Question Week: Schabs



  • In order left to right, please rank the below in order of not hot (5) and hot (1).

  • all dudes^^^^^^^^^^
  • Milo wrote: »
    Why do you have to buy a kitten?

    Gf and I were going to buy a kitten, whoever lost the bet has to pay for it.
  • Milo wrote: »
    What is your biggest regret in life?

    What is your biggest satisfaction?

    If you could change one aspect of your life, what would it be, and why?

    Biggest regret would be not going to university, kind of just winging it from job to job, but now I have a full time job and only going to school 1-2 weeks at a time per year.

    Biggest satisfaction would be being able to travel basically anywhere and anytime without money being a factor.

    I would change the way I approach things, I'm pretty free flowing and no big deal type of person, I think if I cared more about things I wouldn't let things pass by the wayside so easily.
  • compuease wrote: »
    What other forums do you like and participate in?

    Tell us a little about your family.. Or at least as much as you're comfortable with.

    As far as poker goes this is the only one I actively participate in on a daily basis, which is surprising.

    I'm the oldest out my brother and I hes 20. My dad left my mom when I was 15. Don't really see the guy anymore at all nor would I like to. Moms pushing retirement soon one of these days or years...she never stops working. Brother is 20 and hes apprentice carpenter.
  • wetts1012 wrote: »
    in order left to right, please rank the below in order of not hot (5) and hot (1).


    2 3 4 1 5
  • Now that we know your preferences in Thaiboys, what other peccadilloes are you hiding from us?

    What international city would you most like to visit?

    How much do you think a decent hooker might cost there?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Now that we know your preferences in Thaiboys, what other peccadilloes are you hiding from us?

    What international city would you most like to visit?

    How much do you think a decent hooker might cost there?

    Haha not hiding anything, lol.

    Probably Melbourne, or London.

    Honestly, I had no idea maybe $200 lol
  • schabs wrote: »
    7. Straight pill I'd say is the simplest. Pill is so small and it's once a day. Beats buying condoms, or taking shots every couple months. What do you think Kristy?
    schabs wrote: »
    Kristy theres no way I would date or even marry someone who uses one of these, too many things could go wrong and anything thats going in there and sitting there for a period of time thats NOT a penis or a toy is alittle disturbing.
    Milo wrote: »
    And jeez, I was not expecting so reasoned an answer to the IUD thingy . . . colour me impressed.
    Milo wrote: »
    I implied nothing about your choice.

    Oh really? I was asked, I answered and then got not only a stupid, uninformed and insulting answer, but your "+1"

    Very strong negative implications.

    Milo wrote: »
    Your anecdotal assertion of it's ease of use and general wonderfullness is no better than the anecdotal experience of my wife, which is much different from yours. Not that it is any of your business but hers has become dislodged on more than one occasion, among other issues.

    Yes, my evidence IS better..because I was the only one that was ASKED about it. You want to chyme in..start a birth control thread.

    You don't have the slightest idea what you are doing with women. You pander to them needlessly. And even cancelled a night out for a 14 year olds cramps, when 1 tylenol and MAYYYYBE a heating pad, would've done the job..Srsly, every woman ever has had to deal with cramps, they are not that bad, never hurt for more than a few seconds, and more women take advantage of the men around them by whining.

    It is a disgusting habit to foster in your daughter and you are clueless when it comes to women's health.

    Lastly, and this is neither a shot at your wife's sexual awarness or suggesting she must have a large vagina, it is simply the truth.

    She AND you should be able to feel it, so if 'several' became dislodged you would know, (this has never happened with me) and your Dr. is also an idiot, and fyl if you two didn't notice.
    Milo wrote: »
    I do not know why I expect anything different from you after all these years but, Kristy, you ARE wrong this time. Not necessarily about the IUD, but in your total lack of self-awareness in being able to see when you overstep the bounds of civility. Sadly, turning into an attack dog the moment anyone disagrees with you is still Option A in your playbook. Fine.

    Lol, you +1 that offensive Schabs statement, and then jump down my throat TWICE..and I'm uncivil all on my own.

    Seriously, nobody reading this is really THAT stupid..are they?
    Milo wrote: »
    I will say no more on this particular subject.

    Sorry for the distraction Schabs . . .

    No you're not 'sorry' you created it entirely and fostered it.
  • Kristy, please take this "discussion" between yourself and Milo either offline or to its own thread. Milo already stated he was done with it here and it's not fair to Schabs to sidetrack his week.
    Maybe start a thread re contraceptives and their merits, etc? lol, I don't have to worry about that anymore...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Kristy, please take this "discussion" between yourself and Milo either offline or to its own thread. Milo already stated he was done with it here and it's not fair to Schabs to sidetrack his week.

    Although it may get help get the over of 100 posts.

    Schabs, do you golf?

    If so to what degree in terms of skill and addiction?

    What is the supply/demand situation of golf in Edmonton?
  • Go to Eskies games much?

    If so, what is the atmosphere like?
  • Name your poison: Beer or booze?

    Got a special fave? Lets hear about it . . .
  • Although it may get help get the over of 100 posts.

    Schabs, do you golf?

    If so to what degree in terms of skill and addiction?

    What is the supply/demand situation of golf in Edmonton?

    Yes I golf as much as I can, typically shoot mid to low 80s. As far as addiction to golf yes I love it, not to the point where I go everyday. Usually golfing theres a lot of drinking involved too....bad habits.

