Orangeville poker league

Just got back from this tournament, great value again, 76 players payed 8, I finished 5th for just under $300. Only 1 other player from the forum , Waltsfriend, that I recognized. Started at 11:30 finished at around 8:15....
Three tables of 1/2, non raked, still going when I left.


  • compuease wrote: »
    Just got back from this tournament, great value again, 76 players payed 8, I finished 5th for just under $300. Only 1 other player from the forum , Waltsfriend, that I recognized. Started at 11:30 finished at around 8:15....
    Three tables of 1/2, non raked, still going when I left.

    I finally found a Sunday where there was no freezing rain or snowstorm forcasted, made the trek to Orangeville. I left a little after Compuease. I was at the third cash table and it was breaking when I decided to leave. About half the players from my table filled in empty spots in the other two cash tables.

    The rake-free cash game had $40 minimum buy-in and $100 maximum buy-in and 1/2 blinds. Most people, at the brand new third table that I joined, bought in for the minimum - one bought in for $100. I bought in for $60. I caught pocket jacks on the first hand and won a $40 pot right off the bat. I think my table probably had the least money on it. When the table broke, there was about $1400 total after about four or five hours of play. I cashed out for $400 as chip leader - so it was worth the drive.

    The play was reasonably weak. The best example of this was when I had pocket queens on the button. There was a raise UG to $10. I re-raised to $25. The big blind re-raised me all-in to ~$40. UG called. The flop came down 8 high. UG checked, I bet $25 and he folded. The big blind showed A-7 suited and was convinced that he had made a great play pre-flop and just got unlucky. The queens held up.

    I recommend this game for anyone who is interested in playing small stakes.
  • Can you PM me more details; how often do these games take place? can you play in the cash games only (skip the tournament)? how long does it take normally for the cash games to start after the tournament?
  • I am pretty sure you can play cash without playing the tournament

    Tournament on Sundays usually starts at 11:30am and a Cash Game will start as soon as there is enough players eliminated from the Tournament are willing to play cash
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Can you PM me more details; how often do these games take place? can you play in the cash games only (skip the tournament)? how long does it take normally for the cash games to start after the tournament?
    Here is the link for more info and where you can sign up yourself... Orangeville Poker League (Orangeville, ON) -

    I think you should probably play at least one or two tournaments first before just coming to play cash... Or at least ask the organizer Curtis...
  • im not really a poster , more of a lurker...i was there as well..i wish i could play more of these..Curtis runs a tight ship..and there is designated dealers..i finished 18th..i was short stacked, pushed in the bb with 77, and they got beat by kq when the k came ..was that you compuease? lol
  • marban wrote: »
    im not really a poster , more of a lurker...i was there as well..i wish i could play more of these..Curtis runs a tight ship..and there is designated dealers..i finished 18th..i was short stacked, pushed in the bb with 77, and they got beat by kq when the k came ..was that you compuease? lol
    Nope, don't recall that one, I'm more of a pusher than a caller.. lol...
    I'm the real old guy with the black bowler hat...
  • I was there, went out in 11th or 12th place. Stupid kid called my re-raise on a 7 high flop with KK! Can you believe that? 20,000 call with just KK!!! I just don't get these internet kids, sigh....
    for those who think I am being serious when I call the kid 'stupid', I am not. He played quite well. Just a little humor on my "great" read.
  • I am going out to the next tournament on Feb 22. Anyone else from the forum going to be there?
  • Sirus wrote: »
    I am going out to the next tournament on Feb 22. Anyone else from the forum going to be there?

    I may check out the cash games, if I can skip the tournament.
  • jacktenoff wrote: »
    I was there, went out in 11th or 12th place. Stupid kid called my re-raise on a 7 high flop with KK! Can you believe that? 20,000 call with just KK!!! I just don't get these internet kids, sigh......

    for those who think I am being serious when I call the kid 'stupid', I am not. He played quite well. Just a little humor on my "great" read.
    Which table were you at, the one closest to the parking lot? I was at the other one.. I think we collapsed to final shortly after you went out.
    I will be there on the 22nd for the next one...
  • Can someone post the structure and buyin. thanks
  • Can someone post the structure and buyin. thanks
    50$ buy in..half hr blinds..the usual..25/50..50/100.75/150..etc etc...
  • Can someone post the structure and buyin. thanks

    Or just use the link further up this thread.....
  • It's a great game/setup. I've played there once, and plan on doing so again
  • Can someone post the structure and buyin. thanks

    The blind structure they use is the same as the WSOP Blinds Schedule ( 2008 ) for intermediate tournaments:

    Level Ante Blinds (blinds increase every 30 minutes)
    1 - 25 50
    2 - 50 100
    3 - 100 200
    4 25 100 200
    5 25 150 300
    6 50 200 400
    7 75 300 600
    Remove $25 Chips
    8 100 400 800
    9 100 500 1,000
    10 100 600 1,200
    11 200 800 1,600
    12 300 1,000 2,000
    13 300 1,200 2,400
    14 400 1,500 3,000
    Remove $100 Chips
    15 500 2,000 4,000
    16 500 3,000 6,000
    Remove $500 Chips
    17 1,000 4,000 8,000
    18 1,000 5,000 10,000
    19 1,000 6,000 12,000
    20 2,000 8,000 16,000
    21 3,000 10,000 20,000
    22 3,000 12,000 24,000
    23 4,000 15,000 30,000
    Remove $1000 Chips
    24 5,000 20,000 40,000
    25 5,000 25,000 50,000
    26 5,000 30,000 60,000
    27 10,000 40,000 80,000
    28 10,000 50,000 100,000
    29 15,000 60,000 120,000

