Ultimate Poker Challenge in Brantford



  • westside8 wrote:
    macbb wrote:
    Anyone know who took it down?

    The asian lady who wore all white from what I heard.

    Ahhh, Stephanie.

    Not surprising. 

    Doubled up through her once, but then our table broke. She's a great player.

    Look forward to hearing your report Westside.

  • Also, since I probably won't be playing in any of the other events (the 2,000 is still a possibility, but probably not), I wanted to wish all Forum members good luck!

  • Report for the $500 UPC Tournament

    Drew table 9 seat 3. Sat down amd immediately recognized Jimmy Nixon two to my left. Once the table starting talking a bit, it seems quite a few players know each other from playing on the CPT. Turns out Seat 8 was Richard Webb, 2 time winner of the Blue Water Classic, seat 1 and 2 were both his buddies Mike and Trevor. Seat 4 was a weak-tight lady, seat 5 was Jimmy while seat 6 was a pushy (and bluffy) old man. Seat 7 and 9 were both solikd, but pretty straight forward players, and seat 10 was a tight-passive player.

    Here we go, first level, 25/25. Played 4 of the first 6 hands (hey! I did try to be first out!).

    I'm UTG+1. UTG limped, and I limped with 77 hoping to flop a set. Folded around to Richard who made it 125, BB and UTG calls, and I call. Flop KJ2. I check folded and UTG had 22.

    I'm BB. Seat 6 makes it 100, and I called with AJs. Flop J high rainbow. Check-raised and takes down the pot.

    I'm SB and looks down at QQ. Button raises and I called (and BB also calls) hoping to trap and keep the pot size small. Flop AKx, I check fold and button showed Ax

    Next hand on the button with 45d. Seat 6 makes it 125, 2 callers and I tag along for the ride. Flop 443 2 clubs. Raiser cont'd bet 200, other players fold and I smooth call. Turn 5 to complete my boat. Raiser leads for 500, I made it 1200 and he folded. I think I could've played this hand differently had I have more informatin on this player. Regardless moving on.

    Didn't really play anymore hands for that level, ended the level at 5650

    Level 2 25/50

    First hand had 10s UTG+1, raised to 150, 1 caller. Cont'd bet takes it down.

    Around an orbit later, I'm in SB with KQs. Old guy raises to 175, I called along with the SB. Flop QJ10 rainbow. Checked to the raiser to over-pushes for 2800. I contemplates and folded. SB called. Old guy flips over AQ, and BB flipped over J10 for two pair. Board ended up straightening to they chopped the pot.

    Stole a few blinds and some cont'd bets, ended at 6000

    Level 3 50/100

    Table started opening up quite a bit. Loses a slightly big pot eearly in this level.

    I made it 325 total from cutoff with KQs. Jimmy Nixon calls in the SB. Flop Axx, Jimmy checks and I check behind. Turn was 4s and gives me a flush draw. Jimmy checks again and I fire 450. He checkraises to 1100. I call with my nut flush draw pretty sure that if I hit my flush he would pay me off. River was a blank and he fireds 650 into a pot of 2800 and I made a comment about it being such a "call me bet" and folded.

    Ended at 4000

    Level 4 75/150

    Big hand early. UTG limped, and I made it 400 with AKo. Weak-tight girl to me left makes it 800. Note about her, she has limped/checked with AK twice (and showed me) so far this tournament. Back to action, folded around to Richard in seat 8, who makes it 2500 total. I contemplate for awhile, and mucks my AK. Girl to my left calls. Flop K33, turn X, river X. It was checked down to river when Richard fires 1000 into the pot, and girl calls while saying "I'm sure I'm beat but I gotta call and see". She had JJ while Richard had KK...phew..escaped a bullet there.

    During that time, the old guy busted, a new player was moved to my table. Found out through table chatter that he (Robert Shin) came in second place to Richard at the Blue Water Classic in July...nice table I must say!

    Ended the level at 3375. Was very hard to steal blinds, and pots were always contested.

    Level 5 100/200 Ante 25

    First all-in and first suck out. After 3-4 hands after the break. I was moved to a much softer table. The table consisted of pretty tight players, so I was hoping to be able to steal some blinds here and there. After an orbit or so, I am in the BB with KJc. I tried to steal a couple of blinds earlier but the guy to my left both time woke up with a hand (AK, KK respectively). So down to around 2500. A player raised preflop to 625, and I thought he was stealing and pushes into QQ. I flop a K and turn a J to stay alive. Jimmy Nixon follow me to the table but was moved less than an orbit later.

