Question Week: (whoa boy!) Kristy_Sea



  • So, are you twice as good a poker player as Walleye since you have two CPF awards to his one?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I've heard you say that you don't like flying. Could you explain why?

    What motivated your vegetarianism?

    Who is you all time favourite band?

    What album could you not live without?

    Is there a song that makes you stop whatever you are doing, just to listen?

    1. The same reason I don't particularly like riding in cars..someone else is in charge of my life.

    2. I've sort of always been one..I went veggie as soon as I was old enough to tell my parents I'd prefer not to eat meat and have them not just think I was trying to get to dessert. (12) I went back to casually eating meat for a couple of my late teen years when I didn't care about anything but myself..and at 19 I made the last jump to vegetarianism and have stayed there since.

    3. Impossible to musical tastes span from old country to new hip hop and cover anything in between that has discernible lyrics. I like a lot for very different reasons.

    If you really want one band..Smashing Pumpkins I I own all of their cd's and cannot make that claim about any other band other than Nirvana and System of a down, neither of which suits as many moods as SP does.

    4. I can't remember the last time I actually listened to an album....I listen to one song at a time on whim.

    5. "What's going on?" 4non blondes was the first that popped to mind, I actually will stop and listen to a TON of songs..and sing along...LOUDLY!
  • Milo wrote: »
    Now that you are awake . . .

    Any kids?


    Gender breakdown?

    Will you let them read this thread? When?

    Are they Vegans like Mom? If not, why not?

    How badly will you feel if you forget to feed Mark while he is chained in the basement this week?

    Not even a little?

    1. 2
    2. 12/6
    3. F/M
    4. yes 18/18
    5. No, that is their choice to make when they're older.
    6. It should've put the lotion on its skin if it wanted food
    7. ^^^
  • Is it wrong that I can clearly picture Mark at the bottom of a dry well, and you at the top lowering a bucket of Nivea Cream?

    If you ever do move away, will you try to find a home for him, or just release him into the wilderness?

    What do you think his chances of tracking you down will be?

    Should we stop with the "Mark" theme already?
  • MarcoGD wrote: »
    OK, my turn.

    1) Are you a sexual deviant?
    3) Would you let someone fart right on you face for $100.
    4) Would you pay to have sex with someone?
    5) Would you accept money for sex?
    6) Do you know what a dirty sanchez is?
    7) Have you ever gone 3 days without showering/bathing?
    8) Whats the most disgusting/horrifying thing you have eaten?
    9) What one word best describes who you are?
    10) Have you ever soiled yourself?
    11) Have you ever been shit on by a animal?
    12) What's the best compliment you've ever received by a girl/guy?
    13) Have you ever worn your undergarments 2 days in a row?
    14) Have you ever eaten your own vomit?
    15) Would you eat a fresh dead carcass of a animal if you had to?
    16) A fly just flew into your mouth, Spit or swallow?
    17) Spit or swallow? know what I mean
    18) Have you ever been caught masturbating?
    19) What's the biggest personal change you've made?

    1. Yes
    2. ?
    3. No
    4/5. Presuming no other attraction, no. I have let guys I enjoy buy me dinner though, and have occasionally done the same. Grey area imo.
    6. Yes
    7. Yes
    8. Semen..think about it.
    9. Versatile
    10. Yes, as an infant. I have a good story about peeing on my sister's bed as a teen.
    11. Yes..several different animals.
    12. Guy: "You are the perfect combination a girlfriend, a best friend and a porn star"
    Girl: My Mom told me last week that I was brilliant. 8)
    13: No, I just throw them out and go commando if I get stuck away from home..women's underwear are too inexpensive to bother sticking them in my purse.
    14. I've puked in my mouth and swallowed.
    15. Sure, if it were for survival..I would have no problem eating meat.
    16. One of the few times that I spit.
    17. ^^^
    18. All the time, ask GW
    19. I changed my life perspective hugely in divorce. I no longer allow other people any power over me, I've developed an outlook, sense of self-worth and lifestyle that would continue regardless of any one person's participation in it.
  • Carpet match the drapes, or strictly hardwood?

    carpet is so 1980.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I am told you have a three month supply of batteries at home. Is this because you believe in preparing for disasters, or are there other reasons?
    Please list any non-disaster related battery needs.
    Milo wrote: »
    You forgot one . . . or was it deliberate?

    Legitimately forgot..was thinking about sex..distracted.

    Nature provides that and though once in a while I might splurge for some batteries..I generally do not find that I need them for more than the occasional subsidy or accoutrement.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    3. Impossible to musical tastes span from old country to new hip hop and cover anything in between that has discernible lyrics. I like a lot for very different reasons.

