Question Week: (whoa boy!) Kristy_Sea

1. have you hired a stenographer for this week?
2. using a percentage, how much will relate to questions about sex?
3. how long have you been playing poker and do you generally cash or not?
4. oral sex, intercourse or self stimulation, what gets you off the hardest?
5. have you ever been charged with a crime and what was it?


  • Would you get upset if we all agreed not to ask you any questions for a couple of days, just to see the reaction?

    Thread stickied..... although I can't believe it's necessary... game on!
  • compuease wrote: »
    Would you get upset if we all agreed not to ask you any questions for a couple of days, just to see the reaction?

    Thread stickied..... although I can't believe it's necessary... game on!

    Oh my god that would be funny! The longest buildup to a nuclear event ever witnessed by humanity!
  • Hi there!

    Can you explain the Sorel Mizzi / Kristy_Sea link?

    Honestly, Length or Girth?

    You seem to have binked a couple big MTT scores back in the day, why are you grinding $4.40's?

    Using only pictures, can you describe what you did today?
  • Now, just to make this interesting:

    • Do we have to wait until midnight? Or are we going with a Monday start in this?
    • If Monday is it...what's the over/under on how many questions get posted before midnight?
    • Will Kristy make evvvvvveryone wait until Monday to respond to this thread whatsoever? Which would be funny from a patience standpoint.
    • Will Scoops get a call from the internet police, because this thread gets out of hand?
  • Who will be the first poster to take this thread off-topic?

    What sort of stimulants, energy drinks will you use to keep up with this thread?

    Do you think this thread will reach 500 posts?

    Do you think this will happen before Tuesday?

    Will you be crushed if your post total does not exceed the current maximum before Wednesday?

    Have you had sex today?

    Are you having sex while responding to my questions?
    (Please answer this veerrrrrrrrry slowly . . .)

    I am told you have a three month supply of batteries at home. Is this because you believe in preparing for disasters, or are there other reasons?
    Please list any non-disaster related battery needs.
  • Standard question for this forum -- do you play poker?

    If yes, what limits and how many hours and hands a month on average.
  • Are you attracted to me?

    are we ever going to go for a beer?

    What is your greatest cash online? live?

    I havent even touched the .txt document i have cooked rp, so brace yourself.

    This should be great.
  • Just to make things interesting, would you consider putting Fed on ignore, and allowing us to interpret his questions and still have you respond to them? 'Blind' as it were.

    When will Fed hit the point where, even you can't be bothered to respond to his posts?

    Will that be the end of Fed?
  • What's the largest number of men you've had tied to your bed (or other assorted furniture) at one time? Largest number of women?

    When was the last time you checked Mark's food/water dish near his cage in your basement?

    Over/Under on number of posts before someone requests newdz?

    What is the one thing you love the most about yourself?

    What is the one thing you hate the most about yourself?
  • Can we have newdz?

    Can we have newdz of you and not Mark? (I know you were going to do it!)
  • Boxers, briefs or commando?

    Stones or Beatles?

    Nirvana or Foo Fighters?

    Bridge or Poker size?

    Brown or white bread?
  • Are you going to let me sleep in, in the morning?

    If so, will there be a sammich made when I wake up?
  • I've heard you say that you don't like flying. Could you explain why?

    What motivated your vegetarianism?

    Who is you all time favourite band?

    What album could you not live without?

    Is there a song that makes you stop whatever you are doing, just to listen?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. have you hired a stenographer for this week?
    2. using a percentage, how much will relate to questions about sex?
    3. how long have you been playing poker and do you generally cash or not?
    4. oral sex, intercourse or self stimulation, what gets you off the hardest?
    5. have you ever been charged with a crime and what was it?

    1. No, I figure if I don't have carpal tunnel yet I can handle this.
    2. 100% (those who don't get off on sex questions, still get a boner from the poker ones)
    3. Oral sex, and though I'd never be prepared to forgo the other is not even close.
    4. I'm a sweet talker and thus have never been charged with a crime, I should have least four times.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Would you get upset if we all agreed not to ask you any questions for a couple of days, just to see the reaction?

    This would've been hilarious, you should've done it.
  • Now that you are awake . . .

    Any kids?