    Raised on the button to 600 with 44. SB folded, BB contemplates for awhile, and raised another 1000. He looked very weak and did not look confident, so I decided to push for the last 4000 or so and he folded.

    Lost a couple of pots and ended at around 7000

    Level 6 200/400 Ante 25

    Nothing really happened, stole a few blinds, was pushed overtop a a few times, ended at a little over 8000

    Level 7 300/600 Ante 50

    SUCKOUT ALERT! Tight player UTG+1 pushes all-in for 2850. The lady to my right (who has finished runner up at a CPT event contemplates for awhile and eventually folded). I look down at AA, CHACHING! I decided to smooth call and hope one of the players would push overtop, except almost all of them instant mucked. UTG+1 ended up having KK and turned a K. I am down to around 5000 after that hand.

    Getting low in chips, but pots were at 1400 preflop (9 players), so all I tried to do was steal some pots here and there to take adv. of the tight table.

    I suck out again! I'm in the BB, and the guy who cracked my AA with KK earlier min-raised on the button. He has done that a couple of times already, once the blinds folded and the other time SB pushed overtop and he folded. I look down at K10 and decided to make a stand for 4000 or so on top. He insta-calls and flips over AK..uh oh! Flop comes 10 high, turn a 10 and he's drawing dead. At least he had the humour to say that the chips did ended up back where its supposed to be from a few hands ago.

    Level 8 400/800 50

    Not much hands, just kept getting blinded. Stole some blinds but was also re-stolen a couple of times. Had KK at UTG+1 and no caller.

    Down to 8775 heading into second break

    Went to play some BJ during the break, and was up $150 or so from it. Also decided to put my name on the $5/$10 list in case I bust out soon (maybe I shouldn't have).

    Level 9 600/1200 75

    Comes back from break and I get smacked with the blinds. Both times blinds was raised and had 9-4, 8-2 so could not do anything about it. Down to around 6500. On the button wiith AQ, pushed and didn't get any callers. Verynet hand, folded around and saw A4d, pushed and ran into AK. No help and she rivers a straight for good measure. Out 32nd I BELIEVE.

    Pretty good experience. The dealers and suits were exceptional. One thing that was an annoyance, and I dont believe it is in the controls of the TD (more just how the bust outs happen), but myself, along with a coupl eof other players, were moved to 3 different tables within 1 orbit. So we sat down, pile up our chips, in 2 hands they come and say we're moved. The blinds were gradual at first but moved up quite quickly, but understandable as they do need to get it finished. After level 8, the average stack was never more than 10xBB, so luck becomes a big part of play. But with 5000 chips and 25/25, it gave alot of play to all the players at th beginning. I don't see how I can play any of the big hands any differently (maybe with the exception of KJ vs QQ) given the situation and the past history with certain players.

    All the best to Lou, Devin, and everyone else here that may be playing in the $1000 and/or the $2000 event this coming week.

    Also thank you Dave for introducing the voice recorder idea. It certainly help me review my tournament play after-the-fact, with the only exception being I had to walk out of the tournament floor each time I wanted to recorded something.
  • macbb wrote:
    When we got to 20 left, we consolidated to 2 tables.  I knew I needed to make a stand.  I had 14,000 chips (ave stack was 29,000).  Blinds had just increased to 1,500/3,000 with a 100 ante.  I was in the BB, so after posting, I had just over 10,000 left.  UTG+1 goes all in, and has me covered.  Folded to me, and I look down at J10s.  I knew I needed to double up soon, and didn't know when my next chance would happen.  I'd be under 9,000 after posting the SB in the next hand, so I decided to gamble, and made the call.  He turned over 88.  I don't improve.  IGHN.

    I think that was my only major mistake of the tournament.  Even so, it was almost a coin flip, so maybe it wasn't that bad a call.  Thoughts?

    I'm waiting for pkrfce9 to offer CPF bucks to do the poker analysis, so I can win it again. ;)  Seriously, it was the correct call.  Your pot odds or breakeven percentage is around 36%.  Unless you have a read on him that he has a monster such as JJ - AA, it is +EV to call.  Even against A-K, you have 41% chance of winning.  As it turned out, you have a 49.8% chance of winning against 8-8, so it really is a coin flip.

