Kitchener / Waterloo Triple Crown Finale

Hello all

Well, after reading posts / discussing with forumers, a decision has been made.

WHEN: Sunday, March 1st, 2009 1:00p.m.

WHERE: Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino

WHO: 1 & 2 game winners of the KWTC

WHY: See the other thread....

HOW: Ahh... the big question

The game will be a freeroll tournament, for those players who have at least one win in the KWTC race. This list includes:

Moose (2)
g2 (2)
DrTyore (2)
stpboy (2)
800over (2)
beanie42 (1)
kristy_sea (1)
reddington (1)
Zithal (1)
8Ball (1)
2Bullets (1)
RangerMike (1)
sstar (1)
Haddon (1)

Now, as I said, this game will be a freeroll tournament. The players names have the number of games won next to their names. Those players with one win will start with 10k in chips, while those with 2 wins will start with an advantage of 3.5k, for a total of 13.5k in chips. In keeping with the KWTC, this is a winner take all tourney, with the entire pot being awarded to the winner <will update size when I count it again>.

Many people mentioned adding money to the prize pool, so there will also be available an optional side bet of $20 - essentially a last longer bet that is paid out to the top three participants in the side bet. Any players participating in the tourney that do not wish to put the side bet on, will neither be forced to, or eligible to qualify for its payout.

Please confirm/cancel your attendance to this game in this thread. PLEASE NOTE: Given the extensive time between this posting and the game, it is expected that you will be able to schedule yourself to attend, anyone not participating forfeits their claim to any KWTC prize money. Seats are non-transferrable.



  • Sounds good to me.
  • Sounds good - I'm in.
  • Sounds like a good scheme. Count me in.

  • I also would like to add my positive opinion of this tournament echoing the previous members of the KWTC caucus and would like to put my name forward for consideration. (That means cool I'll play). I would like to suggest a pre KWTC brunch/lunch be convened prior to this Tournament. Any suggestions? Also as in the other thread I suggest that there has to be some kind of bragging rights prop bet also. Anyone got any ideas? I suggest that the bet include stupidity and chicken wings. (or ribs/street meat/apples whatever).
    Anyone have a problem with declaring insies or outsies for the last longer bet prior to the tourney(ie now) so that a payout can be figured out. Inzees!*

    *spelled both ways to hope for one being correct.
  • In for $20 but it should be $40. Not up for brunch or whatever.
  • I guess I missed the poll where the majority of KWTC participants agreed to this date.

  • The date was picked with quite a lag so that we could give a lot of notice, couple this with the fact that we tried to book around Zithal's schedule (February was unavailable), and then also discussions I had with people told me that Saturday was not a good day.

  • g2 wrote: »
    I guess I missed the poll where the majority of KWTC participants agreed to this date.


    Make a suggestion.
  • Oh, I guess I'll play.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Hello all

    Now, as I said, this game will be a freeroll tournament. The players names have the number of games won next to their names. Those players with one win will start with 10k in chips, while those with 2 wins will start with an advantage of 3.5k, for a total of 13.5k in chips. In keeping with the KWTC, this is a winner take all tourney, with the entire pot being awarded to the winner <will update size when I count it again>.


    Why don't you just make it pineapple, seriously, you can't have a fair game of poker when starting stacks aren't the same.

    But of being only one win, I guess our opinion doesn't matter as the organizers have already made the rules. Given the last thread, I thought you guys were backing away from this set up.

    Understandably, people would feel with two wins that they deserve more. I would suggest that everyone with one win has to add $5 to the pot so the 2 winners get a winners advantage but to start off the tourney at a 35% chip deficient doesn't make it a fair game in a WTA tourney.

    Whatever happens you guys decide. However, I wanted you guys to know how i feel about it.
  • Redington wrote: »
    Why don't you just make it pineapple, seriously, you can't have a fair game of poker when starting stacks aren't the same.

    But of being only one win, I guess our opinion doesn't matter as the organizers have already made the rules. Given the last thread, I thought you guys were backing away from this set up.

    Understandably, people would feel with two wins that they deserve more. I would suggest that everyone with one win has to add $5 to the pot so the 2 winners get a winners advantage but to start off the tourney at a 35% chip deficient doesn't make it a fair game in a WTA tourney.

