Question Week: (whoa boy!) Kristy_Sea



  • Can I get a special exemption from the 3-6 month rule?

  • Over/under on how long your favourite little troll stays "retired"?

    Do you miss him already?

    Do you think he would make an Ali-like return to the Forum if you posted newds?

    Do you think he would stay away if Hobbes posted newds?

    Have you figured out what you had planned for Friday night yet?

    Are these "plans" really just a ploy to avoid the incredible silliness that is bound to leap (unbidden) from my Vodka soaked psyche that night?
  • Who... who do you think you are?

    What?! What... gives you the right?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I'm moving to Duluth MN because Walleye needs to be there for work, and I don't need to be here.

    1. Don't your kids need you here?
    2. How can you just pick up and leave them?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Over/under on how long your favourite little troll stays "retired"?

    Do you miss him already?

    Do you think he would make an Ali-like return to the Forum if you posted newds?

    Do you think he would stay away if Hobbes posted newds?

    Have you figured out what you had planned for Friday night yet?

    Are these "plans" really just a ploy to avoid the incredible silliness that is bound to leap (unbidden) from my Vodka soaked psyche that night?

    1. I only glanced at the thread, but I think he said he was going to lurk..which means he's not fully retired.

    2. No.

    3. We'll never know.


    5. Oh man, I really hate this feeling that I'm forgetting something.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Who... who do you think you are?

    What?! What... gives you the right?


    2. YouTube - Platypus Genome: by Nature Video
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    2. Morning Person
    3. Wow, sick memory skillz!
    4. Salt and Vinegar rice crisps..they'll burn the skin off your tongue!

    Best. Answer. Post. EVER!
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. Don't your kids need you here?
    2. How can you just pick up and leave them?

    Your tone and the suggestion that I'm just leaving are unfair.

    1. My ex is an over-bearing jerk who won't let me be involved in my kid's life in any significant way. He uses access as an excuse to harass me and every weekend there is something to "deal with" that he feels he must phone/e-mail/"discuss." He cancels my weekends, does things like sending an e-mail at 11pm the night before telling me that if I don't call him before 6:00am I won't be able to meet them for pick up.
    He even hassles my young son to the point where when he comes, he's afraid to have fun or do the things he's allowed to do in my home because "my Dad wouldn't like it"

    For example the last thing "Dad said we can't do": We've always had "Seven Choices" at bedtime, which he usually uses to read 2 stories and have me sing 5 songs while I rub his back and he falls asleep.

    When not a device to harass me or power trip; he dumps Bronson on either his new wife, or his mother. Both are competent. I can't change this, I've tried.

    2. At the end of divorce when it became clear that he was going to have more custody, I was offered a decent job in Alberta. I seriously considered it and so put appropriate clauses in our custody arrangement, should I leave the province for work. As my ex viewed it as a 'long shot' he didn't fight it so much, and the result is that if I leave the province I actually get nearly double the time with my kids and I have open access to them whenever I come back to Ontario. I plan to do this in March, May, July to pick them up, August to drop them off, October and December. Then add in the fact that I have set them both up with Video calling (which I also wrote into the custody agreement), and have already planned a years worth of care packages and surprises and my involvement in their lives is much more than it could ever be here. He has no access written in during my time with the children and cannot harass any of us.
  • Do you watch soap operas? besides on here of course:D
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Your tone and the suggestion that I'm just leaving are unfair.

    I am sorry if I hurt you. It was a combination of hearing you talk about your kids earlier and then your answer of "I don't need to be here" that raised my eyebrows. Your ex's attitude is shitty and he doesn't deserve to be the prime caregiver IMO. As a Father myself, reading stories like this raise my blood pressure. How anyone can treat their own kids and the other parent of the kids like he does makes me steam.

    On a lighter note...

    1. when flopping a disguised set OOP, do you lead out or check raise?
    2. have you ever lost your temper at a table and what happened?
    3. when was the last time you won something other than money at poker and what was it?
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Do you watch soap operas? besides on here of course:D

    No, in complete contrast with my taste in books, I generally prefer educational TV.

    Some exceptions are:

    I tend to watch these in clusters, I'll miss 5 or 6 episodes and then when I've got a lazy afternoon I'll catch up. Sometimes I go several weeks without turning the television on.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    On a lighter note...

    1. when flopping a disguised set OOP, do you lead out or check raise?
    2. have you ever lost your temper at a table and what happened?
    3. when was the last time you won something other than money at poker and what was it?

    1. I lead out at nearly everything, check-raising is for pushing bad players off of hands.

    2. Yes, epically. There is a thread about it somewhere, I will find later and bump for you.

    3. I don't really play many 'prize' tourneys..I won some poker gear from Graham once. I forget why/how.
    Pete, Ryan and I gamble for titles all the time and Pete and I have a trophy that is on the line as a last longer whenever we are in the same tourney:

    We call it "The Nuts Award"

  • If I were to set the over/under on each of the rest of these Q and A's weekly particpants at 100 posts, how many would you bet the over on?

    Eminem or Jay Z?

    Woke up, fell out of bed
    Dragged a comb across my head
    Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
    And looking up, I noticed I was late
    Found my coat and grabbed my hat
    Made the bus in seconds flat
    Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
    Somebody spoke and I went into a dream


    The moment I wake up
    Before I put on my makeup
    I say a little prayer for you
    While combing my hair, now,
    And wondering what dress to wear, now,
    I say a little prayer for you
  • Is American $$$ easier to deal with now that they are finally starting to "colourize" it?

    Speaking of $$$ I will pay $$$ for a replica of that trophy. It will drive the Missus insane (was going to say nutz, but, y'know . . .). She HATES Squirrels.

