Who's at the B&M right now?



  • I will be heading to ceasers Windsor Saturday evening about 6 pm if anyone local wants to grab a drink

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • Casino Niagara today anyone?
  • If you're coming to BCC for the BBJ, come early. Lists are already long and only 3 tables running until 10:30 when the new shift of dealers comes in.

    I called at 8am and still waiting.
  • Currently at Niagara on list about 10 down, current games going, 1/3, 2/5, 5/10, 2/5 plot, even 7 on the 10/25 list.
  • wb GTA... Wife and I are heading there this aft. If anyone is going look me up.
  • Heading to Casino Niagara sat dec 9th.... aiming to be there from 4pm - 10 or 11pm.

    Come by have a beer and play some pokerz
  • Heading to Casino Niagara sat dec 9th.... aiming to be there from 4pm - 10 or 11pm.

    Come by have a beer and play some pokerz

    Could be, just remember to call ahead 90 min.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Could be, just remember to call ahead 90 min.

    For sure..... hope to see you there Sir.
  • Pimp and I on the way to Niagara, look us up..
  • Had a fun night . Met up with Comp and met his lovely wife. Then Mathers showed up a little later. Saw the name Yama on the list but didn’t see Yama so not sure if he showed up.

    was playing the big game most of the night and was pretty much even all night. I got crushed in 2 big hands in the last session of the night and they were straight forward .... both hands I flopped straights with and lost to riveted flushes both times and did bet big on every street.... so they did pay to get there and I couldn’t do anything different there besides shoving on the flop which makes no sence to me.

    here a hand that I was very proud of...... I lost 900 in the hand and I love my fold...... I started hand with 5200, button had around 7000 and small blind had around 6000

    i have AK diamonds in the big blind it folds around to the button and a woman raises to 100 the small blind flats and I also call.
    Flop comes Ks6d8d ..... I am loving my hand I bet 200 and get 2 calls. Turn is Kh.

    to recap.... I have AK diamonds

    Ks6d8dKh so I have 3 kings with the 2nd nut flush draw just in case....... small blind checks again and I bet 600 woman on button makes it 1375 small blind tanks for 2 mins then makes it 2900.

    i fold but pass my cards to a regular (nickname is shampoo) I had to show someone.......

    river is 4d.

    Button on goes all in ..... small blind snap calls and says “I hope you don’t have pocket kings” WTF ??

    button had pocket 66 small blind had pocket 88......

    most of the people in the game are all regulars and they know I am a friggin calling station..... Shampoo announces my hand and everyone can’t believe I folded it. So I lost 900 that hand but I should have lost my stack.

    in for 4000 out for 2100....... oh well.

    It it was great to see Mathers and Comp.
  • Oh and you are no calling station....
  • My buddy wants to go bright and early tomorrow to Casino Niagara. Will be there by noon and will be there till 6 or 7 pm.
  • Any reason you didn't 3 bet pre? Seems very standard to 3 bet there. Great fold though
  • sn1perb0y wrote: »
    Any reason you didn't 3 bet pre? Seems very standard to 3 bet there. Great fold though

    I did not 3 bet there because I have a 10+ year history playing with the woman who raised and her range to bet that size is pocket queens and above. She is very cautious and has been playing the same style forever. On top of that the other gentleman in the hand is about 70 old and plays 1 or 2 hands every 30 mins.
  • I did not 3 bet there because I have a 10+ year history playing with the woman who raised and her range to bet that size is pocket queens and above. She is very cautious and has been playing the same style forever. On top of that the other gentleman in the hand is about 70 old and plays 1 or 2 hands every 30 mins.

    But said lady only had 66, not quite QQ+....I'm confused. Did I misinterpret your post. Because if she's capable of opening pre w 66, then your read on her is possibly outdated and rusty, more of a reason to 3 bet.
  • UBetIFold wrote: »
    But said lady only had 66, not quite QQ+....I'm confused. Did I misinterpret your post. Because if she's capable of opening pre w 66, then your read on her is possibly outdated and rusty, more of a reason to 3 bet.

    Clearly my read was off. It was "crying game" off.
  • Glen..... thanks for the beer. Much appreciated.

    My run bad continues . Aces cracked kings cracked. Bet out both and lost to quad 10’s and a full house. Blasted off 2 buy -in’s at 2-5.

    then moved down to 1-3. And blast of 1000 rather quickly.