    Whatever happens you guys decide. However, I wanted you guys to know how i feel about it.

    Fair is in the eye of the beholder. I don't think that a win in the triple crown can be made up by a $5 addition ($45 total). You can have a "fair" tourney with some bigger stacks if that's where the advantage of winning twice is placed. That's why we had the other thread. Having said that I do believe in the original thread mentions a vote. We'll put you in the against side. Currently I've got a 7-1 for vote with 1 unknown. And since I won twice I get 5 votes which makes it 11-1.

    I do believe that the whole people/organizers with 2 wins want an advantage business is a slight misrepresentation/red herring. The opposite argument could be used for anyone with only 1 win. You guys only want us to give up our well earned/luckbox advantage. Depends on your point of view I guess.
  • Could you please post the blind schedule for this tourney.

  • Hasn't been worked out yet.. but fear not, it'll be a nice, deep stack with a lot of play.

  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Fair is in the eye of the beholder. I don't think that a win in the triple crown can be made up by a $5 addition ($45 total). You can have a "fair" tourney with some bigger stacks if that's where the advantage of winning twice is placed.
    I think part of the point being made is that it SHOULD be easier for a 2-win person. Making it cheaper for them doesn't do that, giving them a bigger stack does. I didn't think double-stack was fair because the first win is the "easy" one and the third win is the "hard" one, since 1-win people would have 2x as many opportunities for a second win as a person going for a third, but they are closer. I can see there point about deserving an in-game advantage and tend to agree with it, as long as it isn't a massive adavantage. Personally, I think 1/3 stack is pretty fair (so 800 can put me in the for, if he didn't already).
    800OVER wrote: »
    I do believe that the whole people/organizers with 2 wins want an advantage business is a slight misrepresentation/red herring.
    Somewhat agree. I think most of us are looking out for our own interests, and rightfully so. But it isn't either side that chooses the format, it's the organizers. And while Mark isn't flaunting all the work he's been doing to try and figure this out as fairly as possible, I will. He has talked to a bunch of people at length, including a number of people outside the group of winners to try to get an impartial opinion. Whether you like the format or not, accusing the organizers of doing it for purely selfish reasons isn't really fair.

    As far as a vote goes, good luck getting everyone to agree on a format, extra buy-ins, dates, etc. I think Mark is making a smart decision to just try to make a fair but arbitrary decision, otherwise this thing will never get done. But if you want to nitpick, it actually says that either a new host will be found or a freeroll will be held, and that changes to those rules require a popular vote. Since he's going with 1 of the 2 listed options, nothings changing, so a popular vote isn't required.
  • I think even with us getting a 35% advantage in chips we are giving up a huge edge that we (the ones with 2 wins) earned.

    Think for a moment that the KWTC was still able to run <thinking>

    Now a person with only one win does not only have to win 2 more tournaments however also has to avoid having one of those 5 players (who all have 2 wins) from winning said tournament.

    I'm not an 'odds guy' but there must be a way to figure out the liklihood of a person with one win winning the KWTC when we have 5 other players needing only one more win. I think the odds are strongly against those players with one win regardless of their own self inflated confidence. Yeah, I'm talking to you Tyson :D

  • Ok then.

    It was noted.

    See you in March.
  • THAT was your response? C'mon! I was tryinig to stir up some drama for this weekends Grand Championship. Lol.

    See you all then :)
  • If the Triple Crown is brought up at the Grand Final, I may have to pee on you. I will have to find some other form of punishment for Mark as I hear he's into that sort of thing but, mark my words, it will be bad! That is all.
  • Shannon should I tell them that you and Mark first thought of a different set up for the freeroll? ie all the 1 time winners would play rock paper scissors and the winner would then face the 2 time winners in a freeroll with an equal stack, having earned another "win" in the KWTC?
  • Zithal wrote: »
    If the Triple Crown is brought up at the Grand Final, I may have to pee on you. I will have to find some other form of punishment for Mark as I hear he's into that sort of thing but, mark my words, it will be bad! That is all.

    webcam address please.
  • stpboy wrote: »
    THAT was your response? C'mon! I was tryinig to stir up some drama for this weekends Grand Championship. Lol.

