Who's at the B&M right now?



  • All tourneys cancelled until bbj hits. Next bbj you must have a pp for quads.
  • Off to great blue heron for limit poker. Hopefully we can get a seat in Omaha. If not Holdem it is.
  • Update on Niagara casino poker.

    Moved temporarily to Main top floor, far back right corner. 20 tables spreading 1/3 100-300 and 2/5 200-1000. I'm here now so if you have any questions let me know. All session fee now, 6 at 1/3 and 7 at 2/5.
  • Good luck Comp.
  • Missed this post. I was there earlier today and in town last night. Never did get a chance to play poker but would have liked to shake your hand and buy you a soda! Best of luck, with everything comp.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • compuease wrote: »
    Update on Niagara casino poker.

    Moved temporarily to Main top floor, far back right corner. 20 tables spreading 1/3 100-300 and 2/5 200-1000. I'm here now so if you have any questions let me know. All session fee now, 6 at 1/3 and 7 at 2/5.

    2 5 1k max how things have changed there
  • Niagara today?
  • Might head out later this afternoon. Will be first time to the old casino in years.
  • I may be headed that way just after dinner.
  • Might head out later this afternoon. Will be first time to the old casino in years.
    hey its nice here... sitting 2nd table on left side
  • 100 % going just not sure what time. Waiting to hear from my buddy.
  • Here is my trip report of casino Niagara. First time there in well over 10 years.

    Starts out out with me picking up my buddy Conrad. As we are driving he calls in and clearly puts himself on the 1-3 list and me on the 2-5 and 5-10 interest list.

    We arrive at the casino and he is only on the 2-5 list and I am on no lists. We explain to the desk girl and she seats me immediately at 1-3 and makes my buddy wait for his 1-3. I never asked to play 1-3 so kinda confused gain.

    she seats me at table 116 but on the screen she puts table 111 beside my name, so when they come to move me to 2-5 I will not be at the table they have written down.

    I try to explain this and the desk girl says 'I just helped you out and now your complaining' ? Again kinda confused.

    Now I sit obediently at my 1-3 table and wait to talk to the brush. This waste of skins name is Roch. I try to explain to him the situation and he is even dumber than the girl on the desk. Moira the dealer understands exactly what I am saying and she tries explain to him that have the wrong table number in the computer and that if they just put table 116 beside my name the issue is solved. Roch doesn't speak very good English, he has a very thick French accent so now my buddy Conrad speaks to him in French. Conrad is right offf the pineapple truck from Montreal.....Roch doesn't understand him either.

    At at this point an old guy at the table just says forget about it kid this asshole doesn't even understand his own language. Again, Roch stood there with a bewildered look on his face not understanding that someone's grandpa just called him an asshole to his face.

    One of of my buddies was sitting on a 2-5 table and heard the whole exchange. He just waved me over when the next seat opened up and I cheated the system and just moved myself.

    the room itself has very low ceilings and last night I was very warm in there. Tv's were pretty funny, only on one side of the room so half the room could not see them. Changing channels is now an engineering situation because apparently they have to call someone to change the channel.

    Dealers were a lot of regulars from Fallsview and the few new ones that dealt to us ran the game very well and did a great job.

    after saying all this negative stuff you would have thought I had a bad session but played 6 hours and profited 1490.00.
  • Left about 10 so must have just missed you. When I left DJ was sitting at 1/3 2nd table in on the right, up quite a bit. Did you see him? Mediocre night for me, up $73. You are right though that confusion abounds since the merger, aren't some of the brushes from Fallsview, I know a lot of dealers are. The long time Niagara dealers are pretty good imo..
    You are right that the room is generally much warmer than where it was on the lower floor. Should be a lot better when they have the new room done, early fall?
  • I got there around 7pm and was seated immediately at a 1/3 table. First hand I was dealt in the BB and it was straddled to $6, 7 callers and it gets to me and I look down at AA. I have played with a few of these guys before and they have seen me punish limpers with a big raise and then show garbage. So I want to see if they remember and raise it to $65 and I get one caller, who calls me on the flop and turn, but folds to my shove on the river. It's nice to almost double up on the first hand.
    With the bigger starting stack now at $300 and preflop raises to $15 the norm, the game plays a lot more aggressive than when it was $1/$2, which makes getting paid when you hit easier than it used to.
    Best hand was at around 11pm, UTG+1 raises to $15, Big Mike (he is a regular, plays very loose and owns a bunch of Subways and an East Side Mario's as well) calls, Button, who just sat down, raises to $45, the other two just called. Flop is 4-5-7 off suit, checks to Mike who leads out for $40, button shoves, Mike calls with 6-3os for a flopped straight. Of course button has AA and loses his mind.
    My biggest pot was near the end of the night, sitting on the button with 9s-7s and it was 7 way to the flop after we all just called the $6 straddle. Flop comes 8s-6c-3s - checks to a lady that just joined my table and she bets $50, with $200 behind, I raise it to $120, it folds back to her and she just calls. 2s hits the turn, she checks and I go all in, as she only has $130 left and the pot is already at $280 or so. She calls and the river is a 2h, but it didn't help her and I scoop a very nice pot.
    I played my usual loose pre-flop, tight post flop and left at midnight with a little over $1300 in five hours. Nice warm up for next weekend in Montreal.
  • djgolfcan wrote: »
    I got there around 7pm and was seated immediately at a 1/3 table. First hand I was dealt in the BB and it was straddled to $6, 7 callers and it gets to me and I look down at AA. I have played with a few of these guys before and they have seen me punish limpers with a big raise and then show garbage. So I want to see if they remember and raise it to $65 and I get one caller, who calls me on the flop and turn, but folds to my shove on the river. It's nice to almost double up on the first hand.
    With the bigger starting stack now at $300 and preflop raises to $15 the norm, the game plays a lot more aggressive than when it was $1/$2, which makes getting paid when you hit easier than it used to.
    Best hand was at around 11pm, UTG+1 raises to $15, Big Mike (he is a regular, plays very loose and owns a bunch of Subways and an East Side Mario's as well) calls, Button, who just sat down, raises to $45, the other two just called. Flop is 4-5-7 off suit, checks to Mike who leads out for $40, button shoves, Mike calls with 6-3os for a flopped straight. Of course button has AA and loses his mind.
    My biggest pot was near the end of the night, sitting on the button with 9s-7s and it was 7 way to the flop after we all just called the $6 straddle. Flop comes 8s-6c-3s - checks to a lady that just joined my table and she bets $50, with $200 behind, I raise it to $120, it folds back to her and she just calls. 2s hits the turn, she checks and I go all in, as she only has $130 left and the pot is already at $280 or so. She calls and the river is a 2h, but it didn't help her and I scoop a very nice pot.
    I played my usual loose pre-flop, tight post flop and left at midnight with a little over $1300 in five hours. Nice warm up for next weekend in Montreal.

