Bristol St. presents - "Merry Xmas Madness 6" - Sat. Dec 12th at 3pm (Waterloo)



  • You have me on the list twice, fwiw..also Ryan is VERRRY tentative, but there's a slight chance he might make it back from Mn before Sat.
  • You all have fun, sigh :(
  • Zithal wrote: »
    The reserve list has been updated with only a few days to go til the madness begins! The reserve list is currently sitting at 42, so I'm guessing the final number will be in the mid-30s.

    Does anyone have any chairs I can borrow for the evening. I'd like to secure 16, but arrange is so that we get 8 for sure, and another 8 sitting in someone's van so that we can use them if we need them, or keep them there if the tourney is <40.

    Thanks all! Now to madly scramble to get ready for the weekend. Argh!! :)

    Still looking for chairs? I can put 4 in the back of my car in case...
  • put me + one(erin) down! Might have a couple more as well know by tommorow
  • add 1 more for sure(danielle) so with me thats 3!!
  • Pinhead wrote: »
    Still looking for chairs? I can put 4 in the back of my car in case...

    Thanks, Brad! That would be awesome. That brings us to a total of 8 extra chairs (bringing us to 40), with currently 43 on the reserve list. I may just pick up 4 folding chairs from Crappy Tire as some are beginning to be less than usable. :)
  • Am looking forward to this, but I will need address
  • I must decline, Need lotsa details posted since I am missing my favorite event of the year

    Anyways, All the Best in the Season to All the Normal Crazies that attend

    Milton Slim

    below here could be a LARGE PICTURE< but I have not done my due diligence yet. Thanks Kristy
  • Just a quick note to let people know that I'll be posting the seating assignments tomorrow evening to the forum. It's looking pretty definate that we'll be sub-40, so the plan is to have the usual three tables in the basement and two in the garage.

    I'll also post some reminders (like not forgetting your Secret Santa present)

    It's so close!!!
  • something has come up, have to cancel, good luck all
  • something has come up
  • 50-50 whether i'll be able to make it tomorrow, sorry for the late notice. i'll try to late you know beforehand
  • Acidjoe+1 is still tentative.... I might know more after we go out tonight..... damn kids get in the way of everything LOL....

    I will be there mind you unless the weather goes really bad.....
  • Unless a miracle happens my +1 won't be there..... sorry about that rob she really wants to play.
  • won't be able to make it this time
  • Ryan couldn't make it back from Minnesota in time. :(
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Unless a miracle happens my +1 won't be there..... sorry about that rob she really wants to play.

    It is Christmas time. A time for miracles. :)
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    It is Christmas time. A time for miracles. :)

    Oh then you have a chance to win! :D
  • Pretty sure I can't make it now due to a car issue that came up...will text someone if that changes but have fun guys
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    It is Christmas time. A time for miracles. :)

    not today she's definitely out.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Pretty sure I can't make it now due to a car issue that came up...will text someone if that changes but have fun guys

    Ok, you can remove my table from the "top 3 for rebuys" list.
  • i'm out the door right now, blind me in if necessary
  • Dr Larry and I are coming together and may be 10 min late but will be there...
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Oh then you have a chance to win! :D

    ZING! Johnnie wins:)
  • Missing two $1 chips from the cash game. Please check your pockets if you played in the cash game.

    mmoose 3rd
    Big E 2nd
    Peteski 1st
  • Congrats to the winners, and another huge thanks to Zithal for hosting a very fun (at times) event.
  • Likewise, congrats to the winners... Big E, mmoose, just knew you would be there at the end... Nice job Peteski, you join a long list of distinguished title holders...
    Thanks for the use of your cash chips at the $$$ table Moose... I really enjoyed it.. Amazing how the old tight guy still gets payed off after all these years...
    Nice tournament chips Zithal. Thanks again for a real fun time...
  • As usual Zithal a fantastic tourney. My first final table and my first cash at a Bristol. I feel good!

    Peteski, nice job heads-up and a very well deserved win, he schooled me on the last hand for sure!

    I had a blast, thanks to everyone for making it another great event!

    p.s. Thanks for the vote of confidence Compuease, I thought you were on crack my self...but I guess I did ok!
  • thanks again everyone I had a great time
    i'm sure i'll see you again in the new year at another tourney

    hopefully nextime i'll be on my game and not go all in on AA against Kristy's obvious set flop.... :(

    thanks again to Zithal great times!!
  • Thanks Rob, I had a great time!
    TuFull wrote: »
    hopefully nextime i'll be on my game and not go all in on AA against Kristy's obvious set flop.... :(

    lol, just try raising it pf imo..

    It was great to put a face and name together. Nice to meet you!
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