    See you all then :)

    Look, I understand that over the last three years none of you who play every week could not take this down.

    I also understand that you need the extra 35% stack to have a chance.

    See you Saturday, biatch.
  • I'd like to propose a blind schedule, as well as starting this game a bit earlier than 1pm. I live in Ottawa so I will have a 5-6 hour drive home after this tourney. And we all know I'm going to win. So, if it pleases the court, I'd like to have the KWTC money in my hand no later than 8pm.

    Blind Schedule option A - 11am start / 30min blinds

    Blind Schedule option B - noon start / 25min blinds

    option C - other

    I vote for option A

    A - 1
    B - 0
    C - 0

  • Redington wrote: »
    Look, I understand that over the last three years none of you who play every week could not take this down.

    I also understand that you need the extra 35% stack to have a chance.

    See you Saturday, biatch.

    Well that is definitely better than just conceding that we are smarter, better poker players and better looking then you are. You have to read between the lines to find where I stated these facts.

    And Zithal...I welcome you pee on me as I will wearing my impenitrible cloth of armour also known as ....

  • ha ha shannon in a large shirt!
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    ha ha shannon in a large shirt!

    Hahaha, well played!

  • g2 wrote: »
    I'd like to propose a blind schedule, as well as starting this game a bit earlier than 1pm. I live in Ottawa so I will have a 5-6 hour drive home after this tourney. And we all know I'm going to win. So, if it pleases the court, I'd like to have the KWTC money in my hand no later than 8pm.

    Blind Schedule option A - 11am start / 30min blinds

    Blind Schedule option B - noon start / 25min blinds

    option C - other

    I vote for option A

    A - 1
    B - 0
    C - 0


    Have the game start an 10am with a lunch break. Could you post the blinds schedules? the website you're using is blocked at my work.
  • The blinds are both the same, pretty standard KPS/WPC/whatever I used to call my tourneys. No antes. Fuck antes. Haha. See you tomorrow Rob, can't wait to ante all f'ing day ;)

  • g2 wrote: »
    Fuck antes. Haha. See you tomorrow Rob, can't wait to ante all f'ing day ;)/g2

    I don't think the antes will have started by the time I knock you out.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    I don't think the antes will have started by the time I knock you out.
    Oh it's on bitch. Pfft Buzzzardd, can't even spell his name right. Two D's at the end, honestly. What an IDIOT!!! Gawwwd. mad props to Napoleon

  • stpboy wrote: »

    I'm not an 'odds guy' but there must be a way to figure out the liklihood of a person with one win winning the KWTC when we have 5 other players needing only one more win. I think the odds are strongly against those players with one win regardless of their own self inflated confidence. Yeah, I'm talking to you Tyson :D


    OK, I was bored at work, so I ran a simulation with the following paramaters:

    - A pool of 30 players who play in every tournament.

    Of those 30:

    1 has won a Cook Crew (CC) event and a g2 (G2) event
    2 have won a Bristol Street (BS) and a CC event
    2 have won a BS and a G2 event
    5 have won only a BS
    2 have won only a CC
    2 have won only a G2
    8 are still actively trying to win, even though they have not won an event yet
    8 are not trying to win the Triple Crown

    For each event, I gave those that have won at least one event a 3x better chance of winning than a person who has not won any events (because you know you're so much better than anyone else). So, the previous winners had a 3/58 chance of winning the event, while the non winners had a 1/58 chance of winning.

    I then ran through a constantly looping schedule with twice as many Bristols as the other events (BS, CC, BS, G2) until someone won.

    With 1 as the likelihood of the average player winning the KWTC, here are the indexes for each scenario:

    7.65 for anyone already winning a G2 and a CC
    3.54 for anyone already winning a BS and one of the other events
    1.18 for anyone already having won one of the events other than BS
    0.66 for anyone only having won a BS
    0.02 for anyone not having won an event as of yet.

    Use the numbers as you wish ;-) Flame away :-). I can't win a share of the jackpot anyways.
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