It was going to happen sooner or later...



  • True story....

    When my mother and aunt reached dating age, my grandfather used to get dressed up in his full California Highway Police uniform with the mirrored shades and gun in the holster at his side (for those old timers that remember the show CHIPs, you know the uniform). He would then answer the door with a "Who the heck are you??"

    He was very cordial with them after that - but it gave the guys enough of a scare to keep them on the straight and narrow ;-)
  • compuease wrote: »
    lol, I can just imagine the reaction when Kristy ask you for the car... Or,, shudder,, for sex advice.... I would definitely pay to be a fly on the wall for that!

    You've met both of them, Jeff . . . I'm pretty confident the sex convo would be going in the other direction . . .

    oh yeah . . . I said it. :o
  • Milo wrote: »
    You've met both of them, Jeff . . . I'm pretty confident the sex convo would be going in the other direction . . .

    oh yeah . . . I said it. :o
    Wait, can we just forget this whole discussion? Change the subject... So hows the weather down there?
  • Milo wrote: »

    Use an aluminum.

    IMO the "ping" noise is too much for me... I like the thud of ash
  • TuFull wrote: »
    IMO the "ping" noise is too much for me... I like the thud of ash

    Tufull, an aluminum does not go "ping" when used on people. There is a satisfying *crack* that you hear on torso shots (like the sound made by snapping a 1x2). Most other locations you just get kind of a mushy "splat" that is very reminiscent of falling into thick mud.

    And Jeff? It's cold here, with a biting wind that makes it worse.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    1 - Happily greet the young man upon arrival, shake his hand firmly yet and tell them both to have a good time at the show as I give them a few extra bucks for popcorn?

    All joking aside it would be great if you did this. This kid will probably be nervous as hell already, and meeting the father of your gf for the first time is always a pretty awkward/scary situation (at least it was for me!).
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    All joking aside it would be great if you did this. This kid will probably be nervous as hell already, and meeting the father of your gf for the first time is always a pretty awkward/scary situation (at least it was for me!).

    Dude...where's the fun in that??

    I want him scared! So scared he rethinks immediately and catches himself should his thoughts turn to those of a teenage boy!

    Besides...its Christmas...I need to have some sport with the local natives.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Dude...where's the fun in that??

    I want him scared! So scared he rethinks immediately and catches himself should his thoughts turn to those of a teenage boy!

    Besides...its Christmas...I need to have some sport with the local natives.

    I lol'd
  • Depends on when you get home if the kids pants are down or up...
  • moose wrote: »
    Depends on when you get home if the kids pants are down or up...

    I just hope he can run faster scared than I can mad!!
  • FROM POST ABOVE "I just hope he can run faster scared than I can mad!!"

    Never, repeat NEVER bring running shoes to a GUN fight!

    Lower body injury with the first shot always has the best effect
  • compuease wrote: »
    lol, I can just imagine the reaction when Kristy ask you for the car... Or,, shudder,, for sex advice.... I would definitely pay to be a fly on the wall for that!

    My father was completely gray at 35..coincidence?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    My father was completely gray at 35..coincidence?

    NO!:o how could have that happened:wink::biggrin:
  • I have already decided when this time comes for my daughter, her first date I will be chaperoning. We will go skeet shooting. The boy will be very aware of how quickly, and accurately, both her and I shoot.

    I figure this should be enough.
  • Two old farts are talking at the bar, discussing how best to deal with the prospective suitors for their daughters. The topic of firearms has been brought up, and the first old fart, a former soldier, mentions he would have no qualms about shooting any young man that caused his little girl any distress.

    "But how could you shoot him? A soldier in battle is one thing, but how could you shoot a teenaged boy?" queried the second old fart.

    "Easy," replied the first. "You just don't lead them as far."

    Words to live by, gents . . .
  • While I only have a 4 year old girl and many years away from this, this topic is close to my heart as well.

    Quimby is on the right track except my decided statement is:

    Lean into his ear and wisper: Son, I have done a lot of things in my life, although the prison time was short it taught me a lot. Whatever you do to my daughter, I am going to do to you!

    Then wish them a good night and offer a few extra bucks for the popcorn.
  • so.... how'd it go?
    will be away from the computer and think this may be a good theme for a sitcom, instead of all these reality friggin' shows! come on ICE TRUCKERS, Can't see my PVR filling up with these episodes for future pleasure

    Milton "I want MASH back" Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Mark is bluffing, trying to get off the naughty list with one post!!!!

    Listen up AJ!
    Your wife answers the door, welcomes HIM in.
    You are seated at the kitchen table, cleaning your shotgun.
    Greet HIM
    Explain the importance of a clean firearm
    Explain that you have NEVER missed anything you have aimed at!
    Ask HIM to cut the cards that are positioned near HIM
    After HE cuts the cards, give out a sigh
    Should HE have the courage to ask about the sigh, explain that you use the cards to determine a SPORTING LEAD seconds

    If this fails, listen to Mark's second choice, good advice Mark (would expect nothing less..... he is a Doctor)

    Welcome to my world! You too can have white hair

    Milton Slim

    We have an american amongst us ;)

  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    so.... how'd it go?

