Kitchener / Waterloo Triple Crown Finale



  • Umm....

    Great #'s Al... what do they mean? :) And FTR, nobody has won a g2/CC, every 2x winner is a BSC + one or the other

  • DataMn wrote: »
    3.54 for anyone already winning a BS and one of the other events
    1.18 for anyone already having won one of the events other than BS
    0.66 for anyone only having won a BS

    Use the numbers as you wish ;-) Flame away :-). I can't win a share of the jackpot anyways.

    So I should have a 5 to 1 chip advantage over single Bristol street winners? I'm getting screwed. Mark and your damn pacification policy! You friggin Chamberlain!*

    * for those of you keeping score that's twice I've insinuated forumers are Nazis.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    So I should have a 5 to 1 chip advantage over single Bristol street winners? I'm getting screwed. Mark and your damn pacification policy! You friggin Chamberlain!*

    * for those of you keeping score that's twice I've insinuated forumers are Nazis.

    You're giving us too much credit...
  • this is stupid...just stop the pseudo-fair..and declare it the fucktard-fest that it is.

    I vote that it be an ironman where anyone who has paid can play...the less wins, the more you have to drink though.

    Seriously, you aren't fair yet, and we all know you're not going to be. Make it fun.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Make it fun.

    If you show up it will be.
  • I've no interest in this freeroll, and no plans to play it as is.

    I also don't recall a single person in the other thread saying that they wanted this option. It is trash; not full on fun, not full on fair.

    I'm further annoyed that they pretended they were interested in suggestions and turned something that was supposed to be a huge challenge into a luckbox freeroll and then YOU EVEN DO FUN LIKE SHIT

    This tournament as is, is an epic fail. Make it an Ironman.
  • Sweet, sweet freeroll overlay!!!! Is that redundant?

    I would suggest it is in your best interest to attend if possible. I mean nothing would poke a finger in the eye of the FIST* than you showing up and winning despite the advantage we've been spotted.

    * Fascist
    organIzers of
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I've no interest in this freeroll, and no plans to play it as is.

    I also don't recall a single person in the other thread saying that they wanted this option. It is trash; not full on fun, not full on fair.

    I'm further annoyed that they pretended they were interested in suggestions and turned something that was supposed to be a huge challenge into a luckbox freeroll and then YOU EVEN DO FUN LIKE SHIT

    This tournament as is, is an epic fail. Make it an Ironman.

    GFY. I've never heard so much whining about a freeroll in my life. STP and DrTyore did all the work and instead of thanks all you do is give them grief. They put the fun into it and all the whiners take it out.


    THAT SHOULD BE IT FOR POSTS IN THIS THREAD OTHER THAN, "I'm playing" OR "I can't make it. Thanks for trying." Anything else makes you look like a tight-fisted, anal retentive, zero class whiner.
  • I wish that I was playing in this freeroll. Thanks Mark and Shannon for taking the time to look after this the last few years. I enjoyed coughing up an extra looney every tournament.

    And fuck you Redington for having your AJ beat my AK headsup, when you were all in so, I am not eligible.

    And fuck you labeach2002 for having your A3 beat my 99 headsup, when you were all in, so I am not eligible.

    And fuck everyone else who took me out along the way, so I am not eligible.
  • I'm playing :)

  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    And fuck everyone else who took me out along the way, so I am not eligible.
    Hehehe... that's me :)

  • moose wrote: »
    GFY. I've never heard so much whining about a freeroll in my life. STP and DrTyore did all the work and instead of thanks all you do is give them grief. They put the fun into it and all the whiners take it out.

    THAT SHOULD BE IT FOR POSTS IN THIS THREAD OTHER THAN, "I'm playing" OR "I can't make it. Thanks for trying." Anything else makes you look like a tight-fisted, anal retentive, zero class whiner.

    Moose eat a bag of dicks if you think that you have the power to drop a 'that should be it' and I'll sit down, who the fuck do you think you are?

    Did what fucking work? Having loonies thrown at them, and then deciding that they don't want to do it anymore giving up and creating a gay tournament, and giving themselves an edge to win it?

    but since they're determined to make it bullshit, they have an obligation to make it the best bullshit they can.

    FTR since you're apparently illiterate, my last TWO posts have suggested an ironman, how the fuck is THAT tight-fisted?...I'll ship my small % of the pool towards EVERYONE WHO HAS PAID INTO THIS POOL having fun.

    I don't care if it is $1 or $1000, this is b.s. and those in favour are a bunch of fucking pussies, OR greedy fucks barring the rest of those who paid but did not qualify in the RANDOM amount of time that Mark and Shannon decided to alot.

  • Put me in the Greedy Fuck category please.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
  • Just to note. I know everyone likes a good debate but unfortunately we're not changing the format. You may continue to debate if you'd like, being a free country and all. We're not going to change it. I just wanted to throw that out their even though I was fairly certain that this would die down pretty soon anyway...

  • moose wrote: »
    THAT SHOULD BE IT FOR POSTS IN THIS THREAD OTHER THAN, "I'm playing" OR "I can't make it. Thanks for trying." Anything else makes you look like a tight-fisted, anal retentive, zero class whiner.

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Just to note. I know everyone likes a good debate but unfortunately we're not changing the format. You may continue to debate if you'd like, being a free country and all. We're not going to change it. I just wanted to throw that out their even though I was fairly certain that this would die down pretty soon anyway...


    of course you won't, and you shouldn't have wasted our time with the other thread where you pretended that you might actually listen to suggestions being made.

    I'm glad that you finally admitted that.
  • Bump...

    Less than a month away

  • What are you retarded?
  • Wait...


  • Guess who I am:

    The sky is blue.
    Water is wet.
    Ice is cold
    Mark is retarded.

    That's right! It's Queen of the Obvious Kristy!
  • mmm 10000 in mint poker chips...

  • Add me to list. Thanks for running this Mark and Shannon. I don't think it was worth all the drama you have had to endure, but great job! Can't wait to see everyone again.
  • No problem Jeremy! Glad you can make it!!

    Are we running this at Rob's still?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    WHEN: Sunday, March 1st, 2009 1:00p.m.
    WHERE: Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino
    Final answer?

  • A quick reminder that this is fast approaching. Mark, can you confirm with Zithal that we are doing this at his house?

  • I assume it's still at my place this Sunday?

    I'm sure this is finalized somewhere, but was a final choice made on; starting stacks, blind amouts, and blind duration?

    Off topic, sorry for the lack of organizing stuff; my house is a bit of a disaster at the moment, and I really need to make some repairs to lots of places, so I've been holding off.

    For the first half of the year, I'll be running more things that have a smaller poker footprint in my place. The season half of the season will contain more regular games. I'll post more details later.

  • Zithal wrote: »
    I assume it's still at my place this Sunday?

    I'm sure this is finalized somewhere, but was a final choice made on; starting stacks, blind amouts, and blind duration?


    That would be this thread... page 1 :)

    I figured we could just use a nice gentle blind schedule - maybe the Grudge match one! :)

  • My poker table is still out so we could easily have this at my place if you prefer.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I figured we could just use a nice gentle blind schedule - maybe the Grudge match one!
    Gentle is good, but I'd like to win by 8pm since I have to drive back to Ottawa that night.

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