The 2008 Brisol Street GRAND FINAL Update Thread


1:30p : Doors open
1:45p : Live drawing for seats


Seat 1: "joeheartsdi"
Seat 2: "Redington"
Seat 3: "PokerQueen"
Seat 4: "8Ball"
Seat 5: "Moose"
Seat 6: "Ranger"
Seat 7: "Deepnet"
Seat 8: "Zithal"
Seat 9: "waltsfriend"


Seat 1: "Oragami"
Seat 2: "Ineedadave"
Seat 3: "stpboy"
Seat 4: "Buzzzardd"
Seat 5: "Kristy_Sea"
Seat 6: "Hellmuth's Mole"
Seat 7: "g2"
Seat 8: "peteski"
Seat 9: "ItsaMe"


  • There is just over 24 hours left until the 2008 GRAND FINALS begins. Who will join the ranks of our previous three champions: "stpboy" Shannon, "SirWatts" Mike, and "Kristy_Sea" Kristy??

    For those with nothing else going on that day, there will be a third table set up for side game action, and Mark has mentioned that he's bringing his XBox with him.

    The alternate list, as it stands is currently; "DataMn" Al (stupid allinforthecure), "Dirty Whore" Mark, "Quimby" Duane, and "sstar" Sean).

    For those showing up to see if they'll get in as an alternate your time won't be completely wasted, but I'll leave that cryptic for now.

    As players drop out, and the tournament winds down, the rest of the house is open to games, drinking and more poker. Come on out and celebrate the end of Season 5!
  • Shuffle up and deal has been called and cards are in the air. 25-25 blinds with a 20,000 starting stack.

    The only missing player is "Moose". If he doesn't call or make it in 30 minutes, "DataMn" Al is on deck to take his place.

    Good luck players!!

    Look here for live updates throughout the day!
  • Good luck and have fun Bitches!
  • I'll take over some of the commentary since Zithal is a little busy playing....

    Buzzzard has been having a rough day.

    Here's the first hand that I found....

    Flop comes down Kc 5c 2h

    Oragami bets, Buzzard calls

    Turn Th

    check check

    River 4h

    Buzzzard bets 3K. Oragami thinks, and then calls.

    Buzzzard has a busted flush draw (8c9c)
    Oragami has K3

    Buzzzard is down to 2600

    Mario is the early chip leader with 32K
  • 5 players in for 100 pre-flop

    Flop comes 5c 5h 2c

    Buzzzard goes all in for 2025

    Noone calls

    Buzzzard shows his Qc Tc while raking in the pot of 2525
  • Table 1

    Deepnet 27950
    Reddington 24675
    8 Ball 24450
    Walts Friend 23700
    Zithal 20950
    Moose 19500
    JoeheartsDi 15525
    Ranger 14575
    Poker Queen 11075

    Table 2

    Itsame 34375
    g2 30000
    Oragami 29400
    IneedaNick 24400
    Kristy_sea 24225
    Peteski 18450
    Hellmuth's Mole 16200
    stpboy 11900
    Buzzzard 2350
  • Buzzzard was clinging to life when the following happened....

    5 players were in for 600 pre-flop

    Flop comes 3 4 T rainbow

    Buzzzard was happy to go all in with his pocket fours.

    Unfortunately for him, Oragami was happy to call with his pocket tens!!

    No help came - and the Bristol Street player of the year was the first one out of the grand championship!!
  • Waltsfriend has been on fire... she is up to about 40K now.

    Reddington just lost a fair sized pot to PokerQueen. Tyson flopped 2 pair, but PokerQueen turned trips.

    PokerQueen is up to about 16000, while Reddington is down to about 7000.

    Peteski has lost a fair amount... he is down to about 10K.

    1 more level to go before the second break!!
  • 3 players (Itsame, Kristy_sea, and Hellmuth's Mole) in for 3000 preflop

    Flop comes 6d 6h 5c

    Kristy_sea checks, Hellmuth's Mole checks, Itsame bets 3000

    Kristy_sea calls 3000

    Turn comes down Ac

    Kristy_Sea bets 4000

    Itsame asks for a count... Kristy_sea says about 12000

    Itsame raises 12000 to put Kristy_sea all in

    Kristy_sea folds.

    Kristy_Sea is down to about 11500... Itsame is up to about 65000

    Level 6 is now starting... 30 minutes at 100/200 with a 25 ante before the supper break
  • Table 1 has been a lot more conservative than table 2. But here is a sample

    4 players in pre-flop for 600

    Flop comes Kd 9s Ks

    Zithal bets 600
    JoeheartsDi raises it to 2400
    Reddington folds
    Deepnet folds

    Zithal.. folds.

    Reddington even showed a King from his hand afterwords!!
  • With 2500 in the centre, Ineedanick goes all in, and stpboy insta-calls!!
    (stpboy is actually the one with his tournament at risk)

    stpboy has AcKc, while Ineedanick has Qc Qs

    Flop comes 4c Js 2c

    Turn is 6d

    River comes... 5c!!

    stpboy more than doubles up to 20850, while Ineedanick is down to about 3600
  • Just after finishing my writings on how slow table 1 is, the following hand came up...

    2325 in the pot pre-flop

    The flop comes 4h 5d Th

    Moose bets, and Deepnet goes all in.

