Season 9 SET Game



  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    That brings up a point of notice.

    Just letting everyone know that if by some act of god I manage to make it close to the money - I'm not entertaining a chop - no matter my chip position.

    The reasons for this are twofold:

    1) In honour of the no chop Elliots.
    2) I am stuck this season and need to break even.

    I REALLY don't think that will be a concern for you ;)
  • As long as my table draw doesnt include Garry I'm on easy street to the monies.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    As long as my table draw doesnt include Garry I'm on easy street to the monies.

    Or Romer
    Or Derek
    Or Steve
    Or Rob, Dave, Kris, Dan, Nib, Micheal, or me

    Yep, should be easy for you ;)
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    That brings up a point of notice.

    1) In honour of the no chop Elliots.
    2) I am stuck this season and need to break even.

    Awwww *sniff* I'm touched.

    For the record, I have chopped...but it leaves me feeling used and dirty.

    And I still think chopping with 5 players in a 13 player game is the lamest ever.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Or Romer
    Or Derek
    Or Steve
    Or Rob, Dave, Kris, Dan, Nib, Micheal, or me

    Yep, should be easy for you ;)

    I do not know these people.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I do not know these people.

    Of course not; you're never around long enough to meet anyone....
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Awwww *sniff* I'm touched.

    For the record, I have chopped...but it leaves me feeling used and dirty.

    And I still think chopping with 5 players in a 13 player game is the lamest ever.

    You guys are missed, El. Hope you can both come out next season, and bring Henry with you. I'm sure we can keep him entertained.

    Garry, you beat me to that line...well played sir.
  • garryc wrote: »
    Of course not; you're never around long enough to meet anyone....

    I may not be involved in the game,
    but I seem to be outlasting you at the tables lately no?

    I will not deal tonight however - that would just be cruel.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I will not deal tonight however - that would just be cruel.

    No no...I INSIST you deal!!
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I may not be involved in the game,
    but I seem to be outlasting you at the tables lately no?

    I will not deal tonight however - that would just be cruel.

    Dealing doesn't count, we all know that people that end up dealing aren't good enough to play the game....right AJ ;)
  • garryc wrote: »
    Dealing doesn't count, we all know that people that end up dealing aren't good enough to play the game....right AJ ;)

    Hmmmmm, how many games have I dealt?
  • No word whatsoever from Mike (Stakz) yet, so I'm guessing it will only be the 15 of us degenerates playing for the money tonight.

    Best of luck to everyone, but to tell you the truth, I hope you ALL SUCK!
  • It was a long night, to be sure, but Darryl emerged with the top finish last night, allowing him to at least break even for the season. Steve, The Champ, took down second place, while Derek hung on to third. Micheal also monied for the third straight SET game taking down fourth after a chop. Not sure what the payouts were, but I know everyone was guaranteed $300, and the rest was chopped by the top three.

    Romer busted out early enough to get enough interest in a small cash game as well, and between him and Dave, dominated the cash game.

    Great game everyone, and thanks for a great season!

    There was a bit of talk last night about a Season Ending weekends are pretty booked up for the month of September, but if someone would like to host a get together, I can give you all the emails and what not to send out invites and directions. I'll do my best to attend as well.

    Again, thanks for a great season.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Micheal also monied for the third straight SET game taking down fourth after a chop. Not sure what the payouts were, but I know everyone was guaranteed $300, and the rest was chopped by the top three.


    Not so much a chop as a reallocation. I believe 4 were paid anyway. It went from 2,3,5,9 to 3,4,5,7.

    Either way - I really enjoy how the tone of the game always changes for the SET. gg on the season as always AJ.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Not so much a chop as a reallocation. I believe 4 were paid anyway. It went from 2,3,5,9 to 3,4,5,7.

    Either way - I really enjoy how the tone of the game always changes for the SET. gg on the season as always AJ.

    You DO realize you only won because you sucked out on me, right? ;)

    Yes, the SET game is always a much more serious game. Seemed to take awhile to get the Chump crowned last night (btw, Rob was Chump). Big money + bonus chips makes for a stronger game.
  • AJ, thanx to you and your wife for another great season, hosting us degens every thursday.

    Congrats to Steve for a great season and all the winners at the SET....

    I hope to be able to make it out to a few games next season.

  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    You DO realize you only won because you sucked out on me, right? ;)

    I won several 60/40's last night while holding the "40"
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I won several 60/40's last night while holding the "40"

    including your winning hand. your k 9 vs my k q

    congrats on the win, well deserved
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    including your winning hand. your k 9 vs my k q

    Psst, Steve

    don't tap the aquarium
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Psst, Steve

    don't tap the aquarium

    Yes, theres no need to scuff up the new gold plating.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Psst, Steve

    don't tap the aquarium

    maybe it's because i am overly tired, but what does that mean?

    i only know how to tap a keg...
  • tapping the aquarium scares the little fish

    we like little fish ;)
  • So THAT'S why everyone has been so nice. It's all coming clear to me now . . . wait what's that thumping sound?

    Great season AJ, thanks again.
  • I'm so deaf I can't hear the thumping ....thx for everything AJ... think I've donated enuff to the hill so I'm forced to retire..... Friday nights are a bit better for me....getting up at 530 a.m. is taking its toll. I think I chumped out only once here this season so at least I made it count by taking the crown.... lol...Take care all sharks-of-the-hill and best of luck to you all ..cheers........Rob
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Not so much a chop as a reallocation. I believe 4 were paid anyway. It went from 2,3,5,9 to 3,4,5,7.

