Question Week: JohnnieH



  • Milo wrote: »
    Correction, you earned that beer. I heard about it on the way home, too. But in a good natured way . . .

    How did you do in the Cash Game?

    Earned beer always tastes better.

    Broke even.
  • compuease wrote: »
    As JohnnieH said, he has you on ignore and since he can't see your question he doesn't have to answer it! So quit being your normal douchbag self and go look after your family...

    You sure aren't trying to reform or make friends at all are you...


  • You have to give up one of your hobbies/pastimes . . . which one gets the boot? Why?
  • How do you take your coffee?
  • What's your opinion on IUD's?

    sorry couldn't resist.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    -Combined sport? Target shooting and figure skating :D


    Given a choice, what country would you most like to lead? Why?

    How fucking cool is the Raptors mascot for not only getting to do this, but picking one of the few non skanky dancers to do it to?

  • Milo wrote: »
    You have to give up one of your hobbies/pastimes . . . which one gets the boot? Why?

    Video games. I need to get off the couch and exercise more. Actually I'm already doing this.
    Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    How do you take your coffee?

    Most of the time, Single Cream only. Sometimes if I need boost of sugar I'll get a Regular.

    I've been trying to get down to black for years now, but I just can't drink black coffee. Why does something that smells so terrific taste horrible?
    What's your opinion on IUD's?

    I'll let you know when I start to menstruate.
    Cerberus wrote: »
    Given a choice, what country would you most like to lead? Why?

    Canada if I didn't have to deal with the squabbling in Parliament.

    Cerberus wrote: »
    How fucking cool is the Raptors mascot for not only getting to do this, but picking one of the few non skanky dancers to do it to?

    Very cool.
  • Pets? How many, what are they, names, etc..?

    Favourite Jay, all-time?

    Where were you born?

    Siblings, their A/S/L?
  • How's your guitar?
  • Online chat during poker: good idea/bad idea?

    Favourite video game?

    Dumbest thing you ever spent money on?

    Best thing you ever spent money on?
  • ~Farthest place you have ever travelled, and the reason for such an excursion?
    ~If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?
    ~If you could interview anyone, living or dead, who would you choose, and what would you ask them?
    ~What do you think is an appropriate age to teach a child to play poker?
    ~Do you think it would be different than teaching them Rumoli, Cribbage, 31, or any other card game?
    ~What would you choose as your last meal before being executed?
    ~Elizabeth Montgomery or Barbara Eden?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Pets? How many, what are they, names, etc..?

    Favourite Jay, all-time?

    Where were you born?

    Siblings, their A/S/L?

    1. A Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever named Homer:

    2. Ernie Witt

    3. Grand River Hospital (the KWH) in Kitchener.

    4. Only a sister that passed away before I was born. So I grew up as an only child.
  • How's your guitar?

    Still in the shop. I called this morning but there was no answer :(
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Online chat during poker: good idea/bad idea?

    Favourite video game?

    Dumbest thing you ever spent money on?

    Best thing you ever spent money on?

    -Among friends, good idea. Among enemies, bad idea unless it's Fed. Then chat him into uber-tilt.

    -Warcraft II: Tide of Darkness. (I was playing that before I answered this round of questions.) Also any from Super Mario Bros and Guitar Hero franchises.

    -1996 Plymouth Neon. That car was the most money sucking piece of shit I've ever owned.

    - The wife's engagement ring :)
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~Farthest place you have ever travelled, and the reason for such an excursion?
    ~If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?
    ~If you could interview anyone, living or dead, who would you choose, and what would you ask them?
    ~What do you think is an appropriate age to teach a child to play poker?
    ~Do you think it would be different than teaching them Rumoli, Cribbage, 31, or any other card game?
    ~What would you choose as your last meal before being executed?
    ~Elizabeth Montgomery or Barbara Eden?

    -Germany and France for a vacation. Awesome trip. Ran into 2 of the soldiers from Band of Brothers and visited Normandy beaches during the D-Day Anniversary celebrations. Also stayed with 'Ineedanick' Dave and his family in Paris!
    -Munich, Germany. I LOVED that city. Very clean, very liberal (not politically speaking) and very friendly people. Actually, anywhere in Germany would be fine with me.
    -Hilter. First and only question: "wtf do you think you where doing, dumbass?"
    -12 yrs old.
    -I don't know many other card games, but if my daughter wants to play, I'll learn and teach her.
    -Caesar Salad, Pepi's Pizza (double bacon and hot peppers) with a piece of cake for dessert. And about 15 beers, I wouldn't have to worry about a hangover, would I?
    -Is this a PTI tribute to old babes? Ok, in their heyday I guess Montgomery.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    - The wife's engagement ring :)

    Knew it. Had $5 that it would be that or the wedding. You big kiss ass.