    The courses are always full around here Edmonton and area its tough sometimes to get a tee time. I had to call acouple weeks ahead of time to get a time at my fav course. Two weeks is pretty far in advance to get a tee time around here.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Go to Eskies games much?

    If so, what is the atmosphere like?

    Well, last year I think I went to 1 out of the 9 home games, stupid schedulers had the majority of the home games on a thursday night. seesh. This year is better I heard alot more fri and sat night games which is good i'll be able to make it out there.

    My parents had seasons tickets since I was about 10, so I've seen alot of things I probably shouldn't have. Fair share of brawls in the stands usually at stamps or rider games. I can't recall what year it was but a person fell off the 2nd deck into the lowerbowl right behind us, that was quite frightening fortunately they were okay. Just a lot of heckling by die hard fans which is typical of any sporting event. Now that I'm older I end up going with a handful of friends and usually get quite belligerant thru the game.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Name your poison: Beer or booze?

    Got a special fave? Lets hear about it . . .

    Unfortunately, I do ALOT of drinking umm as far as beer goes I'll drink anything under sun EXCEPT TNT. My friends and I fluently play beerpong and beersbee which gets quite sloppy in a hurry.

    As far as the hard stuff, started drinking vodka straight in the high school years and got sick off of it, don't really touch it much anymore cept for ceasars and like vodka 7up. Spiced rum is a big hit with me right now, spiced and Dr P, gingerale, or rootbeer is good too.

    A buddy of mine introduced me to "burt reynolds" which is butter ripple schnapps and spiced rum in a shot, delicious. Had my fair share of jaggerbombs as well. Couple years ago was on a double date at boston pizza, my buddies gf took the team pitcher we were drinking out of and stuck it in her handbag. Now we fill that think up with a 40 of our favourite drank, sit in the hot tub and 3 or 4 of us polish that thing off quite quickly.

    As you can see i'm a regular boozer....
  • Top 5 hilarious drinking stories. Please include any that start with "I woke up in a dumpster outside KFC" and any that end with "when I came to, I was lying next to three midgets, two llamas and the lead singer of Aqua"
  • PLO or NLHE?

    Calloway or Taylor Made?

    DuMaurier or Players?

    Rye or Tekillya?

    Brady or Manning?
  • Favorite movie of all time?

    Favorite tv show?

    Where did you get the handle Schabs from?

    In the Edmonton area, have you played at many -home games?
    -underground clubs?
    How are the games there?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Kristy, please take this "discussion" between yourself and Milo either offline or to its own thread. Milo already stated he was done with it here and it's not fair to Schabs to sidetrack his week.
    Maybe start a thread re contraceptives and their merits, etc? lol, I don't have to worry about that anymore...

    Oh well I'm glad he got to say when he was 'done' and I wasn't presented the opportunity respond to something very much directed at me.

    If he has responded or does respond again, I will most certainly continue.
  • So why don't you try that in a PM?
  • I did, she responded as expected, let it lie folks.

    Schabs, ever played Banff?

    What is the best "name" course you have played?

    IF you had to give up one of the following for the rest of your life, which would you choose: Please provide a detailed explanation.
    a) booze
    b) women
    c) meat.

    You are all on notice, this will be my first question every week, assuming I do not forget.
  • So why don't you try that in a PM?

    Great question! Let's let Jeff/Compuease start by answering why he didn't?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Great question! Let's let Jeff/Compuease start by answering why he didn't?
    Kristy **** up and let it drop here... PM me if you want to continue..
  • Schabs...

    Do you have any pets?

    If not and ever plan on it, what sort of pet are you likely to get and why...
    (Porn star pets not included)
  • compuease wrote: »

    Do you have any pets?

    If not and ever plan on it, what sort of pet are you likely to get and why...
    (Porn star pets not included)

    Comp, if you can put a leash on it, it's a pet. At least that's what Mrs. Cerberus tells me...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Kristy **** up and let it drop here... PM me if you want to continue..

    -Schabs, do you think it is logical that Compuease called me out for being OT itt and then did not respond when I show him that he's guilty of the same thing?

    Specifically:Twice now he's posted statements itt, about how we shouldn't post statements itt.

    -Do you believe that he believes he will ever have any effect on what I post, other than possibly abusing mod powers to literally change them? (Which I will, of course, change back + about 50 porn pics and f-bombs.)

    Real Questions:

    -Are you a good dancer?
    -It seemed like you had it pretty good at home, why did you decide to move out?
    -do you rent or own?
    -What is the best thing about being out on your own?
    -What is the worst?
    -Can you take and post a picture of your bathroom and/or the inside of your fridge?
    -boxers or briefs?
  • If you have $500 in front of you in a cash game and someone is shoving literally every hand and has you covered, you are the last to act, what is the minimum hand you need to call?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Top 5 hilarious drinking stories. Please include any that start with "I woke up in a dumpster outside KFC" and any that end with "when I came to, I was lying next to three midgets, two llamas and the lead singer of Aqua"

    Fuck, top 5 stories you might have to wait til Wednesday if I have time for that.
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    PLO or NLHE?

    Calloway or Taylor Made?

    DuMaurier or Players?

    Rye or Tekillya?

    Brady or Manning?

    Make better $$ at PLO cash, so PLO
    Taylor Made
    Neither, I occasionally smoke cigars
    Rye fo sho good ole RnR
    Manning, please.
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