I must be getting old!

I do not consider myself a prude, however I have spent more time on the forum in the last month and I am astonished at the language that is being written into some of the topics, let alone in the titles. To me this is a poublic forum and I would not speak like that in public so I am sure I would not put F this and F that into print.
Is this normal and accepted text? Then I am too sensitive. If not please use the preview button before posting

Milton " Oh my Virgin Eyes and Ears" Slim


  • No offense, but have you walked past a schoolyard in the past twenty years?
  • No offense, but have you walked past a schoolyard in the past twenty years?

    Does this make it right?

    I'm with Dave on this one.
  • No offense, but have you walked past a schoolyard in the past twenty years?
    lol, If I walked past a school yard someone would probably accuse me of being some sort of a pervert.. Times have changed I guess.
    Casual swearing is still not acceptable in a normal business sense though and I know of no everyday business where you can swear directly at someone without any consequence... I'm ok with casual swearing although I still think too much of it shows a certain lack of maturity. What I don't like is a direct attack on someone, and that doesn't necessarily have to even include swearing.. There are more sensible, mature ways to get ones point across.. If you can do that you are viewed in a much more serious vein...
    By the way my opinion on this is not meant as being against anyone on this forum. It's just that like my fellow Rock I really see this as weakening of society. And by asking for opinions on here what you will mostly get are the voices of the "free" spirits. The mostly silent majority are unlikely to speak up...
  • Big E wrote: »
    Does this make it right?

    I'm with Dave on this one.

    I never said it was right. It's a trend that shows NO sign of reversing. Adapt or perish.
  • compuease wrote: »
    What I don't like is a direct attack on someone, and that doesn't necessarily have to even include swearing..

    Amen, which is exactly the reason I don't take swearing too seriously. I can rip a person apart with everyday acceptable terminology. I agree swearing does show some immaturity but it can also show great creativity and imagination when used effectively.
  • Haha.. I was hoping that you would typo "public" to be "pubic"

  • I never said it was right. It's a trend that shows NO sign of reversing. Adapt or perish.

    I know you did not say it was right..and I did not imply you did. However my comment was more on the general mentality that 'well it goes on so let's turn our back or join in' or as you say 'adapt or perish'.

    I think people need to get a backbone and not adapt but try and change. My kids do not swear, or rather they swear very rarely. If they do they know the consequences. When they are of an age were it can be deemed suitable or they can be deemed adults then hopefully my parenting will have been effective and they won't be trash mouths, they will have manners. When I pick my kids up from school (grades 1-6) and some kids say things that are inappropriate I don't walk by I say something. If it false on deaf ears so be it but I prefer to at least speak up. IF I have other kids over and they do not use proper language, use their manners, or show respect they will be told and so will the parents. I'd expect the same treatment wherever my kids go.

    What makes me sick are people (and I am not insinuating you are one of these people..I am generalizing as God knows this forum is so freaking sensitive) who bitch and complain and then turn a deaf ear. Speak up or shut up I say.
  • This is a tough one...I'd like to think that it's all adults posting here, and occasionally, some "adult language" might slip through. But, with that said, and with me having the mouth of a sailor if a hand doesn't go my way, I totally understand people not wanting to see f-bombs all over the place.

    The thing is, a word only has power if you give it power. Take the letters on their own: eff, you, see, kay...and they're pretty innocent. Put them together, and some people take offense.

    It's a tough call, and people should police themselves.
  • Big E, I have two kids 4 and 8 and swearing is not acceptable in our house either. They have many cousins that have a little more lax rules and it bothers me when they influence the behaviour of my kids......


    I will not waste one minute of my life trying to make other peoples kids better human beings. That is what I mean by adapt or perish. If my concern for other peoples speaking habits causes one ounce of stress to me or my family it is not worth it. So I adapt and accept it's a part of society (watch any TV show, movie or listen to most music) and it's not just trumped up in those mediums to make it more sexy, it's much more real life than an evening with the Cleavers.

    You can take the burden of cleaning up our youth if you want, I will not condemn you but I will not see it as a noble act either. To each his own.
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Is this normal and accepted text?
    'normal' is one of those nebulous terms. if it is pervasive, it becomes the norm.

    'accepted'? if no one does anything then i guess it is.