    Best Mario game ever? Worst?

    Doesn't Luigi make a lot of good points here?

    YouTube - Luigi Finally Snaps

    Same goes for the minions in this one?

    YouTube - Bowser and His Minions
  • You ass-kisser you. You failed on Shar's question too. The correct answer is Barbra Eden. She's Jeannie, for Gawd's sake . . .

    Anyway, enough bantch . . .

    You are on a desert island that, in an almost Lost-like scenario, has electricla power for you to use.
    What one DVD do you want?
    What on CD do you want?

    And, for when you are almost bored enough to frisbee those discs into the ocean, what book do you want to have with you?
  • Milo wrote: »
    You are on a desert island that, in an almost Lost-like scenario, has electricla power for you to use.
    What one DVD do you want?
    What on CD do you want?

    The answer to all 3 is "Raft Building for Dummies"
  • What do you think you do best in poker?
    Why do I always feel like and idiot when I pay off when I have 3rd set on a dangerous board and less than a pot sized bet behind...???
  • What do you think you do best in poker?
    Why do I always feel like and idiot when I pay off when I have 3rd set on a dangerous board and less than a pot sized bet behind...???

    -Nobody can get outdrawn like me, baby!

    -Everybody feels crappy when they misplay a hand. Shrug it off and keep going.
  • You are walking down the street, when you see a man emerge from a burning building, he is pracitcally engulfed in flames. Do you:

    a) Yell "Stop, drop, and roll" from a safe distance?

    b) Attempt to help smother the flames with your jacket?

    c) Empty your bladder in a vain attempt to help?

    d) Realize it's Fed and run into a nearby 7-11 for some marshmallows?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    -Nobody can get outdrawn like me, baby!

    -Everybody feels crappy when they misplay a hand. Shrug it off and keep going.

    I think not! I hold the record thank you very much:cute:

    Are you really bald?:p
  • Milo wrote: »
    You are walking down the street, when you see a man emerge from a burning building, he is pracitcally engulfed in flames. Do you:

    a) Yell "Stop, drop, and roll" from a safe distance?

    b) Attempt to help smother the flames with your jacket?

    c) Empty your bladder in a vain attempt to help?

    d) Realize it's Fed and run into a nearby 7-11 for some marshmallows?

    B unless I've just gotten out of the pub, then it's C.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    I think not! I hold the record thank you very much:cute:

    Are you really bald?:p

    One of these days we will play together and you will be witness to my world class talent at getting sucked out on.

    Why would you say I'm bald? I'm not yet!
  • You are riding a bus in downtown Kitchener (don't ask why), and a bearded man asks you about a shoe shine . . . do you:

    a) tell him it's a job for a Chinaman

    b) ask him if he'd like the 2 for 1 special

    c) start throwing down because, hell, he's just some old dude

    d) send him over to the Gregory household, to have his Depends freshened up.
  • Milo wrote: »
    You are riding a bus in downtown Kitchener (don't ask why), and a bearded man asks you about a shoe shine . . . do you:

    a) tell him it's a job for a Chinaman

    b) ask him if he'd like the 2 for 1 special

    c) start throwing down because, hell, he's just some old dude

    d) send him over to the Gregory household, to have his Depends freshened up.

    Stop using my fucking name anthony bakker. jesus.
  • Happy birthday Johnnie! Any big plans this year?
  • 1. There were three men in a boat with four cigarettes and no matches. How did they manage to smoke? No cheating!
    2. if you could go back through the portals of time and rescue something from your past from being thrown out or lost, what would it be?
    3. what's been the most embarrassing thing to happen to you?
    4a) hypnotism, mind reading or invisibility. Which power would you like to possess?
    4b) what is the most noble thing you would do with the power and what is the most immoral thing you would do with it?
    5. what one world mystery (ie. the pyramids, stonehenge life on other planets) would you like to know all the answers to?
  • Fed/Donk/Mike, using my real name does not bother me in the least. anybody who cares knows my name is Anthony Bakker . . . as for getting a domain name for the celestial divine as my web-site, I was shocked that anthonybakker.jesus was available, but what the hell . . .

    Johnnie, if you could take back one action from your youth, what would it be and why? I am thinking of something you have done . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    You are riding a bus in downtown Kitchener (don't ask why), and a bearded man asks you about a shoe shine . . . do you:

    a) tell him it's a job for a Chinaman

    b) ask him if he'd like the 2 for 1 special

    c) start throwing down because, hell, he's just some old dude

    d) send him over to the Gregory household, to have his Depends freshened up.

    e) Run like hell. It's downtown Kitchener!
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