    If you really want one band..Smashing Pumpkins I I own all of their cd's and cannot make that claim about any other band other than Nirvana and System of a down, neither of which suits as many moods as SP does.
    OMG I have something in common with Kristy!! :o

    Still reading so I don't duplicate a question. This might take a while.
  • compuease wrote: »
    So, are you twice as good a poker player as Walleye since you have two CPF awards to his one?

    obviously. 8)
  • Milo wrote: »
    Is it wrong that I can clearly picture Mark at the bottom of a dry well, and you at the top lowering a bucket of Nivea Cream?

    If you ever do move away, will you try to find a home for him, or just release him into the wilderness?

    What do you think his chances of tracking you down will be?

    Should we stop with the "Mark" theme already?

    1. I think most people observing our friendship have considered it.
    2. He can't survive in the wild on his own..I've already arranged a home with Mario
    3. 100% -he's promised to come visit MN
    4. Nah, I lol'd
  • OK, caught up.
    1. Prefer oral sex from a girl or guy? Explain.
    2. Besides posting on PFC (or CPF as per your breasts pic), what do you do for a living?
    3. What are the most interesting jobs (no, I'm not talking about BJs - unless it was for money) that you've done?
    4. If you were captured by terrorists who were bent on torturing you and you had to give up one of the following body parts... female circumcision or blindness (e.g. pluck your eyes out), which would it be?
    5. How old when you lost your virginity?
    I'll think of more later.
  • iNano78 wrote: »
    OK, caught up.
    1. Prefer oral sex from a girl or guy? Explain.
    2. Besides posting on PFC (or CPF as per your breasts pic), what do you do for a living?
    3. What are the most interesting jobs (no, I'm not talking about BJs - unless it was for money) that you've done?
    4. If you were captured by terrorists who were bent on torturing you and you had to give up one of the following body parts... female circumcision or blindness (e.g. pluck your eyes out), which would it be?
    5. How old when you lost your virginity?
    I'll think of more later.

    1. from a guy, girls are not generally rough enough..they do what they would enjoy.
    2. I've been fortunate enough to not have to work, I am considering going back to school and getting a job anyway.
    3. I worked in a night club when I was younger..I didn't need the money so I focussed myself on 'achievements' like..
    -Being the first woman in its 11 year history to drink her whole pay cheque
    -Finding the most offensive things I could say to a patron and not get in shit
    4. Too close to call, I think I'm leaning slightly towards female circumcision.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    2. I'll probably make you some eggs and hashbrowns if you put out.

    qf-lack-of-guarantee let's go out for lunch!!!
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    qf-lack-of-guarantee let's go out for lunch!!!
    in after I was used for sex and didn't get eggs or hashbrowns.

  • Nobody cares, Walleye, however much we may sympathize. Just make sure she pays for lunch. That way you don't feel used, and she doesn't feel guilty. YW.

    Kristy, do you feel this attitude/lifestyle you have crafted for yourself (post-divorce) has made you an easier person to like, but a more difficult person to get to "know"?

    I do not mean this in a sexual way, more of an emotional one. It would seem to be somewhat isolating emotionally, at least from what little detail you have shared here. I know you have mentioned a particular book before, but that is all I can remember (getting old, I guess).

    Also, do you still believe that you "are like Crack" re: older guys?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Kristy, do you feel this attitude/lifestyle you have crafted for yourself (post-divorce) has made you an easier person to like, but a more difficult person to get to "know"?

    I do not mean this in a sexual way, more of an emotional one. It would seem to be somewhat isolating emotionally, at least from what little detail you have shared here. I know you have mentioned a particular book before, but that is all I can remember (getting old, I guess).

    Also, do you still believe that you "are like Crack" re: older guys?

    1. I have no problem telling anyone what I think as honestly as possible. I am nearly an open book.
    2. Yes, but I have learned how to fend them off better.
  • Can/will you list the people who are on CPF that you went to school with?

    On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being big giant dork and 10 being the Fonz, please rate said former classmates.

    Hardest thing about being a parent?

    And I say this last part with all the love in the world and knowing you've probably had this offer before: I know several large men that can take care of your ex if there is any lingering anger or he's still being a douche.

    If not, I also know several large men that could take care of you ;)
  • So question 1 was a "no"?

    Who are your 5 favourite "personalities" here at CPF?

    Who are your 5 least favourite "personalities" here at CPF?

    I use the term personality because we don't always get to meet said person irl, so only have the Forum to judge them. Feel free to put people on both lists, if you so choose . . .

