It was going to happen sooner or later...

Well, its happening now, whether I like it or not. And I don't!!

When I get home this afternoon, I get to meet my 14yr old daughter's first ever boyfriend. Apparently, his mother is driving him to town today for the meet and the plan is that they will go see a show or something early evening.

Being the father of a beautiful baby girl this long, I knew this day would come sooner or later. My little girl is growing up. Won't be long before she's off to college/university, life and career of her own, and daddy being nothing more than a memory...sigh

So I get to meet this young 'man' this afternoon. I'm told he's a good kid. They met at a Venturer Camp awhile back and have been IMing, texting, and calling each other ever since. Everything I've heard about this kid sounds good, but you never know.

Forumers, what's my play here?

1 - Happily greet the young man upon arrival, shake his hand firmly yet and tell them both to have a good time at the show as I give them a few extra bucks for popcorn?

2 - Upon seeing him, scowl angrily at him, with a low deep throated growl as my eyes pierce his soul...then follow them to the movie house and sit directly behind them?

3 - Immediately put him up against the wall and frisk him for drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, and (god help him) condoms??

4 - Shoot first, ask questions later?

5 - Train RJ (my collie) how to track by scent so I can find him later, and dismember him slowly?

Open to other suggestions as well. BTW, my shotguns are NOT at home at this time, but I DO have archery equipment available!


  • This is a poker forum AJ, play him some heads up while he waits for your daughter. If you're lucky, you take his $$$ and he cannot afford to go to the movies. Then you can sit on the couch with them and watch It's a Wonderful Life. Wholesome family fun for all. Plus, you takes his money.
  • Two steps...

    A: Teach your daughter how she deserves to be treated. Make sure that she knows what is and is not acceptable from a guy. Make sure she knows the difference between loving someone, and being used to them, or being in a routine and staying with someone out of habit. Make sure she knows the difference between choosing what she wants, and what`s easy.

    B: Trust your daughter.


    P.S. - While you`re at it... teach that first bit to every other goddamned woman in the world.
  • Mark, that was thoughtful, sensitive, and very practical advice . . .

    you must not have started drinking yet. :D
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Two steps...

    A: Teach your daughter how she deserves to be treated. Make sure that she knows what is and is not acceptable from a guy. Make sure she knows the difference between loving someone, and being used to them, or being in a routine and staying with someone out of habit. Make sure she knows the difference between choosing what she wants, and what`s easy.

    B: Trust your daughter.


    P.S. - While you`re at it... teach that first bit to every other goddamned woman in the world.

    Wow, Mark...your post really surprises me. And here I was most afraid of this boy being too much like you ;)

    Seriously, though, I do trust my daughter, and I've done (and continue doing) my best about teaching her the difference between believing in love and being used by it. I have all the faith in the world in my daughter. She even has a reputation at high school already of facing down the older kids when they start harressing the younger ones.

    I trust her totally...its BOYS I don't trust!!!!
  • Mom said to look for the white car outside when we pull up tonight...Wow, a fellow forumer. Who would have thunk it?

    Just kidding. Option #1 seemed appropriate to me. Good luck. Be yourself.
  • Mark is bluffing, trying to get off the naughty list with one post!!!!

    Listen up AJ!
    Your wife answers the door, welcomes HIM in.
    You are seated at the kitchen table, cleaning your shotgun.
    Greet HIM
    Explain the importance of a clean firearm
    Explain that you have NEVER missed anything you have aimed at!
    Ask HIM to cut the cards that are positioned near HIM
    After HE cuts the cards, give out a sigh
    Should HE have the courage to ask about the sigh, explain that you use the cards to determine a SPORTING LEAD seconds

    If this fails, listen to Mark's second choice, good advice Mark (would expect nothing less..... he is a Doctor)

    Welcome to my world! You too can have white hair

    Milton Slim
  • Don't worry AJ, any 14 yr old boy will scared shitless of you, weapons or not :)

    His mother is driving him down for the meet. Nothing kills an erection like having your mommy in the car with you on a date.
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    explain that you use the cards to determine a SPORTING LEAD seconds

    Oh you're good...going to use this one for sure!
    JohnnieH wrote: »
    Nothing kills an erection like having your mommy in the car with you on a date.

    WTF Johnnie!!! NEVER use the word in a thread with my daughter in it!!! Your time will come!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Nothing kills an erection like having your mommy in the car with you on a date.

    Jesus Johnnie, you're married. If it's date night, try and leave Mommy at home . . .

    AJ, Johnnie's right about one thing, NOBODY in their right mind will mess with your little girl after meeting you. Hell, you scare the shit out of me, half the time.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Jesus Johnnie, you're married. If it's date night, try and leave Mommy at home . . .

    AJ, Johnnie's right about one thing, NOBODY in their right mind will mess with your little girl after meeting you. Hell, you scare the shit out of me, half the time.

    He is just out of shit to be scared out of............ so to speak!

