you decide you can't organize it you'd still find the time to participate.

  • OMG. Last word syndrome + backhanded compliments =

  • Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . . .

    The preceding was a test of the CPF Emergency Broadcast System. In the event that Kristy had actually reacted to moose's post, Forum members would be directed to the nearest shelter for cover. Local radio stations would broadcast updates, and loudspeakers would, eventually, signal the all-clear.

    Thank you. This was only a test. :D
This discussion has been closed.