I must be getting old!



  • And just to add to this thread, I know, or at least think I know, the purpose of this thread was to illicit peoples opinion on what or how much swearing should be allowed in general purpose use. Most any swearing does not really bother me in an adult enviroment such as this. However I do have a strong objection to it being used as an attack directly at someone. In fact attacking someone using a public, somewhat anonymous forum, shows a level of maturity that could be questioned and that my friends is solely my opinion, not necessarily those of the forum owners. edit to add this.. This statement is definitley NOT aimed at anyone in particular, it stems from reading so many internet forum and seeing how they degenerate into "my dad can beat your dad" type of flames. I just would hate to see this one to degenerate into that type of place.
    Open swearing on the forum is really just a red herring... Personal attacks are the issue...
  • Yes and you're accusing ME of being the one making the personal attacks because I dropped a GFY long form...and ignoring 13cards who used words like 'stupid'

    which, sportsfans, brings us back to this thread...already in progress..
  • Kristy, Kristy, quit assuming things, my statements above were definitely meant in general as I tried to say, we have had this before and your and 13cards issue was just an example of it. For heavens sake we have seen this before, likely will again and I am just trying to get a feel for what should and shouldn't be allowed.
  • LOL. Compuease...U havin fun yet?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Kristy, Kristy, quit assuming things, my statements above were definitely meant in general as I tried to say, we have had this before and your and 13cards issue was just an example of it. For heavens sake we have seen this before, likely will again and I am just trying to get a feel for what should and shouldn't be allowed.

    Guess what? You are a mod and you are the boss. Time to set some examples.
  • I wonder if the people who cannot defend against this statement are aware that they are only inputting redundancy?

    "You have no right over my choice in phrasing, the options in place for someone who does not like what they read are to
    A: utilize the 'ignore' feature,
    B: Ignore it in the old school way (read and discard),
    C: leave the forum and hide in a cave..or Saudi Arabia.

    Those attempting to change/set the dynamics of what is 'appropriate' are excercising power over others, because they are too lazy to take the better action of controlling their personal power and environment"
  • cadillac wrote: »
    Guess what? You are a mod and you are the boss. Time to set some examples.

    Hehe... if I really did that I would have banned everyone BUT Kristy and I, at least that's what I promised her the very first day.. Kinda ironic now don't you think. And by the way I'm not the boss, That's Grahams position. I'm just trying to follow his guidance... I really did just think most of the time I would be just hunting down the spammers, and we all hate them, didn't think i would get into the middle of a full fledged flame war... lol. I want my mommy!

    And by the way caddy, I am having fun, this is better than dealing with union leaders...
  • The rules are there.


    As you said compuease, personal attacks are subject to edit.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Those attempting to change/set the dynamics of what is 'appropriate' are excercising power over others, because they are too lazy to take the better action of controlling their personal power and environment"

    You realize that this is the same argument used by peddlers and possessors of kiddie porn. In that case within a free country (like ours), the 'power' represents the enforcers of the 'law' and the 'law' represents the majority opinion of the individuals within that jurisdiction as to what is 'appropriate'.
  • Sorry guys, but I have filtered out the beloved F-word... it seems to be the general consensus here.
  • awwww for **** sakes
  • Test, test, ****, hey it works!
  • Personally I find it ****ing ridiculous.
  • Personally I find it ****ing ridiculous.

    Do you really need to see those 4 letters to know what the person is saying?
  • What are those 4 letters?
  • It starts with an F and ends with a U-C-K, and its not "fire truck". ;)
  • Yes, it is 4 letters arranged in such a way to create a slang term that is used more and more regularly and becoming more socially accepted all the time. This is a forum that is intended for adult use (I don't think anyone would argue that this is a place for kids).

    If there is anyone among us that has not uttered, mumbled, bellowed or screamed it at some time in their life? But now because of some peoples perceptions that the word is being abused or overused we feel the need to replace the offending letters with stars to make it better.

    I see it as very overreactional by the thin skinned, ergo ridiculous.
  • Having said that.....I don't make the rules and I will promise to abide by them.

