WE ARE MOVING SOON, We will be switcing forum software in the coming days. I am not sure of the exact time and date but sometime this week. I will do my best to make sure the disruption is as little as possible but the site could be down for a good hour for the move. If you want to know about the new forum sofware please visit this Discussion
PokerForum.ca Suggestions
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Looking up 256k, EGA 16 colour images on your PC XT (comma man, the Apple IIe didn't support porn! It's wrong!) was tough with a 2400bps modem, but we all did what we could.
I loved that Olympic game or whatever it was.
At the time, that was serious fun.
Personally I would like an "unlike" even more... Of course I'm a crotchety old bastard..;)
Why would you want to unlike your own posts?
Anyone else ?
If I'm being ignored because I'm a retard, disregard this post.
Admitting it is the first step.
Moving out of your parents' house is the next one.
Recently lnherited my own on the east coast, but ty
Peer pressure?
definition of an Active Member ?
When I was looking at the Current Active Users, ( I know it changes ), I noticed
there were 43 ( 5 members and 38 guests ). Membership is Free. Has anyone ever
asked themselves why aren't they all signing up ?
Too many lookers!!!
what do you expect bill? afterall, people don't even take advantage of freerolls.
A member is considered 'active' if they have visited the board within the number of days specified in 'Active Members Time Cut-Off'.
I'm not sure what our time cut off is.
really? they just visit? not sure if that should be considered active imo. active would suggest posting i'd think.
I'd agree with you to an extent, however there are lots of members who visit the forum regularly and private message other members about games, read threads, etc. They might not post much, but I don't think that means they aren't 'active' members of the community.
Just my opinion and keep in mind it's simply a descriptor within the software to generate statistics. Not necessarily something that speaks to a qualitative description of a forum member.
fk u triggs.
tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU
30 days or 60 days or something. I guess it couldn't be that simple.
This is pretty much what you were asking for then, it just addresses logging in rather than posting. I've never seen a statistic mentioned on here regarding post counts. I might not have access to that info.
tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU
tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU
Oh, I know. But there's a secret to be revealed. Apparently.
everyone's dying to know.
Any good hands, any bad beats ?
idk who this fed guy is
but F U frigs :frown:
undefined period, like maybe 30 or 60 days ?
How pathetic !!!
Is anybody interested in fixing this ?
I thought this was the NUMBER ONE POKER FORUM IN CANADA.
Like I said Bill, I have no idea what the cutoff is. Could be a week for all I know, or like you said 30-60 days.
This is the #1 poker forum in Canada..
Like there is no #2...:(