The 2008 Brisol Street GRAND FINAL Update Thread



  • moose wrote: »
    Mark and Greg were shorted $4.50 ea. I'm not sure what Al shorted himself. I'm out over $5 and Tyson is out $1.25. I'm not worried about it. I was more concerned that Al cashed out the chips and didn't account for the missing chips. I had most of them and Redington went home with 2.

    Yah, Im out because i i forgot chips in my pocket... fuck this i want some vig on top!

    Dave is right, it shoouuldn't all fall on you Wes.

    Im in for $5
  • Redington wrote: »
    Yah, Im out because i i forgot chips in my pocket... fuck this i want some vig on top!

    Dave is right, it shoouuldn't all fall on you Wes.

    Im in for $5

    Ok guys, here is the plan:
    -Everybody throws in whatever amount they feel responsible for.
    -People who were shorted money are returned their share of the money
    -The excess money is given to the winner of a freeroll where only players who participated in said cash game will receive chips. Also, any player willingly covering some portion of the missing pot will be granted additional starting chips based on the amount contributed.

    And, go.
  • In. Thanks Pinhead.
  • I'll give you the details of my Nigerian savings account, but first I need the login & password of the account where you're going to transfer the funds from, so I can ummmm... verify something.

    And, go.

  • Pinhead wrote: »
    Ok guys, here is the plan:
    -Everybody throws in whatever amount they feel responsible for.
    -People who were shorted money are returned their share of the money
    -The excess money is given to the winner of a freeroll where only players who participated in said cash game will receive chips. Also, any player willingly covering some portion of the missing pot will be granted additional starting chips based on the amount contributed.

    And, go.

    oh man, get AIDS IMMEDIATELY!

  • I cashed out the chips that were there, and had Beanie verify my counts.

    I then talked to Mark, and we agreed to make up the $9 that was missing by each taking a $4.50 hit.

    I thought it was weird that there was spots missing, but I also wasn't there at the start of the game to know if the racks were completely full. Since everyone else had "cashed out" already, Mark and I took the hit to make things even. We then gave g2 the money for himself/Kristy and took our cash.
  • I was passed out drunk and woke up with the money stored securely, and with an abundance of class, in my bra...I've no concept of how much it was, and even less idea of how much it should have been...

    but if I should be kicking in for the make up to those who are missing money, please let me know.
  • At least, in your bra, it was protected from the projectile vomiting.

    ...just sayin.

    Before this gets too far off topic, I wanted to chime in with a big..

    CONGRATS SANDY!!!!!!!!

    A well deserved win with a final table full of mine fields. It was a shame that the blind structure turned the game into bingo by the end. There was, seriously, no play left!! ;)
  • Congrats Sandy!
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