Question Week: Schabs



  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Favorite movie of all time?

    Favorite tv show?

    Where did you get the handle Schabs from?

    In the Edmonton area, have you played at many -home games?
    -underground clubs?
    How are the games there?

    Fav movie: Dumb/Dumber, Happy Gilmour, Billy Madison, Super Troopers.

    Fav TV show: Right now I'd say Criminal Minds, I even watch The Biggest Loser

    schabs is my nickname from high school, my last name is schabert.
    btw, its pronounced shea-bs, NOT like scabs if anyone was wondering.

    A few home games here and there. Played at every casino in Edmonton except one. The games here usually get pretty loosey goosey, lot of people throwing money around. Not uncommon to see multiple stacks of $1000 or more in a 1-2 NLHE game. I remember I saw 1 guy at Yellowhead casino with $4500 infront of him in a 1-2 game. 60 hr session.

    Definately alot of money gets thrown around the casinos here, even ask T8.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I did, she responded as expected, let it lie folks.

    Schabs, ever played Banff?

    What is the best "name" course you have played?

    IF you had to give up one of the following for the rest of your life, which would you choose: Please provide a detailed explanation.
    a) booze
    b) women
    c) meat.

    You are all on notice, this will be my first question every week, assuming I do not forget.

    No, I have never played in Banff, would like to though.

    There's a little course just outside of town called JR's not really a great name, but if you wanted to golf and get drunk for cheap you could.

    $6 for 9 holes $12 for 18. I think it was $10 for a cart and if you brought a 2 for 1 coupon that just sweetened the deal. Stick a cooler full of beers in the back and have a shitshow of a time playing a round. I became an expert at teeing off an empty beer can

    Meat, I could live without meat. Women you can't live with them, can't live without them, and booze...well..... yeah. :)
  • schabs wrote: »

    Meat, I could live without meat. Women you can't live with them, can't live without them, and booze...well..... yeah. :)

    ~Tell us honestly, the argument that you can give up meat and still eat women was the first thing to come to mind, yes? ;)
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~Tell us honestly, the argument that you can give up meat and still eat women was the first thing to come to mind, yes? ;)

    When's your week, again? :D

    Seriously, oral . . . you first, or are you a gentleman?
  • compuease wrote: »

    Do you have any pets?

    If not and ever plan on it, what sort of pet are you likely to get and why...
    (Porn star pets not included)

    I dont have any pets at the moment, gf and I are planning to get a kitten. Cats are nice, I mean I used to have a dog when Iwas 6 had to put her down a few years back, cats clean up after themselves....I don't know just enjoy cats at this point.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    -Schabs, do you think it is logical that Compuease called me out for being OT itt and then did not respond when I show him that he's guilty of the same thing?

    Specifically:Twice now he's posted statements itt, about how we shouldn't post statements itt.

    -Do you believe that he believes he will ever have any effect on what I post, other than possibly abusing mod powers to literally change them? (Which I will, of course, change back + about 50 porn pics and f-bombs.)

    Real Questions:

    -Are you a good dancer?
    -It seemed like you had it pretty good at home, why did you decide to move out?
    -do you rent or own?
    -What is the best thing about being out on your own?
    -What is the worst?
    -Can you take and post a picture of your bathroom and/or the inside of your fridge?
    -boxers or briefs?

    Depends on what kind of dancing, I'm a decent two-steppers, anybody can grind, I can sort of waltz.

    Time to move on in my life, not have others dictate how things run in my OWN life. Most of all see how things go with the gf.

    We own the place.

    Best thing about being on your own, no one really tells you what to do, and you can do whatever, whenever you want. :)

    Worst is cooking and cleaning, I feel like I do alot of that everyday. Thats just life though.

    My bathroom is clean, I scrubbed it down yesterday. Fridge is nothing exciting gf is a health nut so i'm on limited junk food.

    Boxers everyday, sometimes commando.
  • Walleye wrote: »
    If you have $500 in front of you in a cash game and someone is shoving literally every hand and has you covered, you are the last to act, what is the minimum hand you need to call?

    Probably 10s + and AQ +
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~Tell us honestly, the argument that you can give up meat and still eat women was the first thing to come to mind, yes? ;)

    I can GIVE UP meat, but can't GIVE UP women lol. I mean like I could probably drop meat tomorrow. That's how easy it could be for me. Women are another story....
  • Milo wrote: »
    When's your week, again? :D

    Seriously, oral . . . you first, or are you a gentleman?