    Either way - I really enjoy how the tone of the game always changes for the SET. gg on the season as always AJ.

    Thanx for clearing that up Darryl..., didn't want to tarnish my 3/3 record on set games.icon12.gif Great game btw, you were determined to take it down yesterday even with your 60/40 predicament.

    Wasn't really sure though if the reallocation of funds worked to my advantage..., as you can see, I still ended up in 4th after taking the chip lead prior to the proposed "redistribution". It definitely allowed me to play a more loose game than normal I must say (ie Derek's all-in call for 1/2 my stack w/ 75s... I must admit that was a donkey move..., still learning to this day..., mental note: do not overvalue gapper connectors and under value pocket rockets).

    Great game fellas..., looking forward to it all over again next season!

    PS: Special thanx again to AJ and family for being such generous host.
  • MCflip73 wrote: »
    mental note: do not overvalue gapper connectors (75s) and under value pocket rockets

    LOL!!! QOTD.

    It was a great game. A real roller coaster of a final five. I can't count how many times I said to myself.... "I am TOTALLY fucked!... I wonder if they'll chop."... and two minutes later "this is a lock, I definitely got 1st in the bag".... yes, my mind is a tad overactive! Fortunately, I came out with some cashola. It was truly anybody's game when we got down to 4. I had the lead, Steve had the Lead, Michael had the lead, Darryl had the lead.... we passed it back and forth for an hour, and then Darryl took the last lead and didn't let go. Never liked that guy Darryl;)

    Good game to all. Some definite solid play, and very few really bad suckouts that I saw (which makes for a better SET imho). Quads twice!! Not sure who picked up the J's. I was lucky to make quad quads, 4x4's, or their new ching hill name, "The Jeep". I love The Jeep! I was looking forward to some "Jeep Action", but didn't get much.

    A great season. Thanks again AJ to you and your family.

    Looking forward to next season. I have invited a new fish... yeah that's right fishy fishy if you're reading this NICK! I'm talking shit bout you punk. Come donate bitch. ;) He says he's totally in.... maybe not after my trash talk here.

    Elliotts, we miss you guys. Hoping to see you in the Anniversary Season 10!! You know you can't miss it. Chris, stop teaching Henry to play 53os. You know it ain't workin for ya.

    Thanks again and also to the participants. We got a good group.... well, for the most part:)
  • Hecktor wrote: »
    ... think I've donated enuff to the hill so I'm forced to retire.....

    Dude.... you can't retire the hill. You must take all of our money or file Chapter 11..... didn't you read the fine print?

    Don't quit.... it's fun! Plus, giving to charity is a good thing that makes us all feel better:)
  • derksen wrote: »
    LOL!!! QOTD.

    It was a great game. A real roller coaster of a final five. I can't count how many times I said to myself.... "I am TOTALLY fucked!... I wonder if they'll chop."... and two minutes later "this is a lock, I definitely got 1st in the bag".... yes, my mind is a tad overactive! Fortunately, I came out with some cashola. It was truly anybody's game when we got down to 4. I had the lead, Steve had the Lead, Michael had the lead, Darryl had the lead.... we passed it back and forth for an hour, and then Darryl took the last lead and didn't let go. Never liked that guy Darryl;)

    Always enjoyed reading your post..., well said!!!

    For the record, I was thinking more on the same line as you! Well, maybe not quite as you have eloquently described it but definitely more on the..., "I am TOTALLY fucked" comment than the..., "I definitely got 1st in the bag" part. In any case, I came away up this season so I am fairly happy overall with the results. But I must say..., gotta agree with you on the last comment about that Darryl dude! icon12.gif

    Looking back, Darryl must have moved in on me 3 or 4 times when I raised pf with a damn ace. Never liked it..., especially since he mentioned that he was more on the 40 side of a 60/40 split! I recall folding three times to that guy holding A9o, A7o and A4o. As it turns out, I shoulda folded A6o as well..., he had mine dominated with A10o. All jokes aside, he was the guy the beat - Darryl was just simply on a mission! I feel that even with him being the dog on any hand, he'll eventually flop-turn-river any card in order to win (ie just like that K9 vs KQ on last hand with Steve).

    On a last note..., what would you say on me expanding my repetoire to include 2 gapper connectors for next season?!?! icon12.gif Imagine me turning over that shit on a showdown for all the marbles..., that'll take everbody by surprise I bet!!!!

    EDIT: *I hear the other voice speaking* wtf are you doing you donkey?!?!???

    On second thought, nevermind the last question!
  • Thanks AJ for being a great organizer of this game we all love called poker.

    Thanks to all my victims when I commit robbery by stealing their blinds and raises which eventually after the cold tall cans of sweet juice begin to roll in, my victims now become the predators which prey on my precious chips.

    Thanks to my FedEx comrads for going to Derek's b-day party every Thursday before and after the game.

    As said in an earlier post, I too might retire as Friday mornings, afternoons and the evenings are taking a toll on me.

    Even we FedEx dudes came for at least half the season, we had alot of fun, you guys are a great bunch of donkeys....LOL.

    Next time you see me might be in the papers in October "Romer beats Scotty Win as the final two duked it out in an all-out drunken poker match for the WPT NAPC title @ Fallsview"!
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    "Romer beats Scotty Win as the final two duked it out in an all-out drunken poker match for the WPT NAPC title @ Fallsview"!

    Scotty Win.... never heard of this guy. Maybe he's trying to rip off Scotty Nguyen?

    YouTube - Scotty Nguyen - You call this one and it's all over, baby
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