Brantford Spring Classic 2007



  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    can anyone confirm when is the last day of sats? I'm assuming its only for the $1500 main event. How much is the sat, how many players, rebuys, blind schedule?

    any info is appreciated.

    Just to add to Blondefish's post, the rebuy period ends at the end of level 4. You start with $1000 in chips. As soon as you go below $1000, you can rebuy $500 chips for $20. A lot of players will limp the first hand with the intention of doing this. Should you go below $500 chips, you can rebuy $1000 chips for $40. At the end of level 4, they take a 15 min. break and issue the add-on. It is $40 for $2000 chips.

    From memory, which is a little fuzy, blind structure is as follows:


    I believe the last day of satellites will be June 9th or 10th.
  • much appreciated coolblue...thanks!
    coolblue24 wrote: »
    Just to add to Blondefish's post, the rebuy period ends at the end of level 4. You start with $1000 in chips. As soon as you go below $1000, you can rebuy $500 chips for $20. A lot of players will limp the first hand with the intention of doing this. Should you go below $500 chips, you can rebuy $1000 chips for $40. At the end of level 4, they take a 15 min. break and issue the add-on. It is $40 for $2000 chips.

    From memory, which is a little fuzy, blind structure is as follows:


    I believe the last day of satellites will be June 9th or 10th.
  • How many forumers playing in the main event?
  • This is a partial list of who has one or more seats for the five-day $600,000 event starting on Monday.

    1) coolblue24
    2) The_Game ($500 & $1500)
    3) Animaux ($1000 & $1500)
    4) Bobby (at least 1 $1500)
    5) BlondeFish ($500 & 2 $1500 days)
    - macbb, westside8, magithighs, BCC55, waltsfriend or Popkorn?

    Casino Brantford expects the remaining $1500 seats to sell out this weekend. I will try to play one more satellite, and I may sell my extra seat.
    IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    How many forumers playing in the main event?
  • How much for your $1500 seat? If transferable, anyone selling their $500 seat?

    I tried the multi sat...busted out with JJ against a superbig stack...he had 99 and hit the 9 on the river. Sandy was at my table as well as Bob. I doubled up in the begining when I hit a set on the flop with 55...board came 10 5 2...and someone called with 10 9..I only had to add-on, no rebuys.
    BlondeFish wrote: »
    This is a partial list of who has one or more seats for the five-day $600,000 event starting on Monday.

    1) coolblue24
    2) The_Game ($500 & $1500)
    3) Animaux ($1000 & $1500)
    4) Bobby (multiple seats)
    5) BlondeFish ($500 & 2 $1500 days)
    - macbb, westside8, magithighs or BCC55?

    Casino Brantford expects the remaining $1500 seats to sell out this weekend. I will try to play one more satellite, and I may sell my extra seat.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    5) BlondeFish ($500 & 2 $1500 days)

    you may play more than one day in the $1,500 tournament?

    Good luck to everyone next week! Hope to see some forum members at the final tables.
  • Yes, some players will buy in for all five daily tournaments. For example, a Wednesday player who didn't make it to the money may want buy a Thursday and Friday seat from a satellite winner to try again. Part of the prize pool is awarded to the five players who have earned the most points during the week. There were a couple of players from the Winter Classic who didn't make it to the money in any of the five events, but won money for accumulating enough points.

    The $500 and $1000 events have been sold out for awhile, but I have been given the option of playing in these events. I am considering taking the week off to play in up to four of the days. Anybody want to buy shares? :wink: Or I could take the conservative option and end up selling my seat.
    pokerJAH wrote: »
    you may play more than one day in the $1,500 tournament?
  • Yes I posted much?
    BlondeFish wrote: »
    Yes, some players will buy in for all five daily tournaments. For example, a Wednesday player who didn't make it to the money may want buy a Thursday and Friday seat from a satellite winner to try again. Part of the prize pool is awarded to the five players who have earned the most points during the week. There were a couple of players from the Winter Classic who didn't make it to the money in any of the five events, but won money for accumulating enough points.