    Lastly, the world becomes a Matriarchy, and you are elected Queen. Other than installing Mark as Court Jester, and Official Food Taster, what is your first order of business. And no, you do not get to have a half dozen of Cerb's pals hooked up to your personal carriage, wearing leather straps and tails. Save something for Day 2.
  • Is there any song on Rock Band/Guitar Hero that you can't Neil Peart the fuck out of?
  • If you have to choose one, who do you... you know: Bill Gates or Stephen Harper?


  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Can/will you list the people who are on CPF that you went to school with?

    On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being big giant dork and 10 being the Fonz, please rate said former classmates.

    Hardest thing about being a parent?

    And I say this last part with all the love in the world and knowing you've probably had this offer before: I know several large men that can take care of your ex if there is any lingering anger or he's still being a douche.

    If not, I also know several large men that could take care of you ;)

    1. Wetts1012 is the only one afaik..he was a 11 imo.

    2. The constant worry over the decisions you make.
    3. a) Thank you, I appreciate the sentiment.
    b) Keep them on speed dial. ;)
  • Milo wrote: »
    So question 1 was a "no"?

    Who are your 5 favourite "personalities" here at CPF?

    Who are your 5 least favourite "personalities" here at CPF?

    I use the term personality because we don't always get to meet said person irl, so only have the Forum to judge them. Feel free to put people on both lists, if you so choose . . .

    Lastly, the world becomes a Matriarchy, and you are elected Queen. Other than installing Mark as Court Jester, and Official Food Taster, what is your first order of business. And no, you do not get to have a half dozen of Cerb's pals hooked up to your personal carriage, wearing leather straps and tails. Save something for Day 2.

    Question 1. from you was "who will take this thread off topic" I answered afaik.

    2. Most favourite..this is going to sound like a cop out, but I really don't have favourites..or at least it is very close between.

    -Some people who post well across the board from strat to OT are
    Helmuth's Mole, BBC_Z, GTA, DerrickOne.
    -Some people who do better in specific sections but don't contribute wholly are you, Cerberus, shtebs, Hobbes.
    -Some gone or not seen nearly enough: Haddon, 800Over, JDAA88, MarcoGD, Zithal.
    -I'm not sure where to put Inano, he's been a member forever, but is now posting regularly. Good stuff so far.

    Least favourite: (remember this is ONLY as a poster, I love some of these people IRL)
    Cadillac, though I warmed slightly to him at the end.
    Kanga/Beanie: Sorry guys, you're great..but as posters you bored the crap out of/annoyed me.
    Prophet22: Love him irl, but he's nearly illiterate.
    Folded: Something unnecessarily mean about him, I don't like that.

    3. First order of business: Spending reform, I'm sick of seeing so much blatant waste/misappropriation in our government while there is so much need.
  • iNano78 wrote: »
    If you have to choose one, who do you... you know: Bill Gates or Stephen Harper?

    Bill Gates ainec.
  • Is there any song on Rock Band/Guitar Hero that you can't Neil Peart the fuck out of?

    For some reason I have real difficulty with 'Tangled up in blue'..I think it is because it is so random and slow.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Question 1. from you was "who will take this thread off topic" I answered afaik.

    Not the one I was referring to, never mind.

    Which would be harder, eating a Cheeseburger, or going one week without posting to this Forum?
  • This thread is a lot like my last date...

    20 men and me and i'm still too much for them to handle.
  • Favourite video game to play sober?

    Favourite video game to play tipsy?

    Favourite video game to play whilst rip roaring drunk?

    Favourite Mario video game?

    NOTE: had to be specific with the video game part. Please answer all of those questions a second time but remove "video" from each one :)
  • Milo wrote: »
    Not the one I was referring to, never mind.

    Which would be harder, eating a Cheeseburger, or going one week without posting to this Forum?

    Tie: Eating a cheeseburger would make me puke, this forum also least once a week.
  • what's the over/under on how many questions get posted before midnight?
    Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    2. 60

    I'll take the over :D
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Favourite video game to play sober?

    Favourite video game to play tipsy?

    Favourite video game to play whilst rip roaring drunk?

    Favourite Mario video game?

    NOTE: had to be specific with the video game part. Please answer all of those questions a second time but remove "video" from each one :)

    Sober: GH5 drums
    Tipsy: liner rule.
    Roaring drunk: Rockband vocals
    Mario: Super Mario 3..I still have a functioning snes hooked up to my tv.

    Sober: Right now I'm on a cribbage kick.
    Tipsy: Things in a box
    Roaring drunk: Still Rockband Vocals
    Mario: Hide the'd be amazed how often I find it in Mark.
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