West Side Poker Club November 18th



  • List is current. We are going to set up only the tables we need so it won't be so crowded. If you aren't on the list there is still time.

  • We are push 60 players, just wanted let people know the lsit will be updated on Thursday.

  • Brent
    Reserve me a spot. I'm trying to work the saturday schedule so I can join the fun. Lots of folks where 'whining' that I did'nt bring 'wine' friday night so hopefully I'll be able to bring some saturday, it could get loud....I think Marios blonde beauty wants to do a taste test!
    The 'Wine Man' - Larry L.
  • Larry "the fucking" Wine Man!!!
    I'm putting a $50 bounty on you. :D
  • Brent: Take me off the list. There is no way I'm going to be able to make it. Next one I"m in for sure.
  • Please add Garry M. and remove Raymond S. and Peter L.
  • Hi Brent

    Sign me up

  • Hey Haddon
    I thought they had you locked up and threw away the key....! Next time I see you I'm going to put a extra big bar of soap in your huge bitchin mouth to see if we can clean some of the blah, blah, blah coming out of it. Your going down big guy....thats if you ever show up, cause you gots a bad habit of NOT SHOWING UP!
    The ever loving 'Wine Man' (Old Man)
  • You old ass mother fucker.
    The smell of the shit spewing out of your mouth has me vomitting uncontrollably. My not showing up may have been a problem but I will show you up on Saturday.
    I may get busted but it will be long after you.
    Last longer bet???

    Put your money where your mouth is.
  • Haddon
    You are one sick 'teddy bear'. Don't make me get out the CATTLE PROD. It's quite obvious you did'nt get spanked enough the last time!
    If you ever had the b_lls to put a bounty on me you'd probably pay off in pennies. Can't we all just get along you big fart!
    The ever lovin "Wine Man'
    I still like you better than Mike Matasow.
  • Listen you gay old pedophile, stop calling me 'teddy bear'.
    You probably post from an elementary school library.

    $100 if it is in the first level.
  • Greg just brought something to my attention...

    Maybe I didn't add a :D:D:D
    but we're kidding right?

    Except about the bounty...that stays haha!
  • Brent:

    When are you going to PM the location?
  • Did you not not get my PM? I will do it again ok

  • Did you not not get my PM? I will do it again ok


    Got it now.

  • I need directions too Brent. Please PM me.
  • I think I have the list current, if you name is not on the lsit and it should be let me know. If you need directions let me know

  • I'm afraid I will have to back out of this one Brent. Have to leave town for a few days. Max is still in though, as far as I know.

    Next time
  • Thanks for the notice AJ, safe travels.
  • i need directions too please
  • me too :D (this message used to be too short so I added the bracketed content, na na na na boo boo)
  • Coach

    I have tried to send you the directions but I am being blocked. Send me an email to westsidepokerclub@rogers.com and I will reply ronight whenI get home from work

  • finally got logged in to the forum here, man there's lots of reading to be had here, look forward to meeting you tomorrow. I should be off work at a decent hour tonight in order to get a few hours rest before mixing it up with a bunch of new faces...lol.

    Anyways, just thought I'd throw my first post out there.....

    and to the rest of ya, I'm Jamie...aka WebHeadJames, live in Waterloo, 32, married, trucker, yada yada yada.....been playing a while, still learning, but then again who isn't?

    See ya all around sooner or later....cheers!

  • hey brent,
    can i drop adam,joe and dalip from the list and add michelle,jamie r, and dereck s to the list please.
  • yes will update later, thanks for the heads up
  • I will be leaving at 8:30 am, anyone after that is considered a walk up. Thanks to all who took the time to sign up. It makes for a better day for everyone.

  • Wahoo! I make it in with 3 hours to spare. I found out hat next Sat is a Great day to play the Moneymaker Rd. 2, so count me in for tomorrow's event!! Can't wait to play
  • no updates from those who busted out? What's up>?
  • final table when I left, the only two posters names that I got were Im-on-tilt and blondefish..both with impressive stacks. I'm 'bubble girl'

    GG all!
  • This was the BIGGEST crock of shit poker "tournament" (I use the term VERY loosely) i've ever been to in my life. First of all it was in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere...literally in a forrestry area with ppl having a camp fire like 20 feet away. I walk in the place and it smelled like shit, as expected I guess considering the location. Come to find out this "poker club" doesn't even have one goddamn real poker table. But wait, it gets worse once you find out that YOU, yes you have to deal for yourself. That's right folks, a "poker club" with no poker tables and no dealers, oh wait...they were nice enough to offer a dealer for the final table...wow

    Needless to say I didn't enter this piece of shit tourney...i'm sorry...maybe that's how it's done in Kitchener...but not anywhere else i've been. I don't knock anybody for trying to do their thing. But if you're gonna run a piece of shit tournament than advertise it as such. Maybe something like this would've worked "65$ PIECE OF SHIT Freeze-out tourney in Kitchener...NO DEALERS, GARBAGE TABLES"...Atleast that way we know what were getting.

    I'll leave you with this simple yet effective statement:


    Have a nice day! :)
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