


  • Cannot believe it's the CBC, but

    YouTube - Rex Murphy on Climategate

    So up yours, Suzuki . . .
  • P.S. Just wait 'til Kristy rips into you someday!
    philliivey wrote: »
    popcorn ready!
    Sharantyr wrote: »
    Second of all, Kristy can rip into me anytime ... Have you seen her ass? I am her slave!!!!

    ... And I will not comment on Kristy's ass!

    I'm so vain..this makes my day!

    Shar, holla when Saskatchewan hits about +10c :h:
  • Last edited by Kristy_Sea; Today at 12:34 PM. Reason: I'll bring the whip

    Best redundant post ever!
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I'm so vain..this makes my day!

    Shar, holla when Saskatchewan hits about +10c :h:

    Honey if I have to wait for +10, I won't be holla'ing until mid June......don't think I can wait that long ....besides.. the cold would just make you have to work that whip more :P

    *global warming along with everything else in the world choses to skip Saskatchewan*

    :h: ~cutsy~
  • Your tagline makes me want you even more . . . :D
  • "Proud to be a Member of the Philliivey Academy of Grammar and Posting Etiquette"

    :h: Torn between two lovers.....feeling like a fool.....:h:
  • Or, if you want to go against millenia of evolution. Vegans are delusional . . . and extremist Vegans like PETA are morons. Cute morons, at least in their promo shots, but morons nonetheless.

    And no, I do not want to get into this again . . . at least not today.
  • I will agree with you about the PETA thing. Definitely not a fan of them. They get the message out about animal rights, which is great, but a good majority of their marketing is just ridiculous. Plus, they're pretty big hypocrites. Now, this "millenia of evolution" is bullshit. Back then, they didn't know any better. It was purely a survival instinct. And it wasn't on such a high scale as it is today. In this day and age, we're able to make the choice to live a cruelty free life. And while doing so still get all the vitamins and proteins that a meat eater would get. That being said, I'm not posting this to cause some huge debate. Personally, I don't give a shit what other people eat. It's their body and their choice. I just find it laughable when people claim to care about the environment but won't do anything to help stop one of the biggest problems that's causing this planet to go down the drain so quickly.
  • derrickone wrote: »
    I will agree with you about the PETA thing. Definitely not a fan of them. They get the message out about animal rights, which is great, but a good majority of their marketing is just ridiculous. Plus, they're pretty big hypocrites. Now, this "millenia of evolution" is bullshit. Back then, they didn't know any better. It was purely a survival instinct. And it wasn't on such a high scale as it is today. In this day and age, we're able to make the choice to live a cruelty free life. And while doing so still get all the vitamins and proteins that a meat eater would get. That being said, I'm not posting this to cause some huge debate. Personally, I don't give a shit what other people eat. It's their body and their choice. I just find it laughable when people claim to care about the environment but won't do anything to help stop one of the biggest problems that's causing this planet to go down the drain so quickly.

    I agree. I won't eat anything that looks no rabbits....ummm that's about it. Yep won't eat rabbits.
  • Once you skin 'em, they aren't so cute. They remain quite tasty, however.
  • derrickone wrote: »
    I will agree with you about the PETA thing. Definitely not a fan of them. They get the message out about animal rights, which is great, but a good majority of their marketing is just ridiculous. Plus, they're pretty big hypocrites. Now, this "millenia of evolution" is bullshit. Back then, they didn't know any better. It was purely a survival instinct. And it wasn't on such a high scale as it is today. In this day and age, we're able to make the choice to live a cruelty free life. And while doing so still get all the vitamins and proteins that a meat eater would get. That being said, I'm not posting this to cause some huge debate. Personally, I don't give a shit what other people eat. It's their body and their choice. I just find it laughable when people claim to care about the environment but won't do anything to help stop one of the biggest problems that's causing this planet to go down the drain so quickly.

    Animals do not have "rights", so you are pretty much done from the start. While animals should be protected from abuse/cruelty, the idea of assigning them "rights" elevates animals to a status they do not merit. People have rights, animals do not. Lets work on safeguarding HUMAN rights first, shall we?
  • Well, ignorance is bliss. I'm not saying they should have the right to go out and vote or anything. I'm saying they should have the right to not be abused or used as just another commodity. The difference between human rights and animal rights is that we can actually speak for ourselves, and the animals can not. If you can honestly say that the process these animals go through from being raised to being put on your plate doesn't involve a huge amount of pain and suffering then you really need to open your eyes.
  • derrickone wrote: »
    Well, ignorance is bliss. I'm not saying they should have the right to go out and vote or anything. I'm saying they should have the right to not be abused or used as just another commodity. The difference between human rights and animal rights is that we can actually speak for ourselves, and the animals can not. If you can honestly say that the process these animals go through from being raised to being put on your plate doesn't involve a huge amount of pain and suffering then you really need to open your eyes.

