Ontario Street Racing Law

I know this is a bit outdated but some interesting stats are finally out....

Yes, my gf just got pinched going 145 in a 90....pfff!

Check it out...

Critics say police misusing new street-racing laws

Revise Ontario Street Racing Legislation Petition



  • Personally

    I don't see why any car really needs to be capable of driving more than say 140km tops...

  • I don't understand the need to go more than 50 over the limit.
    Unless someone is dying or having a baby, there's no need for it.
  • Did we just say the same thing essentially?

  • I'm definately against it, too much power given to police right on the scene, and with traffic offences its guilty until proven innocense.

    True you don't need to go 50+, but the penalty is way too severe. The thing the lawmakers don't realize is that, i'm pretty sure highway traffic has increased in speed. Now everybody is driving 140 on the 100s. 407 absolute min speed is 120, and i have to go 150+ to pass. I like it but kinda goes against what they tried to do with the law.
  • I used to drive pretty fast everywhere I went and many times drove well over 50 over. I admit at the time, it was really stupid, but there wasn't much deterance to NOT do it. Since it went in effect I will never go 50 over. I think the law is alright, as it keeps some people from driving at rediculously stupid speeds, like me ;)

    Though, I have to say that 100km/h is way too slow for a maximum. That should be increased, but they should put in new laws that fine people for poor driving ettiquette. There is way too much of that out there.
  • It's an endrun around due process. Too much power to the police who will abuse it.

    They are pushing this too far already by openly saying any modified car is a street racer. This is really unf^&king real that you the public are letting them do this.

    "Police see these two groups -- the car enthusiasts and the street racers --as mostly one and the same."
  • The argument above is one that I have a problem with...

    "The thing the lawmakers don't realize is that, i'm pretty sure highway traffic has increased in speed. Now everybody is driving 140 on the 100s. 407 absolute min speed is 120, and i have to go 150+ to pass."

    Let's boil this down to its actual meaning...

    "Everyone is ignoring this law, so we (I) should (will) not enforce it / ignore it / get away with it if I am caught."

    I detest this line of thinking. It's not a shot on actyper there, and it's not just in this regard, but if something is illegal, it's illegal. If something is commonly disregarded, that doesn't make things right or wrong.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I detest this line of thinking. It's not a shot on actyper there, and it's not just in this regard, but if something is illegal, it's illegal. If something is commonly disregarded, that doesn't make things right or wrong.

    Your line stinks. Legality and 'right and wrong' are distinctly different as well.
    I'm sincerely shocked that you are the one making this absurd argument, where does progressive thought and evolving society fit in your narrow approach?

    and stop signing your posts, that is uber-ghey: we know who you are.
  • [FONT=&quot]If you are going 50 Km/h over you are speeding, and not only are you speeding but you are speeding by a lot.

    It's not like you can accidentally look down and see you are going fast .

    You have to know you are speed when going 50 Km/hr or more over the speed limit, and if you are going that fast you have to know you are taking a chance for a ticket or worse.

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Your line stinks. Legality and 'right and wrong' are distinctly different as well.
    I'm sincerely shocked that you are the one making this absurd argument, where does progressive thought and evolving society fit in your narrow approach?

    and stop signing your posts, that is uber-ghey: we know who you are.

    I should have better stated my line of thought....

    I knew I'd get burned on the "right / wrong" bit... morals, ethics, what have you.. fine I'll give up that one. But the legality and therefore "should it be enforced" line I stand by....

  • According to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:

    7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

    8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.

    11. Any person charged with an offence has the right

    d) to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal;

    12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.

    The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is there for a reason. That the Police have been given powers under simple traffic law in direct violation of your rights and freedoms dictated under this document should scare the shit out of you.

    7. Due process is a major component of fundamental justice.

    8. Road side seizures of your property for an extended period of time without trial is messed up (unless that which is being seized is unsafe).

    11. The officer is not an independent tribunal. Neither is the entire police force since they directly profit from the fines being given out.

    12. Try going without your car for a week. I don't have anything against this if that's the punishment after trial but to let some Police office do this on the side of the road is unreasonable. It will be abused period.
  • According to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:

    7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

    8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.