    Gender breakdown?

    Will you let them read this thread? When?

    Are they Vegans like Mom? If not, why not?

    How badly will you feel if you forget to feed Mark while he is chained in the basement this week?

    Not even a little?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Hi there!

    Can you explain the Sorel Mizzi / Kristy_Sea link?

    Honestly, Length or Girth?

    You seem to have binked a couple big MTT scores back in the day, why are you grinding $4.40's?

    Using only pictures, can you describe what you did today?

    1. Sorel and I played a bunch of sngs together on Party wayyyy back in the day. Since he was from Toronto and I Kitchener we ended up chatting and eventually became irl friends. We've mostly lost touch now. If you're referring to the FTOPS he won on my account, that was pre the MAing stuff. His account had been hacked and he had permission to play on mine. He was only playing one account and fulltilt was aware of it. We closed the account after he won to not mess up his player of the year points for something..bluff maybe?

    2. Both are equally important, having sex with a coke can would not be any better than those novelty super-long pencils...believe me, I should know. ;)

    3. This is a tough question to explain. I have a motivation problem. I'm blessed with the disposition that lets me say.. "I've never wanted/needed anything material." I spend most/all the money I win on my friends and family, and really..they don't need anything anymore either. I used to love when my then-husband came home from Toyota and I could say "I made double what you did today...what do you want to buy with it?"

    I assume that others can play thirsting for the win, glory or that the nominal amount.. I played dreaming of what the look on his face would be when he came home and there was a big screen tv waiting..or that squealing happy sound my daughter made whenever she got a new toy that she was thrilled about. Well, kids aren't that expensive to spoil, I'm pretty much done.

    This alone might not have stopped me, or changed much..but for over a year of my divorce, I couldn't play. My ex had the stroke of genius to claim that I was a "gambling addict" and there is only one way to prove that one is not ..since saying to a judge, "Actually I've never used a slot machine, bought a lottery ticket, played casino blackjack in my life" does not hold the same weight that it will with those reading this thread. It was a tough emotional time and after nearly two years in court, I walked from most of the money we had accumulated..which though it was a very significant sum, I was not prepared to fight for.

    I came back because I loved playing, and the 4.40's are a nice combination of playing within my new roll /money I don't care about and can walk away from a tournament when, in my lack of motivation, I decide there is something else I'd rather do..but at $216, it is an ok payout.

    I still pull out 90% of what I make and spend it on my kids.

    4. I read this one too early in the day..

  • Now, just to make this interesting:

    • Do we have to wait until midnight? Or are we going with a Monday start in this?
    • If Monday is it...what's the over/under on how many questions get posted before midnight?
    • Will Kristy make evvvvvveryone wait until Monday to respond to this thread whatsoever? Which would be funny from a patience standpoint.
    • Will Scoops get a call from the internet police, because this thread gets out of hand?

    1. I checked in at 9 last night and didn't see the thread started I watched the Sixth Sense on tv and went to bed.

    2. 60

    3. Yes, apparently.

    4. Nah, I referred them to the compuease 'lil girl' comment in the other thread and they are arranging a Sting with Chris Hansen aorn.

    Watch out Jeff..he cold be hiding anywhere!!!
  • OK, my turn.

    1) Are you a sexual deviant?
    3) Would you let someone fart right on you face for $100.
    4) Would you pay to have sex with someone?
    5) Would you accept money for sex?
    6) Do you know what a dirty sanchez is?
    7) Have you ever gone 3 days without showering/bathing?
    8) Whats the most disgusting/horrifying thing you have eaten?
    9) What one word best describes who you are?
    10) Have you ever soiled yourself?
    11) Have you ever been shit on by a animal?
    12) What's the best compliment you've ever received by a girl/guy?
    13) Have you ever worn your undergarments 2 days in a row?
    14) Have you ever eaten your own vomit?
    15) Would you eat a fresh dead carcass of a animal if you had to?
    16) A fly just flew into your mouth, Spit or swallow?
    17) Spit or swallow? know what I mean
    18) Have you ever been caught masturbating?
    19) What's the biggest personal change you've made?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Who will be the first poster to take this thread off-topic?

    What sort of stimulants, energy drinks will you use to keep up with this thread?

