Question Week: Hobbes

1. what has been your largest cash to date online or live?
2. where is the most riskiest place you have had sex?
3. Do you have any pets?
4. how mnay fist fights have you been in?


  • Which movie do you think better captured the "heart" of it's protagonist:
    Dark Knight? Or Iron Man?

    Are you at all interested in the release of Iron Man II on May 7th?

    Were you ever a comic book geek?

    And finally, you have to give up one of the following:
    Which one gets the heave-ho, and why?
  • How high a percentage point do you put the likelihood that our favourite troll is back on this site?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. what has been your largest cash to date online or live?
    2. where is the most riskiest place you have had sex?
    3. Do you have any pets?
    4. how mnay fist fights have you been in?

    1) ~$1k
    2) Change room at a dept store
    3) Had a dog for almost 13yrs but had to put her down a few years ago. Now we just babysit my daughter's newt's while she is away at school.
    4) 2. (I am 1-for-2)
  • How do you feel that the Academy had room for Michael Jackson during it's Memorial moment, but seemed to completely ignore Farrah Fawcett? And are you happy that a certain portly comedic actor got a decent representation during said moment?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Which movie do you think better captured the "heart" of it's protagonist:
    Dark Knight? Or Iron Man?

    Are you at all interested in the release of Iron Man II on May 7th?

    Were you ever a comic book geek?

    And finally, you have to give up one of the following:
    Which one gets the heave-ho, and why?

    Not into comics. So can't really answer that although I did see the Dark Knight with my son.

    I give up booze. I am a meat and potatoes type of guy so that stays and sex easily trumps booze.
  • Milo wrote: »
    How high a percentage point do you put the likelihood that our favourite troll is back on this site?

    You mean my second fav, right? Cause you are obv my fav. ;)

  • Milo wrote: »
    How do you feel that the Academy had room for Michael Jackson during it's Memorial moment, but seemed to completely ignore Farrah Fawcett? And are you happy that a certain portly comedic actor got a decent representation during said moment?

    MJ was BS. Never made a movie in his life (although I have not seen any of his "home movies").

    Yes. He was a comic geneous.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    You mean my second fav, right? Cause you are obv my fav. ;)


    Such shameless sucking up might have worked under the previous regime, but I am honour-bound (as opposed to the Gershon/Tilly "Bound") to continue my merciless grilling for the week.

    Jacob or Edward?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Such shameless sucking up might have worked under the previous regime, but I am honour-bound (as opposed to the Gershon/Tilly "Bound") to continue my merciless grilling for the week.

    Jacob or Edward?

    if I were so inclined Edward.
  • What % of your on-line time is devoted to looking for "useless shit"?

    What are the best sites for finding "useless shit" (my posting history is exempt for the purpose of this question)?

    Have you ever truly been the first to put something completely useless onto the web?

    If so, how many hits did it garner?

    Hat tip to moose for this line of drivel . . .
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    MJ was BS. Never made a movie in his life (although I have not seen any of his "home movies").

    Yes. He was a comic geneous.


    The Wiz (1978)


    Bugsy Malone (1976)

    Anyways, how come a guy from up North is not crazy into hunting as most Northerners seem to be?

    Do you prefer southern Ontario or northern?

    How many hours a week do you play online?

    When you retire you would like to move to where?

    Why are you so god awful at curling?

    Why are you so god awful at poker?

    How does a butt ugly guy like you get a hot wife? What was she thinking?

    Have you done your passport application yet?

    Is it your turn to drive or mine?
  • Milo wrote: »
    What % of your on-line time is devoted to looking for "useless shit"?

    What are the best sites for finding "useless shit" (my posting history is exempt for the purpose of this question)?

    Have you ever truly been the first to put something completely useless onto the web?

    If so, how many hits did it garner?

    Hat tip to moose for this line of drivel . . .


    Amusing Facts

    Never tried to put something useless up. I was gonna wikipedia fed but since they changed their contribution rules I could not.

    Thanks Moose!!!!
  • moose wrote: »

    So I was wrong.
    Anyways, how come a guy from up North is not crazy into hunting as most Northerners seem to be?

    I used to fish a lot. Only shot guns on a range.
    Do you prefer southern Ontario or northern?

    Spring/SummerI prefer Southern Ont. But I much prefer Norther Ontario winters, cause when winter comes it stays. Non of this snow/melt/trudge through slush/snow again crap

    How many hours a week do you play online?

    Cut back quite a bit. 15-20 hrs now usually while watching tv.
    When you retire you would like to move to where?

    Since I was informed when we moved down here and I quote 'This is the last move we make. Next one is on your own'. I'd say Cambridge.
    Why are you so god awful at curling?

    Cause I play once every 2 years. :)
    Why are you so god awful at poker?

    Still trying to figure that one out.
    How does a butt ugly guy like you get a hot wife? What was she thinking?

    I think she lost a bet. :D
    Have you done your passport application yet?

    Next week.
    Is it your turn to drive or mine?

  • Favourite movie genre? Favourite movie in said genre?

    Favourite cartoon as a kid?

    Does it bother you when they don't let you on certain rides at the fair because of the height requirement?