    The $500 and $1000 events have been sold out for awhile, but I have been given the option of playing in these events. I am considering taking the week off and using part of my winning bankroll to play in up to four of the days. Anybody want to buy shares? :wink: Or I could take the conservative option and end up selling my second $1500+ seat to cash in my profit.
  • I won a seat at the MTT satelite for Wednesday's $1500 tournament. I tried for a second seat, but went out in 9th.
  • i will be at the 500$ on Monday...the only way i can repeat my victory will be to double up on the first hand like i did before lol
  • I'm currently near the top of the waiting list for the $500 Monday tourney.

    I should get in no problem.

    Can't play the $1,000 ... might be able to play the $1,500, but it will depend how I do Monday ... I've had several offers to sell me coins, should I decide to play.

    GL to everyone !

  • How much were you offered? I'm interested in buying a coin but for a right price.
    macbb wrote: »
    I'm currently near the top of the waiting list for the $500 Monday tourney.

    I should get in no problem.

    Can't play the $1,000 ... might be able to play the $1,500, but it will depend how I do Monday ... I've had several offers to sell me coins, should I decide to play.

    GL to everyone !

  • I'm in $1500 and $1000...GL all
  • Anyone have any updates from the $500 tourney last night?
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    How much were you offered? I'm interested in buying a coin but for a right price.

    Sorry, didn't see your question.

    At this point, the going rate is 1,200-1,300.

  • coolblue24 wrote: »
    Anyone have any updates from the $500 tourney last night?

    Well, here's my update ... I suck.

    That's all.


    P.S. OK, a bit more info ... I donked out, let's just say, very early. Magi limped in, from early position, I raised 5X BB with KK, Magi and one other caller. Flop 348, 2 hearts. I bet out, Magi raises. At first I think flush draw, so I call. Turn is a non-heart, Magi bets about half my remaining stack, giving me a clear opportunity to fold the overpair. Like an idiot, I don't, and instead, push. Magi turns over a set of 4's, and IGHN.

    Well, actually, not GHN. Sat down at 20/40, and made back my $500 tournament buy-in, plus about $300 more. So, it wasn't a horrible end to the night. Still, I suck.

    When I left, around 12:30 am, they were down to 3 tables. Not sure how it ended, but would be interested to hear.

    Oh, and btw, very bad start to the night, when it took them forever to sign up open seats (16 folks had made deposits, but didn't pay by the deadline). They read all the names on the waiting list, and everyone there got in. 4 seats still remained, so they made an announcement. When the tourney finally began, there were 99 starting. I say "when the tourney finally began", because the combination of getting the additional folks registered, and getting seats selected, the 6:00 start became 6:50. Not acceptable.
  • i agree...almost an hour late....very frustating...i finished 7th on a final table that had vitually no flop play...large preflop raises..when i left it was 4 am..lord knows how long it took to finish...BTW..the final table was made up of really good , friendly, courteous guys..sorry no ladies made the final table.
  • Congrats Martin. Back to back final tables in the $500 event at BCC. Nice job. Did you play in $1000 event or are you playing in the $1500?
  • coolblue24 wrote: »
    Congrats Martin. Back to back final tables in the $500 event at BCC. Nice job. Did you play in $1000 event or are you playing in the $1500?
    no...wished i could have, but i had work obligations
  • 1k on pokerstars was much better value last night :D
  • Congratulations to Martin and also to former West Side player Bobby who got second place. My trip report for the Tuesday $1,000 event is eerily identical to his Monday report. I also made it to the money! :) I think I am one of the leaders for the points prize pool, so I will play in all three $1500 events on a freeroll. I have two Friday seats but don't have a Thursday seat yet, so if anybody with a Thursday coin is interested in trading for a Friday coin, please PM me (or post).