    With an M of only 1.8 in the Red Zone, folding would be the mistake.  Your actual EV for calling is
    0.498 * 16,400 - (0.502 * 10,900)  = +2,695! :)
  • beanie42 wrote:
    westside8 wrote:
    I busted out shortly after the second break at like 32nd or something.
    Congrats on not busting first ;)

    You mean busting out on the first hand ;)

    Great report, Wes. Get'em next time.
  • Great reports guys, thanks. I wonder how Lou is doing today...

    Sounds like both of you finished pretty close to the money. How many people did they pay? How many players could they accomodate in the tournament? Is each day maxed out at only 100 players?
  • Never mind, I just read Mac's post more thoroughly. 100 entrants total? That seems like a LOT less than the number of players who probably wanted to play. Too bad they couldn't find the room...
  • all_aces wrote:
    Never mind, I just read Mac's post more thoroughly.  100 entrants total?  That seems like a LOT less than the number of players who probably wanted to play.  Too bad they couldn't find the room...

    Hey, it's cool to know that *someone* reads my posts thoroughly. :D

    You're right Devin, the $500 and $1,000 tourneys are one-day, 100 player tournies. And, you're also correct that it's too bad they couldn't accomodate more players. But, with the tables in the TV area, that was about all they could fit in, unless they crammed it in more. Or, they could have used some of the 12 tables in the main room, but that would have been A) hard to have tables in different parts of the Casino, and B) meant they would have had to give up some of the ring games, and with every table in play, probably wouldn't have been a great idea on their part.

    They paid Top-10, with the winner getting just over $13K, down to 10th, who got around $1,300, iirc.

  • westside8 wrote:
    Report for the $500 UPC Tournament

    Great report Wes. It was cool to relive some of the tourney, especially since I think you were at my table a few times. :D

    BTW, from some of your hand descriptions, I think I know who you were. If I'm right, you were moved to my table (Table 1), and sat in Seat 9. Am I close? :D

    (Oh, and if it was you, I can say you played a great tourney.)

  • macbb wrote:
    westside8 wrote:
    Report for the $500 UPC Tournament

    Great report Wes. It was cool to relive some of the tourney, especially since I think you were at my table a few times. :D

    BTW, from some of your hand descriptions, I think I know who you were. If I'm right, you were moved to my table (Table 1), and sat in Seat 9. Am I close? :D

    (Oh, and if it was you, I can say you played a great tourney.)


    If you were thinking of a young asian guy with the Mario Lemieux jersey on, I think you're right :D. Thanks for the compliment. Now only if I can put a face to you now..haha
    all_aces wrote:
    Great reports guys, thanks. I wonder how Lou is doing today...

    Sounds like both of you finished pretty close to the money. How many people did they pay? How many players could they accomodate in the tournament? Is each day maxed out at only 100 players?

    Apparently the waiting list for the $500 tourney was at around 40 or something according to one of the guys, but thats just from what I heard. But for the $1000 tourney, I heard from a suit that the list was around 10.
  • westside8 wrote:
    macbb wrote:
    westside8 wrote:
    Report for the $500 UPC Tournament

    Great report Wes.  It was cool to relive some of the tourney, especially since I think you were at my table a few times.   :D

    BTW, from some of your hand descriptions, I think I know who you were.  If I'm right, you were moved to my table (Table 1), and sat in Seat 9.  Am I close?   :D

    (Oh, and if it was you, I can say you played a great tourney.)


    If you were thinking of a young asian guy with the Mario Lemieux jersey on, I think you're right :D.  Thanks for the compliment.  Now only if I can put a face to you now..haha


    Thought that was you.  When you were moved to my table, I pegged you as a very knowledgeable player right away.  I was in Seat 2 at Table 1, and then we both moved.  I went to Seat 1 at the new table.  We didn't have a chance to talk much at Table 1, since you were on opposite ends.

    As for me ... I'm including a link to a post I made back in the spring, when my wife and I presented our annual award in memory of my son.  There's a picture there, which might help you out.

    Again, it was a pleasure being at your table.  Perhaps we'll meet at the final table next time.


  • all_aces wrote:
    Great reports guys, thanks.  I wonder how Lou is doing today...

    I suck at poker  :'(! 

