What LHE is Fallsview Spreading These Days???



  • I wouldnt drive to Seneca, unless you are the laziest person on earth, it'll take a lot longer to drive across the border than walk across, and it really is not far from the border.

    As the results of the Lazy Man Olympics would indicate I'm only the second laziest man around.....a walk would do me good. I'll be looking to play something around the 2/4 limit range so is everyone saying Seneca is better for this?
  • I would say that it looks on a map no more than a 10-15 minute walk. 310 4th street is the address of Seneca. I haven't done it so I may be off.
  • "Bless you" Joe,

    nice icon!
  • Big E wrote:
    nice icon!

    Same time Joe changed his, I ran into this one:

    FCP Forum Poster


  • LOL, god that's hypnotizing, can't...stop...watching!
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