    First hand and flopped a flush with A3 spades bet bet bet and guy rivers a boat.

    other hand I have 4d5d flop comes 45Q on a flop that was not raised preflop. Bet raise blah blah ...... all in against pocket queens.

    last one was uneventful but still sucked.

    i hope this run bad changes before the tourney starts.
  • Anybody hitting Niagara tonight?
  • Very likely I'll be there
  • Anyone going to CN today?
  • Wife and I were visiting her brother in Hamilton this afternoon, and instead of coming home after decided since we were 1/2 way to Niagara just to keep going, called ahead and was on a 1/3 table by 3:30. Fairly tight early but really loosened up and got pretty aggro by 5 or 6. Lost about $140. calling a $15. raise from mid table raiser with 1 caller, I was on the button. Flop K,8,3 rainbow. He bets $25 on the flop, only I call thinking he will likely bet again if he has a K. Turn J, he bets $40. I call again. River something small, he bets $60. I only have one pair but call thinking he can do that with KQ, wrong he has K,J...:(
    Top back up to 300 and continue.
    Finally flop a set of 5's and take a guys stack for about $180. when he shoves on the turn thinking I was on a flush draw.
    Again call a raise to $20 from a late position raiser with 1 caller, I was in the small blind with A,K.
    Flop again comes with a K, rag rag. I check he bets $40. one call and I raise to $100 with intention of shoving the turn, not making the same mistake I made earlier. Both fold and I was ok with that.
    End up cashing out for a profit of about $280. so was content with that. Wife had texted that she was ready to go about 9pm.

    Got upstairs to meet her at the cashier quite proud of myself to find out she had a fistful of tickets. I watched as the cashier totaled them up, $2180 for her standard $400. investment. I have no idea how she does it but she runs like god at the Niagara slots. This was one of her better ones for sure but every time it seems that she is up. I can only remember one losing trip she has had there. If any of you want lessons, I can arrange...
    All in all a good day preparing for next week in Vegas...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Wife and I were visiting her brother in Hamilton this afternoon, and instead of coming home after decided since we were 1/2 way to Niagara just to keep going, called ahead and was on a 1/3 table by 3:30. Fairly tight early but really loosened up and got pretty aggro by 5 or 6. Lost about $140. calling a $15. raise from mid table raiser with 1 caller, I was on the button. Flop K,8,3 rainbow. He bets $25 on the flop, only I call thinking he will likely bet again if he has a K. Turn J, he bets $40. I call again. River something small, he bets $60. I only have one pair but call thinking he can do that with KQ, wrong he has K,J...:(
    Top back up to 300 and continue.
    Finally flop a set of 5's and take a guys stack for about $180. when he shoves on the turn thinking I was on a flush draw.
    Again call a raise to $20 from a late position raiser with 1 caller, I was in the small blind with A,K.
    Flop again comes with a K, rag rag. I check he bets $40. one call and I raise to $100 with intention of shoving the turn, not making the same mistake I made earlier. Both fold and I was ok with that.
    End up cashing out for a profit of about $280. so was content with that. Wife had texted that she was ready to go about 9pm.

    Got upstairs to meet her at the cashier quite proud of myself to find out she had a fistful of tickets. I watched as the cashier totaled them up, $2180 for her standard $400. investment. I have no idea how she does it but she runs like god at the Niagara slots. This was one of her better ones for sure but every time it seems that she is up. I can only remember one losing trip she has had there. If any of you want lessons, I can arrange...
    All in all a good day preparing for next week in Vegas...

    Good job.... Conrad was there playing 1-3 also.......

    congrats on a winning session and hope you have many more starting next weekend .... I think he is willing to play the tag team event with you.

    holy crap your wife does run good there
  • Damn. Sick run on slots
  • Good job.... Conrad was there playing 1-3 also.......

    congrats on a winning session and hope you have many more starting next weekend .... I think he is willing to play the tag team event with you.

    holy crap your wife does run good there

    Likely not going to play that tag team as you don't both start with stacks and switch between them like the Orleans event. Lot's of choices.... I recall that Bally's has a 1/1 PLO game that runs most evenings. Ton's of tournaments.. Really looking forward to it, 7 days to go.

    If you guys want some slots lessons she is available for hire...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Likely not going to play that tag team as you don't both start with stacks and switch between them like the Orleans event. Lot's of choices.... I recall that Bally's has a 1/1 PLO game that runs most evenings. Ton's of tournaments.. Really looking forward to it, 7 days to go.

    If you guys want some slots lessons she is available for hire...

    He he was willing to play the one at the Orleans...... it sounds cool.
  • He he was willing to play the one at the Orleans...... it sounds cool.

    It's on Monday the same time as the Wynn....:(
  • compuease wrote: »
    It's on Monday the same time as the Wynn....:(

    Ahhhh poop.... didn’t realize it was same day.
  • Ahhhh poop.... didn’t realize it was same day.

    Yeh and the Wynn the next day is a $1100 event... So we go with the original plan and see what we do the next 3 days.. Maybe after I win the Wynn, it's 3 days of hookers and blow... Have a look at the schedules I posted on page 1 of the quickie trip thread and see what you like.
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