Pokerstars: World Cup of Poker 2005

I expect everyone who has a couple extra FPP's in their account to take part. For more information, check out this link.

The WCoP appears to be a series of heads-up tournaments designed to crown the "best country" in Poker (let's ignore, for the moment, that the USA gets four teams while everyone else gets one.)

There are two tournaments scheduled next week for the Canadian Qualifier, Monday and Thursday at 8pm.

The top four countries (teams of 5 people) each get a free trip to London, England to compete in the televised finals.

Hrmmm... I'm sounding like a freakin' advertisement. Perhaps this post should be moved? Anyway, hope to see some familiar members at the tournament!!


  • Zithal wrote:
    I expect everyone who has a couple extra FPP's in their account to take part. For more information, check out this link.

    The WCoP appears to be a series of heads-up tournaments designed to crown the "best country" in Poker (let's ignore, for the moment, that the USA gets four teams while everyone else gets one.)

    There are two tournaments scheduled next week for the Canadian Qualifier, Monday and Thursday at 8pm.

    The top four countries (teams of 5 people) each get a free trip to London, England to compete in the televised finals.

    Hrmmm... I'm sounding like a freakin' advertisement. Perhaps this post should be moved? Anyway, hope to see some familiar members at the tournament!!

    I think it belongs here. Thanks for the reminder. I'll be there with bells on!

  • I will also be taking my 50 FFP shot at this. I think it is crucial to have a good showing at this thing as I have had a couple players (Americans) refer to Canadians as slow and very poor poker players. I was amazed at this comment and only had to point out one thing. The 2004 Player of the Year is Canadian. So let's get a couple pokerforum players on this team and take out these "fast and great poker players south of the border"
  • 50FPP's. Sounds good.
    God help this country if I make the team. :eek: (love the new smiley's)
  • Thanks for the reminder Zithal. I'll definitely participate if I can.
  • Group C
    New Zealand
  • Thanks for the reminder Zithal. I'll definitely participate if I can.

    Like AA I'm a definite maybe!!! :D
  • actyper wrote:
    Group C
    New Zealand

    watch out for those latvian poker players there, wild ones
  • sweetjimmi wrote:
    Like AA I'm a definite maybe!!! :D
    LOL... I guess the words 'definitely' and 'if I can' do kind of cacel each other out, don't they... :tongue:
  • Monday Feb 28th at 8:00PM Eastern is the Canadian qualifier. See you all there. lol
  • Chugs wrote:
    watch out for those latvian poker players there, wild ones

    Im born in Canada, so I am truly Canadian but my mother was born in Lativa - so I don't know whether or not to take offense to that remark! :wink:
  • Hey, all this starts tonight! Registration opens at 6 pm and is limited to 2084 or something. I'll be there. Kind of a joke though as I seen a couple coutries with 15 total entries.
  • How long do you think it will last?
    i've seen 6hrs tourney with 128-256 persons....
    with a 1024+ field we can think of 8 hrs??

  • but, you never know.

    I'll be signing up at 6:00.

    Wolffhound on pokerstars.

    Good luck to everyone.
  • magithighs wrote:
    I'll be there with bells on!
    Depending on how you attach them, that could be another tell!!!!

    Talk about resurrecting old jokes...
  • Where do you register? I don't see it anywhere... it's tonight, right?
  • WPC tab under tournys. Canada is at 8pm registration @ 6pm. Oh and make sure your on PokerStars.
  • Wow, I must be blind! Thanks!
  • Registration for this is currently open, under Tourney -> WCP.

    At this moment 250 people registered (max 2048) and growing. :cool:

  • Gide wrote:
    How long do you think it will last?
    i've seen 6hrs tourney with 128-256 persons....
    with a 1024+ field we can think of 8 hrs??


    I think this is an underestimation. Considering it took 6 hours for the Australia qualifer with only 112 people. Currently 350+ people signed up. I'm thinking whoever can stay up the longest! West coast people got an advantage!
  • it is obvious Canada is a poker crazed country also. I think they should have at least 3 teams East/West/Central. Someone give PS a call to let them know the new changes to their tournament.
  • lol how can u guys do this?

    hu matches take forever......... hahaha if someone from the forum that i know wins it i will give u 100 dollars for your dedication to the game. wow itll take 12 hours to finish


  • Just registered, GL all
  • US gets 4 teams and if you add up all State Qualifiers they only had 1200 entrants, still 40 minutes before the tournament and we have 635 Entrants. We should have more then 1 team. Heh England gets 3 Teams and only has 171 in their qualifier
  • Hmm, I took a look at the England tournament, it started with 171 players. It is now down to 6 players after 5 and a half hours. I just unregistered figuring Harthgoth is about right and the tournament will take 12+ hours
  • harthgosh wrote:
    lol how can u guys do this?

    hu matches take forever......... hahaha if someone from the forum that i know wins it i will give u 100 dollars for your dedication to the game. wow itll take 12 hours to finish



    I agree. this will take forever.

    Its a good time to promote this website to others!

    Rob M.
  • 800 and counting 10 mins left. This is a joke. I emailed PS and advised them of the fact Canada should have at least 2 more entries. Might help for next year.
  • These are heads-up matches??? England's been running for 6 hrs. 4 people left. 171 starters.

    Canada has 807 starters. Whoever draws me in round one will do fine, as I will be blinded out, lol...
  • Very wierd. The tournament just got capped at 832 players with the message "Full". 832 isn's a power of 2.
  • Damn I didn't know it was headsup! Serves me right for not reading!
  • Well this is going to take forever....
    first round lasted about 25 hands...

    just called with AK spades. He raised to 100 I went to 300, then he went all in, and well I had him 2100 to 900 I had to call


    His A7 off didnt stand up
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