one more clusterf*ck at fallsview

i think i need an intervention. i decided to play at fallsview this afternoon as i was in the neighbourhood...

the details of the early stages of the hand aren't important. on the river, one guy leads out for 100 into a 200+ pot. opponent hums and haws and finally calls all in for 45. first guy says, 'good call'. players do nothing else.

dealer immediately mixes the board into the muck and pushes the pot to the guy who called. first player says 'hold on, no one has shown their cards yet'. everyone is saying 'well show your cards and we can easily identify the winner'. first player says, 'winner how? the board is in the muck now.'

floor comes over. much yelling and jumping up and down for 10 minutes while my session fee evaporates. big crowd gathers. floor decides he should fish in the muck to find the board cards to recreate what happened. first player is jumping up and down cursing at the floor that he can't go into the muck after the cards. after a couple of minutes the board is reconstructed (lot of arguing about that of course) and he has the players show their hole cards. first player was bluffing with K high (busted flush) and was called by A high (total air). second player starts giving the first player royal sh*t for wasting everyone's time.

floor confirms pot was awarded correctly (whew!) while all the while the first player is adamant the floor can't go into the muck to try to make a ruling. some choice words are flying at this point. of course after the ruling, new dealer sits down and we have to put up session fees...

thoughts on the 'correct' ruling and how this should have been handled? no admission of dealer error, no apologies, no offer to reduce the session fee.



  • At least they're consistent... with the level of customer service.

  • I am so glad that no one here ever makes mistakes at their job.
  • I'm so glad that poker players are respectful of each other at the tables. WTF you lost, stop trying to nitpick at the rules.
  • actyper wrote: »
    I'm so glad that poker players are respectful of each other at the tables. WTF you lost, stop trying to nitpick at the rules.

    This could of been solved so much quicker... here's how normal, decent players and dealer would of handled it.

    Player 1: "Woh, woh woh... we haven't shown our cards yet"
    Dealer: "Oh, sorry. Well show you hands"
    Player 2: "Did you have a pair?"
    Player 1: "No, Busted flush, king high" *shows cards*
    Player 2: "I guess my ace high takes it." *shows cards*
    Player 1: "Nice call" *pats table*
    Player 2: "Thanks"
    Dealer : "Wow, thanks guys, that could of gone a lot WORSE" *pushes chips over to Player 1*

    Bad customer service, stupid and inconsidorate player (p1).

    pkrfce9 sorry if you were p1. But hopefully you weren't. :)
  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    At showdown, please properly table your cards to keep the game moving. Thank you!

    I know it's early but I have a feeling this thread will hit at least 4 pages. :)
  • Fallsview is an angle-shooters dream, the story fits in perfectly for the type of room they are trying to run.
  • CanadaDave wrote: »
    This could of been solved so much quicker... here's how normal, decent players and dealer would of handled it.

    Player 1: "Woh, woh woh... we haven't shown our cards yet"
    Dealer: "Oh, sorry. Well show you hands"
    Player 2: "Did you have a pair?"
    Player 1: "No, Busted flush, king high" *shows cards*
    Player 2: "I guess my ace high takes it." *shows cards*
    Player 1: "Nice call" *pats table*
    Player 2: "Thanks"
    Dealer : "Wow, thanks guys, that could of gone a lot WORSE" *pushes chips over to Player 1*

    Bad customer service, stupid and inconsidorate player (p1).

    pkrfce9 sorry if you were p1. But hopefully you weren't. :)

    In a perfect world........
  • Good Christ,

    Now we have to defend the BOARD against dealer errors? How big a damned card protector are you guys going to bring if you ever go there again?

    I'm thinking something along the lines of a manhole cover.

  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    I'd love to hear you back up that statement.
    We'd all love to hear you admit some wrongdoing by Fallsview in this thread. Any wrongdoing. Take your pick.

  • I'd love to hear you back up that statement

    Can I just re-link you back to the other thread? I doubt retyping anything would be worth the effort.
  • What type of room do you think we are trying to run?

    Sorry, I'm not falling this another trolling of CPF again.
  • I believe it's called a "profit at the expense of customer" model.

  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    100% wrongdoing by Fallsview staff (first the dealer, then the floor).

    Can I add anything else or is that all that you want, a straight-up admission of guilt?
    Woohoo! That's all thanks. I can sleep at night now.

  • I agree it's stupid..

    Pity I've not seen evidence to the contrary....

    13cards, honestly, *I* am the demographic you're looking for... the player who is looking to play MORE casino games, who KNOWS the rules and will not bad a hindrance at the table to the game or the dealers.

