Question Week: compuease



  • philliivey wrote: »
    What's that "dad", your taking me to vegas for wsop?;)

    A "real" son would take his dad to Vegas, my oldest one did, that's what got me going on the poker bug in the 1st place.
  • boogeyman wrote: »
    Owner, and you are a mod, thus entitled to $$$ from revenue generated from the site.

    Im curious as to what you make for doing nothing. (no offense)
    The glory and the enjoyment of wielding the ban hammer....
  • compuease wrote: »
    The glory and the enjoyment of wielding the ban hammer....

    I read a couple things from this post, but ill choose the latter and slowly back away from this thread with my tail between my legs...
  • boogeyman wrote: »
    I read a couple things from this post, but ill choose the latter and slowly back away from this thread with my tail between my legs...

    Probably best, they say threes a charm, no?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Probably best, they say threes a charm, no?

    Not sure what you mean by that...
  • He might mean . . . December, January, and February "join" dates.

    Better finish this with a question . . . am I on the right track, comp?
  • Milo wrote: »
    He might mean . . . December, January, and February "join" dates.

    Better finish this with a question . . . am I on the right track, comp?
    Questions about me, not others please... ^-^
  • Would it strike fear into you if you clicked on today's posts and Bead was displayed as the last poster in this thread?

    If she asked something really nasty...would you ban her?

    How would that impact your home life?

    What did IBM give you as a parting gift (outside of a pension)?

    Do you remember your first post on this forum and what was it about?

    Are you a contributing member of any non poker forums?
  • Would it strike fear into you if you clicked on today's posts and Bead was displayed as the last poster in this thread?
    If she asked something really nasty...would you ban her?
    Nope, I'd ask Scoops to do it...
    How would that impact your home life?
    None, as long as he didn't rat..
    What did IBM give you as a parting gift (outside of a pension)?
    A kick in the ass? lol.. seriously, I had a catalogue that I could pick something from.. I picked golf clubs but did consider throwing it back in their faces as I know more thatn one guy who did.
    Do you remember your first post on this forum and what was it about?
    Now that would be a long time ago. I think it most likely would have been a response to one of the Bristol St games as that was one of the 1st events from here I went to. Be interesting to see what it was though, just need to figure how to go look at posts that long ago.
    Are you a contributing member of any non poker forums?
    Several technical forums, pc related.
  • What 'character' qualities do you feel you possess that make you a good moderator?

    What situations have arisen historically that caused you to perhaps question your objectivity in your moderator role?

    My understanding is that yourself and Westside8 are the only moderators on the forum outside of ownership. Do you ever have to discuss your levels of involvement/responsibilities on the forum?

    Recently I ended up in Milton after getting lost (REALLY LOST!) while driving home from visiting family. It appeared to be a quaint/pleasant town. What brought you to Milton?

    Have you ever had to deal with Mac type people in a tech support role, and if'd you like it?

    Will you ever become a mac person and start wearing Birkenstocks and dreadlocks?

    Do you feel the previous stereotype has any basis whatsoever in reality or was it just created by the PC world?
  • What 'character' qualities do you feel you possess that make you a good moderator?
    Probably patience and an ability to not overreact.
    What situations have arisen historically that caused you to perhaps question your objectivity in your moderator role?
    Any situation involving Kristy.... Wait a minute, can I think of one situation that doesn't invlove Kristy? Until recently that is... lol.. Hi Kristy.
    My understanding is that yourself and Westside8 are the only moderators on the forum outside of ownership. Do you ever have to discuss your levels of involvement/responsibilities on the forum?
    On occasion but not at all regularily. I know Wes pretty well so it makes it easy and I think we are of similar mind even though several generations apart in age...
    Recently I ended up in Milton after getting lost (REALLY LOST!) while driving home from visiting family. It appeared to be a quaint/pleasant town. What brought you to Milton?
    My parents.... circa 1955.. It used to be quaint but the housing boom here kinda destroyed that 10 year ago.
    Have you ever had to deal with Mac type people in a tech support role, and if'd you like it?
    On occasion, usually when trying to help them port their date from a Mac to Windows environment.. No issue for me althogh finding my way around on a Mac can be a chore, that interface is NOT intuitive, at least to me.
    Will you ever become a mac person and start wearing Birkenstocks and dreadlocks?
    lol, very unlikely...
    Do you feel the previous stereotype has any basis whatsoever in reality or was it just created by the PC world?
    Somewhat although I think that has gone by the wayside in the past few years as I have several clients who run both environments side by side.
  • Let's imagine that someday Bead looks into your eyes and says "I'm tired of the amount of time you and your poker buddies spend on that stupid forum. We need more together time." What's your move?

    If I was to relentlessly sit here and pound away at you with questions (some relevant, some mundane) for the duration of the afternoon...would you continue to respond or would you simply log off and go outside to play in the sun?

    Were you surprised when Mudguts informed/asked why you hadn't asked himself or JohnnieH any questions during their week in the spotlight? Was there any guilt?

    Did you think of the forum when watching the closing ceremonies of the Winter Olympics, and saw the huge inflated beavers and moose come out or did you think "Wow, what a representative symbol of Canadian culture."
  • Let's imagine that someday Bead looks into your eyes and says "I'm tired of the amount of time you and your poker buddies spend on that stupid forum. We need more together time." What's your move?
    lol, already happened.... Usually she's made a comment about something mundane and I have failed to respond. She says, were you listening or on that stupid forum again? I try to bluff answer her original question, she calls my bluff and I lose. :(
    If I was to relentlessly sit here and pound away at you with questions (some relevant, some mundane) for the duration of the afternoon...would you continue to respond or would you simply log off and go outside to play in the sun?
    I will be heading out shortly so sorry will catch up later.
    Were you surprised when Mudguts informed/asked why you hadn't asked himself or JohnnieH any questions during their week in the spotlight? Was there any guilt?
    No guilt at all, it was his idea...
    Did you think of the forum when watching the closing ceremonies of the Winter Olympics, and saw the huge inflated beavers and moose come out or did you think "Wow, what a representative symbol of Canadian culture."

    Actually I thought it was kinda corney and I was probably on the forum at the time...
  • compuease wrote: »
    3/ Always, she is at times controversial, therefore good for the forum. I hope she finds real happiness with Walleye, she deserves it. I consider her a friend, even though we at times are at odds with each other.

    catching up on my reading now, thanks for this Jeff. :h:
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