    Ok, well not really, but I'm very upset at my thought process in a key hand.  I get KK utg, raise to 600 (blinds 75/150).  Folded to the BB who is a tighty whitey with not much post-flop game to him -- meaning he's not reckless post flop.  He raises to 1350.  I know he's not going to give me many chip post flop and I want all his stack. Now here's where I suck at poker.  My only thought process was about how I could get all his chips in the middle and I decided a push pre-flop would give me my best shot.  Ok, that's not bad, but I didn't look at him, I didn't consider what his raise meant and I didn't look for anything.  Just one line -- I hate it.

    While I believe the outcome would be the same -- I really didn't like my approach.  So, I put on my best "I'm putting all my chips in and i want you to fold act, but i really want you to call".  Turns out he didn't need much convincing because he had the rockets.  I'm now crippled to about 700 chips.  I get them all in with A9 suited and I get some protection from 77.  I get no help and IGHN.

    Luckily I saved some money on my Geico insurance.  Ok, not really, but I did manage to win 2k at the Black Jack tables.  Well, ok it as $100 and the rest at the juicy 20/40 game with a bunch of sour tournament  players.

  • macbb wrote:
    Thought that was you.  When you were moved to my table, I pegged you as a very knowledgeable player right away. 

    wow.. bad read... :)

    Just kidding Wes... my little PPV buddy

  • magithighs wrote:
    all_aces wrote:
    Great reports guys, thanks.  I wonder how Lou is doing today...

    I suck at poker  :'(! 

    Ok, well not really, but I'm very upset at my thought process in a key hand.  I get KK utg, raise to 600 (blinds 75/150).  Folded to the BB who is a tighty whitey with not much post-flop game to him -- meaning he's not reckless post flop.  He raises to 1350.  I know he's not going to give me many chip post flop and I want all his stack. Now here's where I suck at poker.  My only thought process was about how I could get all his chips in the middle and I decided a push pre-flop would give me my best shot.  Ok, that's not bad, but I didn't look at him, I didn't consider what his raise meant and I didn't look for anything.  Just one line -- I hate it.

    While I believe the outcome would be the same -- I really didn't like my approach.  So, I put on my best "I'm putting all my chips in and i want you to fold act, but i really want you to call".  Turns out he didn't need much convincing because he had the rockets.  I'm now crippled to about 700 chips.  I get them all in with A9 suited and I get some protection from 77.  I get no help and IGHN.

    I don't know man, it's not that bad. KK vs. AA, and as you mentioned, if you see the flop, the result probably would have been the same. It's just tough.

    Two questions though, and then we'll see just how much you suck. (Although to be fair it's STILL a tough one regardless of what your answers are...)

    1. How deep were your stacks?
    2. You know he was a tight player, but what did he think of you? If you thought that he thought that you were a cannon (for whatever reason) then you preflop play is fine, because that would open up his range, even though he's tight.
  • *NO* other reports?

    How about a report from the $1,000 tourney? Or, the $2,000 qualifying days?

    Bring it on.

  • Patience grasshopper.... ;)

    2K qualifying day report:

    I went to this tournament by myself, which is a little unusual for me, but none of my friends wanted to:

    a) Pony up 2K to play a tournament, and/or
    b) sit around and watch me play a tournament for an unspecified period of time, in
    c) Brantford

    So I listened to all of my loud "get pumped up" music on the drive down, including songs like:

    "Bohemian Like You" - Dandy Warhols
    Anything by the Soundtrack of Our Lives
    "Are You Gonna be my Girl" - Jet
    Anything by Kanye West
    "Grace, Too" - The Hip
    "Talk" - Coldplay


    I arrived and registered without incident, and much to my delight, the tournament was taking place just outside the poker room in what is traditionally the blackjack and sports bar area.  This delighted me because the last time I did anything in that area it was winning 4.5K or so on an incredible rush in a game I rarely play: blackjack.  A good sign.

    Also to my delight, Lou Gazzola was there.  I've become pretty good friends with him as I've gotten to know him on the set of PNL, and it was great to see him.  He played in Friday's qualifying day... I'll let him give the details of course, but here is the short version:

    At 200/400 a50 (I think) he had around 7 or 8 BB's in his stack.  Late position with 99.  One player limped, he shoved, and was called by the limper who had the very unlikely QTs.  He lost the race, and that was that.  I thought that he might be trying again--coughing up another 2K to play the Saturday qualifier--but no, he was STILL THERE from the day before.  He'd been playing $20/$40 all freakin' night, and showed no signs of slowing down.  That's something I've never done, and that's why he's a professional poker player and I'm not: he won't leave a game if he thinks he can beat it and he is still thinking clearly.  He was still in the game when I left today, with what looked like about 3K or so in red chips in front of him, slowly taking over that entire end of the table.  Lou, there are these things called black chips that are worth, oh, say, $100.  Try colouring up sometimes... your neighbours and the dealer will appreciate it.  ;)