    11. Any person charged with an offence has the right

    d) to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal;

    12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.

    The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is there for a reason. That the Police have been given powers under simple traffic law in direct violation of your rights and freedoms dictated under this document should scare the shit out of you.

    So I take it you also object to the RIDE program?
  • I do not.... but what a great example.

    The RIDE program was challenged all the way to the Supreme court since it did in fact violate your rights under the Charter. The Supreme Court acknowledged this but still made a very rare exception to the rule allowing the Police to operate the RIDE programs anyway. They were given very clear and narrow operating procedures on how to conduct program so as to allow little room for abuse.

    I actually support it. They did that the right way.

    But that is not what they are doing with the street racing. They are using public fear and manipulation to take things even farther.

    Seriously. Let's say 60% of prostitutes wear short skirts and the city has a major prostitution problem. Should the Police consider anyone with a short skirt a prostitute and pre-emptively punish them?

    That is exactly what they are doing with modified cars. Since I have after market rims I am to them the same deviant that goes out racing on the streets putting everyone's lives at risk. That my friend is pure bullshit. They are fanning the fear flames to a greater end (money).

    There is no money being made in the RIDE program. They are simply getting those that are currently drunk off the roads for that moment and off to trial later. I accept that violation of my rights in the form it was crafted by the highest court in our Country.
  • But there IS $$$ being made, whether it is from cab fares for driver's who blow .05, towing and impound fees (contracted out by the cops, natch) for drivers who blow over, etc. These are monies which are NOT reimbursed upon acquittal. So, in effect, innocent people ARE negatively impacted, as well as the guilty.

    As for your example, if Mark is walking down University Ave in a short skirt, and THAT is where the hookers ply their trade, then I would want him to suffer a closer look. By extension, if your modified car arouses suspicion due to it's appearance, you have to accept that you might bear closer scrutiny because of it. As has been stated in various articles, some of this equipment IS dangerous if not installed properly, and is not readily seen in drive pasts. It is just a different sort of preemption. Ask a Harley owner how often he/she gets stopped by the cops vs. a crotch rocket.

    The Street Racing Law is a bad one, but so is the Ride Program. I would go as far as to say that the RIDE program is a MORE serious infringement on my Rights under the Charter than the former is, notwithstanding that it has survived a challenge. The Supremes are not infallible. Lastly, if you are that vehemently opposed, challenge it's Constitutionality. We might even get the Constitution thrown out as a result. . .
  • Just to clarify <great debates so far though people> my problem isn't with the premise of the law, to remove the 'actual street racers' off of the streets but when my girlfriend, Father, Grandma etc. is going 50 over in rural New Hamburg (Damn you Johnnie!) I don't think the punishment fits the crime nor does it fit the purpose the law was enacted. Second point, as someone else already stated x2: It deprives you of due process. You automatically have your car seized, towed at your expense, license removed for one week. This could result in increased insurance (as it will now state that you have had your license suspended), legal fees (which cannot be reimbursed) and humiliation (May not affect Mark as he is used to it by now~ I kid, I kid). These are things that a not guilty verdict will NOT remove.

    I'm not saying going 50 over is in any way right. My response to my gf afterwards was to just support her and help in understanding how to accept responsibility....Well the other way is to try and help her find out the best way to get a reduced charge....anyway....those kids a year or so back that ran into that cab driver in Toronto killing him are responsible for the overreaction here by the Ontario Government. Funny how things trickle down....

  • Mark is biased...



    Engine type3-cylinder, inline
    Displacement999 cc
    Net power70 hp @ 5,800 rpm
    Net torque68 lb-ft @ 4,500 rpm
    Bore x stroke72 x 81.8 mm
    Boost pressure control-
    Maximum charge pressure-
    Compression ratio10.0:1
    Fuel delivery
    Electric multipoint injection
    CO2 emissions130 g/km
    Maximum speed145 km/h
  • That bottom pic isn't a Smart car, is it? Doesn't look like it. But then, it doesn't look like much of anything anymore, really.
  • Can't say i support this law. In principal I may, but I have a car that can do well over 50K limit in this province. I have not raced another car in over 15 years.

    If I hammer the peddle on a wide open hwy with no other cars near me and get caught, I am street racing according to the law.