    Do you think this thread will reach 500 posts?

    Do you think this will happen before Tuesday?

    Will you be crushed if your post total does not exceed the current maximum before Wednesday?

    Have you had sex today?

    Are you having sex while responding to my questions?
    (Please answer this veerrrrrrrrry slowly . . .)

    I am told you have a three month supply of batteries at home. Is this because you believe in preparing for disasters, or are there other reasons?
    Please list any non-disaster related battery needs.

    1. Me, I don't know how I can make this thread go off topic..since it is about me..but I still think I'm the front-runner.

    2. I scrubbed and prepped my coffee pot last night..I called the hospital about possibly having an inter venous drip of it..but apparently 911 and I have a different definition of 'emergency' Bastards.

    3. No, I think that when I don't ship teh noodz you'll get bored of me and move on to that hussy DrTyore. He'll take off his pants for anybody.

    4. see above

    5. I'm actually expecting that you guys will chicken out on the really good questions and this thread will die early.

    6. I have not had sex yet today, but I will.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Standard question for this forum -- do you play poker?

    If yes, what limits and how many hours and hands a month on average.

    Right now I play 4.40's ..probably less than 30hrs/month.
    (See tl;dr answer to Wetts q's above for a further explanation)
  • epic_donk wrote: »
    Are you attracted to me?

    are we ever going to go for a beer?

    What is your greatest cash online? live?

    I havent even touched the .txt document i have cooked rp, so brace yourself.

    This should be great.


    2. Sure

    3. After staking % etc I have a near tie for two online tournaments where I got around 11k each. Live the number would be just shy of 5k in a cash game.
  • Carpet match the drapes, or strictly hardwood?

    In honour of Chris Hansen itt.

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    4. Nah, I referred them to the compuease 'lil girl' comment in the other thread and they are arranging a Sting with Chris Hansen aorn.

    Watch out Jeff..he cold be hiding anywhere!!!

    lol, I'm not too worried, I know that you know that I know... :)
  • Just to make things interesting, would you consider putting Fed on ignore, and allowing us to interpret his questions and still have you respond to them? 'Blind' as it were.

    When will Fed hit the point where, even you can't be bothered to respond to his posts?

    Will that be the end of Fed?

    1. I don't ignore people, but that would be fun for someone else to do.
    2. Probably not.
    3. No, he'll go into a tailspin one day and put Scoops in a position where he has no choice but to ban him. I'll miss him when that happens..FREE FUTURE FED!
  • Milo wrote: »
    I am told you have a three month supply of batteries at home. Is this because you believe in preparing for disasters, or are there other reasons?
    Please list any non-disaster related battery needs.

    You forgot one . . . or was it deliberate?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    What's the largest number of men you've had tied to your bed (or other assorted furniture) at one time? Largest number of women?

    When was the last time you checked Mark's food/water dish near his cage in your basement?

    Over/Under on number of posts before someone requests newdz?

    What is the one thing you love the most about yourself?

    What is the one thing you hate the most about yourself?

    1. 1/1

    2. Oh shit! brb...

    3. Going to head the Q off at the pass by saying, until it grows a penis or a tongue.. I don't get naked for teh interwebz.

    4. My ghetto booty :h:

    5. My white-fro
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Can we have newdz?

    Can we have newdz of you and not Mark? (I know you were going to do it!)

    1. Yes. The internet is a wondrous and magical place chock full of naked-goodness.

    2. No, but you can have n00dz of this girl if you want..


    NSFW naked link NSFW
  • SuitedPair wrote: »
    Boxers, briefs or commando?

    Stones or Beatles?

    Nirvana or Foo Fighters?

    Bridge or Poker size?

    Brown or white bread?

    1. On guys, I like boxers. On girls, of the three listed, commando..ez game.
    2. Beatles
    3. Nirvana
    4. Poker
    5. Brown
  • Walleye wrote: »
    Are you going to let me sleep in, in the morning?

    If so, will there be a sammich made when I wake up?

    1. No, I'm going to drop an elbow on you from the dresser..too bad you were sleeping instead of reading this thread so you would know to block.


    2. I'll probably make you some eggs and hashbrowns if you put out.
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