2010 Dead Pool list



  • FYI, just getting online for the first time since yesterday mid day.. If for some reason you can't do the draft Milo, I'll back you up... Anything to keep myself off the list..
  • Okay, as Marshal Dillon for this lunacy I propose the following:

    Place approx. 10 (or more, to allow for duplications) entries on each list (of which you will get 5) ranked by preference.
    When your place in the draft comes, you will get your highest ranked, and available, preference.
    Draft order as previously posted will be used.

    All players will have their names written on a piece of paper and folded twice.
    All paper entries will be placed into the special draft lottery device (my brown, Kojak-like Fedora) for random selection. The draft order will be published first, allowing for possible bribery of Draft officials.

    Please note that Draft Officials (me) will only accept the largest bribe offered, and only one bribe will be accepted. I may be corrupt, but I am not dishonest. :D

    After publishing the Draft order Draft Officials (me) will go through the submitted lists and work out all the teams.

    Draft Officials (me) will then publish team lists on the Forum.

    After that, you're on your own, and may the sickest player "win", so to speak.

    If you like I can come up with a small selection of BONUS awards . . .
  • Send me your lists via PM. So far the following are in this game:
    Wetts1012 (still want to know what the #'s mean)
    Hellmuth's Mole

    If I missed you please advise. PM your lists when available. I will select draft order when I receive the last entry. I propose a cut-off of 10:00a.m. on the 31st of December, after which you will all be notified of the draft order. I will make every effort to publish the final teams before heading out for the festivities, but rest assured that, if I do not, your teams will be finalized BEFORE the new year begins. Any player selecting Compuease in their top 6 will automatically forfeit one draft selection.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Okay, as Marshal Dillon for this lunacy I propose the following:

    Place up to 10 entries on each list (of which you will get 5) ranked by preference.
    When your place in the draft comes, you will get your highest ranked, and available, preference.
    Draft order as previously posted will be used.

    All players will have their names written on a piece of paper and folded twice.
    All paper entries will be placed into the special draft lottery device (my brown, Kojak-like Fedora) for random selection. The draft order will be published first, allowing for possible bribery of Draft officials.

    Please note that Draft Officials (me) will only accept the largest bribe offered, and only one bribe will be accepted. I may be corrupt, but I am not dishonest. :D

    After publishing the Draft order Draft Officials (me) will go through the submitted lists and work out all the teams.

    Draft Officials (me) will then publish team lists on the Forum.

    After that, you're on your own, and may the sickest player "win", so to speak.

    If you like I can come up with a small selection of BONUS awards . . .

    So, since JohnieH started this thing, and I think he's online now..we should make sure he's agreeable to this...JohnieH? What do you think of the current plan.

    As well, if we have (I don't remember) more than 6 entrants to this morbid spectacle are we sure that 10 people on our draft lists will be enough to create a final list of 5 potentially dead celebs? I just remember hockey pools where people short themselves on their draw list and all of a sudden everyone on their list is picked and they're scrambling to make a choice. I suggest this as I'm sure there will be obvious potentially dead that multiple people will be putting on their draft lists. Does what I'm saying make sense whatsoever?
  • So, since JohnieH started this thing, and I think he's online now..we should make sure he's agreeable to this...JohnieH? What do you think of the current plan.

    As well, if we have (I don't remember) more than 6 entrants to this morbid spectacle are we sure that 10 people on our draft lists will be enough to create a final list of 5 potentially dead celebs? I just remember hockey pools where people short themselves on their draw list and all of a sudden everyone on their list is picked and they're scrambling to make a choice. I suggest this as I'm sure there will be obvious potentially dead that multiple people will be putting on their draft lists. Does what I'm saying make sense whatsoever?

    Sounds good to me!
  • The "10" figure was merely a guesstimate. Feel free to list as many as you like . . .
    My earlier post was not meant to co-opt Johnnie's idea, merely to put some structure to the process the player's will be entrusting to my good graces (no one has yet offered a bribe, by the way :)).
    I will abide by whatever structure you players decide on, as it is your $$$ up for grabs (remember to enhance your chances in the draft process :D).

