Things that piss me off:



  • 126. People who put this much thought into watching pron. I mean, it's porn!!! If you want art, download On the Waterfront, or go to Stratford.

    127. The Dutch. Lets get ALL the non-Canadians out of here!! Woot!

    128. Oh, and people who are intolerant. I hate people like that.
  • 129. people who judge based off country of origin
  • 130. Xenophobes. They piss me off BIG time. Just not as much as the Dutch.

  • Milo wrote: »
    You do realize there is an implied smiley face in all this, right?

    who are you talking to?

    131. when i cant figure out who people are talking to
  • i was going to say you, but apparently I'm not . . .

    132. Lets take this somewhere else. Turtles piss me off, and I have no idea why . . . Any time I see one in the desert, I have this overpowering urge to turn it onto it's shell. So, yeah . . . turtles.
  • 133. implied smiley faces that are invisible
  • What if the only reason you missed them is because they were on the belly of a turtle. Turn it over, turn it over . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    What if the only reason you missed them is because they were on the belly of a turtle. Turn it over, turn it over . . .

    134. turtles
    135. turtles bellies
    136. not getting tert pics from kristy
    137. turtles
  • 138. people who say they hate dutch people
  • 139. people who make bad gimmicks
  • gimmicks? Okay, we're even . . . wtf?

    Oh, but I agree with #136. That would piss me off, too . . .

    Phil, crash your own party, I'm confusing secret at the moment. when I'm done, you can take over.
  • Milo wrote: »
    gimmicks? Okay, we're even . . . wtf?

  • Okay, I'm done.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Okay, I'm done.

    with what
  • Exactly. You catch on fast.

    Over to you Phil . . .
  • you people are confusing
  • secret wrote: »
    you people are confusing

    Stick around, because once you figure out the insanity, this thread will become hilarious when you go back over it. A quick mind like yours should "get it" in about 3 months. :D

    See? A smiley. And nary a turtle in sight, either.
  • 32. Americans that break my heart by leaving forums
    32. Americans that don't send2receive
    32. Americans that... Hi whatcha wearin? Wanna wrestle?..oops shit sorry, I got distracted mid-post by my need to have lots of sex with Secret.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    32. Americans that break my heart by leaving forums
    32. Americans that don't send2receive
    32. Americans that... Hi whatcha wearin? Wanna wrestle?..oops shit sorry, I got distracted mid-post by my need to have lots of sex with Secret.

    32a. canadian mods that tolerate such nationality (i made that word up) hate
    32b. no comment and you know why
    32b. just look
  • 140. mods of off topic poker forums
  • *insta-checks e-mail*

    I wish I had a peal necklace like yours. :/
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    *insta-checks e-mail*

    I wish I had a peal necklace like yours. :/

    dont think it should be YOU checking the email, should be someone else
  • do turtles have e-mail?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    do turtles have e-mail?

    which is why i win
  • BINGO!!! EUREKA!!! and QED.
  • Milo wrote: »
    BINGO!!! EUREKA!!! and QED.
  • a) Having to be politically correct all the time
  • secret wrote: »
    which is why i win

    Secret for mod.

  • - Taxes
    - People that complain all the time
    - The government
    - Annoying people
    - Ridiculous pricing
  • 232. Who invited Emmemere.
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