LAZY MAN'S OLYMPICS - Come and play

Allright all... so I'm gonna try something a bit odd... let's see who's interested.

What I'm planning is a 5-event marathon of (lazy) athletic prowess, mixed with copious amounts of alcohol and seared meat.

When: Saturday July 15th, 2006, starting at 12:00 noon

Where: Various Locations in Kitchener

WTF?: We'll play 5 events, in each event, you earn points - biggest point getter at the end gets the gold! The events are highly demanding challenges that only the most skilled and disciplined athlete will excel in... here's the rough itinerary:

12:00 noon - Meet at Boston Pizza on Gateway Park Drive - have a beer.
12:30 - Begin the first event.... BILLIARDS! A round robin, double elimination tournament on the pay table at BP.
~ 2:30 - end the first event, and head to.....
3:00 SPORTSWORLD!! Where we will compete in 4-somes (dependant on participants) in the gruelling 18 holes of mini-golf! Lowest scores will determine the winner/placings
(*** NOTE - If the weather is uncooperative, or if popular vote says otherwise, the mini-putt will be replaced by Bubble Hockey at BP***)
5:00 we tally up the points, and head to....

5:30 DrTyore's house!!! Where our third event will begin - HORSESHOES!! This event will be another double elimination tourney, first to 10 points!

Also - running simultaneously with this event will be the 4th event

DARTS - 501 game in my basement... don't hit the cat.

<BBQ BREAK!!> - Lighten up, eat meat, and get along. Liberal application of alcohol is expected as well.

Post dinner?

Well, I'm on the forum, so the final even will be a POKER TOURNEY!! NLHE game - play for points, this will (hopefully) be setup to make or break a player.

After the game, the points will be tallied, and the top 3 people will win the prize pool (50/30/20%'s).

After all's said and done, we can continue BBQ / Imbibing / poker games into the evening.

Cost: Well, everyone is expected to pay for their own mini-golf and billiard games, which shouldn't come to more than $10*. Darts, Horseshoes and the poker will all be free / paid for with the LMO buy in.

* - LMO organizers are not responsible for inaccurate estimates of costs inflated (quite necessarily) by the consumption of alcohol!

Buy-in: Well, I'm pretty flexible on this, I was thinking like $20 each, but that doesn't seem like a big payoff for all this strenuous activiity, but I don't want it to be too expensive either... any suggestions / feedback?

Anyways, this is just something I threw together in my head - let's see who's intersted, and if you've any different ideas or feedback, let me know!!

CURRENT QUALIFIERS (i.e. anyone that said "okay")

1. DrTyore Mark
2. Itsame Mario
3. JohnnieH Johnnie
4. BigE Eric
5. AcidJoe Joe
6. Pinhead Brad
7. "Hockey guy" Austyn
8. Zithal Rob
9. * "My Nephew" Tom
10. Hobbes

* - Maybe

BTW it shoudl be noted that just cuz it's called lazy MAN, all genders are welcome to participate, I'm more centered on the lazy part ;)

Also, if REALLY needed, we may be able to fit a couple people in a spare bed... or bring a tent and camp in our backyard!



  • Sounds awesome, I'd love to be there but I'm in Ottawa that weekend.

  • I love the idea, Mark. However, I am busy that weekend.
  • Sounds like a greta idea....and it's one of my few free weekends this summer. I just have to convince my better half to get behind me in my quest for gold. I'll let you know.
  • Can we add another event.....

    Painting my house.... :D

    Alas, those are my plans :'(

  • hmmmmmmmm sounds interesting. Now if I can schedule a bristol heads up match at the same time I'm golden.
  • Count me as a maybe....I might be commited to some family stuff that weekend.

    If not, I'm there!

  • If this gets off the ground, I'll come up for sure.
  • Busy that weekend, but were it another weekend, I could be convinced to make the trip. however, if I'm only partially lazy, would I still qualify?
  • Updated the OP with the list of "athletes" so far.

  • I'm in, confirmed, that's right the boss said OK!
  • Aimee will know her work schedule tomorrow. If she's not working I guess I got company.
  • Sweet! Can't wait to get htis going... Brad, you coming?

  • I'm in for sure. Aimee is working so I'm single that day....... If I'm going to endulge Mark, where are there cheap places to stay in Kitchener? Waterloo I'm all good, but I've not been to the southern part in a while. PM me if you want that's fine.
  • Hey Joe

    If you're really stuck, we got a spare bed upstairs.... just may have to get you up early Sunday since I've got FOOTBALL!

  • I'll be there for sure :D
  • I'm buckling. Count me in!
  • Wow! A super-pleasant surprise!

    Welcome to the ranks of the athletic elite Rob!!

  • Hi Mark
    This sounds like fun, Golf tournament this weekend for me. Think of a fall format and I'll be there!!!!

    Milton Slimmer
  • Ok, I'm dying to know....Who is the best at being LAZY???

  • You're welcome to throw your hat in the ring Hobbes... come and test your mettle....

  • Oooops, thought it was last Saturday.

    I may actually be able to come out and play. Should know Thursday.

  • Allright, the general plan is to drink copious amounts, so, if anyone wants to meet at my place you can PM or call me (519-241-1572) If you want to meet at my place first and drop off your car. Usually we don't get ticketed here, and there's a few parking lots around that may be okay for all night, and that way we can share cabs and a few pre-game beverages.

  • Hobbes wrote:
    Ok, I'm dying to know....Who is the best at being LAZY???


    If I was able to attend. I must first inform all the other participants, that I am
    Ranked in the World (#3) at LAZY

    Milton Slimmer
  • One last thing...

    If you guys coudl bring some BBQ'ables, that'd be very helpful! I have some stuff, but dammit, I've seen Mario eat.

  • Hey Mark - GREAT idea, but I am unavailable this weekend  :'(

    BUT - definitely organize another one this summer or fall and I'll be in.  Big E has a 'demonstration' sport for ya, perfect for the Lazy Man's Olympics While Holding a Beer In One Hand.  Could be an official event next time around!

  • Argh, I would compete, but I'm doing non-lazy athletics this week at the dragon boat festival at Laurel Creek this weekend. Next time! Sounds like fun. :D
  • Count me in!!!!! Where are we meeting and what time should I be dropped off?
  • Wow... this is getting big..

    You can come by my place anytime after 11:00 everyone, we can all carpool up to BP... is Wraych playing Johnnie?

    Just so everyone knows.... try and bring

    A: $20 buy-in
    B: Money for booze / Pool / Mini-golf
    C: Booze
    D: BBQ'ables

    You can choose to meet at my place (PM or e-mail for address if you don't know, or call my cell phone 241-1572). Otherwise, meet at Boston Pizza at noon!!

  • DrTyore wrote:
    You can come by my place anytime after 11:00 everyone, we can all carpool up to BP... is Wraych playing Johnnie?

    Cool, I'll be there by 11:30 or so. And it's just me, no wife!!
  • Hey Johnnie....I noticed you said you were getting dropped off? Would it be out of line to ask/suggest catching a lift? That is if I'm anywhere close to where you live or have to drive to get to Marks?
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