    Anyway, I recognized a few faces, but not too many; I don't play much live poker, and if I do, it's not at Brantford.  Everybody seemed to know everybody, though.  My table was fairly typical.  I played a LOT of hands early and picked up some small pots.  I remember four hands in particular:

    At 25/25 I was in the SB with 8c5c.  MP made it 75, LP called, and I figured, hey, why not.  I mean really.  So I called, and the BB folded.

    Flop: Q52 rainbow with one club.  I checked, MP bet 125, LP folded, and I figured, hey, why not.  I mean really.  So I called.

    Turn: 8.  Wheeeeeee!  I have two pair!  I checked, MP bet 200, I made it 500, and he called.

    River: A.  Not a huge fan of that card, but oh well, I bet 500, and he called.  I showed my two pair, and he looked sickened and mucked face-down.  Someone else at the table asked the dealer to see his hand, and the dealer showed us MP's pocket kings.

    At 50/100 I was UTG with 66.  I called, MP made it 300 total, LP called, the blinds folded, and I called.

    Flop: 553.  I checked, MP moved in for 525 (he was shortstacked, obv.), LP folded, and I figured, hey, why not.  So I called, he had TT, and I took a bit of a hit.

    At 50/100 I was BB with AA.  Folded to the cutoff who called, button called, SB completed, and I made it 400 total.  All three of my opponents called. 

    Flop: Q 9 3 with two spades.  SB bet 700, I thought for a while and made it 2200, the cutoff and button folded, and then SB thought for an eternity.  He tried to get me to talk, etc., and he told me what he had: AQ.  I REALLY wanted his action, obviously, but he made a big laydown and folded his ace queen face-up.  I didn't tell him what I had, but damn, nice laydown man. 

    I hit the first break after four levels with a slightly above-average stack of about 7000 or so, up 2000 from my starting stack of 5000.

    The levels went to 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes after the break, so I returned to play 45 minutes of 100/200 a25.  Unfortunately, I went COMPLETELY card dead, and there weren't a lot of opportunities to steal, or obvious (to me) opportunities to re-steal.  The player to my immediate right (who made the big AQ laydown) had accumulated a LOT of chips, which meant that anytime I thought of stealing, he would do it first.  I decided not to mix it up with him, because I'd built my stack, so I could afford to wait for a bit.

    But man, I waited for a long time in that 100/200 level.  Finally, I picked up TT in the BB after my stack had dwindled down to about 5500 or so.

    MP (shortstacked at around 2.5K or so) open-raised to 500.
    SB (BIG stack) hummed and hawed, and eventually called.
    I called.

    Flop: 9 7 3 with two diamonds.  SB fired 1000 into the pot.  DECISION TIME.  Here's what I thought about:

    It would be tough for my opponent (I wasn't too worried about MP) to put me on an overpair to the board.
    He had been quite active... he could easily have any of the following: A9, K9s, 9Ts, any two diamonds, 68s, T8s, JJ, 99, 88, 77, 66, 55, 44, 33, 22.
    I decided that there were too many hands I was ahead of in this spot, so I made it 2500.  MP folded, and SB said "I think this is it man", and then moved in.
    I called, and he showed me pocket jacks.  I didn't improve, and that was that.

    I'm glad that I took time to consider his range of hands, and I'm glad that I determined I was ahead of enough of them to go with TT on that flop.  But, in the interests of full disclosure with myself, there were two other things that bear consideration:



    was scrolling across my brain when he bet the 1000.  I'm not saying I'm psychic, but really, my gut was telling me exactly what he had.  It's told me this stuff before, and I've gotten pretty good at listening to it.  In this case though I just said to myself: "you are seeing monsters under the bed.  Ignore your gut, your gut is playing too tight if it wants you to fold this hand on this flop under these circumstances".

    2) I might have been on "unplayable hands tilt".  It doesn't happen to me a whole lot because I don't like to tilt.  Also, I like to play a lot of hands, so "unplayable" is sort of a loose term.  And, I usually play online so it doesn't take as long before a playable hand comes up.  But man, for the first 40 minutes after break I was getting nothing, and I wasn't able to identify any opportunities to pick up pots.  It was really frustrating, which is kind of new for me.  And even if all of this had no effect whatsoever on this hand and the way it was played, it's something I'm really going to have to keep an eye on when I play live tournaments.  I think I need an MP3 player.