    'acceptable'? i would say no. problem is, no one who matters gives a fuck.
  • I'll go you guys one better. I do not like that my daughter addresses my friends by their given names, rather than Mr. or Mrs. _______ . I was overruled by the wife on this one, but we agree on most of the other items mentioned previously. Swearing can have it's place, but I like to think I can tear a person a new one without having to resort to the 7 words you cannot say on television. When I served, one of my senior NCO's could tear apart your entire geneology all the way back to Adam & Eve without cursing once. The man was an artist. Swearing is just laziness.
  • compuease wrote: »
    lol, If I walked past a school yard someone would probably accuse me of being some sort of a pervert.. Times have changed I guess.

    No dude, they'd be picking you up for violating the restraining order.

    I swore directly at you on purpose Jeff. You should have banned me. I expected it.
  • Given half a chance and in a different setting, I suspect I could teach you some words. But in a public forum I do not believe it is necessary. I am not asking for banning, merely self policing by the individuals. That seem to find it the only way they can express their thoughts. I also am appauled at the content on the television during family hours. Will my complaining really make a difference, doubt it, However I feel better every time I express my displeasure to any ears close enough to hear.

    by the way: Cute Greg! and I do think that Moose is testing the ban waters, now if you get banned, how will I get directions to your place for Saturday.
    Ever think of that you

    Milton "Social Comment" Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Given half a chance and in a different setting, I suspect I could teach you some words. But in a public forum I do not believe it is necessary. I am not asking for banning, merely self policing by the individuals. That seem to find it the only way they can express their thoughts. I also am appauled at the content on the television during family hours. Will my complaining really make a difference, doubt it, However I feel better every time I express my displeasure to any ears close enough to hear.

    I think this is doable... sometimes I do it when I get frustrated, but if it happens just shoot me a PM and I'll fix it up ;)
  • Ok, I'm already in the dog house so I'll be the bad guy...

    under 40 proponents of the 'no swear' policy (of their own free will and not just jumping on late now because I've pointed out that they didn't care up until this point)

    = zero

    With respect, you ARE subscribing to antiquated ideas..and I will be wearing slacks to RCV and voting in the forum polls ;) and dropping the eff-bomb with alarming frequency..(well 'alarming' is a reach..whenever it makes me giggle to do so)

    There should not be children on this forum, and if there are..they have lousy parents, so the role model card can't be played...(not that it specifically has yet...but talking about them is like waving a tiny american flag while lecturing pro-life)

    But let's not confuse the issue, you're a bunch of men who lived through wars and dated flappers and rode dinosaurs uphill both ways to school and what not.

    I believe that you should be savvy enough to see that:

    sticks and stones may break your bones.... :D
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Ok, I'm already in the dog house so I'll be the bad guy...

    under 40 proponents of the 'no swear' policy (of their own free will and not just jumping on late now because I've pointed out that they didn't care up until this point)

    = zero

    With respect, you ARE subscribing to antiquated ideas..and I will be wearing slacks to RCV and voting in the forum polls ;) and dropping the eff-bomb with alarming frequency..(well 'alarming' is a reach..whenever it makes me giggle to do so)

    There should not be children on this forum, and if there are..they have lousy parents, so the role model card can't be played...(not that it specifically has yet...but talking about them is like waving a tiny american flag while lecturing pro-life)

    But let's not confuse the issue, you're a bunch of men who lived through wars and dated flappers and rode dinosaurs uphill both ways to school and what not.

    I believe that you should be savvy enough to see that:

    sticks and stones may break your bones.... :D

    Don't tell me whether or not to have an opinion, Don't tell me I have antiquated ideas.
    I (LET"S ALL USE BOLD PRINT)Can have an opinion, and chose to express it. I did not point fingers at anyone in particular.
    By replying you have admitted to being one of the culprits, so be it.
    Eff bomb until the cows come home.
    If by starting this thread I have discouraged anyone who has felt they were guilty of improper language from continuing, then, That in my OPINION make the thread a success.

    This is my last entry into this thread, so feel free, everyone to take the last shot. Even swear at will, if it makes you giggle

    Milton "Antequated IDEALS" Slim
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    There should not be children on this forum, and if there are..they have lousy parents, so the role model card can't be played...

    Wow this is going to hurt....