    I say bullshit. I am speeding..........thats all!
  • stpboy wrote: »
    ) I don't think the punishment fits the crime nor does it fit the purpose the law was enacted.

    This is the important part....at 49 over you get a ticket...you plead it down to 29 over and get a $250 ticket....1 km higher and you lose your car/license(and a license is given to your insurance company to commit sodomy<they already have one but its with their middle finger and now they get to use their fist>). It's bs and it should be repealed. You were speeding...not racing. If I punch someone in the face I get off with fewer problems. (probably suspended sentence/possibly no record). And yeah I like brackets! Get over it!

    For the record I was caught doing 50km over about 18 years ago....only car in the area...paid $75 and that was it. Now I'd be fucked for 6 years(insurance premiums)
  • "As for your example, if Mark is walking down University Ave in a short skirt, and THAT is where the hookers ply their trade, then I would want him to suffer a closer look."

    All fine an dandy until it's you. How about getting interrogated because you play poker?
  • No one has yet to post a convincing argument of WHY there is a need to do +50 over the limit.

    I have no issue with this law whatsoever. Far as I'm concerned, you're not only putting YOUR life, and the lives of any passengers, but god know who's life as well. At speeds that fast, there is ZERO time to react to a kid popping out of a highway ditch, or an old lady in walker trying to cross the street. And you'll never convince me that coming around a bend in the road that fast would be safe.

    Say what you will, I support this law. Should be anything over +30kph. Matter of fact, shouldn't even be allowed to manufacture cars that go that fast on public roads.
  • ok I got nailed doing 59km over.
    I was on back roads where I thought the speed limit was 80km/h, and I was doing 119km/h, turns out the road was a 60km/h, my fault for not paying attention to the posted speed limit, and yes I was still speeding at either speed.

    Yes my car got towed and my liscense was suspended for 7 days and I couldn't get my car out of the impound until the suspension was over.

    But I did not get charged with steet racing. I got charged with "Stunt Driving" in a shitty little PT Cruiser
  • "Racing" is the heading, but the actual text of the law describes both the scenario of "two or more motor vehicles" which is the classic definition of racing, and another scenario of "one or more persons ... driving a motor vehicle at a rate of speed that is a marked departure from the lawful rate of speed" which covers one person speeding. Then the stunt portion clearly states 50+ . The law defines both scenarios, so clearly the intent to cover individual speeding is there.

    As Kristy mentioned, legality and morality are very different, but so is legislative power and enforcement. The police are enforcing the law as it was written, so not sure why everyone is blaming them instead of the government?

    I'm torn about the immediate suspension. I really dislike the potential for abuse here as well as the seeming loss of due process. However, if somebody is caught in the act of committing a crime, I'm not sure that immediate preventative measures are uncalled for. If somebody is caught in the act of <insert illegal activity>, is the normal practice of detaining them prior to a bail hearing also a violation of their "rights & freedoms"? Slightly off-topic (and I know I'm in the minority), but I'd really love to see a "charter of responsibilities" to balance things out...

    As far as the side issue somebody brought up about the common practice of pleading stuff down, that practice bothers me far more than this whole racing law and it's enforcement. Obviously not practical to prosecute every case fully, but having innocent/guilty actually determined with a consistent sentence would be so much better than the current bartering process. Maybe use the money from the "racing" fines to fund the courts a bit better?

    So while I think there might be a better way (whether practical or just utopian), I think we're better off with this law than without it - I support it.
  • "As for your example, if Mark is walking down University Ave in a short skirt, and THAT is where the hookers ply their trade, then I would want him to suffer a closer look."

    All fine an dandy until it's you. How about getting interrogated because you play poker?

    Have you met my wife? :D

    Seriously, my comment about the Harley riders remains unanswered. If you fit the profile in any way, deal with it. Either by changing the law, changing your rims, or changing how you drive. You are free to do what you want to/with your car, but they are charged with enforcing the law, regardless of how ridiculous it may be.