    They had it planned very well. When I got home, they were both already gone to the show...what they didn't tell me about was they were going for dinner at East Side Mario's afterwards!

    His mom came by at 8pm to pick him up, but they hadn't called me yet to go pick them up. Eventually, I got the call, and off I went.

    So I drive into the back parking lot of ESM, and walked to the front. And lo and behold, what do my eyes baby girl...and this...BOY...embracing!!! IN PUBLIC!!!! They're backs towards me!!!!

    Well, you can imagine what I did. I was torn between clearing my throat loudly or rushing this punk kid and throttling him but GOOD!! I elected the former. Startled, they quickly but three feet of air between them, both blushing madly (trying to tell me it was the cold...HA)

    I purposefully drove home slowly, asking this young 'man' about his intentions without actually asking him about his intentions. I slowly began to actually LIKE this young man when I asked if he kissed my daughter yet...

    My daughter screams NO!
    He sheepishly says yes
    Then I can see my daughter giving him THE LOOK, to which he replied...
    "Why lie...he's going to find out sooner or later"
    Okay, I might like this kid yet.

    I have never been called SIR so much in my entire life! He was really trying to score points, but I began to feel like my father being called Sir all the time, so I told him to stop calling me that...made me feel old. He did cease immediately. Finding it hard to get angry at this young man.

    So once back home, we chatted for awhile with his mother, getting to know each other, and it quickly became apparent that his parents are also good folk just like us, and the young man is a hard working, intelligent teenager, just doesn't know where he's headed yet, but he's smart enough to realize that already.

    So shopping all day today, my daughter was txting with him all day. Think this young man is generally a good kid, needing some direction in life but at 15, handling it pretty well.

    Reluctantly...I approve of her first choice.
  • So? When will Mom, or Dad be showing up at the Hill?

    As far as the date goes, did you actually roll over and let him rub your belly? Or were the cookies a sufficient treat? Hope I handle it that well when it's my turn, AJ.
  • Milo wrote: »
    So? When will Mom, or Dad be showing up at the Hill?

    You NEVER came up...must be slipping
    Milo wrote: »
    As far as the date goes, did you actually roll over and let him rub your belly? Or were the cookies a sufficient treat? Hope I handle it that well when it's my turn, AJ.

    No belly rubbing, but I'm sure he would of if I had requested it from him. Like I said, he was trying VERY hard to impress me.
  • very nice read sir:):)
  • AJ, you're awesome. Well played sir, on all accounts. Sad that I hadn't seen this thread until now. Only thing I can add is that Hockref and I made an agreement years ago that when I get my first crazy ass scary wrestling photos done, I get some wallet sized ones made. He slips them into his daughter's purses. Then, when some boy wants her number and she goes to write it down, crazy ass scary wrestling photo falls out and boy asks who the hell that is. "Oh, him, that's my uncle. He beats people for a living. And he's a wrestler." Problem solved :)
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    crazy ass scary wrestling photo falls out and boy asks who the hell that is. "Oh, him, that's my uncle. He beats people for a living. And he's a wrestler." Problem solved :)
    Doesn't it actually have to be scary for that to be effective? :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Doesn't it actually have to be scary for that to be effective? :)

    You've seen the Hallowe'en pic of me. I can be very scary :)
  • This is one of the reasons that if I were to ever have kids I hope to God that I don't have a daughter.
  • Well, its not like you can return it for a full refund! Besides, I WANTED a girl.

    Just didn't think LONG TERM. Oh sure, I always said I would dread the day she started dating, and give her b/f's nothing but grief as she was growing up, but now that day has arrived, and its scary as hell.

    UPDATE...young man is coming to visit tomorrow all day again. Not sure what THEIR plan is, but mine is continuing to determine the type of person this young man truly is.

    (Honestly, though...I think my daughter made a good choice for her first. Just want him to know that I'm watching him)
  • you do realize that you've got two weeks to 3 months grace before the break up and your life becomes a month long dramathon..right?

    Start preparing for this now.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    you do realize that you've got two weeks to 3 months grace before the break up and your life becomes a month long dramathon..right?

    Start preparing for this now.

    Yea, I know...and the tissues are in stock already.

    NOT going to be fun though.
  • word of advice..

    Were I a gamblin'-girl instead of the God fearing woman I am..I'd put you on: "Sweetie, don't worry..when you grow up none of this will matter, and you're only isn't like you were going to marry the guy" response.

    That's not a permanently scarring line, but simply spending some extra time listening and distracting her with fun things outside the house is usually better.
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