    Who is your hero?

    ... really? Why's that?
  • Is there anyone that has truly impressed or intrigued you..
    -from history?
    -living presently?
    -that you have met or know personally?

    Any tv shows that you really look forward to each week? What and why?

    Do you have any siblings? How many and where do you fight in chronologically?

    Where were you born and raised?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Favourite movie genre? Favourite movie in said genre?

    Favourite cartoon as a kid?

    Does it bother you when they don't let you on certain rides at the fair because of the height requirement?

    Who is your hero?

    ... really? Why's that?

    fav genre; Comedies (not romantic comedies)
    fav movie: Cannonball Run

    fav cartoon: Tom & Jerry

    Don't really have a hero.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Is there anyone that has truly impressed or intrigued you..
    -from history?
    -living presently?
    -that you have met or know personally?

    Thomas Hobbes - Someday I will actually get through Leviathan
    Charles Babbage

    I met the Hansen brothers from Slapshot. :D
    Any tv shows that you really look forward to each week? What and why?

    Currently Big Bang Theory.
    Do you have any siblings? How many and where do you fight in chronologically?

    I have a much older sister (6 minutes). My younger sister died when I was 12.
    Where were you born and raised?

    Born in Wawa, ON.
    Raise in Sault Ste Marie, ON
  • Hobbes wrote: »

    I have a much older sister (6 minutes). My younger sister died when I was 12.

    Wow. Sorry to hear that. Normally I wouldn't pry but it's question week. What happened to your sister?

    In the same vein. Parents, alive or dead?

    Favourite drink?

    Favourite food?

    Why don't you like cheese?
  • moose wrote: »
    Wow. Sorry to hear that. Normally I wouldn't pry but it's question week. What happened to your sister?

    In the same vein. Parents, alive or dead?

    Favourite drink?

    Favourite food?

    Why don't you like cheese?

    Car accident.

    Both parents alive. Still 1 grand parent.

    Fav drink: Scotch

    Fav Food: Blue rare steak.

    Not sure why I don't like cheese. Used to eat Old Cheddar when I was a kid. Let's see what else I don't like:

    green beans
    wax beans
    I actually dislike most vegies (other than potaotoes) cooked.

    I was a real joy at supper when I was a kid. :D
  • Do you miss pokernightlive and Johnny T, Tina and Devo?

    Your not going to change your pokerstars avatar are you?
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Do you miss pokernightlive and Johnny T, Tina and Devo?

    Your not going to change your pokerstars avatar are you?

    I do miss PNL sometimes. It was fun.

    No I am not planning to change my PS avatar.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Car accident.

    Both parents alive. Still 1 grand parent.

    Fav drink: Scotch

    Fav Food: Blue rare steak.

    Not sure why I don't like cheese. Used to eat Old Cheddar when I was a kid. Let's see what else I don't like:

    green beans
    wax beans
    I actually dislike most vegies (other than potaotoes) cooked.

    I was a real joy at supper when I was a kid. :D

    Hey want to come for dinner?

    crab with hot butter
    mushroom risotto
    Broccoli with cheese sauce

    So was she in a car with your parents or did she get hit by a car? Were you in the accident as well?
  • moose wrote: »

    So was she in a car with your parents or did she get hit by a car? Were you in the accident as well?

    We were all in the car coming home from Christmas at my grandparents in Wawa. The other car lost control on black ice. Strangely the car that hit us were friends of my grandparents.
  • hmm... No more questions?!?

    Let's try this. Which of these statements is false:

    1) I can barefoot waterski.
    2) I once caught a 30lb fish.
    3) I made bullets for a handgun.
  • I'd say you never caught a 30# fish. Hell, it would be taller than YOU are.

    Do you plan on participating in the next Royal Cup on April 24?

    Would you fold pocket AA's against me on a board of JJ10?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I'd say you never caught a 30# fish. Hell, it would be taller than YOU are.

    Do you plan on participating in the next Royal Cup on April 24?

    Would you fold pocket AA's against me on a board of JJ10?

    Winnar. Biggest I caugt was 20#.

    RC Prob not. I think that is the weekend that I will be moving the kids back home for the summer.

    Folding AA only that one time. It was early in the tourney if it was later then no.
  • Okay, I am curious . . . how tall are you?

    Feel free to use cm, if that makes you feel better . . .

    Do you need a booster seat for casino poker?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Okay, I am curious . . . how tall are you?

    Feel free to use cm, if that makes you feel better . . .

    Do you need a booster seat for casino poker?


    I sit on moose's lap. :D
  • If you were a Pokemon, which one would you be?

    How terrible is AJ Styles' new robe that Ric Flair gave him and how many chickens did they pluck to make it?

    Astro Boy vs Mega Man - who wins

    A) Fight
    B) Ping Pong
    C) Beer Pong
    D) NLHE HU

    As bad as Alexander was, how awesome was seeing Rosario Dawson's rack?

    If you and I ran a marathon, how long until we both collapsed from exhaustion? Do we never make it to the exhaustion point because most marathons seem to start in or around a casino?
  • # of kids? Ages... What are they doing in life?
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