What LHE is Fallsview Spreading These Days???

Can anyone tell me what LHE games are being spread regularly at Fallsview both weekdays and weekends?


  • Last I was there they had 3/6, and 6/12.

  • Best to call ahead as it really depends on interest on any given day.
  • When I was there they weren't 'spreading' any at the moment but they had a sign up for 2/5, 5/10, 10/20, 15/30 and I think higher. They no longer spread 6/12
  • CORRECT! Our LHE games are typically 2/5, 5/10 and 10/20. Rarely do we have the interest to run anything higher and we have found out players to prefer 5/10 to the 6/12 we used to offer.

  • GTA Poker wrote:

    1. Meh

    Indifference; to be used when one simply does not care.

    A: What do you want for dinner?
    B: Meh.

    So, why did you ask??

  • Your definition? Meh.
  • Google's 2nd hit
  • meh...i assumed that fallsview would have higher limits with all the tourists

  • GTA :

    Don't worry. There 5/5 NL is soft, like super soft, and I bet the 5/10 and 10/25 isn't that bad a game either.
  • Yeah, I've heard from alot of people that the 5/5 is very soft, and while I'd play it once in a while I'm looking for more middle limit LHE games.
  • GTA : Sounds like you should go to brantford...
  • Meistro wrote:
    GTA : Sounds like you should go to brantford...

    I agree 100%
  • Actually, I think GBH is the best LHE place these days...I was just seeing if there was anything else around...I figured that Fallsview would be nice for variety give the higher tourist factor. I know that they used to get some 20 40 going, but I guess no longer.
  • Well, brantford has limit from 2-5 to 20/40 7 days a week 24 hrs a day. The 20/40 might not be spread constantly but I do believe it is spread pretty much every day. And the action is... well... crazy. It is strictly LHE.
  • Yeah, I play there...I just think that GBH 20 40 goes more consistantly... I hate driving an hour and finding no game
  • And of course, for some reason known only to God, Brantford doesn't let you call ahead. Idiots.
  • Does the old casino spread any LHE, or is it strictly 1/2NL in the old casino? What NL does the Fallsview spread?
  • Old Casino Niagara spreads 2/4 limit and usually 3/6 as well.
  • westside8 wrote:
    What NL does the Fallsview spread?

    2/5 (60min - 200max)
    5/5 (100min - 500max)
    5/10 (200min - 1000max)
    10/25 (750min - 5000max)

  • westside8 wrote:
    Does the old casino spread any LHE, or is it strictly 1/2NL in the old casino?  What NL does the Fallsview spread?

    I've been there on a Saturday and they were running a (as in one) 5-10 limit table.
  • I'm heading to Fallsview for a conference in August, what is the 2/5 LHE game like? I'm a 0.50/1.00 on-line player and I did ok playing $2/4 limit in Vegas. I suck at NL.
    I found the 2/4 in Vegas soft, in fact easier then a lot of the grinding you can do clearing bonuses on-line at 0.50/1.00! Does the same hold true for Fallsview?
  • Big E wrote:
    I'm heading to Fallsview for a conference in August, what is the 2/5 LHE game like? I'm a 0.50/1.00 on-line player and I did ok playing $2/4 limit in Vegas. I suck at NL.
    I found the 2/4 in Vegas soft, in fact easier then a lot of the grinding you can do clearing bonuses on-line at 0.50/1.00! Does the same hold true for Fallsview?

    I've heard the 5/5 is very soft, but I have never played.
  • Big E wrote:
    I'm heading to Fallsview for a conference in August, what is the 2/5 LHE game like? I'm a 0.50/1.00 on-line player and I did ok playing $2/4 limit in Vegas. I suck at NL.
    I found the 2/4 in Vegas soft, in fact easier then a lot of the grinding you can do clearing bonuses on-line at 0.50/1.00! Does the same hold true for Fallsview?
    Fallsview doesn't spread 2/5 Limit, think the lowest is 5/10. The old Niagara Casino has 2/4 and 3/6 limit.
  • compuease wrote:
    Fallsview doesn't spread 2/5 Limit...

    Actually, we do! Along with 5/10 and 10/20. We are also open to spreading any game, limit or no-limit, that generates enough interest to sustain a game for more than 4 hours of play. Just ask the Brush to start an interest list.

  • Big E wrote:
    I'm heading to Fallsview for a conference in August, what is the 2/5 LHE game like? I'm a 0.50/1.00 on-line player and I did ok playing $2/4 limit in Vegas. I suck at NL.
    I found the 2/4 in Vegas soft, in fact easier then a lot of the grinding you can do clearing bonuses on-line at 0.50/1.00! Does the same hold true for Fallsview?

    At the old casino if you can beat bingo poker where there are 8 to a flop, regularly capped then you will do well. For a better experience overall I recommend taking the 5 min drive to Seneca.
  • moose wrote:
    At the old casino if you can beat bingo poker where there are 8 to a flop, regularly capped then you will do well....

    You can't beat Bingo poker???

  • moose wrote:
    Big E wrote:
    I'm heading to Fallsview for a conference in August, what is the 2/5 LHE game like? I'm a 0.50/1.00 on-line player and I did ok playing $2/4 limit in Vegas. I suck at NL.
    I found the 2/4 in Vegas soft, in fact easier then a lot of the grinding you can do clearing bonuses on-line at 0.50/1.00! Does the same hold true for Fallsview?

    At the old casino if you can beat bingo poker where there are 8 to a flop, regularly capped then you will do well.  For a better experience overall I recommend taking the 5 min drive to Seneca.

    Thanks Moose, the conference is at Fallsview but I am cool with a drive for a better game, what levels do they have at Seneca and what do you like about it? $2/4 or $2/5 is my limit unfortunately.
  • I wouldnt drive to Seneca, unless you are the laziest person on earth, it'll take a lot longer to drive across the border than walk across, and it really is not far from the border.
  • Saturday night at Niagara they were spreading only 3/6 limit with the rest of the lists NL.
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