    I have never been to your establishment to play, and now I never will go, simply because of what I have read on here, and the opinions of others. How is that POSSIBLY a good business model in a customer-based service industry?

  • (oh man i already slightly regret even joining in this thread).

    13cards, i'm going to have to side with some others on this forum. i happened to be one of the few people you felt necessary to send pms to in order to argue your cause in relation to some other b&m incident (which i happen to vote against you on). now i'm seeing you insulting people because they have made a grammatical error in their post which happens to disagree with your opinion again. i think it should go without saying that if people similar to the way you conduct yourself in this forum are in charge and running things at fallsview, it's no wonder a decent amount of people don't want to play poker there. (yes, it probably should have gone without saying, but i said it anyway - feel free to judge me now; i know it's coming).
  • <pulls up chair with bowl of popcorn, laughs softly to himself, shakes head knowingly>
  • moose wrote: »
    <pulls up chair with bowl of popcorn, laughs softly to himself, shakes head knowingly>

    asks Moose if the seat next to him is taken, and could he please have some of that popcorn.
  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    So, you think we make MORE money by running a BAD room on purpose?

    Interesting. Stupid. Wrong. But, interesting.

    Its not running a BAD room on purpose, its the "no effort" in improving aspect that has everybody scratching their heads. Though I guess you're all in a people come in anyways why change point of view.
  • first of all, i am definitely not p1. i was px, the guy shouting at the others to end the f***ing hand so we could get on to the next one.

    i guess i started up this thread partly to show fallsview still has a ways to go but also i'm curious what the correct way to handle this situation would be. i'd also like to encourage players to stop being dicks (and both were IMO) when i'm at the table, especially on a session fee.

    i'm encouraged that 13 came on here and at least agreed the dealer and the floor made a mistake. the dealer was a small Asian named Howard and the floor was the big, loud bearded one and I can't remember his name. this happened sometime in the late afternoon on one of the 5/5 tables. perhaps your staff could learn from the situation? do you guys ever talk about this stuff in the staff room? coming on here and criticizing a member (even if it is BBC...) does not improve the image of fallsview or yourself, though.

    so how do you handle it? p1 was adamant that the instant the dealer mucked the board the hand was dead. is he right? i know i heard somewhere that once the dealer pushes the pot to someone it's all over. true? is it permissible to dig into the muck to try to reconstruct the board? so many questions.

    interesting side rant. on another small 4-way pot, it was checked at the river, no one hand anything. 1st guy shows Q9o (the 9 plays), 2nd guy Q9s, 3rd guy Q3s, 4th guy mucks. dealer pushes the pot to the 1st guy. 2nd guy draws dealers attention to his cards and dealer shrugs and says 'oh i'm really sorry'. (which i interpret to mean once the pot is awarded, you are screwed?) 1st guy quietly slides half the pot over to 2nd guy, which i thought was a very fair gesture. mouthy guy (he's been trying for hours to tilt the table) at the table immediately starts to protest that he wants all the chips to stay in the 1st guy's stack since he is a bad player and mouthy guy has a better chance to win the chips from him. rest of the table tells him to STFU and surprisingly he does for a minute. this guy was a real piece of work though, he demanded to see every losing hand on the river. after the second time, i asked him why he was being such a dick. let a guy lose with some dignity. after the 3rd or 4th time one of the other guys said he was going ask to see mouthy's cards every f***ing hand. i don't think the guy got the message though. i didn't stay much longer so unfortunately i think i missed some fireworks.
  • dinobot wrote: »
    asks Moose if the seat next to him is taken, and could he please have some of that popcorn.

    Take the hat off dino, I cannot see.
  • Please sign up Alan Smithee, blind me in..I'll be a little late.
  • The biggest problem I find is that people always want to hollywood at never ceases to amaze me when there is a bluff that goes wrong both players hold their cards as if it is high noon at the o'k coral.....just show your damn cards or muck...and lets get on with the next hand..unfortunately that ridiculous bluff you tried to pull off at the end with an uncalculated bet that made no sense didn't work.

    I wish they could implement some of those rules to speed up the game....if your cards aren't shown down in less than 10 seconds the hands are dead and the pot gets sent to the person closest to the puck....LOL
  • In before PMs are sent!! ;)
  • Wow, all I know is I hope I can report something better than what I'm reading as I will be there this weekend for 3 days. I"ll be down with a friend who plays poker for a living. If fallsview shows more of this when we are there who can say I'm off to seneca faster than me.......
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