West Side Poker Club November 18th



  • 25 posts I think?
  • Shhhh! I don't actually want to play him, I was bluffing....
  • haddon wrote: »
    Shhhh! I don't actually want to play him, I was bluffing....

    LOL. Now that's more like the Josh I remember before he did his Vegas thing....
  • Jeff, didn't you hear? I was actually in jail...duh! :D

    And I never bluff. Really.
  • Wow, just read this thread after coming home from my trip. Must say, very interesting comments. Congrads to all those who made the final table.

    Now, Mike....Mikey, Mikey, Mikey...we're so sorry that this little game or it's location weren't up to your obviously high standards. You are naturally a professional that has gotten accustomed to being tailored too, much like a newborn infant sucking on his momma's tit, and then complaining when the flow was halted for a burp. Quite frankly, WSP isn't set up to meet your high standards of play, and it would be in your best interest to blackball all future games.

    OH wait a minute...you DIDN'T go to this game...you HEARD from a friend...so your message is nothing but bullshit spread on a thick crusty slice of attitude?

    Fine, grow up little man, grow a pair of balls, and next time you want to criticize about something, maybe you should have the courage to actually PLAY first and check it out yourself. Hey, with your professionalism, you would have made final table within the first blind level right? Then what...hit the cash game to soak a few K from the fish?

    Brent, Cam, and all those who help out with ALL WSP events, as well as all the players who regularily attend...GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!! You SHOULD be proud of what you have done for the game in the local area.
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