    But I have to agree with Kristy here ^-^

    You don't want to see titties, don't go to a strip bar.
    You don't want to read swear words, stay away from gambling forums.
  • whew ....Caddy, you don't have me on ingnore: of all the people to tell me I'm a bitch on this forum..you're the one I most enjoy reading overall. ;)

    I'd just like to point out that I am presently being given credit for: "Sticks and Stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you."

    I am also involved in a lengthy legal battle with Dr. Evil for the titles of 'inventor of the question mark' and 'princess of Canada'
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Is this normal and accepted text? Then I am too sensitive.

    Just a reminder that YOU asked, if you're not interested in honest answers..why put the question up?

    Kristy "responding to what I understood was the point, and not looking for war" Sea
  • moose wrote: »
    No dude, they'd be picking you up for violating the restraining order.

    I swore directly at you on purpose Jeff. You should have banned me. I expected it.
    Childish, childish, childish.. When you swore at me it was definitely in a much more friendly way than in the thread that started all this.. lol.... And it won't do you any good to now claim you were serious...

    As for your restraining order comment, you obviously have some personal experience here... :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    When you swore at me it was definitely in a much more friendly way than in the thread that started all this..

    oh wow, so it IS related to that thread, I'm shocked ;)
    miltonslim wrote:
    I did not point fingers at anyone in particular.


    (Jeff ..you've been pimping all the volatile threads ever since you became a mod. Admit it you're just itching to drop the ban hammer aren't you?)
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    oh wow, so it IS related to that thread, I'm shocked ;)


    (Jeff ..you've been pimping all the volatile threads ever since you became a mod. Admit it you're just itching to drop the ban hammer aren't you?)

    I'm having a hard time getting a "read" on you Kristy.. So what else is new... lol..
    I'm not sure I even understand your comment above about which thread. The one I'm referring to is this one...

    And as far as the ban hammer, if someone swore directly at me it wouldn't bother me at all (other than wonder about that persons lack of maturity), but it does bother some. I wouldn't ban someone for that myself, it would be up to the other mods or admins, you know, seperation of duties and all that.
  • yes, we're referring to the same thread..wow text really does suck, I thought I was being crystal clear with my quote of you and M.S.
  • polite_small.jpg

    This picture sums up this thread. (sorry for the profanity, but I think it captures the moment perfectly ;))
  • You can add me to the list of over 40 year olds that would prefer not to see four letter words as part of the text that I am reading in any forum that I spend time reading. There are rules against swearing in tournament situations, so poker does seem to be a venue that can be sensitive to it. I would also prefer that there were more movie choices that avoided the use of this kind of language and excessive violence and sexual content so that I could feel comfortable watching them with my mother and when he is old enough my nephew. I would also like to see more movie choices that had strong female leads.

    While I am making a wish list, I would prefer that people wrote "a lot" instead of "alot" and "too" instead of "to" when appropriate and "you're" instead of "your" when appropriate. But those who can't spell shouldn't throw stones ;).

    I also have to show my age and fussiness by saying that at least once a week I have to look up some texting acronym, never sure if it has actual meaning or is some typo. (I am still looking for the mean of "asdf" people keep putting at the end of their short posts :)).

    In the end, I accept all of these things because I want to be part of the forum. But if you asked me my preference ...
  • asshole shithead dumbass fucker...who wrote this software set the min post length too low.

    now you know.

    I swear too much. I admit it. I wish I swore less. I remember being in a work setting and hearing the President of the company drop some f-bombs. I didn't really respect him as much after that. Every once in a while I swear in class and I cringe and think back to that.

    I have no respect for Gordon Ramsay. How do people listen to him on his shows when he drops an f-bomb every third word.

    I'm not 40.
  • Look, bottom line is there are MANY more importanat things in this world to be upset, appalled or even outraged by than swearing.

    My final opinion is that if this is where you are focusing your attention to make the world a better place, you're aiming WAY to low.
  • f-bombs in thread titles shouldn't be allowed.

    Graham, why don't you just install a profanity filter? Most places have them, and if I see ****, I know what they mean.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    Graham, why don't you just install a profanity filter? Most places have them, and if I see ****, I know what they mean.

    Great idea! I'll look into this.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    f-bombs in thread titles shouldn't be allowed.

    Graham, why don't you just install a profanity filter? Most places have them, and if I see ****, I know what they mean.

    I even know (:) )who we can get to be the inputter of what gets filtered out....
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