    Milo, I know what you mean, I have made the mistake of betting before AJ,only to get that WHY DID YOU DO THAT look, followed by the "What have you got, Crazy Bet Person" Stare!!!!!!!!
    Always have a #2 before I go to Ching! LOL, just to be safe

    Milton Slim
  • Milo wrote: »
    Hell, you scare the shit out of me, half the time.

    Then stop calling with pocket 3's!!
  • After reading this thread... glad I only had boys... shit, now I have grandaughters! Oldest is 9, now I'm getting the fear... AJ, can you teach me about shotguns.. Love some of the responses.. Seriously tho Mark, real good, sensible post... Wha happened?
  • you won't be a distant memory cause you will be a grandpa:D
  • this thread is why my daughter (12) is two years away from getting her brown belt.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    you won't be a distant memory cause you will be a grandpa:D


    Its obvious you've never met me, huh, Phil?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    this thread is why my daughter (12) is two years away from getting her brown belt.

    Gave her the option years ago about what to get into. Her cousin, my brother's daughter, is now a black belt in TKD, and can handle herself quite well. But my daughter wanted to be a Scout instead.

    Good thing about that is, she can handle a knife!!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    Its obvious you've never met me, huh, Phil?

    LOL, yes I have your santa clause:)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    But my daughter wanted to be a Scout instead.

    I've bolded the problem..mine has had to be dragged there twice a week for the last year..but come hell or high water she WILL be able to put her first date in the hospital, if need be.
  • Its often a battle of wills every week to get her to go to meetings, but camps...she loves to camp.

    I really don't have to worry about anyone hurting her thinking they can get away. Not only would they have to deal with me, but her two step brothers (31 and 30 yrs old now) are a simple phone call away, and they actually HAVE places to hide remains.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    her two step brothers (31 and 30 yrs old now)

    Did you never mention these before when I was single, to avoid my inevitable dating one of them..just to call you 'Dad'?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Did you never mention these before when I was single, to avoid my inevitable dating one of them..just to call you 'Dad'?

    Don't think I did, but its fairly common knowledge as well.

    You calling me Dad...too fucking scary
  • As for "disposal" methods, don't you guys watch CSI? Talk to your pal in the chemical industry. No remains means no evidence means no worries . . .

    and Mark, all kidding aside, I'm keeping your post in mind when my daughter brings me the dread news. she's already told me some boy thinks she's an 8.5. God, I haven't wanted to pound a 13 yr. old this badly since I was 13 . . .

    Lotsa luck, AJ. Doesn't sound like you have too much to worry about, though . . .
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    this thread is why my daughter (12) is two years away from getting her brown belt.

    You too can have White Hair


    Milton Slim
  • Hey AJ,

    The other option besides the shotgun, is to be sharpening knives when he comes to the door. Explain to him that you like a sharp butchers knife, makes it easier to hack things up.

    I have two little girls, and i have a buddy who has three little girls. We have a understanding that if anything ever happens to his little girls i go after the guy, and vice versa with mine. That way each of our own hands are clean as far as the law can see.
  • Take the boy aside privately and say "Whatever you plan on doing to my daughter you have to do to me first".

    You'll have to decide where to go from there based on his reaction.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    I have two little girls, and i have a buddy who has three little girls. We have a understanding that if anything ever happens to his little girls i go after the guy, and vice versa with mine. That way each of our own hands are clean as far as the law can see.

    even i'm impressed by my degeneracy first thought reading this was "hmm the buddy is getting 3:2" and then I started debating that maybe CK's girls were more attractive than Buddy's which would affect the edge.

  • Kristy,

    I made the deal with my buddy when it was a 2:2 ratio. Since then he has gone on to have a 3rd and now has a 4th due in Jan. It's def. a better deal for him, but at the end of the day i sleep tight knowing that if any boy mistreats my girls, i'll be sitting in a crowded restaurant with lots of people to provide me with an alibi while my friend is using a louisville slugger to teach the boy a lesson about how to treat woman. If the day is ever called upon for me i'll be glad to do the same for him.
  • crazykoby wrote: »

    I made the deal with my buddy when it was a 2:2 ratio. Since then he has gone on to have a 3rd and now has a 4th due in Jan. It's def. a better deal for him, but at the end of the day i sleep tight knowing that if any boy mistreats my girls, i'll be sitting in a crowded restaurant with lots of people to provide me with an alibi while my friend is using a louisville slugger to teach the boy a lesson about how to treat woman. If the day is ever called upon for me i'll be glad to do the same for him.

    See bolded

    Use an aluminum. Easier to clean, less chance of breakage. all in all a father's first choice should usually be something metallic. Oh, and do not forget: batting gloves and lotion. You want to avoid callouses that might mess up your swing.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Don't think I did, but its fairly common knowledge as well.

    You calling me Dad...too fucking scary
    lol, I can just imagine the reaction when Kristy ask you for the car... Or,, shudder,, for sex advice.... I would definitely pay to be a fly on the wall for that!
  • Hey Milo,

    I hear what you are saying about aluminum, but there's nothing like the classics
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