Question Week: JohnnieH

1. what are you doing to celebrate your birthday this week?
2. what's the biggest MTT where you've cashed, what place and how much?
3. who's was the last funeral you attended and what was the cause of death?
4. sex with Jessica Alba or Charlize Theron?


  • how long till you turn pro as a curler?

    what would you give a team of you, me, Compuease and Moose making it to the olympics?

    where did you get your couch from? (Need to know if I'm gonna crash on it at some point after a ridiculous game of poker)

    when are you coming to hang out in Windsor to read to the blind kids at the orphanage (aka hit the casino and peelers)?

    Favourite sport growing up?
  • I almost forgot that it's my week!

    I'd like to apologize in advance for my lack of writing skill. I've always had a tough time translating my thoughts into words sound elegant.

    Also, my life is pretty boring :)
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. what are you doing to celebrate your birthday this week?
    2. what's the biggest MTT where you've cashed, what place and how much?
    3. who's was the last funeral you attended and what was the cause of death?
    4. sex with Jessica Alba or Charlize Theron?

    1. Not much, just a quiet day with my wife and daughter. Probably get a pie from Pepi's Pizza, a cake from Norris bakery and watch a flick.

    2. Online: 3rd place in a $5 Fixed Limit MTT for $350. Live: I took down Bristol St Classic by luck boxing against SirWatts for $320.

    3. My father-in-law died from Syrosis of the liver in the fall, the funeral was in late September in PEI.

    4. Charlize Theron. I've always wanted to do it with a tall woman. I'd be like climbing a mountain.
  • If you had to, which one of the following would give up for the rest of your life:


    Please explain.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    how long till you turn pro as a curler?

    what would you give a team of you, me, Compuease and Moose making it to the olympics?

    where did you get your couch from? (Need to know if I'm gonna crash on it at some point after a ridiculous game of poker)

    when are you coming to hang out in Windsor to read to the blind kids at the orphanage (aka hit the casino and peelers)?

    Favourite sport growing up?

    1. hahah....probably never, but I've always thought that it was cool that regular working people can compete on the worlds stage in curling and not be "professional" athletes. Wouldn't it be amazing to win a gold medal at the Olympics and then return to work to show it off?

    2. Do you mean what chance? .00000000001% We might be able to qualify for the Fijian National Curling team :D

    3. The couch is from a store in St. Jacobs. However, we have a guest room that you could sleep in, unless Mario is here. Then it's his :)

    4. I'd love to hit the Casino in Windsor with you, but not the peelers. I'm not afraid to say that I'm not allowed to go to the strippers. It's my only "rule". Actually, I have no real desire to go, although a part of me would like to see what all the fuss is about. Other than that, I could care less. True story.

    5. Blue Jays baseball, hands down.
  • I have heard that new players are usually given 50% more starting chips at Nithview casino. True? If not, why not? Also, will management validate parking? And what is the standard tip for cocktails in the poker room at Nithview?
  • Milo wrote: »
    If you had to, which one of the following would give up for the rest of your life:


    Please explain.

    That is sooooo hard.

    OK, clearly I can't give up woman.

    I'd have to say booze. Giving up meat would be way harder than giving up drinking. At least for me.

    I could see myself living without beer and scotch, but life without meat? Not for me.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I have heard that new players are usually given 50% more starting chips at Nithview casino. True? If not, why not? Also, will management validate parking? And what is the standard tip for cocktails in the poker room at Nithview?

    lol...False. We're all starting with 5K. But I'll tell you what, I'll let you rebuy for the first 3 blind levels.

    Parking is free, just don't run over the marking pylons at the end of my driveway.

    No tips necessary.
  • You appear to have a strong affinity for the marking pylons at the end of your driveway and are very protective of them. What are they in fact hiding, and are you afraid someday someone will find out about it?
  • Johnnie, Bill knows . . . what's it worth to you for me to stop these annoying questions about your markers?

    Also, what do you make the odds that I continue my streak of "out of town" poker domination, and take this shindig down today?

    I will state that I am currently undefeated (since joining the Forum) playing outside the Brampton city limits.

    Okay, the streak is at 1, and it was moose's tourney, but still . . .
  • You appear to have a strong affinity for the marking pylons at the end of your driveway and are very protective of them. What are they in fact hiding, and are you afraid someday someone will find out about it?

    lol...they are marking the secret entrance to Nithview Casino. Only people whom have been invited can see them.....
  • Favourite movie of all time?

    Is there a show on tv at the moment that you just can't miss/really look forward to each week?

    What was the name of your first crush? details?

    Is there someone that you really admire, respect or look up to...
    in history?
    that you know personally?
    and why for each.
  • profession?

    whats married sex like?

    favorite poker game?

    favorite poker player (besides me)

  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Favourite movie of all time?

    Is there a show on tv at the moment that you just can't miss/really look forward to each week?

    What was the name of your first crush? details?

    Is there someone that you really admire, respect or look up to...
    in history?
    that you know personally?
    and why for each.

    Pardon the Interruption, every weekday at 5:30. When TSN bumps it for something else, I get really disappointed. Thank god for Podcasts @ For a regular show, I'm really into Pawn Stars right now.