    Most of the players are skilled sharks but fun to play with. It was a pleasure meeting or seeing a wide variety of people, including forumer "Fallsview", West Side players, bar tour players and CPT tournament winners. Even the instructor who trained me to become a licensed poker dealer was there. He also made it to the final table.
    i agree...almost an hour late....very frustating...i finished 7th on a final table that had vitually no flop play...large preflop raises..when i left it was 4 am..lord knows how long it took to finish...BTW..the final table was made up of really good , friendly, courteous guys..sorry no ladies made the final table.
  • Any $1500 coins for sale?
  • My understanding is Bobby won the 500.00 event and is the current point leader, can you tell me if I am wrong Blondfish

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Good going high in the $?
  • Well, I took my stab at the Wednesday $1500 tournament. Unfortunately I was totally card dead. In the first two blind levels (30 minutes each) the best hand I saw was K-10 off-suit. In the next two levels I won three hands in total - one raise pre-flop with Q-J that took the blinds, one semi-bluff with 10-9 of clubs that I had to stab at twice to get the player to fold, and one complete bluff. The bluff came I called a $300 raise from a very aggressive player with the blinds at $50 - $100. I was on the button with K-Q and the flop came A-3-5 no flush possibility. The original raiser bet $300 and I raised to $600. He quickly folded face up showing pocket kings. I went back to completely unplayable hands until I picked up A-K of spades ($75-$150), by far my best hand of the night. There had been a raise in early position to $450. I reraised to $1000. He thought for quite a while and called. The flop came jack high. I made a continuation bet of $1500 and the caller quickly went over the top. I folded and he showed pocket jacks. That cost me half my stack. I pushed just before the break when I had $1700 left with Q-J. The big stack that had the jacks earlier went over the top and showed A-Q. The turn gave me an open ended straight draw, but none of my 10 outs came on the river. Blondefish, who was at the same table went out on the next hand. He had been card dead all night as well. He went all-in with pocket fours and got called by my nemesis who had pocket threes. Of course the three came on the flop.

    There was some interesting play at the table. The player who folded the pocket kings raised to $425 in early position when the blinds were $25-$25. He won $75 and showed his pocket fives. (He was showing a lot of his hands.) In the first orbit (the dollar amounts are approximate), my nemesis raised to $150 and the player to my right re-raised to $450. My nemesis re-re-raised $1500 and the first player called. The flop came queen high and the player to my right pushed $2600 all-in. After a bit of thought my nemesis called with pocket kings; the other player showed pocket jacks. The pocket jacks had $500 left over after that hand and he went out soon after that.

    The other big hand I saw happened at the adjacent table. I can't give dollar amounts, but pre-flop there were three players in - pocket fours, pocket nines, pocket kings. The flop came 4-4-J. Pocket nines went all-in on the flop, pocket fours obviously instantly calls, and pocket kings says "I guess I have to call now" and calls. A nine came on the turn, but there was no crazy river. The pocket fours guy had $22 000 after that hand (starting stacks were $5000).

    Good luck to Buddy on Thursday and Friday. I hope you get another final table and take down the points race as well.
  • Nice report Sandy.
  • I heard that there was some sort of split agreement, with a Brantford regular named Andre being the official first place winner. Neither of them are in the Top 10 in points after the $1,000 event, while I am currently in the Top 5.

    Since I couldn't find anybody with a Thursday coin to trade, I will probably pay the $1,600 buy-in for Thursday then possibly sell my coin on Friday.
    My understanding is Bobby won the 500.00 event and is the current point leader, can you tell me if I am wrong Blondfish
    Prophet :2h :2s
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    I heard that there was some sort of split agreement, with a Brantford regular named Andre being the official first place winner. Neither of them are in the Top 10 in points after the $1,000 event, while I am currently in the Top 5.

    Since I couldn't find anybody with a Thursday coin to trade, I will probably pay the $1,600 buy-in for Thursday then possibly sell my coin on Friday.

    I guess my source is wrong even though he said he saw the first place trophy and actually held it in his hands. The same source says Bobby is in second place in the point standings but I guess that is wrong as well.

    Prophet :2h :2s

    PS It is ok, someone sent me a picture of the trophy. He believes Bobby is in second place for the points total
  • good luck BlondeFish the rest of the week! Can someone explain what this cup thing is all about and the point system for the tournaments being held this week. Haven't seen anything posted on this. What does the point leader earn?
  • Hey Buddy,

    PM your cell number, I beleive I only have your house number. OR PM me how much you want for your friday seat?
    BlondeFish wrote: »
    I will probably pay the $1,600 buy-in for Thursday then possibly sell my coin on Friday.
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