    I said goodbye to Lou as I walked out... he suggested that I get on the list for the 20/40, but all I wanted to do was head back to Toronto.

    So that's that!  Boo.  Oh well, there will always be other tournaments.  And a small consolation is that I just played a single $200 SNG tonight and won it.  Big deal, I know, it's one long game, I know that too, but still, every little bit of boosted morale helps after you've made the drive back to Toronto with your head hung low.
  • Very good read Devo. I always like reading these stories. Sucks that he had the Jacks. I find for some reason I get alot more frustrated when my opponent's over pair is the next highest after mine, it can never be 2 or 3 :( Funny way that guy played his pocket kings though, seemed like he was just inviting trouble. Can't wait to read Lou's post.

    P.S Sorry to derail but i made a post a couple days ago with no reply concerning the "Mapleleaf Freeze Out" tournament on River Belle. The 5.50$ invite only, with 250$ added. It says it will be shown on PNL. I was just wondering if that was true, and who get's invited to it?
  • Thanks Chris.

    About the Maple Leaf thing... I really have no idea. Sorry dude.
  • Nice report, Devin. I loved the story about the 75s hand. (I swear I've made far more with that hand than KK.)
  • I really hate doing trip reports about tournaments because of the pain -- oh the pain!  Keep in mind my memory is a bit fuzzy after being up for 36 hours (two times this week) and sleeping for 12 hours.  My family just loves me these days!

    Here's the report on the $2000 tournament.   I'll do this Devo style.

    After the $1000 event and 24 hours of non-sleep I don't get much sleep and have to shovel a pile of dirt from my neighbour's yard to mine -- two hours.  I need a massage.  I drag my azz into the shower, eat and pick up a Red Bull and driver to TO for PNL.  Another RB and I'm ready for the show.  Both Devo and I are pumped for the 2K event and decide on our side wager.  Feels like we did a good show with lots of energy.  I get home around midnight and watch the show on  PVR until 1 am. 

    I find out my massage therapist has no appointments in the morning, so I catch a few zz's and nap before driving to Brantford.  Pick  up a RB and start the drive thinking -- every time you push your chips in the middle ask yourself two questions:

    1) What do you think the other player(s) have and
    2) What do they want you to do

    Answering those two questions requires multiple level thinking and allows me to stop thinking what does he think, I think, he thinks, I think he has.  I can never keep that straight.  The two questions do it for me.

    Now I've go that straight, I need to wake up and get some energy.  RB is good -- music better.  Out comes the IPOD with the Poker Music Mix

    1) Not Responsible -- Tom Jones -- This is an opposite song as it reminds me I'm always responsible for all my actions in the tourney
    2) There's a Kind of Hush All Over The World -- Engelbert Humperdinck -- Watch for the flushes and play your monster draws hard
    3) Dueces are Wild - Aerosmith -- Just have fun, like the old days when you played deuces are wild
    4) It's Not unusual -- Tom Jones -- Watch out for players playing 85o and the likes as it's not unusual
    5) Sympathy For the Devil -- Rolling Stongs -- It's the devil's game -- have fun!
    6) C'est La Vie -- Bob Seger -- It's just the way it is, don't get too upset -- it will work out in the long run
    7) She Can't do Anything Wrong -- Bob Seger -- Ah, I love those tournaments when I can't do anything wrong
    8 ) Don't Look Back -- Boston -- F**K the hand you just lost, worry about what you need to do now
    9) She's so Cold -- Rolling Stones -- You will have a cold run of cards, it will happen -- deal with it
    10) Emoti0nal Rescue -- Rolling Stones -- Gosh, sometimes I just need a little help -- doing PNL was a big boost after the 1k event
    11) Waiting on a Friend -- Rolling Stones -- Don't worry those aces will come
    12) Shoot to Thrill AC/DC --  I'm going to take you down, down
    13) Rocket Man -- Elton John -- Rockets are great but remember they tend to explode and kill the pilots!
    .... there's more but that's all I got to listen to.

    I pull into BCC and meet up with the gang.  I register  Meet up with a great NL player from Niagra and we decide to have dinner.  Some fun conversation about the coconuts we're playing and some of the stronger NL players from Niagra.  He points out some the good ones.

