Ultimate Poker Challenge in Brantford

I just got notice that this is coming to Brantford.

Is this going to be Televised?


  • Do you have a link for more information?
  • No. It was mailed to me.
  • I know about the CPT $2,125 freezeout tournament at Brantford on September 19. If your tournament is different, please post the details.
  • I believe that's it, there is also small prelim's leading up to that ($500 and $1000 I believe). I noticed it in the sports section of the sun yesterday.
  • I'd be surprised if the September 19 tournament is both an Ultimate Poker Challenge event and a Canadian Poker Tour event. There are one-table SNG satellites for around $210-$220, depending if you have a Winners Circle membership. There will also be $55 MTT satellites with rebuys/add-on starting on August 13-16.
    AcidJoe wrote:
    I believe that's it, there is also small prelim's leading up to that ($500 and $1000 I believe). 
  • I have registered for this event.  I play my day one on Sept. 23, and hopefully I make it to the final day (also known as the "other" day) on the 24th.

    The guy on the phone said that they have about 100 people registered so far.  I expect that number to triple or so.  He said that the satellites have been doing VERY well.  And there are a lot of people who will probably just buy in directly who haven't done so yet.

    I think the 19th is a $500, the 20th is a 1K, and the 21st to the 23rd are all Day One's for the 2K, with the final three tables (I think) on the 24th.

    I'm not sure if it will be televised, but it is a CPT event.
  • I went to register yesterday for the prelim events and they are sold out($500 and 1k events) at Brantford. Went to fallsview and niagara casino to play satillites, ZERO interest for satilittes to the CPO event. Fallsview had a $640 sat going and it was the only one they got going that all day, and it was 9pm, so the floor said there would be no more that day. For those who wanna play step 2/B , looks like you gonna have to wait for more step1 winners.
  • Thanks for the heads-up re: Fallsview WPT satellites.  I'd like to play in the big event, and while I can certainly justify spending 10K of my bankroll on one tournament, that doesn't mean I'd like it.

    So, I guess if I'm going to head to Fallsview, I'll call first to make sure there will be some $640's happening.

    I have a stupid question about the Brantford tournament.

    Let's say it goes like this:

    100 people on Thursday play down to final 10, who advance.
    100 people on Friday play down to final 10, who advance.
    100 people on Saturday play down to final 10, who advance.

    Final 30 meet on Sunday to play down to the winner.

    OK, I can dig it.

    But, what happens in this case?

    25 people on Thursday play.
    64 people on Friday play.
    98 people on Saturday play.

    How many people would advance from each day to play on Sunday?

    And, if a train leaves Montreal for Toronto at 85 km/hr at 6:00 am, and a train leaves Toronto for Montreal at 90 km/hr at 6:45 am, who arrives at their destination first? The distance between Toronto and Montreal is approx. 542 km.
  • And, if a train leaves Montreal for Toronto at 85 km/hr at 6:00 am, and a train leaves Toronto for Montreal at 90 km/hr at 6:45 am, who arrives at their destination first? The distance between Toronto and Montreal is approx. 542 km.

    The montreal to toronto train arrives in approximately 6.37 hours. The toronto to montreal train arrives in approx 6.02 hours. That means if they both leave on the same day the Montreal to Toronto train arrives first.
  • I knew someone would figure that one out... us poker geeks, we do love our puzzles... ;)

    Now, does anyone know the answer to the other part of the question? How does Brantford advance players to the final day? Do they just take 10% of the total number of entrants on any given day? ie: if 34 people play, they take 3, if 36 people play, they take 4, etc...
  • Shannon might know the answer to this one. I believe he played in a Brantford tourney that had this same format.
  • all_aces wrote:
    I knew someone would figure that one out... us poker geeks, we do love our puzzles... ;)

    Now, does anyone know the answer to the other part of the question? How does Brantford advance players to the final day? Do they just take 10% of the total number of entrants on any given day? ie: if 34 people play, they take 3, if 36 people play, they take 4, etc...