    Buy-in: $50 (all of which goes towards the prize pool)
    Starting chips: 4000
    Add-on: $5 (extra 1000 in chips - goes towards covering expense)

    This is the link for all other tournament info:

    Orangeville Poker League Tournament #12 - Orangeville Poker League (Orangeville, ON) -
  • I'm a newcomer to this poker forum and it sounds like the Orangeville league is well run, I think I'll give it a try on the 22nd. I'm coming off of a horrific home game and am looking forward to rebounding asap! lol
  • anyone play at the Newmarket tournaments put on by the same guys that run the Orangeville tournaments? do they have cash games as well at the Newmarket games? what is the action like in NM? I see they have 140 people signed up for this Friday's tournament
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    anyone play at the Newmarket tournaments put on by the same guys that run the Orangeville tournaments? do they have cash games as well at the Newmarket games? what is the action like in NM? I see they have 140 people signed up for this Friday's tournament
    Keep in mind that these are NOT the same as the Orangeville poker league games. They are charity tournaments and as such as fairly heavily raked. While they are not terrible structures, they are nowhere near as good as the league games. You need to read the details carefully. That Newmarket one does sound interesting though, if you can survive the first couple of hours with a reasonable stack, it could turn out relatively interesting.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Keep in mind that these are NOT the same as the Orangeville poker league games. They are charity tournaments and as such as fairly heavily raked. While they are not terrible structures, they are nowhere near as good as the league games. You need to read the details carefully. That Newmarket one does sound interesting though, if you can survive the first couple of hours with a reasonable stack, it could turn out relatively interesting.

    ok, thanks; didn't realize there was a rake on the cash games;
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    ok, thanks; didn't realize there was a rake on the cash games;
    I was referring to the charity tournaments.... not even sure if they have cash games at those...
  • The "Rake" at the Newmarket Lions tonight (Orangeville) is in the form of "Optional" re-buys and add-ons. All the money from the origiinal Buy-In goes to the pot. I have played with only the Buy-In but the add-on has been part of my game lately. Just play tight for the first three rounds to avoid the donkey fest some player are there for (or be part of it if you like the sport).
  • screenman wrote: »
    The "Rake" at the Newmarket Lions tonight (Orangeville) is in the form of "Optional" re-buys and add-ons. All the money from the origiinal Buy-In goes to the pot. I have played with only the Buy-In but the add-on has been part of my game lately. Just play tight for the first three rounds to avoid the donkey fest some player are there for (or be part of it if you like the sport).

    was referring to the cash games, not the tournament. Thanks.
  • Looks like Ma nature says "no poker for you this weekend Muddguts".

    F@#k! I just heard 5-10 cm of snow will be falling Saturday night and into Sunday morning. Effin figures
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    Looks like Ma nature says "no poker for you this weekend Muddguts".

    F@#k! I just heard 5-10 cm of snow will be falling Saturday night and into Sunday morning. Effin figures
    lol, 5-10cm? in Orangeville that's insignificant... I'll be there, this is Canada right?
  • compuease wrote: »
    lol, 5-10cm? in Orangeville that's insignificant... I'll be there, this is Canada right?

    it doesn't sound like much but it has the potential make an 87 km drive seem twice as long and a drag.
  • bump for todays tourney, 11:30am Sunday....
  • I made the trip after all. Up and down all game, lasted about 3.5 hours and still only half way through the field as far as I could tell. Damn, no ordering Paulson Private Cardroom chips this week lol

    Picked the wrong time to push all in. I was 1st or 2nd short stack at the table in the BB with Q-8 clubs and chip leader raised my blind. I had a feeling he was bullying my small stack and trying to pick up the blinds and antes so I pushed with a very medicore hand. Actually got 2 callers (each calling about 2 grand ontop of the initial raise) and knew I was pretty much dead in the water then. Didn't even hit a pair, needed a club on the river....

    Very well run tourney from what I could see and I will play there again. With better results of course.
  • Just got back from Orangeville, game finished about 8:30. Made it to 3rd this time for a little over $400. Just couldn't win a flip at final or I would have been up with the chip leader.. I think 1st paid 1100 and change..Met Sirus who also made final for 7th or 8th I think... And is moving to Milton in April... Woohoo, another Milton Rock potential... We just keep getting better and better......
  • compuease wrote: »
    Just got back from Orangeville, game finished about 8:30. Made it to 3rd this time for a little over $400. Just couldn't win a flip at final or I would have been up with the chip leader.. I think 1st paid 1100 and change..Met Sirus who also made final for 7th or 8th I think... And is moving to Milton in April... Woohoo, another Milton Rock potential... We just keep getting better and better......

    Congratulations. It was a profitable weekend for you!
  • From all accounts these sound like nicely run tourney's. I'll check out the next OPL tourney in march. Anyone know if the charity poker tournaments listed on their site are run by the same group, i realise there is the "rake" in the form of rebuys; but are the structure and dealers of the same quality?
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