Question Week: Hobbes



  • Cerberus wrote: »
    If you were a Pokemon, which one would you be?

    How terrible is AJ Styles' new robe that Ric Flair gave him and how many chickens did they pluck to make it?

    Don't really follow wraslin.
    Astro Boy vs Mega Man - who wins

    A) Fight
    B) Ping Pong
    C) Beer Pong
    D) NLHE HU

    ez mega man for all of the above.
    As bad as Alexander was, how awesome was seeing Rosario Dawson's rack?

    If you and I ran a marathon, how long until we both collapsed from exhaustion?

    We have to run? Prob 1k for me. I'd give you 3k.
    Do we never make it to the exhaustion point because most marathons seem to start in or around a casino?

    Much better plan.
  • compuease wrote: »
    # of kids? Ages... What are they doing in life?

    3 kids

    daughter 23 - Just graduated from UW with a French Degree and headed for Teacher's College in the fall.

    Son 21 - Attending St Clair College in Windsor taking Musical Theater. he's the token straight guy ;)

    Daughter 20 - Attending University of Western Ontario taking phych and soc.

    2 yougest are still bleeding the parents dry.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    3 kids

    daughter 23 - Just graduated from UW with a French Degree and headed for Teacher's College in the fall.

    Son 21 - Attending St Clair College in Windsor taking Musical Theater. he's the token straight guy ;)

    Daughter 20 - Attending University of Western Ontario taking phych and soc.

    2 yougest are still bleeding the parents dry.

    Daddy!!! I will take some money also:D

    »Dam you got 2 daughters, anyone of em single;)
  • Easy there big fella . . .

    UW grad in French? How did that happen? Thought all they taught was math and poker, and not necessarily in that order. Speaking of which:

    Do any of the kids play poker?

    Are they better than Dad?
  • it blows my mind that you have kids that old, what were you like 9 when you had them?

    Who would win in a fight and why..

    MJ 1983 v. Jack Nicholson today
    Mickey Mouse or Buggs Bunny
    Three pairs of socks or a wool blanket
    A lion v. a crocodile
    zombie patrick swayze v. zombie billy mays
  • Milo wrote: »
    Easy there big fella . . .

    UW grad in French? How did that happen? Thought all they taught was math and poker, and not necessarily in that order. Speaking of which:

    Do any of the kids play poker?

    Are they better than Dad?

    No they don't play poker.

    Yes they are better than dad. :D
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    it blows my mind that you have kids that old, what were you like 9 when you had them?

    <blush> meh, I'll be 45 this year
    Who would win in a fight and why..

    1) MJ 1983 v. Jack Nicholson today
    2) Mickey Mouse or Buggs Bunny
    3) Three pairs of socks or a wool blanket
    4) A lion v. a crocodile
    5) zombie patrick swayze v. zombie billy mays

    1) MJ cause he was still a black man back then.
    2) Bugs. Mickey is a pacifist.
    3) Wool blanket. gtfo to cotton/poly blends.
    4) Crocodile cause cats are dumb no matter how big.
    5) Do you really need to ask this? Patrick is the man. He could dance circles around Billy.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Is there anyone that has truly impressed or intrigued you..
    -from history?
    Hobbes wrote: »
    Thomas Hobbes - Someday I will actually get through Leviathan
    Charles Babbage
    What percentage of forum members do you think know who Charles Babbage is without looking him up in Wikipedia?

    BTW, nobody would have a clue about his research if Ada Lovelace hadn't been around to rewrite all of his papers.
  • What percentage of forum members do you think know who Charles Babbage is without looking him up in Wikipedia?

    < 15%
    BTW, nobody would have a clue about his research if Ada Lovelace hadn't been around to rewrite all of his papers.

    I thought it was Linda :D
  • 1. what is the hardest drug you have tried?
    2. what's the goriest thing in real life you've seen?
    3. do you have any phobias?
    4. have you ever been on tv?
    5. ever witnessed anything paranormal?
    6. UFO's, yes or no?
    7. aside from vehicle, property and house, what is the most valuable item in your possession?
    8. ever had a dutch rudder?
    9. rank the following from funniest to least funniest:
    The Hangover, American Pie, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, The Jerk, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Old School, Porky's
  • ~If you could interview one person, living or dead, who would it be and what would you ask them?
    ~If you could pick one historical event to witness what would you chose and why?
    ~Favourite live concert you have ever been to?
    ~What sports do you like to watch? Participate in?
    ~What was the theme of your high school grad?
    ~Can we see pics of you at your grad?
    ~Farthest you have travelled and why?
    ~All expenses paid trip to 5 cities in the world, where do you chose to go and why?
    ~Favourite Looney Toon?
    ~Favourite Hanna Barbara Toon?
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    3) Wool blanket. gtfo to cotton/poly blends.