    Hi Devin,

    I understand it's the final 10 from each of the 3 days ... therefore, 30 start on Sunday, and yes, your chips carry over.

    So, yes, if a different number of people play each day, then the guys playing on the days with more entrants will have a higher average chip stack entering Sunday. Of course, the guys playing on a day with fewer entrants have to beat fewer players to get to the final day.

  • macbb wrote:
    all_aces wrote:
    I knew someone would figure that one out... us poker geeks, we do love our puzzles... ;)

    Now, does anyone know the answer to the other part of the question? How does Brantford advance players to the final day? Do they just take 10% of the total number of entrants on any given day? ie: if 34 people play, they take 3, if 36 people play, they take 4, etc...

    Hi Devin,

    I understand it's the final 10 from each of the 3 days ... therefore, 30 start on Sunday, and yes, your chips carry over.

    So, yes, if a different number of people play each day, then the guys playing on the days with more entrants will have a higher average chip stack entering Sunday. Of course, the guys playing on a day with fewer entrants have to beat fewer players to get to the final day.


    Thanks Mac and Zithal,

    Here's the problem: if 40 people play on Thursday, and they take 10, and 100 people play on Saturday, and they take 10, I'd MUCH rather play on Thursday.

    The ten from Thursday would have smaller stacks, but from what I understand, the BCC lowers the blinds when all of the players meet on the final day, to the point where nobody enters the final day truly shortstacked.  It goes without saying that this takes the advantage away from the big stacks; their opponents aren't in desperate push-or-fold mode, putting their tournament lives on the line, out of position, with less than optimal cards.

    So, the people who play on Saturday (in this hypothetical situation) have to beat waaaaaay more players to make it to the final day, and the reward that they get for this accomplishment--bigger stacks--is somewhat negated by the lowered blinds.

    I'm going to have to do two things:

    1) PM Shannon and ask him to have a look at this thread.

    2) Keep on eye on the number of registrants/day at the UPC.
  • When I played it wasn't really a problem because the tournament sold out (250 players) in 3-4 hours. Each day had a maximum of 50 people and the top 10 went through. Actually one day only 9 went through as there was a double elimination on the final hand. I'd clarify with them how many players (min/max) will be playing on each day and take the average. They do take the blinds back quite a bit on the final day so a shorter stack still gives you tonnes of play.

    Hope that helps a bit.

  • Thanks Shannon, that does help. Hopefully this one sells out as well, but with the 2K buy-in I'm not so sure. And if it doesn't, it goes without saying that more people will want to play their day one on Saturday than on Thursday or Friday, assuming they are not professional poker players.
  • Hey Devin,

    Having read this thread about your concerns, I'm starting to feel some sympathy for your situation. So, what I am offering to you is this. Simply "lend" 2k to 50 forum members and have them fill the empty seats. If you don't feel like this is a good solution, why don't you just try it out with me this one time and gauge your response?

    Here to help buddy.
  • It is nice to know that people are sympathetic to my problems.
  • Is there anyone that will be playing in the $500 or the $1000 prelim events?
  • I just called... they have 85 seats left in total for the main event, which means that they have 215 players registered so far for a prize pool of $430,000. Should be good!
  • Anyone know if they have enough tables to have side games going during these tourniies?
  • I believe they will run the tournament in the main part of the casino just out from the poker room, so there should be lots of side action going.

    I'm playing Wed (tomorrow) in the $1000 and Friday in the ($2000).  I'm getting excited and a some first day jitters.

    I will fill the folks in during PNL on Thursday night and post later.

  • Please post any info magi, I would like to head down tomorrow afternoon if there is some good side action.

  • I played in the $500 last night. They set up a seperate tournament section so they still have all the tables going in the poker room. They had two $20/$40 and one $50/$100 last night.
  • westside8 wrote:
    I played in the $500 last night.  They set up a seperate tournament section so they still have all the tables going in the poker room.  They had two $20/$40 and one $50/$100 last night.