    Please don't anyone get me wrong, I am not a proponent for teaching kids how to swear or bringing down the morality of the human race, I just think that this case is being overblown......IMHO.
  • I see your point completely, but is it that important to see those letters (that as you can see in this thread are clearly offending some people) when **** gets accross the same point and they are okay with that?
  • Yes, it is 4 letters arranged in such a way to create a slang term that is used more and more regularly and becoming more socially accepted all the time. This is a forum that is intended for adult use (I don't think anyone would argue that this is a place for kids).

    If there is anyone among us that has not uttered, mumbled, bellowed or screamed it at some time in their life? But now because of some peoples perceptions that the word is being abused or overused we feel the need to replace the offending letters with stars to make it better.

    I see it as very overreactional by the thin skinned, ergo ridiculous.

    You are probably right. But does Asterisking the letters REALLY change the message? Probably not. So, those who wish to swear may do so, and the more delicate ****ers amongst us no longer need to see the offending letters. The perfect compromise: NOBODY wins. Good job Graham.
  • Hey it didn't censor the letters. What gives? Must just be for the singular form of the word. My apologies to all who may take notice, and/or offence.
  • Milo wrote: »
    The perfect compromise: NOBODY wins. Good job Graham.
    A little harsh don't you think?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Hey it didn't censor the letters. What gives? Must just be for the singular form of the word. My apologies to all who may take notice, and/or offence.

    LOL... that was funny. I guess it only does individual words... I'll check it out.
  • Milo wrote: »
    You are probably right. But does Asterisking the letters REALLY change the message? Probably not. So, those who wish to swear may do so, and the more delicate fuckers amongst us no longer need to see the offending letters. The perfect compromise: NOBODY wins. Good job Graham.

    Oh.....MY EYES.....MY EYES! :D

    As I said before I will be here no matter the decision on the filter.


    If something like this were to offend some other posters (regular contributers/not mentioning any names/ok, Kristy) on the other side of the argument, enough for them to stop posting and leave then I would find it a much greater injustice.
  • compuease wrote: »
    A little harsh don't you think?
    No, I was serious. I think it IS a good compromise. I am also a VERY sarcastic person, who happens to think that both sides of this "argument" have been a little pedantic at various points of the debate. And like any good debate, the question is eventually put to a vote. I see Graham's compromise as a vote for "NOT PROVEN", which is just fine with me.

    No offense was meant.
  • If something like this were to offend some other posters (regular contributers/not mentioning any names/ok, Kristy) on the other side of the argument, enough for them to stop posting and leave then I would find it a much greater injustice.

    If someone wants to leave the forum over something so insignifant as this, then I think they are here for the wrong reasons in the first place.
  • Oh.....MY EYES.....MY EYES! :D

    As I said before I will be here no matter the decision on the filter.


    If something like this were to offend some other posters (regular contributers/not mentioning any names/ok, Kristy) on the other side of the argument, enough for them to stop posting and leave then I would find it a much greater injustice.

    Fixed it for you. And I do not think anyone will leave over the compromise. As stated, you can still get your point across, cursing and all.
  • Seems silly to me, IMO.

    It's still possible to call someone a mother****er, or F$&#@ing a$$ and get your point across.

    Everyone should just try to be polite and respectful with their posting. It's not censorchip. It's just being polite. I curse like a sailor in the real world, but online I try (I do really!) to keep it clean.

    Graham, you can always try what beanie does at his house. Get a swear jar :D
  • Graham wrote: »
    If someone wants to leave the forum over something so insignifant as this, then I think they are here for the wrong reasons in the first place.


    The original discussion started over the worry of members being offended by "the word" and possibly leaving. Now one side of the argument is insignificant?
  • No, but I do not believe either side would leave, if the oppossing argument prevailed over there own. That is why I support Graham's compromise as being the least objectionable solution. In essence, no one gets what they want, but everyone gets a little of what they need. Hey, there might be song lyric there. Gotta go . . .
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