    This answer made my morning. :)
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. what is the hardest drug you have tried?
    2. what's the goriest thing in real life you've seen?
    3. do you have any phobias?
    4. have you ever been on tv?
    5. ever witnessed anything paranormal?
    6. UFO's, yes or no?
    7. aside from vehicle, property and house, what is the most valuable item in your possession?
    8. ever had a dutch rudder?
    9. rank the following from funniest to least funniest:
    The Hangover, American Pie, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, The Jerk, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Old School, Porky's

    1) Acid (mainly a pot head)
    2) Dead motorcyclist that got decapitated by a moose.
    3) Heights and when I was a kid elevators
    4) Does AMW count? ummm No
    5) Nope
    6) No. Although I do believe there is life out there somewhere.
    7) My Grandfather's 2nd world war medals.
    8) Nope (and I had to look that one up)
    9) Porky's, Hangover, The Jerk, Jay and Silent Bob, American Pie, Old School, Ace Ventura
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    1)If you could interview one person, living or dead, who would it be and what would you ask them?
    2)If you could pick one historical event to witness what would you chose and why?
    3)Favourite live concert you have ever been to?
    4)What sports do you like to watch? Participate in?
    5)What was the theme of your high school grad?
    6)Can we see pics of you at your grad?
    7)Farthest you have travelled and why?
    8)All expenses paid trip to 5 cities in the world, where do you chose to go and why?
    9)Favourite Looney Toon?
    10)Favourite Hanna Barbara Toon?

    2) D-Day. My grandfather was there.
    3) Alice Cooper
    4) Is Poker a sport?!? I watch baseball mainly and I bowl (moose can attest to the fact I curl worth shit)
    5) We didn't have a theme.
    6) I don't have any. They were destroyed in a housefire 20yrs ago
    7) England for a family reunion
    8) Have t think about that.
    9) Tasmanian Devil
    10) Jerry (of Tom & Jerry)
  • Which branch of the service was your Grandfather in?

    Did he serve in the British, Canadian, or one of the other Allied Forces?

    Any medals for valour and, if so, which ones?

    Also, kudos for recognizing the importance of said medals, and for keeping them together. They are, I am sure, a treasured family heirloom.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Which branch of the service was your Grandfather in?

    Did he serve in the British, Canadian, or one of the other Allied Forces?

    RCAF Air Gunner on a Halifax Bomber. He was with the 408th (iirc) for a while.
    Any medals for valour and, if so, which ones?

    Also, kudos for recognizing the importance of said medals, and for keeping them together. They are, I am sure, a treasured family heirloom.
    Can't remember what they are for off hand. They are very much treasured (obv the "value" I put on them is not monetary). As the oldest grandson, he had left them to me in his will.
  • Air Gunner?!? Holy Fuck !!! Lucky to have seen the end of the War in that line of work . . . 408 Squadron carried out some pretty nasty sorties, including a couple trips to Berlin. Your Grandfather earned his pay, and then some.

    Sorry, forgot to ask a question:

    Do you keep them on display?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Air Gunner?!? Holy Fuck !!! Lucky to have seen the end of the War in that line of work . . . 408 Squadron carried out some pretty nasty sorties, including a couple trips to Berlin. Your Grandfather earned his pay, and then some.

    Sorry, forgot to ask a question:

    Do you keep them on display?

    They were very fortunate. were never shot down but a couple of times barely made it back to England.

    Not on display. Right now I keep them in a safe deposit box along with one of his flight log books (or whatever the military term is)
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    2) Dead motorcyclist that got decapitated by a moose.

    since I have already stirred up that bad memory, can you tell us what happened? So, you're driving along....
  • 1. what's the first thing you would buy yourself if you hit the lottery?
    2. what is your earliest memory?
    3. I get paid today, if you guess the "cents" on my net pay, I will fwd you $20 (that's a binding deal) What's your guess?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    since I have already stirred up that bad memory, can you tell us what happened? So, you're driving along....

    Saw it after the fact.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. what's the first thing you would buy yourself if you hit the lottery?
    2. what is your earliest memory?
    3. I get paid today, if you guess the "cents" on my net pay, I will fwd you $20 (that's a binding deal) What's your guess?

    1) jaguar-xfr.jpg
    2) Getting stuck in an elevator when I was 3. Hence my childhood fear of them
    3) 47 cents
  • What percentage of forum members do you think know who Charles Babbage is without looking him up in Wikipedia?

    ez game. It's the Rainman's brother.
  • moose wrote: »
    ez game. It's the Rainman's brother.

    Yeah I thought of that one too. Makes you wonder if character names are chosen for their hidden, underlying references sometimes . . .
  • moose wrote: »
    ez game. It's the Rainman's brother.
    Milo wrote: »
    Yeah I thought of that one too. Makes you wonder if character names are chosen for their hidden, underlying references sometimes . . .

    Ummm that be babbitt

    Charlie Babbitt (Character)
  • Would I be your hero if I was able to bring back a variation of poker night live or 8 man sit n go's?;)

    That's if you like 8 man's?

    I am in talks with a manager from a poker site who is trying to see what he can do with it, more I am trying to bring back the 8 man's cause I made a shit load of money off of em:p, high percentage nothing will come of this mind you.:-X
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Ummm that be babbitt

    Charlie Babbitt (Character)

    Keeping in mind we are the same age, do you think the Alzheimer's is kicking in a little early for me?

    also, do you subscribe to the theory that, once our brains become "full" we can only learn new things by forgetting old ones?
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Would I be your hero if I was able to bring back a variation of poker night live or 8 man sit n go's?;)

    That's if you like 8 man's?

    I am in talks with a manager from a poker site who is trying to see what he can do with it, more I am trying to bring back the 8 man's cause I made a shit load of money off of em:p, high percentage nothing will come of this mind you.:-X

    Nope. 45/90 man turbos are my current addiction
  • Milo wrote: »
    Keeping in mind we are the same age, do you think the Alzheimer's is kicking in a little early for me?

    Who are you?
    also, do you subscribe to the theory that, once our brains become "full" we can only learn new things by forgetting old ones?

    Nope. Brains never become full.
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