    Moose calls

    Turn comes Ad, and the river comes Ac!!

    Moose doubles up with a runner, runner full house!!

    Moose doubles up to 43125, while Deepnet is down to about 14000

  • Ineedanick is out in 17th place.

    He has AhKh, and moved in. Kristy_Sea only needed to call a small amount more with her K8 and did so.

    She then proceeded to hit trip 8s
  • Table 2 is the table of death.

    Hellmuth's mole raised pre-flop, Mario reraised all in and Hellmuth's mole insta-called.

    Hellmuth's Mole shows pocket tens, and Itsame shows pocket kings!!

    Board comes out 3 6 7 Q 9

    and we are now down to 15 players

    We are now on the 2nd break. Chip counts coming shortly
  • Table 1
    Moose 42525
    Waltsfriend 38650
    PokerQueen 14150
    Joeheartsdi 13850
    Ranger 13825
    8 ball 13350
    Deepnet 9675
    Reddington 4200

    Table 2
    Itsame 78625
    Oragami 42675
    Zithal 24700
    stpboy 20950
    g2 19550
    Kristy_Sea 14975
    Peteski 7300

    Average Stack: 24000
    Median Stack: 14975
  • Starting round 7. Blinds 150/300 with a 50 ante
  • 1 had into level 7 and PokerQueen gets a flush to knock out DeepNet (who had a straight).

    Poker Queen is up to about 25000, while DeepNet is out!!

    14 Players left.
  • Reddington goes all in, and 8Ball calls

    A7 for Reddington, AJ for 8Ball

    The flop comes J 6 4 with the Jack in the door

    Turn 5

    River 8

    Reddington doubles up to about 9000 with the runner runner straight!
  • 3 Players in Pre-Flop

    Flop comes down 8h 4h Jh

    It goes check, check, check (and then Zithal, the angle shooter, puts in 3200)

    Once Zithal takes back his illegal bet, the turn comes 5d

    Zithal THEN bets the 3200. Peteski goes all in. Zithal calls

    Peteski - AJ Zithal - Jd Th

    River - 7h

    Zithal knocks out Peteski with the flush!

    Down to 13. 4 more out to the final table.
  • 2000 in the pot pre-flop

    Flop comes down 5c 9h Qh

    Ranger bets 2800

    JoeheartsDi goes all in for 3000 more

    Ranger folds

    We are now starting Level 8... 200/400 with a 50 ante
  • Flop comes 9h 4h 5s

    Reddington bets, JoeheartsDi goes all in, and Reddington instacalls

    JoeheartsDi has Ah 10h, Reddington has a set of 4s.

    The board runs out 2s 10s and JoeheartsDi finishes in 13th place.
  • stpboy just hit Quad 9s for $74 in the high hand jackpot!!

    Now he's freerolling for the tournament!
  • Itsame in the bigbling. g2 in the small blind

    Oragami calls under the gun.
    g2 calls.
    Itsame raises 1500
    Oragami folds
    g2 reraises another 4000
    Itsame calls

    Flop comes 8s 2c 7s

    g2 bets 5500

    Itsame asks for a count. He then goes into the tank.

    Finally he announces that he has pocket sixes and folds.
  • Ranger Mike goes all in pre-flop with 8Ball

    Ranger has 33
    8Ball has 55

    Boards comes K K 9 2 Q

    Ranger has been knocked out, and we're down to 11 players.
  • Itsame was in the small blind, Kristy_Sea in the big blind

    g2 calls
    Itsame raises to 1500
    Stpboy reraises to 5000

    Its a me finally blinks and folds
  • Reddington and Waltsfriend are all in pre-flop

    Reddington... AQ
    Waltsfriedn... AA

    Board comes down K 9 7 5 J and Reddington gets knocked out.

    Oragami moves to table 1 to even the tables. 1 more out to the final table!
  • Kristy_Sea and Itsame get it all in preflop

    Kristy_Sea... Ks6s
    Itsame... 55

    The flop comes down with a K, and Itsame does not improve. Kristy_Sea doubles up to about 6400
  • For nothing.

    Kristy_Sea and Zithal go all in.

    Zithal... AcKc
    Kristy_Sea... AdKs

    The board gives neither player a flush, so Zithal and Kristy_Sea chop Itsame's blind.
  • At table 2, all 5 players call the Big Blind (Kristy_Sea)

    Kristy_Sea looks at her cards, and then gives God (or something else in the sky) the finger.

    The flop comes 4c 2c Js

    g2 bets 2650.
    Zithal raises to 6500

    g2 goes all in for 14300 more

    Zithal calls!

    Zithal has AcJd, g2 has Jh Qs

    g2 does not improve - and is out of the tourney!

    we are now preparing for the final table with 7:30 left in the 9th level
  • Seat 1... 8 ball (8th) 11075
    Seat 2... Moose (5th) 41750
    Seat 3... Zithal (2nd) 58750
    Seat 4... PokerQueen (6th) 41425
    Seat 5... stpboy (4th) 45950
    Seat 6... Kristy_Sea (9th) 10225
    Seat 7... Oragami (7th) 28825
    Seat 8... Itsame (3rd) 56300
    Seat 9... Walt's Friend (1st) 66500
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