    Honestly, I like to get there first and do the deed, I'm usually a generous guy so therefore I feel the need to set the bar high.
  • schabs wrote: »
    probably 10s + and aq +

  • Speaking of which . . .

    Scale of 1(tight) to 10(loose), how do you rate yourself?
    How do you think others rate you?

    Scale of 1(passive) to 10(aggro), how do you rate yourself?
    How do you think others rate you?

    This assumes you play waith a group of regulars, of course.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Speaking of which . . .

    Scale of 1(tight) to 10(loose), how do you rate yourself?
    How do you think others rate you?

    Scale of 1(passive) to 10(aggro), how do you rate yourself?
    How do you think others rate you?

    This assumes you play waith a group of regulars, of course.

    In cash games, I'd rate myself an 8. I think others would rate me higher becuz I play a high volume of hands.

    In tournaments, I'm a nit so probably 3. Regulars I play with know I'm a TAG player but at the same time can pull off a bluff when not expected.

    I consider myself fairly aggressive in cash games, I'd go with an 7.

    In tournaments, not as aggressive probably a 5 for tourney aggression.

    I play with alot of the same people which has its pros and cons.
  • O/U on Canada's Gold Medal haul at the Olympics?

    O/U on Canada's Medal total at the Olympics?
  • Milo wrote: »
    O/U on Canada's Gold Medal haul at the Olympics?

    O/U on Canada's Medal total at the Olympics?

    12 Gold

    40 medals overall....just a guess
  • 1. what do you think is the kindest thing you've ever done for someone without being asked?
    2. Valentines is coming, named your 3 favourite Romance movies
    3. tell us about some famous people you've met
  • [threadjack]

    tl;dr but in response to the birth control argument:

    NuvaRing®: once a month birth control, effective contraception for women

    "We" highly recommend it.

    (My apologies if it was already mentioned)

    If you're too lazy to follow the link, it's basically the same hormones found in the pill, but comes in the form of a vaginal suppository that she inserts/removes once a month. Surprisingly, it doesn't really get in the way during intercourse (at least not often, and when it does, you just move it and/or put it back in). And the hormones are released much more gradually, so less risk of blood clots and other side effects of the pill and other hormone-based contraceptive techniques.


    I'll come up with some schabs questions after I've read what's been asked/answered.
  • From Ella Enchanted . . .
    "Now . . . don't start that again . . ." ;-)
  • I'll be going to Edmonton for a friend's wedding at the end of May this year. Along these lines:
    1) You already said you have no immediate plans for getting married. Nevertheless, what is your ideal bachelor party?
    2) Any strange/funny wedding stories?
    3) Any recommendations for family activities in Edmonton (I'll be going with my wife and 2 kids under 5)
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. what do you think is the kindest thing you've ever done for someone without being asked?
    2. Valentines is coming, named your 3 favourite Romance movies
    3. tell us about some famous people you've met

    Probably when I was growing up we lived beside an elderly lady who lived alone. My brother and I would shovel her driveway and sidewalk, pick her weeds and mow her lawn pending on what season it was without her asking us. Just became something we always had to do.

    3 Fav romance movies would be: Notebook, Ghost, and Titanic

    Haven't really met many famous wise acouple years back, I met Hellmuth shook his hand, and Clonie Gowin as well.
  • Ineedanick wrote: »
    I'll be going to Edmonton for a friend's wedding at the end of May this year. Along these lines:
    1) You already said you have no immediate plans for getting married. Nevertheless, what is your ideal bachelor party?
    2) Any strange/funny wedding stories?
    3) Any recommendations for family activities in Edmonton (I'll be going with my wife and 2 kids under 5)

    My ideal bachelor party, I'm thinkin vegas for a weekend with 10 close buddies, reminiscient to Hangover, lol maybe with a few qwerks.

    Not really strange, just alot of drinking you see a different side of people at a wedding, can't explain it.

    West Ed waterpark, great for kids, Galaxyland, if your pockets are deep stay acouple nights in Fantasyland Hotel, took the gf there a few years back cost me $450 for the night.

    If your into museum, and past history hit up Fort Edmonton Park, Edmonton Space and Science Centre. Might be some baseball on by then as well.
  • Why did the city of Edmonton build the International Airport so far away from the city limits? It's insane how far away they built it. It's really more like the Leduc International Airport.
  • I don't know but the trek does suck not gonna lie usually takes me atleast 45 min to get there.
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