    I manage to pull a seat on one of the touger tables with two of the stronger Niagra players he pointed out.  Just wonderfull that one of them is on my right and the other is on my left.  The stronger player, unfortunately, is on my left.  The good thing is that there are some Brantford coconuts on my table.

    Ah, those magical words "Shuffle up and Deal".  Second hand (25/25) there's a limper (coconut) and I need to be in pots with him.  I limp in with QJo in MP, and Niagra/Alex on my left raises to 100.  Folded to me and I decide I don't want to play in a big pot, out of position against a strong player with a marginal hand.  I muck and NA shows a five.

    Now, when there's a strong aggressive player at my table, I know I can get them to overplay there hands against me.  So, I decide this is the spot to start the ball rolling.  I say "wow that's brave showing one card, if you had any guts you'd show both".  He says "Next time I'll show both, it's too late now".

    Fast forward a few hands and NA does the same thing after a few limpers, he raises and takes down the pot uncontested -- shows a deuce.  I say "wow, you lied and now you're just like a cheap hooker showing just a little of a boob and too afraid to show the rest cause no one will buy".  Table gets a laugh and NA says I'm getting too personal.  I say "hey you said you'd show us both cards last time and I thought you would".  He says "wow I have you on tilt and we haven't got to the second round".  Now I think "Yeeess, I've got him"

    Blinds are at 25/50.  Four limpers and I'm on the button with 96o.  The coconut is in the hand, so I must play.  I limp.  Flop is J62 rainbow.  Checked to me and I bet 200 and take the pot.

    Few hands later at 25/50.  Coconut is in the hand and I limp with 85 hearts on the button.  NA raises to 150.  BB folds, coconut calls, and I have to call as I've worked NA to overplay a hand and the coconut is ready and willing to pay anyone.  Three of us see the flop K62 with two hearts.  NA checks, coconut bets 50 and now I want to buy a free card and raise to 500.  I think it's the right price and I want NA out of the hand and I can control the coconut.  Well the wheels fall off the plan when NA re-raises to 1500 and the coconut insta-calls. 

    Now I have some thinking to do.  What does a strong player like NA do in this spot?  His play screamed he had a set.  Now, does the coconut have top pair or a flush draw.  If he's on the flush draw it's likely he's on a bigger one than mine.  I know I'm getting 2 to 1, if I push here as both players will call.  It's my only move.  I decide this is not the spot as I'm just not sure what the coconut has and fold.  The turn is a brick -- non heart.  NA bets 2k and again coconut instacalls.  River is another brick and NA goes all-in and gets insta-called.  NA turns over 22 and CCNT turns over KQo.  Uggh, I wish he had more chips, but alas NA has all of them.

    Crap, now the table's gotten much tougher with NA on a big stack and one of the softer players out.

    We're at 50/100. I have AQ clubs UTG.  I know NA is going to be aggressive now.  And, I really don't like AQ, even suited in this part of the tournament.  I prefer to play a small pot with this hand, but I'm more than willing to play a bigger pot against someone like NA and I can get relative position on him in a multi-way pot if he raises.  So, I limp.  NA unforunately folds and the cutoff calls, as does the button.  Sb completes and four of us see the flop  Q52 with two spades.  I bet 300, cutoff calls and the rest fold.  Turn is a Jd.  I bet 500 as I know the cutoff ignores odds and will call a larger bet if he's on a flush draw and he could have two pair in this spot.  I don't want to over inflate the pot.  River is a 4 spades and I check.  Cutoff bets 500 I call.  He has a flush.

    Interesting side note.  NA is in hand and my nemisis asks him how many chips he has.  Half the table answers for him and I ask everyone to keep quite as the question was directed to NA and he should answer or the dealer should annouce how much is in his stack.  The rest of us are obligated to keep quite.  NA says "yea, that guy's annoying, but he's right".  Yes, now I know I got to him and a little more needling will give me the edge in hand with him.

    Yuck, now I'm down to about 3500.  I get T7 spades on the button at 50/100 and I'm willing to take one last gamble.  I limp after three limpers.  Five of us see the flop of J95 two clubs.  Checked around and I don't want to steal when I have so few chips and the potential to hit my miracle card for free.  Good news/Bad News on the turn.  The 8 of spades falls giving me the straight but putting three clubs on the board.  Checked to me and I bet 500.  Called by UTG player -- my nemisis in this tournament -- see bustout hand.  River is a brick.  UTG now bets 500 and I make a crying call.  He has the flush.

