The 2008 Brisol Street GRAND FINAL Update Thread



  • Interesting side note....

    We just raced off the greens. 8 cards we dealt out, and none were higher than an 8!

    Calculating it out, I get that that would happen once out of every 141.5 times!!
  • Moose raises to 3000, two callers and Krisy pushes for 11,600 more. Both moose and stpboy call and she looses, going out in 9th.

    One hand later Tye's 66 doesn't improve again Mario's 88 and he's out in 7th.

    The very next hand stpboy goes all in with JJ on a 876 board. Mario has the nuts 9T.

    ATP is out in 7th and we're down to six
  • Jonathan pushes on a small stack and is called in two place. Zithal ends up with a boat and Oragami is out in 6th.
  • Mario sends his stack over to Mandy over the course of several hands and eventually his 88 loses to A5 on a rivered 5. Four players remain.
  • Quick update

    Mandy out on the bubble, Zithal out in 3rd
  • Sandy has a massive chip lead going into heads up with Moose
  • wish them both luck
  • I'm sure Zithal will post more later...

    It's now 3am and the tourney has been over for about 1/2 an hour.

    Walt's friend won the tourney!!

    And yet, the sounds of drunken Rock Band wail above my head.... :-)
  • gg all. Very tough night. As I said to Waltsfriend on a break, way before the heads up, it was by far the best time I had playing with her. Congrats.

    I won the last longer with PokerQueen but lost in the cash game without even playing! I had chips in my pocket still Al. Did you not notice the missing chips? I heard it was short which was weird because with my chips, there actually should have been extra money left over, so it was WAY short. Redington went home with $1.25 in his pocket too.

    Good year Zithal. Thanks again. So wound still I can't sleep. Now to look forward to MXM! Merry Christmas everyone. See you in the new year.
  • congrats Sandy

    You're the boss, apple sauce.
  • glad to see you put my chips to use, you were playing great yesterday

    xongrats sandy!
  • Congrats Sandy...

    Moose, how much were we short in the cash game?
  • Great tournament everyone and Congrats Sandy!! Wow!! It was an incredibly tough field yesterday and most appeared to have brought their 'A' game. Everyone took it very seriously as this, IMBO, is the most prestigious event of the year.

    I must note that when I went out I spiked a set on Jacks the river just to eff with me a little.

    Thanks for the great year Rob. Get that effin' wall of fame up now!

    Shannon "no tact" McMahon
  • Big ups Sandy! Big thanks to Rob, Bristol St. is the shit and I look forward to playing more in the future (as do all the other players).
  • Way to go Sandy. Even though this tournament was rigged.
  • Congratulations Sandy, well done!

    Thanks to Rob for another great year of poker at Bristol!
  • Awesome Sandy!
  • I am thrilled to be the Bristol Street Grand Champion. It was an incredible day of poker. We were five-handed at 9:00 p.m., four-handed at 11:30 p.m., and finally in the money just before 1:00 a.m.

    The tournament structure was fantastic; it was great to have so much opportunity to play after 7, 8, 9, ... hours of poker. There were some unbelievable plays and turns of the cards. As described by Al's tournament updates, the runner-runner full house for Rob (Moose) was quickly followed by the runner-runner straight that that Mike called card for card. Mandy made an incredible call with second pair against Mario when it was five-handed. Rob (Moose) laid down top pair when he was short-stacked, having confidence he could work his way back - and he did make it back to chip leader when we were three-handed. Rob (Zithal) agonized for more than five minutes about a call that he may regret not making now, but I give him credit for thinking through all of the ramifications. Three-handed play was very tough, and I did catch some great cards at that point in the tournament. However, I did get a walk when I had pocket aces in the big blind.

    Thanks to all the other players who made the win feel so much better because of the tough competition. Thanks to Mario and Jenn for dealing at the final table. Thanks to Al for the fantastic updates throughout the day and night. Thanks especially to Rob for hosting a great season and a great year-end tournament.
  • Yeah thanks Mario and Jenn for dealing - in pajamas no less - hot.

    I'm thinking with my and Redington's chips and what DrTyore and g2 were shorted, the total was about $15.
  •, thats quite alot.

    Since I was the original chip guy, I'll put the money back in everyone's hands next time I see ya'all.
  • Btw this came up during the tournament.

    Button goes allin. SB announces call, not realizing button went allin. SB was forced to call BB. I believe he should have been able to take back his entire bet, based on Roberts Rules, sec.14 rule 12.

    12. Because the amount of a wager at big-bet poker has such a wide range, a player who has taken action based on a gross misunderstanding of the amount wagered may receive some protection by the decision-maker. A "call" or “raise” may be ruled not binding if it is obvious that the player grossly misunderstood the amount wagered, provided no damage has been caused by that action. Example: Player A bets $300, player B reraises to $1200, and Player C puts $300 into the pot and says, “call.” It is obvious that player C believes the bet to be only $300 and he should be allowed to withdraw his $300 and reconsider his wager.
  • According to strictly RROP, yes I agree also. It depends on if there is a house rule though, for example. In the PPT, and I think the WPT, they use the same ruling that was used in your hand. If you call, obviously not realizing that there has been a raise before you, you must leave the amount of the initial call in the pot, and you can still fold your hand, but you are not forced to call the whole raise and play the hand. I think they look at it like a "pay attention!" penalty.

    I first saw it used in a PPT episode, it was Eskimo Clark who called, not knowing someone had raised, they made him leave what he had called in. Then Annie Duke was annoyed that he didn't have to pay the full raise, mostly, I think, because she wanted better odds to call with a low pair.

    Congrats on the win Sandy.

  • Congrats Sandy,

    Did you do anything different when you played this time?
  • Wtg sandy!!!!
  • Congratulations!
    moose wrote: »
    SB was forced to call BB. I believe he should have been able to take back his entire bet, based on Roberts Rules, sec.14 rule 12.
  • Moose wrote:
    Button goes allin. SB announces call, not realizing button went allin.

    I'm not sure how this effects the decision making and I don't really want a rule-mongering is supposed to be fun! ..But there really is no way that Origami shouldn't have known that I shoved. I put all my chips in the middle and said "all in" He wasn't paying attention and quite a few seconds later threw the BB in the middle and announced 'call'

    It seems to me that there is a difference between misunderstanding and not doing your job of paying attention.

    TBH I think it was nice of us to not make him call the full amount.

    And this is all for naught, because regardless of Robert's Rules..the very same ruling on 'crossing the line' had already been made earlier in the even if it isn't there (in RR's) .. it is clearly established as a house rule.
  • westside8 wrote: », thats quite alot.

    Since I was the original chip guy, I'll put the money back in everyone's hands next time I see ya'all.

    Why doesn't Wes, Greg, Al, Mark, Tyson, Pete, Kristy and myself throw in $2 each to cover? There were 4 different people handling the cash while I was there, so Wes shouldn't have to pay it all.

    I will pay you next time I see you Wes.
  • Is it bad that I just noticed the title of the thread is misspelled?
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Why doesn't Wes, Greg, Al, Mark, Tyson, Pete, Kristy and myself throw in $2 each to cover? There were 4 different people handling the cash while I was there, so Wes shouldn't have to pay it all.

    I will pay you next time I see you Wes.

    Mark and Greg were shorted $4.50 ea. I'm not sure what Al shorted himself. I'm out over $5 and Tyson is out $1.25. I'm not worried about it. I was more concerned that Al cashed out the chips and didn't account for the missing chips. I had most of them and Redington went home with 2.
  • I thought it was Al and I that were out $4.50? I'm not too worried about it regardless.

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