    Sorry AJ, but I am, basically, a libertarian. It is not about need, but about want. Why do I need to play poker? I don't. I want to play, though, so I risk getting caught in the clubs like some of us do. I am willing to accept the consequences of my actions, and resent someone telling me what is good and/or bad for me, or what I can(not) do. That is why I have never fought a speeding ticket. I know I speed, although less often now, so I pay the fine. But this law is serious overreach. They are depriving you of your property without due process, or proper legal recourse. The Police, in these cases are cop, prosecutor, judge, and jury. The objection is not to restricting my ability to speed, it is about restricting my legally established Rights under the Charter. At least, it is for me. After all, I think if my mini-van got up to 50+ over the limit, even in a school zone, she'd come apart at the seams.
  • Beanie, IANAL but I think there is a big difference between Highway Traffic Act offences, and criminal charges. This would, I believe, account for the disparity in treatment for the accused. This law will never be applied to me, so my objections are purely on a political level. I have tried to avoid the implication that I blame the Cops in this matter, because I do not. Bad law is the fault of the legislators, not the enforcers. This has been a decent thread, but I kind of miss the flame wars a little. Somebody call me an idiot, quick!
  • i must confess i had a habit of going at least 70km/hr and up to 100+km/hr over the speed limit. i am a speed demon from the XR7 back in the 70s to the 280ZX in the 80s to the RX8 today. (note the Xs! stands for eXcessive speed...)

    mitigating factor: only on major highways that were not busy and never much more than 10-15 over on city streets. so yes, i was endangering myself but not others, IMO. i am very conscious about the speed limit now so i rarely find myself more than 40 over the limit but i did catch myself at 51 over a little while back and had to pull over and spank myself.

    do i support the law as it is? no, i guess not but i like some aspects of it. i'd say if it was a clear case of racing or driving in an manner dangerous to the public (like on a city street or busy highway) then yes, it would be a useful thing to get those people off the road as quickly as possible (since they have demonstrated a lack of concern for other members of society), as they do with suspected drunks now. i don't think the law should be going after the guy or girl going a bit fast all by themselves on an empty highway.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    No one has yet to post a convincing argument of WHY there is a need to do +50 over the limit.

    *Convince me of the "need" to play poker, to have premarital sex, to own a car, to listen to music etc etc. We live in a free country which means you have to convince someone they are guilty not convince someone you're not.*

    I have no issue with this law whatsoever. Far as I'm concerned, you're not only putting YOUR life, and the lives of any passengers, but god know who's life as well. At speeds that fast, there is ZERO time to react to a kid popping out of a highway ditch, or an old lady in walker trying to cross the street.

    *No one here is saying that speeding is without danger nor are they saying that speeding should be legal. The problem is conviction and punishment without due process. A cop can take away your car for a week...and you have no recourse. = police state.*

    And you'll never convince me that coming around a bend in the road that fast would be safe.

    *So all the police that travel that fast are unsafe? Please. Cars are made to go well in excess of 150km/h on roads that are made for it...ie 401. Nobody is suggesting that we travel 90km/h in residential roads. We're talking 400 series highways...*

    Say what you will, I support this law. Should be anything over +30kph. Matter of fact, shouldn't even be allowed to manufacture cars that go that fast on public roads.

    *If you don't speed on the 401 I'll eat my next speeding ticket. And if cars we're limited to 30+ then the max speed they'd go is 70km....good luck.

    *my reponse*
  • Dead Money wrote: »
    Can't say i support this law. In principal I may, but I have a car that can do well over 50K limit in this province. I have not raced another car in over 15 years.

    If I hammer the peddle on a wide open hwy with no other cars near me and get caught, I am street racing according to the law.

    I say bullshit. I am speeding..........thats all!
    Agreed. This is exactly how I drive.
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    No one has yet to post a convincing argument of WHY there is a need to do +50 over the limit.
    Because it's a want. And because it has nothing to do with surpassing a limit. It's simply a want to go fast.

    My record speed is 231 km/h on the 401 with no other cars in site.

  • Man-pride and small penises is not a reason to go 50% above the maximum speed limit.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Man-pride and small penises is not a reason to go 50% above the maximum speed limit.


    LOL @ Mark's drunk post!!!!!

    (btw how did we make out at .01/.02..when I passed out I think we were nearing $30 and had made at least three mortal enemies...)
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