    Animals do have the right to not be abused, and have protection from it. That protection is not 100% foolproof but neither is human rights. But your ignorance is.....what's the opposite of bliss?
  • derrickone wrote: »
    Well, ignorance is bliss. I'm not saying they should have the right to go out and vote or anything. I'm saying they should have the right to not be abused or used as just another commodity. The difference between human rights and animal rights is that we can actually speak for ourselves, and the animals can not. If you can honestly say that the process these animals go through from being raised to being put on your plate doesn't involve a huge amount of pain and suffering then you really need to open your eyes.

    You are the very definition of ignorance on this issue. I have not said that animals do not deserve to be protected from abuse. But there is a VERY LARGE gap between enshrining protections in law, and assigning rights under the law. Legal terms need to be very precise in order to prevent any unforseen loopholes from arising. To use the term "Rights" in regard to protecting and safeguarding animals from abuse is to elevate them to the legally equivalent status of human beings. But the PETA types do not want people to think about that, do they.

    I will type slowly for you . . .

    Animals deserve legal protection from cruelty and abuse. Animals do not, and should not, have rights.
  • "proud to be a member of the philliivey academy of grammar and posting etiquette"

    :h: Torn between two lovers.....feeling like a fool.....:h:

    Tiger Woods!
  • Think you quoted the wrong post, and if so . . .

    THAT WAS FUCKING FUNNY, Philli . . .
  • milo wrote: »
    think you quoted the wrong post, and if so . . .

    That was fucking funny, philli . . .

  • Milo wrote: »
    Or, if you want to go against millenia of evolution. Vegans are delusional . . . and extremist Vegans like PETA are morons. Cute morons, at least in their promo shots, but morons nonetheless.

    And no, I do not want to get into this again . . . at least not today.
    derrickone wrote: »
    I will agree with you about the PETA thing. Definitely not a fan of them. They get the message out about animal rights, which is great, but a good majority of their marketing is just ridiculous. Plus, they're pretty big hypocrites. Now, this "millenia of evolution" is bullshit. Back then, they didn't know any better. It was purely a survival instinct. And it wasn't on such a high scale as it is today. In this day and age, we're able to make the choice to live a cruelty free life. And while doing so still get all the vitamins and proteins that a meat eater would get. That being said, I'm not posting this to cause some huge debate. Personally, I don't give a shit what other people eat. It's their body and their choice. I just find it laughable when people claim to care about the environment but won't do anything to help stop one of the biggest problems that's causing this planet to go down the drain so quickly.
    Milo wrote: »
    Animals do not have "rights", so you are pretty much done from the start. While animals should be protected from abuse/cruelty, the idea of assigning them "rights" elevates animals to a status they do not merit. People have rights, animals do not. Lets work on safeguarding HUMAN rights first, shall we?
    Milo wrote: »

    I will type slowly for you . . .

    Animals deserve legal protection from cruelty and abuse. Animals do not, and should not, have rights.

    Wow Milo, considering how nicely Derrick worded his're being a little unnecessarily ignorant.

    You also have completely ignored the point of the video he linked..going into your same ill informed tirade on the necessity of animal 'rights'..and your Peta-hate..THAT HE AGREED WITH YOU ON.

    Did you even watch that video before chirping? It is almost entirely about the effect of livestock on the environment and how to protect your (and your daughter's) ass.

    You are going off on Derrick on a tangent that YOU invented in this thread.

    Derrick, are you a vegan?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Wow Milo, considering how nicely Derrick worded his're being a little unnecessarily ignorant.

    You are right, and I apologize.

    You also have completely ignored the point of the video he linked..going into your same ill informed tirade on the necessity of animal 'rights'..and your Peta-hate..THAT HE AGREED WITH YOU ON.

    Did you even watch that video before chirping? It is almost entirely about the effect of livestock on the environment and how to protect your (and your daughter's) ass.