    In grade 5 a new girl showed up in class. Her name is Kate. Cute as a button and very sweet. Every guy in the class wanted to "date" her. The hockey jock of the class got her first :(

    History: Any Allied veteran of WW2. Those guys saved the world.
    Living: Kirk Hammett of Metallica. That mo-fo has MASTERED the guitar, and not just straight up shredding but all styles of playing. The riffs he has written for Metallica are truly astounding, and he plays them with such ease every night. He is my guitar hero.
    Personally. I just came to a new respect of a guy I know. He showed me a pic from 10 years ago, and he looked truly awful. He has REALLY worked hard over the last few years to improve is health and general physical condition. His name? Mark Breaton aka....Drtyore.

    EDIT: Favourite movie? Can I say the HBO Miniseries Band of Brothers?
  • yngwie malmsteen? Discuss.

    Do you feel Metallica has seriously fallen out of favour with fans who appreciated their earlier work?
  • yngwie malmsteen? Discuss.

    Do you feel Metallica has seriously fallen out of favour with fans who appreciated their earlier work?

    YW: Great player.Total douchebag.

    'Tallica: Yes, but it's not their fault that the older fans can't except the band success since the early 90s. EVERY band has a style change once they've hit it big and fans will always want to hear that 1st record over and over. If the hardcore '80s fans can't grow with the band, then to bad. Life isn't about staying in the same spot that you began.
  • why do u have a 6 cyl mustang like a girl, and mine has 8?

    am i more of a man then you?
  • Kathy, I'm not even gonna peek at your posts, let alone answer them.

    gtfo my thread.
  • the rules are to answer every single question truthfully.

    so if u dont comply, gtfo of this site!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    'Tallica: Yes, but it's not their fault that the older fans can't except the band success since the early 90s. EVERY band has a style change once they've hit it big and fans will always want to hear that 1st record over and over. If the hardcore '80s fans can't grow with the band, then to bad. Life isn't about staying in the same spot that you began.

    IMO it is completely their fault. No one hates them because they're successful, everyone hates them because they haven't released a good album since ...And Justice For All. The Black Album was decent at best, and everything after has been complete garbage. Especially these last two. I don't even know what they were thinking.

    Anyways, back on topic.

    How long have you been playing poker?

    What originally got you interested in poker?

    If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
  • lol @ fed quoting rules of the site to anyone. How's that preggers gf you made up doing?

    Back to topic:

    Olympic event you're least likely to watch?

    Event your wife is most likely to say "tough shit, I put up with your stupid poker buddies all the time, you're watching this buddy"?

    How many nanoseconds before you comply and sit dutifully beside her feigning anger but actually enjoying every second?

    You are given the opportunity to create your own winter olympic sport, but it has to be a combination of two or more sports. What is it?
  • epic_donk wrote: »
    the rules are to answer every single question truthfully.

    so if u dont comply, gtfo of this site!

    As JohnnieH said, he has you on ignore and since he can't see your question he doesn't have to answer it! So quit being your normal douchbag self and go look after your family...

    You sure aren't trying to reform or make friends at all are you...
  • compuease wrote: »
    As JohnnieH said, he has you on ignore and since he can't see your question he doesn't have to answer it! So quit being your normal douchbag self and go look after your family...

    You sure aren't trying to reform or make friends at all are you...

    he doesnt have me on ignore, he just refuses to answer my questions...

    I'm not here to make friends, im here for *some* math aquiring skills in my destiny to become the greatest of all time. Well that, and to hook up with kristy. :D

    on with the thread.
  • Over/under on the # of weeks before a majority of "regulars" have Käthy on "ignore"?
  • derrickone wrote: »
    IMO it is completely their fault. No one hates them because they're successful, everyone hates them because they haven't released a good album since ...And Justice For All. The Black Album was decent at best, and everything after has been complete garbage. Especially these last two. I don't even know what they were thinking.

    Anyways, back on topic.

    How long have you been playing poker?

    What originally got you interested in poker?

    If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?

    IMO, only St.Anger is garbage. The others are just a different style.

    ANYWAY, I've been playing poker reguarly since the boom back in '04, although I used to play Stud and 5 card draw for pennies back in high school.

    I've always like 'bar' games like pool and darts. Poker seemed to be just as bad-ass :)

    For a super power, I'd like to have Jedi mind powers.
  • If you had Jedi mind powers, what funny animal would you make KAthy behave like?

    Would you ever let him stop?

    What about Kristy?

    So, how much do I have to throw in the jar for that last question?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    lol @ fed quoting rules of the site to anyone. How's that preggers gf you made up doing?

    Back to topic:

    Olympic event you're least likely to watch?

    Event your wife is most likely to say "tough shit, I put up with your stupid poker buddies all the time, you're watching this buddy"?

    How many nanoseconds before you comply and sit dutifully beside her feigning anger but actually enjoying every second?

    You are given the opportunity to create your own winter olympic sport, but it has to be a combination of two or more sports. What is it?

    -Least likely to watch. Biathlon and Figure skating.

    -The wife isn't really a sports fan, and we would probably watch the same events, anyhow. Anyways, I hold the remote :)

    -See above.

    -Combined sport? Target shooting and figure skating :D
  • Milo wrote: »
    Over/under on the # of weeks before a majority of "regulars" have Käthy on "ignore"?

    I thought the majority of us already did?
  • Milo wrote: »
    If you had Jedi mind powers, what funny animal would you make KAthy behave like?

    Would you ever let him stop?

    What about Kristy?

    So, how much do I have to throw in the jar for that last question?

    -A decent human being.


    -I don't think Jedi mind powers would work on Kristy :)

    -Zero since you gave me 50% of your beer supply today.
  • Correction, you earned that beer. I heard about it on the way home, too. But in a good natured way . . .

    How did you do in the Cash Game?
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