    I also played last night, as I mentioned in an earlier post. And yes, as Westside says, the main poker room was packed last night.

    So, how'd you do Westside? Wonder if we were ever at the same table?

    I'm going to post my brief report in the next message.

  • Good luck everyone , I'm playing tomorrow (Thur) , then heading to the falls for satelite play on Friday & Saturday.
  • I busted out shortly after the second break at like 32nd or something. I am just finishing up an assignment right now and I will have a report also with a few hands
    How did you do? And what table did you start at? I started at table 9.
  • westside8 wrote:
    I busted out shortly after the second break at like 32nd or something.
    Congrats on not busting first ;)
  • beanie42 wrote:
    westside8 wrote:
    I busted out shortly after the second break at like 32nd or something.
    Congrats on not busting first ;)
    I had to get that monkey off my back! :D
  • My (albeit brief) report on the Tuesday $500 tournament ...

    First of all, as always, kudos to the great Brantford staff, including the suits and the dealers.  Still my favourite casino to play in.

    I drew Table 1, Seat 2 to start.  I had a few Brantford players I knew at my table initially, but not any of the "big guns" like Troy, Stephanie, Dre, etc.

    Picked up pocket A's and pocket Q's in 2 of the first 3 hands.  Didn't see a flop with the AA hand, and won about 1,000 chips with the AA hand.  So, I'm just over 6,000 chips.  Good start.

    Not much to speak of for the rest of the first 4 rounds (up to the first break).  My stack took a hit, losing about 25%, when I flopped 2 pair with KQs.  The flop came all diamonds, and it turns out someone flopped the flush.  But, I came out of that as well as I could have expected.  If I had played it more agressively, I would have taken a much bigger hit.

    Finished Round 4 with about 4,000 chips.  Not great, with about 80 players of the 100 who started remaining.

    From there, it was a grind.  Picked up some small pots, nothing huge.  Unfortunately, the blinds were eating away at my stack.  Near the end of the Round 8 (just before the second break), I was in the small blind.  Folded to Troy on the button, who raised enough to put me all-in.  I decided to take a stand with A7c.  The big blind went in the tank, and eventually folded AJo face up.  Well, that's good for me.  Troy turns over 24d.  Flop is AA8.  Now, I'm really glad the BB folded.  Turn is a 7, giving me a boat.  Now, I wish he had called!!   :D  I have about 9,000 at the second break, but still under the average stack.

    After the break, I felt I played really well.  The blinds were killing me, as they were others, so you saw a lot of all-ins.  I went all-in several times, and was only called a few times, and won all of them (until the end).  I was only the underdog once, and it wasn't my all-in, as a shorter stack went all-in with QQ, and I called with AJs, spiking the A on the flop.

    When we got to 20 left, we consolidated to 2 tables.  I knew I needed to make a stand.  I had 14,000 chips (ave stack was 29,000).  Blinds had just increased to 1,500/3,000 with a 100 ante.  I was in the BB, so after posting, I had just over 10,000 left.  UTG+1 goes all in, and has me covered.  Folded to me, and I look down at J10s.  I knew I needed to double up soon, and didn't know when my next chance would happen.  I'd be under 9,000 after posting the SB in the next hand, so I decided to gamble, and made the call.  He turned over 88.  I don't improve.  IGHN.

    I think that was my only major mistake of the tournament.  Even so, it was almost a coin flip, so maybe it wasn't that bad a call.  Thoughts?

    I ended up finishing 17th.  I'm pretty happy with my tournament, although I didn't make the money.

    (I did play some BlackJack to kill the time during the 30 minute second break, and made $475 in about 20 minutes, so that almost paid my entry!)

    Anyone know who took it down?

    Awaiting other reports ...

  • macbb wrote:
    Anyone know who took it down?

    The asian lady who wore all white from what I heard.
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