    Yup. Watched it all the way through. Prefer to take a more balanced approach to issues before making decisions, though . . .

    You are going off on Derrick on a tangent that YOU invented in this thread.

    Derrick, are you a vegan?

    Please see bolded.

    Your vegan motives may be pure, Kristy, but an overwhelming majority of Vegan groups/people I have encountered seem more concerned with forcing people to conform to the "right" side of the issue (ie theirs). Therein lies one of the problems I have with them. Reasoned argument is one thing, coercion and violence is another. But that is another tangent, so lets not . . .
  • Well now, that left my blood lust completely unsatisfied.
  • What?

    Kristy and I have a fundamental disagreement over the issues surrounding the Vegan lifestyle. My objections are primarily political in nature, although I will admit to certain scientific biases, as well. As for Kristy's biases, that is for her to say, but it does not preclude a rational discussion between us, does it?

    Posting stupid pics and lolcats betwixt rational discussions just doesn't work.

    As an aside, I must start using winky guy more.
  • Milo wrote: »

    Kristy and I have a fundamental disagreement over the issues surrounding the Vegan lifestyle. My objections are primarily political in nature, although I will admit to certain scientific biases, as well. As for Kristy's biases, that is for her to say, but it does not preclude a rational discussion between us, does it?

    GG Milo on apologizing..I know my opinion doesn't matter..but I think that was the nice thing to do! :)

    The part I feel you overlook are the facts as presented, for example, in that video. What of the effect on the environment that your unnecessary choice to eat meat has? (and yes, it is unnecessary, people lead very healthy full lives without meat and actually the average vegetarian lives about 7-10 years longer than a meat eater)
  • I will not take as "gospel" the information provided in that video, as the the facts presented are more than likely selected with the producer's agenda in mind.
    I will use the land value stats as an example. While the strict numbers shown may be accurate, there is no evidence that those numbers take into account the revenue generated by the livestock production that takes place on said property, which would increase the overall value to the owner.

    These are the sorts of half truths that many organizations, on any side of an issue, use constantly these days.

    As for my "unnecessary choice" to eat meat, we will continue to disagree. I will simply state that I must not be as evolved as you, for I am incapable of not eating meat. It has been bred into homo sapiens since the birth of the species, and I expect it will take centuries to breed it out of us. I will have to be satisfied with my status as an omnivore, at least while I still have that choice.
  • c'mon Milo..don't spout bullshit like hurts my feelings that you think I'm stupid enough to stand for it.

    You have been bred to club women over the head and rape them you hit and sexually abuse your wife? Of course not.

    You can do anything you put your mind to. It is definite fact and common sense that meat production uses more resources. It is also definite that the cow produces greenhouse gases. It is definite that you can not eat meat. It is definite that-that would be the 'right' thing to do for the planet and those who will be living on it long after your time.

    It is definitely in your abilities to comprehend and act on the above. You might choose not to, but please try not to pretend that it is anything other than selfish personal gratification and laziness to do so.
  • I do not consider it bullshit, Kristy. I have tried to go meatless, as my wife wanted to try doing so, and I am nothing if not supportive. So, in order to remove the temptation, the three of us tried to go meatless.

    You may call me lazy if you like, but I just could not do it. I like meat, and I will continue to eat it until my dying day. Human beings are designed to eat meat. It's why we have pointy teeth. You are correct that it is a choice, but the choice involved is to say "no". So, you are actually the one making the choice here, not me.

    Sheep do not fart, apparently, can I eat them? :)

    Also, men were not bred to be abusive, so who is trying to bait whom?

    Make whatever choices you wish, dietary and otherwise. This is one topic we will never agree on. With that in mind, I will refrain from further debate with you on the subject.

    P.S. You think the new boss is buying it? :D
  • Milo wrote: »

    Also, men were not bred to be abusive, so who is trying to bait whom?

    I lol'd at the quoted bit so hard. C'mon're so much smarter than your last few posts. I don't care what you eat..just plz plz plz stop the nonsense involved in phrases like "I can't" or anything other than "I continue eating it simply because I want to and Environment, daughter, grand children, personal health, ethical treatment BE DAMNED in anyway that relates to my making this lifestyle change."
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I lol'd at the quoted bit so hard. C'mon're so much smarter than your last few posts.

    Apparently not . . . good night darlin'.
  • I love how you just keep ignoring the parts of my posts that you can't defend against.

    Sleep well.
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