    I have amended the original "rules" to reflect your suggestion.
  • Add Mario on the victim list, and I'm in.
  • No problem Milo, just wanted to make sure we didn't hijack JohnnieH's baby, er dead bab...not going there. Your structure looks great.

    I'm going through my list, now at 26, to prioritize who's the most deathly ill, despondent, given up, tired of this old world, etc.

    God this is getting more depressing by the minute!

    I can't believe Kristy's not in on this! She's morbid and nasty sometimes. Uh oh, I fear I've shot myself.
  • No problem Milo, just wanted to make sure we didn't hijack JohnnieH's baby, er dead bab...not going there. Your structure looks great.

    I'm going through my list, now at 26, to prioritize who's the most deathly ill, despondent, given up, tired of this old world, etc.

    God this is getting more depressing by the minute!

    Yeah, but that first "winner" will make it all better . . .

    AJ, I'll put you on the board. Feel free to pick Mario . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Any player selecting Compuease in their top 6 will automatically forfeit one draft selection.
    Thank you Milo, at least someone respects me.... sniff, sniff but poor Mario..... he even won despit his op getting quads twice heads up.....
  • Thanks Milo for streamlining this for us. Having one Draft Official does make things much easier for the draft.

    I'll get my picks to you asap.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Thank you Milo, at least someone respects me.... sniff, sniff but poor Mario..... he even won despit his op getting quads twice heads up.....

    It's not so much respect, Jeff, just that, if I'm not in this, no one should get an easy $10.00 . . .

    sorry, but if you're going to leave the net open, somebody has to shoot the puck.
  • PM sent Milo.

    All are confirmed to be...breathing...or at least gasping for breath...

    This is terribly, terribly wrong.

    Ah well. It's the holidays.
  • My list is in, I got a couple of (maybe not-so) long shots and a bunch of pace-maker qualifiers.
  • List is in as well.
  • I can just picture milo...getting more and more depressed....reading each and every list as they arrive....I'm sure Jeff will be available for consoling you Milo, should it be required. You could even share some of the lists with him I guess.

    It's ok to talk about it buddy. Just not in public!
  • Fear not, Bill. I am enjoying this. There are some interesting, and obvious candidates. A couple that are listed are already expired, I think, but I'll double check before the draft, as should you all.

    New Rule. The Draft Officials will not be held responsible if you pick someone who is already dead. While we may admire your ingenuity, we will not allow it to count as a "win".

    I WILL attempt to fact check a name, if I suspect a corpse, but that is the extent of my responsiblities. If you pick Francisco Franco, you've got him.

    Three lists in hand . . .

    One zombie is down. Looking for others . . .
  • I missed one already dead on my list. Crap. C'mon folks...just hang on...for a few more days....
  • Revised List sent
  • Three lists in. I'll check back later.
  • Lists to Milo by 10 am New Years Eve? Is that right?
  • Lists to Milo by 10 am New Years Eve? Is that right?

    Yes. Please don't wait longer than needed . . . unless you're amassing my bribe for that all important #1 spot in the draft.
  • I believe so. That is when he will publish our draft order. Subsequently the draft will be completed prior to his departure for heavy drinking, etc.
  • Mine is in.
  • Four lists in, no other disqualifications as yet.

    Several duplications so far, so the draft will be important.

    A lot of you people are thinking along some very similar lines . . . and some strange ones. I will post my comments when I post the teams.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Four lists in, no other disqualifications as yet.

    Several duplications so far, so the draft will be important.

    A lot of you people are thinking along some very similar lines . . . and some strange ones. I will post my comments when I post the teams.

    Just curious Milo, but if it gets close to the 'dead' line and it appears that some people may need more numbers on their list due to duplications....Perhaps a warning should be posted so people could add a few more names? I don't know. Just a thought.
  • Good point, and I will do so, but most lists are 20+ deep, and there are sufficient outliers to make lists work, so far.
  • Fuck...

    Sorry all... I won't lie to ya... I'm too busy with other stuff / not willing to put in the amount of work this has turned out to be... I'm out!

    Yea yea - I'm lazy

  • Thanks for the quick update, Mark.
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