Season 9 SET Game

Registration is now open for the 16 players who have qualified to play the SET game this Thursday night. I've already sent out the spreadsheet that showed you what your buyins will be for this game, so I'm not posting it here unless someone asks me to do so. You MUST pre register in order to qualify for this game, and you must do so before Thursday at 2pm!! This will give me the time to get everything ready including bonus chips.

Only 16 players have qualified, so I would expect everyone to show up. All SET game contributions from the Season will be awarded on Thursday night, including all buyins collected on Thursday.

1 - AJ
2 - Justin
3 - Anthony
4 - Darryl
5 - Micheal
6 - Garry
7 - Derek
8 - Allen
9 - Steve
10 - Nib
11 - Kris
12 - Romer
13 - Dave
14 - Rob
15 - Dan
16 -


  • Cannot wait, AJ. Should be a great capper to a very enjoyable season.
  • In....,

    PS: let this be a warning to all that I will not be slow playing those AAs!
  • i will be there
  • in..... and congrats to Steve on a well played season!

    Thanks again AJ and fam for putting up with us (or at least me) loud mouthed degenerates.
  • Iiinnn...
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    i will be there

    guess i have to reserve my seat twice
  • AJ -

    Theres a calculation error in the "money" spreadsheet you sent out.

    It's showing that I didnt cash this season when clearly.....

    Wait - nevermind.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    guess i have to reserve my seat twice

    WHOOPS...sorry Champ!
  • Im in...
  • I'm in

    Looking forward to making more of those mucking/folding/calling type of moves I have developed during the last game... "Even if a donkey makes a journey to the holly land it still comes back as a donkey..."

  • Only Dan and Mike left to register. Haven't heard from either of them in awhile, so not sure if they're going to make it or not.
  • AJ...,

    don't think I received the TOC details on my personal addy..., you mind resending the file or posting only my info here that would be great!

    Please be kind all and do not laugh at the results.icon12.gif
  • Micheal you're the second or third person to tell me you didn't receive the spreadsheet, so I've sent it out to everyone again.

    The last tab "SEASON ENDING TOURNAMENT" shows everyone's buyin and bonus chips earned for this game.

    If you didn't get it again, let me know, and I'll send it to you individually or I can post it here.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Micheal you're the second or third person to tell me you didn't receive the spreadsheet, so I've sent it out to everyone again.

    The last tab "SEASON ENDING TOURNAMENT" shows everyone's buyin and bonus chips earned for this game.

    If you didn't get it again, let me know, and I'll send it to you individually or I can post it here.

    just checked..., nada..., zip..., u sure u got the email addy right?!?!

    PM the result instead when u have a moment. Thanks.
  • IN! :)

    Also I had no problem seeing and opening the spreadsheet, I think you must have his email wrong.
  • Great to know you're coming out Dan. Bringing your own cheering section?
  • See you Thursday..... first one out wins right? :)

  • Hecktor wrote: »
    See you Thursday..... first one out wins right? :)


    Ummm, yea, that's right
  • lol.....good I have a pretty good chance then ....c ya then.....
  • Whats going on?? No pre-SET trash talking this season?

    Steve, you may have won the championship but we all know its because I wasn't at the last game >:D

    Darryl: when can I expect you to give me your chips, need to make sure I have enough to bust out Romer :p

    Let the fireworks begin lol

  • garryc wrote: »

    Darryl: when can I expect you to give me your chips, need to make sure I have enough to bust out Romer :p

    Just in time to deal your destiny on the bubble.
  • I think AJ wants to bust out Romer ...hang onto Darryl's chips a little longer ..... then they can start a cash game .... lol
  • As soon as I bust you and Romer I'm calling for a chop ^-^
  • Hecktor wrote: »
    I think AJ wants to bust out Romer

    Not true. I don't care who busts Romer out, or anyone else for that matter.

    Just as long as I'm the LAST one playing! ;)

    BTW...Steve & Garry...your start time tonight is 9pm.

    Everyone else, please remember, if you're not there by the end of the second level, I remove your chips. ;)
  • Its more like nobody's gonna bust me out! Garry you wanna talk trash, go ahead as long as I take everyone's chips
  • Romer the only way you're taking everyone's chips is when everyone is on break, grabbing them off the table and running out the front door.

    Edit: of course that will mean I have to bust you out before break :)
  • garryc wrote: »
    Romer the only way you're taking everyone's chips is when everyone is on break, grabbing them off the table and running out the front door.

    As funny as that sounds, Romer...DON'T do it! Sic my dog after your ass!

    eww I bet that scared you, huh?
  • garryc wrote: »
    As soon as I bust you and Romer I'm calling for a chop ^-^

    That brings up a point of notice.

    Just letting everyone know that if by some act of god I manage to make it close to the money - I'm not entertaining a chop - no matter my chip position.

    The reasons for this are twofold:

    1) In honour of the no chop Elliots.
    2) I am stuck this season and need to break even.
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