    Yucker, now I'm down to life support around 2400.  It's power polka time.  Strong Niagra player on my right raises from EP with the blinds at 75/150.  He makes 700 to go.  I know his range is wide as he's built a nice stack around 9k.  I'm in MP with 99 and decide I may not get a better chance.  So, I push.  Folded to raiser who's thinking and thinking.  He asks me if I want him to call or fold.  I know I'm ahead now, and I say "you do what you want, I've already decided".  He says "dude I like you, it's a one time free pass and I will do whatever you want". He's actually genuine about this -- I know that, as I've played with him before.  I say, "listen I don't play that way, you'll have to decide".  Finally he mucks.

    I build up to about 3800 and we have a break and the blinds go to 100/200 with a 25 ante.

    My nemisis from UTG in earlier hand raises to 700 from EP.  My stack is down to 3100.  I know him and I know his range is extremely wide on his best days.  On his worst the range gets even wider.  Folded to me in the SB with 99 (this is Brantford and it feels like an omen).  NA is on my immdiate left now in the BB on a very big stack.  I don't want him in the hand.  I don't have enough to make a raise and get away from this hand.  So, I decide to push.  My nemisis, thinks and thinks.  I don't want to call the clock on him as I know I'm ahead.  I sort of want a call, but taking the pot is good as well. 

    Finally he calls with QT suited.  Yessss!  Not the best -- I would have preferred A7suited.  But I can deal with this, until the flop of QTJ.  Not bad!! Until the river fills him up. IGHN.  Well not really.  Here's what happened.

    I'm extremely unhappy with my result.  I liked my play.  I liked my banter.  I liked my set ups.  I liked my folds and I really, really disliked my result.  I'm pissed and go put my name down on a huge 20/40 list.  So, I go kill some time at BJ and find that only the 15 minimum tables are empty.  Fkit. I need to bet big to win.  So, I put down $200 count cards, and bet big when the deck's in my favour.  Oh, yea my system only works if I bet x,2x,3x depending on the count.  Not x,5x,10x.  So, I promptly shred 300 bucks and leave the table.  My next target is the Wheel of Fortune Slot machine.  Time to shred another 100 bucks.  I get to spin the wheel, but I'm still not hitting anything.  So, I decide to cash out my 60 bucks and go to the blazing sevens.  Five minutes later I hit the three sevens and win 300 bucks and I'm 15 bucks short of my -EV debacle.  Ok, the gambling gods have given me another chance and I decide to go see where I am on the 20/40 list.

    I'm three names down and two of the names are still in the tourney. Finally around 10:00 pm, I get on the table.  Frist hour and four hands, I down 1k.  Yuck.  However, I'm extremely proud of my play and I'm not on tilt.  The game is good and dammit I'm staying.  Fast forward to the morning.  I now have almost 3k in front of me and I decide to find Devo and wish him luck.  We chat for a bit and I say I'm actually thinking of spending another 2k to enter Saturday's tournament so I can win our $200 bet.  It was a fleeting thought.  The 20/40 was just too juicy. 

    When Devo stopped, I asked him to stay and play the 50/100 which was even juicier -- definitely didn't want him on the 20/40.  I could feel his pain, but wasn't able to really empathize with his bust out because I just didn't have any emotions.  I could only focus on my table, my stack.  It's a weird feeling playing over 12 hours, but I get into a zone where I tune almost everything out.

    I stayed until 5:30 pm, racked up 8 racks.  More Red bull for a relatively safe drive home.  Sleep 12 hours.  Espresso, talk to my family for a bit and crank out this report.  I must say it has been theraputic.

  • thanks for the writeup (NOT the one right above me, i didn't see that one until this was posted)... that was great...

    funny, i've been running into that overpair beats another overpair alot recently. and it is frustrating when it's one rank higher..... i don't know if it's bad card luck or i should be alot more careful when my pre-flop raise is called. the books have brain-washed me that calling pre-flop raises is fishy, now i'm not so sure (but probably)

    sounded like you played fine and that you needed to double up pretty soon anyway (so why not then?)... i might have thought to tangle with that aggressive big stack. basically you need to double up in the next few orbits. and if he raises alot, then his range is quite large.

    anyhow, thanks again! yeah, that overpair beats another overpair is weird. you think you're shocking your opponent and then he's shocking you.
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