    Kick some ass in Montreal ����.
  • Off to fallsview Saturday . Should be there around 3.
  • Fallsview with 5 tables or the cruddy old one ? I will be going just haven't decided the time or which one.
  • Played 5/10 plo. First hand sat in watched a 10k pot.

    A raise preflop to 40 and 5 callers . Flop 7d7hTd, checks through. Turn Jd, button bets 130 and preflop raiser calls. River Jh. Button bets 225, preflop raiser check raises to 1200, button makes it pot for 4k.

    Could you fold being the preflop raiser?

    Button had straight flush 8d9d and preflop raiser had quads JJ.

    Was a sick hand.

    I managed to dust off 2k.
  • At Niagara now, next up on the 1/3 list.
  • Heading to niagara tonight.
  • Good night tonight .... first 30 min session playing 2-5 with a $10 straddle 90% of the time. am in for 1000. I have pocket 66 on the button. Mid position pops it to 45 I call everyone else folds.

    flop comes 6QQ......weeeeeee I am gonna stack this sucka and he started the hand with about 600. He bets 120 I raise to 345 he shoves..... I snap call cause I got him........ and he flips over pocket queens.

    ummm.... nice hand Sir , here, take my money.

    battle back over the next 5 hours and leave with $ 1150 more than I went with. Was very happy to battle back but I feel like I should have made 5 grand tonight. Guys were calling off stacks with gutterball draws and weak pairs, I even saw a guy call about 800 on the river with second pair crap kicker....
  • Why the he** would a guy with quads lead out for a pot size bet on the flop? Crazy... Wouldn't he want you to hit something first?:D Did you show him your six's before he bet? lol..

    Would love to sit and play 1/3 with you sometime at Niagara..
  • Comp... I think he knew he had a fish on the hook....

    let me know the next time you plan on going.... give me a days notice or so.....
  • Comp... I think he knew he had a fish on the hook....

    let me know the next time you plan on going.... give me a days notice or so.....

    You are no fish... lol.. Well unless you are referring to a shark...
  • should be at Niagara by 8;15pm tonight. Hope there is more free money tonight.
  • You should be at my place instead
  • moose wrote: »
    You should be at my place instead

    Moose I would need a super computer to keep up with tonight's circus games format. Besides at your place I am the fish at Niagara I can pick out a couple of worse players than myself.
  • Very quiet there last night. Only one 2- 5 table and by 1am they were down to 4 tables total. Really quiet there.

    lost just under 900, played well and only lost one big hand.

    idiot raises to 45 from mid position and I call with KQ hearts 3 peeps to the flop. Flop is KQ3 rainbow. Guy bets 85 guy calls 85 and I raise to 235 first guy folds and idiot re-raises me to 500. I call.

    Turn is a 7. Idiot shoves all in for 1300 with maybe 1500 in the pot. I think about it for a short while and decide to call. This ding dong has A,10 offsuit.

    Really ..... WTF.....

    bammm Jack on the river to reward the idiot.

    There is a young kid that plays the big game at Fallsview when it runs , he play really well and from I have witnessed he makes very few mistakes. Tonight he sat down and in 45 mins was in for 4000. He got coolered so bad 3 times. First one flopped king high flush and other guy flopped ace high flush for a grand. Then lost a monster with pocket aces against pocket queens that was all in pre flop. Last one was gross too set over set.
  • On the way to Niagara with the wife, likely won't be there late though, she likes to gey home by 10 or so.
  • Heading to Seneca Friday and either fallsview or niagara on Saturday.
    Let me know if your around.
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