    Whatcha doing tomorrow night?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Is American $$$ easier to deal with now that they are finally starting to "colourize" it?


    lol@ people thinking American money was ever hard to deal with.
  • If I were to set the over/under on each of the rest of these Q and A's weekly particpants at 100 posts, how many would you bet the over on?

    Eminem or Jay Z?

    Woke up, fell out of bed
    Dragged a comb across my head
    Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
    And looking up, I noticed I was late
    Found my coat and grabbed my hat
    Made the bus in seconds flat
    Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
    Somebody spoke and I went into a dream


    The moment I wake up
    Before I put on my makeup
    I say a little prayer for you
    While combing my hair, now,
    And wondering what dress to wear, now,
    I say a little prayer for you

    1. Under
    2. eminem
    3. Forever, forever, you'll stay in my heart
  • If I up the offer of large men visiting your ex to include video taping of the "fun" he has, including turning them into epic gifs, do I get to arrange my own visitation rights with him?

    Favourite episode of Glee?

    Favourite moment of Glee?

    Cactus Jack, Mankind or Dude Love:

    Who wins in a fight?

    Which one do you want to have jump your bones?

    Would you consider a threesome with them incest or multiple personality disorder gone extremely fun?
  • Walleye wrote: »
    lol@ people thinking American money was ever hard to deal with.

    easier . . . as in, on the eyes. US Currency is boring as hell. Who still uses $1.00 paper money, outside of Milton-Bradley?

    What are you making Ryan for dinner tonight? Or vice versa . . .

    Will he be grabbing a burger later to compensate? :D
  • Milo wrote: »
    Is American $$$ easier to deal with now that they are finally starting to "colourize" it?

    Speaking of $$$ I will pay $$$ for a replica of that trophy. It will drive the Missus insane (was going to say nutz, but, y'know . . .). She HATES Squirrels.

    Whatcha doing tomorrow night?

    1. Who uses cash anymore? (Yes, the Canadian-ification of American money by adding coloUr IS much easier)
    2. It was $7 from Zeller's originally.
    3. 60/40 on 'getting drunk and typing incoherent answers to your incoherent questions.'
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    If I up the offer of large men visiting your ex to include video taping of the "fun" he has, including turning them into epic gifs, do I get to arrange my own visitation rights with him?

    Favourite episode of Glee?

    Favourite moment of Glee?

    Cactus Jack, Mankind or Dude Love:

    Who wins in a fight?

    Which one do you want to have jump your bones?

    Would you consider a threesome with them incest or multiple personality disorder gone extremely fun?

    1. lolirl4realz
    2. 4, Kurts dad is awesome.
    3. When they sing Push it, from the beginning of the song at the assembly to the second of silence before Jacob jumps up and screams "YESS!"

    Everyone's expressions and actions are completely amazing.

    YouTube - Glee - Push It Video

    Rachel singing "Don't rain on my parade"
  • Milo wrote: »
    easier . . . as in, on the eyes. US Currency is boring as hell. Who still uses $1.00 paper money, outside of Milton-Bradley?

    ? :D

    <<<<<<<<<< this guy
  • tl;dr

    having lived in the US, it is sooooooo much better having paper dollars than coins
  • Milo wrote: »
    easier . . . as in, on the eyes. US Currency is boring as hell. Who still uses $1.00 paper money, outside of Milton-Bradley?

    What are you making Ryan for dinner tonight? Or vice versa . . .

    Will he be grabbing a burger later to compensate? :D

    1. Ryan gave me $4 american the other day to grab coffee..I kinda liked the bills, they were fun.

    2. I was going to make cheese tortellini tossed in a basil pesto with a mix of sauteed peppers and spinach...but then we stopped at the grocery store and pizza was on sale. He's having pepperoni, I'm having 4 cheese/spinach.

    3. He'll likely have Chunky's clam chowder later..he loves that stuff.
  • You should be feeding him more pineapple.

    *EDIT* Oops, I didn't phrase that as a question. OK, Jeopardy time. That's the answer. What's the question?
  • iNano78 wrote: »
    You should be feeding him more pineapple.

    *EDIT* Oops, I didn't phrase that as a question. OK, Jeopardy time. That's the answer. What's the question?

    I'll make it a true daily double Alex.
    1. How can I make his semen taste better?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I'll make it a true daily double Alex.
    1. How can I make his semen taste better?

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I'll make it a true daily double Alex.
    1. How can I make his semen taste better?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Cactus Jack, Mankind or Dude Love:

    Who wins in a fight?

    Which one do you want to have jump your bones?

    Would you consider a threesome with them incest or multiple personality disorder gone extremely fun?

    1. I tried in vain to find an angle in which Mankind would win, but failed. Cactus Jack ainec.

    2. I'll be the first girl in history to make use of a sock for cumming purposes.

    3. Its a gangbang, not a threesome and I can't imagine a loving and wise God having a problem with that.

    They are making the movie of your life. Your job is to place Actors into the following roles. Who plays:

    Kristy_Sea: Single Mom, owner of a Diner. she's thinking of changing the menu to all Vegan, but hinks the logo for Kristy's Kale and Kiwi shack might be problematic.

    Detective Wally Duluth: He loves Kristy, but suspects she might be involved in the death of her ex. He allegedly killed himself by jumping in front of a bus . . . from his 8th floor balcony.

    The Dirty Whore: No name for this part, she is the town tramp, but one of Kristy's best friends.

    Mario: The only person seen in the company of said whore. It's almost like they are married . . .

    Scoops: The town's media mogul. He is trying to close down Kristy's restaurant. No one knows why, as it is always full.

    The Cerberus Twins: local muscle. these guys claim to be "connected", but no one seems to be quite sure what they are connected to . . . And, why are there only two of them?

    All this in our new daytime movie of the week: As the Forum, and my tummy Churns
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